Audio Post - The Tip Of An Iceberg: Sexual Misconduct Within The FBI Is Exposed by AP! Investigate The Investigators who are nothing more and nothing less than a bunch of psychopaths, perverts, and child abusers. Abolish the FBI and put the criminal FBI agents in prison where they belong! The present crisis in America is the direct result of the FBI stupidity, treacherous incompetence and malfeasance.

Mike Nova 2 · The Tip Of An Iceberg: Sexual Misconduct Within The FBI – By AP – December 10, 2020 - The Tip Of An Iceberg: Sexual Misconduct Within The FBI Is Exposed by AP! Investigate The Investigators who are nothing more and nothing less than a bunch of psychopaths, perverts, and child abusers. Abolish the FBI and put the criminal FBI agents in prison where they belong! The present crisis in America is the direct result of the FBI stupidity , treacherous incompetence and malfeasance . The involvement of the "assistant director of the Insider Threat Office, a division at Washington headquarters tasked with rooting out leakers and safeguarding national security information" in theses issues is especially troubling and this might be an indication that this problem might be more significant and more complex and complicated than it appears to be at a first glance. Michael Novakhov _________________________________ An @AP investigation has identified at least six sexual ...