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» Blogs, Links, and Pages – The News and Times - 5:40 PM 8/16/2020
16/08/20 17:41 from FBI News Review

» 7:44 AM 8/16/2020 - Did Russians have the vaccine from the start, because they already had the needed data or because they manufactured the "Covid-19" BioInfoWeapon themselves?
16/08/20 07:46 from FBI News Review

» 6:00 AM 8/16/2020 - The FBI News Review: More than 40 hurt or killed in bloody week of NYC shootings | FBI is the huge problem, not a solution for America. It morphed into the KGB long time ago!
16/08/20 06:05 from FBI News Review

» 8:58 AM 8/15/2020 - Iran’s Rouhani: UAE made ‘huge mistake’ with Israel normalization deal
15/08/20 08:59 from FBI News Review

» 11:36 AM 8/12/2020 - FBI, check this lead, ASAP...
12/08/20 11:38 from FBI News Review

» 7:09 AM 8/12/2020 - News Review: Coronavirus infection rate in London similar to Stockholm, (LOCKDOWN OR NOT! - M.N.) | The Guardian: How Donald Trump is driving Americans to renounce their citizenship | New York Citys sanitation budget was slashed by $10
12/08/20 07:21 from FBI News Review

» 6:00 AM 8/12/2020 - Dismantle the stupid, brainless, treacherous, inept, incompetent, corrupt, self-serving FBI-KGB: the Showboats, the Fools, the Bunglers, the Idiots!
12/08/20 06:00 from FBI News Review

» 11:32 AM 8/11/2020 - News Review
11/08/20 11:34 from FBI News Review

» Putin, the Global Firesetter In Chief, turned on his "Firefighting Mode", now he is The Anti-Covid Knight In Shining Armor. Investigate Putin, the New Abwehr German agent, his KGB-s, his GRU-s, his Mafia State, and his Russian Mafia: a bunch of hateful, d
11/08/20 09:49 from FBI News Review

» 9:12 AM 8/11/2020 - FBI is controlled by the Russian Organized Crime...
11/08/20 09:18 from FBI News Review

» 11:29 AM 8/10/2020 - Sen. Ron Johnson subpoenas FBI over Russia, defends Biden probe - News Review
10/08/20 11:30 from FBI News Review

» 8:03 AM 8/7/2020 - My Opinion: The Disease X-19 has a "Special Predilection" for the US Military sites in Japan, for some reasons. What are they?
07/08/20 08:07 from FBI News Review

» Russian Mob - TOC and Covid-19: Attention #FBI, #CIA, #DIA, #NSC: The event such as "COVID-19": global, complex, defying understanding and the explanations; can be comprehended only if it is viewed as the terrorist BioInfoWarfare.
02/08/20 11:04 from FBI News Review

» 8:01 AM 7/28/2020 - Was Sars-Cov-2 bio-engineered to cause the infection and hair loss in minks to stop fur farming? - Google Search
28/07/20 08:10 from FBI News Review

» 9:22 AM 7/27/2020 - "The virus is not of natural origin and did not emerge in Wuhan"
27/07/20 09:24 from FBI News Review

» I think, that the investigation into the origins of the Disease -X-19 ("Covid-19") has to be structured as the counterintelligence - criminal one, and to include the epidemiological and other data. Good DETECTIVES are needed! - M.N. | 8:32 AM 7/27/2020
27/07/20 08:36 from FBI News Review

» 8:17 AM 7/27/2020 - Germany rejects Trump's proposal to invite Putin back to the Group of Seven
27/07/20 08:18 from FBI News Review

» 2:32 PM 7/26/2020 - American protests: Demonstrations, violent riots expected to continue throughout the country
26/07/20 14:33 from FBI News Review

» 5:50 AM 7/26/2020 - The KGB und Friends intend to start a "Revolution in AmeriKa" or at least to put up a nice show, all according to their well thought out plans for "Covid world". What are the FBI-CIA plans? Do they have any?
26/07/20 05:56 from FBI News Review

» 7:39 AM 7/25/2020 - "Report: German Nazis are buying up land in Cape Breton", Canada. At a special 50% discount due to Covid-19? WW2, Act2?
25/07/20 07:45 from FBI News Review

» 8:06 AM 7/23/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Hypothesis: The pathogens causing the Disease X-19 circulated in the major local epicenters areas for years (10-15) before the first clinical cases were detected and identified.
23/07/20 08:05 from FBI News Review

» 7:33 AM 7/23/2020 - Hypothesis: The pathogens causing the Disease X-19 circulated in the major local epicenters areas for years (10-15) before the first clinical cases were detected and identified. Besides Sars-Cov-2, they may include, hypothetically, t
23/07/20 07:33 from FBI News Review

» 6:54 AM 7/21/2020 - Genomic fingerprinting of covid-19 - GS | Russia's COVID-19 strain did not come from China
21/07/20 06:57 from FBI News Review

» 10:22 AM 7/20/2020 - We are in the middle of the Biological, Information, Cyber, and Economic Warfare with the Almost Invisible Enemy. It has to be admitted and dealt with as such. Regardless of the status of the Sars-Cov-2, natural or lab-man made, the P
20/07/20 10:27 from FBI News Review

» 8:19 AM 7/20/2020 - Disease X-19 and Security Review: Three new cases of coronavirus have surfaced at U.S. military bases in Japan, two on Okinawa and one in western Tokyo...
20/07/20 08:22 from FBI News Review



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