
Showing posts from November 20, 2018

Mueller's Obstruction Case May Be a Lock - Law & Crime

November 20, 2018 FBI News Review at 00 Hours Mueller's Obstruction Case May Be a Lock - Law & Crime How Trump’s move to put a loyalist over Mueller is already backfiring - POLITICO The Latest: Trump says he bears 'no blame' for pipe bombs - Coeur...

Report: Trump wanted to prosecute Comey, Hillary Clinton - Newstalk ZB

November 20, 2018 FBI News Review at 23 Hours Report: Trump wanted to prosecute Comey, Hillary Clinton - Newstalk ZB Trump wanted Justice Dept. to prosecute Clinton, Comey: report - MarketWatch Trump wanted DOJ to prosecute Clinton, Comey: report | TheHill - The ...

fbi surveillance - Google News: The Other No-Show In State's Parkland Shooting Investigation: The FBI - WJCT NEWS

November 20, 2018 FBI News Review at 21 Hours fbi surveillance - Google News: The Other No-Show In State's Parkland Shooting Investigation: The FBI - WJCT NEWS Report: Trump Wanted to Order DOJ to Prosecute Clinton, Comey - Brinkwire NYT: Trump wanted to orde...

Crime and Criminology from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): political criminology - Google News: Roy Bailey obituary - The Guardian

November 20, 2018 FBI News Review at 18 Hours Crime and Criminology from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): political criminology - Google News: Roy Bailey obituary - The Guardian Washington's search for a new paradigm on China fbi surveillance - Google News: FBI as...

Comey aides replacement - Google News: The Watergate Road Map and Trump's Future - Washington Monthly

November 20, 2018 FBI News Review at 17 Hours Comey aides replacement - Google News: The Watergate Road Map and Trump's Future - Washington Monthly Trump to Submit Responses to Mueller Queries as Early as Tuesday - Bloomberg Team Ivanka's email explanatio...

gregg jarrett - Google News: Gregg Jarrett | The Dom Giordano Program - Talk Radio 1210 WPHT (blog)

November 20, 2018 FBI News Review at 16 Hours gregg jarrett - Google News: Gregg Jarrett | The Dom Giordano Program - Talk Radio 1210 WPHT (blog) FBI Announces the Official Launch of the National Use-Of-Force Data Collection — FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation ...