
Showing posts with the label Ekatirina Ivanovna The Uchitelka

Ekatirina Ivanovna The Uchitelka: I will twist you into the ram's horn, will make a nice shofar out of it, and will blow you all back to Hell. I will take the right measures of you; east and west, north, and most importantly your South! I'll teach you, how to do your homework! Cole for you, cole for you, and cole for you! Everyone will sit on their coles!

  500 × 391 Создать мем Мем: "В бараний рог сверну ( Екатерина Ивановна)" - Все ... Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More Related images Ekatirina Ivanovna The Uchitelka: I will twist you into the ram's horn, will make a nice shofar out of it, and will blow you all back to Hell. I will take the right measures of you with my ruler; east and west, north, and most importantly your South! I'll teach you, how to do your homework! Cole for you, cole for you, and cole for you! Everyone will sit on their coles!  Kudrinu - pyaterka, vsem ostalnim  - po kolu!   Na vtoroy god ostavlu! 2:19 PM 12/25/2019 - Post Link _______________________________________________ Comments - M.N.: Russia is her own best enemy. The dustbin of History is around the corner, especially when when her eyes for analysis are shut wide open; with some notable exceptions, such as Mr. Kudrin. А.Кудрин:  Уважаемый Владимир Вла...