My Letter to Mr. Hassan Rouhani: Some thoughts on the hypothetical operation "Crossfire Hurricane" conducted in Parandak, Iran - M.N. - 12:50 AM 1/13/2020
The tragedy of the stampede at Gen. Soleimani's funeral in Kerman and the crash of a Ukrainian passenger plane in Tehran that killed numerous Iranians, including a group of students, as well as other nationalities, deeply saddens all Iranians. May they rest in peace. #PS752— Hassan Rouhani (@HassanRouhani) January 8, 2020
Hassan Rouhani: "The tragedy of the stampede at Gen. Soleimani's funeral in Kerman and the crash of a Ukrainian passenger plane in Tehran that killed numerous Iranians, including a group of students, as well as other nationalities, deeply saddens all Iranians. May they rest in peace."
_________________________________________________________________________Pope Francis: "The world does not need empty words but convinced witnesses, peacemakers who are open to a dialogue that rejects exclusion or manipulation (1-1-20)."— The Assisi Project (@Assisi_Project) January 12, 2020
My Letter to Mr. Hassan Rouhani - M.N. - 12:50 AM 1/13/2020
Some thoughts on the hypothetical operation "Crossfire Hurricane" conducted in Parandak, Iran; possibly by Russia (Putin and Surkov) or Israel (Netanyahu and Cohen) jointly or separately, using each other as the covers.
Dear Mr. Rouhani:
This photo, from your Twitter post, can be seen and interpreted as the big arrow, pointing in the direction of Russia. And of course, you are absolutely correct, my dear friend, Mr. Hassan Rouhani: my interpretations of the telling names: Parandak and Takavar, together with other interpretations, also pointed in the same direction.
This photo and its interpretation helped me to fugure out, who is behind all the recent Special Operations in the USA and worldwide: the Great Puppet Master of all times and locations: Vladislav Surkov. He is pictured in this video, below, which, I think, is his most recent official appearance.
Our little boy just loves to play with his dolls, and this is his only escape from this nasty and boring world of his. Ain't it right, Slavik, my dear little boy?
As we all know, my dear friend Mr. Rouhani, in this world things may not be what they appear to be, but directly the opposite of the observed phenomena. For example, I dare to say: shame on those, who would see this picture below as some type of the schematic pornography. Not at all! It is just the opposite: it is simply the pornographic schema, so to speak.
As some of the best American legal minds observed, we know pornography, when we see it. This is very similar:
or when we see their schematic and facetious, mocking representations and plans, as in this picture below:

On viewing this picture, one does not have to strain his or her imagination excessively to see the most precious part of the female anatomy on the left, in the very appropriate shape of the diamond, the corresponding part of the anatomy, usually belonging to the both genders, in the middle, also in the quite appropriate shape of the shooting star; and the quite modest but telling depiction of the male anatomy in the right part of this quite telling schema. This male part of the anatomy appears to be inclined to "jump the fence": to get acquainted in the most intimate way, and intermittently, with the both parts of the described above anatomies, this is their favorite way of doing things.
This schematic plan, in my humble opinion, is the indication, that the rockets or missiles were fired from the neighboring Parand, across the stone fence, so to speak; either from the apartment complex or from the vehicles, moving or parked. The videos were also shot from this location.
The further research into these rather intriguing matters suggests, that the entity on the right is uncircumcised, which suggests its Russian origins and provides the investigative leads: there might be some Russian tenants or their friends in the Parand apartment complex, and the same applies to the vehicles. The traffic cameras and their data would come handy at this point, if they exist; which points to the benefits of the modern police work. The corresponding status of the entity on the left is surrounded by mystery, and it is not available for the interpretation at this time, but may be in the future.
This circumstance gives rise to the ironic and mocking mental association with the official FBI investigative operation, although this is just the hypothesis. The name of this operation, which apparently was carefully prepared by the planners long in advance is most likely the "Crossfire Hurricane". I call on you to release all the relevant data, if it is possible, so that the independent assessment could be performed.
As the great Russian Uchitelka Yekaterina Ivanovna used to say: "I will take the proper measures of your East, of your West, of your North, but with the utmost care and interest of your most precious South!"
In this particular operation, the downing of the Ukrainian plane, just like in many others, of the similar type, the authorship credits might belong to Surkov, or to Mossad, or to both of them together, as the authors of the joint operaton, or to the one of them, masking as another. It is difficult to say, at this point. Regardless of the exact attribution, your decision to admit the responsibility of the immediate culprits: those who fired the missiles (if these missiles are indeed the cause of plane's fall), is the correct one, and I congratulate you on your desire to be open, honest, transparent, and fully cooperative with these ongoing investigations. Hopefully, the complete and full truth will come out, sooner or later.
Dear Mr. Rouhani, I would like you to believe, that America is your friend, not your enemy, as unbelievable as it sounds at the present time. Please, give this budging friendship a chance and a good start.
Und ziz iz no joke, Mr. Trump!
I want to assure you, that there are a lot of good, thinking, sober minded political heads in America, which will not allow to turn Iran into the geopolitical scapegoat for nobody, neither Russia, no Israel, no any other country or entity. I hope, that you see and understand this, and the Iranian people, including its military forces and its Quds force, will understand this also, and will act accordingly. Iran and the USA had very good and close relationship during the Shah's times, and there is no reason, why they cannot have this close relationship without the Shah. Apparently, there are enough forces, that would not want to see this happen, and it would be helpful for both sides to be aware of the complexity of this situation.Donald Trump has retweeted an image of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in Islamic garb in front of an Iranian flag— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) January 13, 2020
Best of luck, Sincerely yours,
Michael Novakhov | 12:50 AM 1/13/2020
P.S.: If Iran requests this, I think that FBI should help with this investigation, by sending the top notch, highly professional, unbiased, possibly Muslim investigators there, and assisting them in every way possible. It is important for everyone.
Michael Novakhov - 3:34 PM 1/12/2020
Putin, Zelensky in first-ever meeting at Paris summit | AFPPutin, Zelensky in first-ever meeting at Paris summit | AFP via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) January 12, 2020

Между нами все порвато
И тропинка затоптата,
Забирай свои игрушки !
И не писай в мой горшок!
Ты ушел к моей подружке,
Как ты мог, ну как ты мог!
Мама купит мне козу,
Я тебе не показу!
Хочешь, я шепну тебе на ушко?!
«Ты зеленая лягушка! -
Никому не говори ведь лягушка ЭТО ТЫ!»
И тропинка затоптата,
Забирай свои игрушки !
И не писай в мой горшок!
Ты ушел к моей подружке,
Как ты мог, ну как ты мог!
Мама купит мне козу,
Я тебе не показу!
Хочешь, я шепну тебе на ушко?!
«Ты зеленая лягушка! -
Никому не говори ведь лягушка ЭТО ТЫ!»
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Post Link | C-SPAN has launched a new web page,, devoted to Congress’ impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. The goal is to provide one-stop shopping for all of C-SPAN’s coverage of the inquiry, including the latest Hill tweets, various news conferences and hearings, and the Trump Administration’s response.
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Blackwater founder Erik Prince pushed Trump allies to assassinate Gen. Suleimani: Mueller documents… Posted by mikenov on Sunday, January 12th, 2020 1:16am Saved Stories - None
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Blackwater founder Erik Prince pushed Trump allies to assassinate Gen. Suleimani: Mueller documents… Posted by mikenov on Sunday, January 12th, 2020 1:16am Saved Stories - None
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Raw Story. #session_pageviews_1 #capture_slider_active #capture_lightbox_active #original_referrer_is_search Signed in as Michael_Novakhov Share this story on NewsBlur Shared stories are on their w...
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» Saved Stories - None: Blackwater founder Erik Prince pushed Trump allies to assassinate Gen. Suleimani: Mueller documents -…
12/01/20 02:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Blackwater founder Erik Prince pushed Trump allies to assassinate Gen. Suleimani: Mueller documents -… Posted by mikenov on Sunday, January 12th, 2020 1:31am Saved Stories - None
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Blackwater founder Erik Prince pushed Trump allies to assassinate Gen. Suleimani: Mueller documents -… Posted by mikenov on Sunday, January 12th, 2020 1:31am Saved Stories - None
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Trump since taking office has held talks with a number of strongmen hostile to U.S., such as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un. And recently, Erik Prince — a ... Saved Stories - None
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Hegseth described the charges as “so-called war crimes” on November 8 before interviewing mercenary commander Erik Prince , whose soldiers of ... Saved Stories - None
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Hegseth described the charges as “so-called war crimes” on November 8 before interviewing mercenary commander Erik Prince , whose soldiers of ... Saved Stories - None
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I was pretty sure that was Erik Prince — the founder of the infamous private security company Blackwater — sitting next to me in the Dubai airport ... Saved Stories - None
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The founder of Blackwater, or their CEO, Erik Prince , was also an investor in Cambridge Analytica. So he profits from arm sales around the world, and ... Saved Stories - None
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(CNN) Erik Prince , the Blackwater-founder-turned-unofficial-2016-Trump-campaign-adviser, advocated to the campaign years ago for the killing of ... Saved Stories - None
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(CNN) Erik Prince , the Blackwater-founder-turned-unofficial-2016-Trump-campaign-adviser, advocated to the campaign years ago for the killing of ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Blackwater founder Erik Prince pushed Trump allies to assassinate Gen. Suleimani: Mueller ...
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New details continue to emerge about Donald Trump ordering the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassim Suleimani. “Erik Prince, the ... Saved Stories - None
11/01/20 20:15 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
New details continue to emerge about Donald Trump ordering the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassim Suleimani. “Erik Prince, the ... Saved Stories - None
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From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 03:13 Reaction from journalist Nolan Peterson, former U.S. Air Force combat pilot. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews....
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From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 03:13 Reaction from journalist Nolan Peterson, former U.S. Air Force combat pilot. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews....
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From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 08:54 Thousands of migrants from around the world, many seeking asylum, have been trying to reach the U.S. by flying to South America and taking the long trek north. But after pressure from President Trump, Me...
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From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 08:54 Thousands of migrants from around the world, many seeking asylum, have been trying to reach the U.S. by flying to South America and taking the long trek north. But after pressure from President Trump, Me...
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From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 56:43 Friday on the NewsHour, the State Department rejects calls from Iraqi leaders to plan the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Plus: An interview with a Uighur dissident about Chinese repression of this ...
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11/01/20 14:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 02:04 The lead is a first for Sanders who lost the state by a razor thin margin back in 2016. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Iran says it 'unintentionally' shot down plane killing 176
11/01/20 13:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 02:42 Military officials said the Ukrainian jetliner was shot down unintentionally, Iran state TV reported. Saved Stories - None
11/01/20 13:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 02:42 Military officials said the Ukrainian jetliner was shot down unintentionally, Iran state TV reported. Saved Stories - None
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» Saved Stories - None: Broken Vows l 20/20 l PART 5
11/01/20 13:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
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From: ABC News Duration: 07:43 Authorities said she behaved strangely when they questioned her; they say she focused on what was missing from their condo rather than her husband who had been shot. #ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #PamelaSm...
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11/01/20 13:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CNN Duration: 07:40 CNN senior international correspondent Arwa Damon is the first western journalist granted access to Al-Asad air base in Baghdad following a rocket attack by Iran. #CNN #News Saved Stories - None
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From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 02:53 A magnitude 5.9 aftershock has hit Puerto Rico just days after it was struck by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake. NBC News' Nicole Acevedo has details.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 02:53 A magnitude 5.9 aftershock has hit Puerto Rico just days after it was struck by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake. NBC News' Nicole Acevedo has details.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
» Saved Stories - None: NPR News: 01-11-2020 1PM ET
11/01/20 13:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
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» Saved Stories - None: RT @SenTomCotton: As the president stated earlier this week, Iran must never be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon.
10/01/20 08:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
As the president stated earlier this week, Iran must never be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon. Posted by SenTomCotton on Thursday, January 9th, 2020 4:19pm Retweeted by realDonaldTrump on Friday, January 10th, 2020 1:17pm 2226 likes,...
10/01/20 08:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
As the president stated earlier this week, Iran must never be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon. Posted by SenTomCotton on Thursday, January 9th, 2020 4:19pm Retweeted by realDonaldTrump on Friday, January 10th, 2020 1:17pm 2226 likes,...
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10/01/20 08:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
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The Early Edition: January 10, 2020 Just Security Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: RT @SenateForeign: My statement on the U.S. response to Iranian missile strikes against U.S.-Iraqi… https://t…
10/01/20 08:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
My statement on the U.S. response to Iranian missile strikes against U.S.-Iraqi bases:… Posted by SenateForeign on Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 5:56pm Retweeted by realDonaldTr...
10/01/20 08:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
My statement on the U.S. response to Iranian missile strikes against U.S.-Iraqi bases:… Posted by SenateForeign on Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 5:56pm Retweeted by realDonaldTr...
» Saved Stories - None: Thank you Mike!…
10/01/20 08:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Thank you Mike!… I was proud to join my colleagues on the Senate Finance Committee today to vote in support of the United States, Mexico and Canada Agreement, bringing the deal one step closer to final approval...
10/01/20 08:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Thank you Mike!… I was proud to join my colleagues on the Senate Finance Committee today to vote in support of the United States, Mexico and Canada Agreement, bringing the deal one step closer to final approval...
» Saved Stories - None: "Trump digital operations" - Google News: Iran’s next move: A cyber attack on the U.S.? - The Philadelphia Inquirer
10/01/20 08:45 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Iran’s next move: A cyber attack on the U.S.? The Philadelphia Inquirer "Trump digital operations" - Google News Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:45 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Iran’s next move: A cyber attack on the U.S.? The Philadelphia Inquirer "Trump digital operations" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "trump russia ties" - Google News: 'Diplomatic crisis': Pressure builds on Iran as Western powers suggest it downed Ukraine plane - CNBC
10/01/20 08:44 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
'Diplomatic crisis': Pressure builds on Iran as Western powers suggest it downed Ukraine plane CNBC "trump russia ties" - Google News Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:44 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
'Diplomatic crisis': Pressure builds on Iran as Western powers suggest it downed Ukraine plane CNBC "trump russia ties" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: 'I don't need to ask, I just know my brother Benjamin Netanyahu is innocent'
10/01/20 08:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
After meeting plenty of public figures, I can class Ido Netanyahu with those who know how to make coffee. There are some who don't, and some who ... Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
After meeting plenty of public figures, I can class Ido Netanyahu with those who know how to make coffee. There are some who don't, and some who ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: Germany urges EU unity ahead of Middle East crisis meeting - DW (English)
10/01/20 08:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Germany urges EU unity ahead of Middle East crisis meeting DW (English) "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Germany urges EU unity ahead of Middle East crisis meeting DW (English) "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "organized crime and intelligence" - Google News: North Macedonia Ex-Speaker Faces Trial Over Parliament Rampage - Balkan Insight
10/01/20 08:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
North Macedonia Ex-Speaker Faces Trial Over Parliament Rampage Balkan Insight "organized crime and intelligence" - Google News Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
North Macedonia Ex-Speaker Faces Trial Over Parliament Rampage Balkan Insight "organized crime and intelligence" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Saudi Arabia And Trump's Other Middle East Pals Don't Want More Escalation With Iran
10/01/20 08:41 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Uncertainty over President Trump could inspire more diplomatic and less U.S.-centric foreign policy in the Middle East. Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:41 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Uncertainty over President Trump could inspire more diplomatic and less U.S.-centric foreign policy in the Middle East. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: The 'year of 3 elections' has changed us, and not for the better
10/01/20 08:39 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
It's not only Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has changed our language, and he has. It's something deeper. It's the assumption that if we ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:39 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
It's not only Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has changed our language, and he has. It's something deeper. It's the assumption that if we ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Congresswoman Lays Blame For Ukraine Plane Crash In Iran On Donald Trump's Shoulders
10/01/20 08:38 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
California Democrat Jackie Speier also lambasted Trump’s “continued saber-rattling" in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:38 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
California Democrat Jackie Speier also lambasted Trump’s “continued saber-rattling" in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: bbcnews's YouTube Videos: Iran plane crash: Western powers suggest missile downed jet - BBC News
10/01/20 08:16 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: bbcnews Duration: 13:09 Evidence suggests an Iranian missile brought down a Ukrainian passenger plane that crashed near Tehran, possibly in error, Western leaders say. Canada and the UK called for a full and thorough investigation ...
10/01/20 08:16 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: bbcnews Duration: 13:09 Evidence suggests an Iranian missile brought down a Ukrainian passenger plane that crashed near Tehran, possibly in error, Western leaders say. Canada and the UK called for a full and thorough investigation ...
» Saved Stories - None: "2016 elections and mental health" - Google News: Iran plane crash: Ukraine's president calls on US and allies to share evidence – live - The Guardian
10/01/20 08:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Iran plane crash: Ukraine's president calls on US and allies to share evidence – live The Guardian "2016 elections and mental health" - Google News Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Iran plane crash: Ukraine's president calls on US and allies to share evidence – live The Guardian "2016 elections and mental health" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "Trumpism" - Google News: Column: Call Trumpism what it is: a cult - Los Angeles Times
10/01/20 08:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Column: Call Trumpism what it is: a cult Los Angeles Times "Trumpism" - Google News Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Column: Call Trumpism what it is: a cult Los Angeles Times "Trumpism" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "trump in financial times" - Google News: Is Bloomberg the billionaire we need? - Financial Times
10/01/20 08:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Is Bloomberg the billionaire we need? Financial Times "trump in financial times" - Google News Saved Stories - None
10/01/20 08:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Is Bloomberg the billionaire we need? Financial Times "trump in financial times" - Google News Saved Stories - None
-Putin, Zelensky in first-ever meeting at Paris summit | AFP via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) January 12, 2020

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Putin, Zelensky in first-ever meeting at Paris summit | AFP
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-Awara Hoon (Audio song) | Raj kapoor | Awara | Mukesh via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) January 12, 2020
-Donald Trump has retweeted an image of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in Islamic garb in front of an Iranian flag— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) January 13, 2020