
Showing posts from July 9, 2022

FBI #FBI #PoliticalAssassinations #PoliticalCriminology #CIA #NSC Is #ShinzoAbe #assassination a #threat issued to current and former #politicians by the pro-#Putin's #MOBINTEL, the #RussianMafia + #RussianIntelligenceServices? GS

FBI #FBI #PoliticalAssassinations #PoliticalCriminology #CIA #NSC Is #ShinzoAbe #assassination a #threat issued to current and former #politicians by the pro- #Putin 's #MOBINTEL , the #RussianMafia + #RussianIntelligenceServices ? GS — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 9, 2022 - Is Shinzo Abe assassination a threat issued to current and former politicians by the pro-Putin's MOB-INTEL, the Russian Mafia + Intelligence Services? Post Link 

Why are people protesting? | FBI #FBI #Wray: And what is the range of the explanations for the heightened #Violent #PoliticalProtests and #Grievances in the US (GS) lately, in the last 20 years? What part of it is instigated and ordered from abroad? By whom? | Tweets

FBI Director Wray tells CNN there are 'way, way too many people' acting violently on political grievances - CNN Politics — Vagabond X (@GatzTdaMax) July 8, 2022 Violent Political Protests and Grievances in the US - Google Search https://www. nt+Political+Protests+and+Grievances+in+the+US&source=lmns&bih=714&biw=1536&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4ro7doOz4AhVDVTUKHfb8A44Q_AUoAHoECAEQAA  …   Tweets   by  ‎@mikenov  Michael Novakhov Retweeted Secretary Antony Blinken ✔ @SecBlinken Our commitment to the people of Ukraine is resolute. The United States is providing nearly $368 million in additional humanitarian aid to support people inside Ukraine and refugees forced to flee their country to seek safety in the midst of Russia's brutal war. 4 h    Michael Novakhov Retweeted Russian NY news @brbnews ВЛАСТИ НЬЮ-ЙОРКА СНОВА ПЫТАЮТСЯ ЗАСТАВИТЬ ОДЕ...