10:32 PM 12/31/2019 - Do form the standing Joint Investigative Committee which will focus on the current common issues of interest, the strange "telling" accidents among them.
To Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin: I would like to repeat my respectful recommendation, which I verbalized earlier today, to both leaders: Do form the standing Joint Investigative Committee which will focus on the current common issues of interest, the strange "telling" accidents among them, like the recent knife attack in Monsey, NY, and the shooting in the Texas church. Most likely, it is the TOC behind them, and they fit the pattern of the long line of similar accidents, such as the ironic, didactic "story telling" with the deadly twists. There might be the similarly mysterious accidents in Russia. The activity of this Committee could be expanded into the other relevant areas, in time. These joint efforts should be much more efficient than the separate ones. M.N. 10:32 PM 12/31/2019 - Post Link ____________________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ Saved and Shared Stories In 100 Headlines The News A...