The False Flag wrapped in another False Flag
The Cover inside the Cover, the False Flag wrapped in another False Flag - this appears to be the principle of the current hostile Intelligence Operations in the USA, as exemplified in the Jersey City shooting of 12.10.19 The New Abwehr Operations appear to be constructed on the basis of the Onion principle or the Matryoshka dolls principle : " a puzzle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma ", ultimately appearing to contain nothing. Fulop (Full Op) vs. Trump - Kushner Conflict is the False Flag, pointing to two more, the usual by now, false flags and covers: Israel - "Bay View" and Russia using Israel as the false flag; and TOC behind them, which is used by the New Abwehr, the most likely culprit, as their false flag. It is the Onion principle or the Matryoshka doll principle : " a puzzle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma " ultimately appearing to contain nothing, but which should be viewed as the single phenom...