8:01 AM 7/28/2020 - Was Sars-Cov-2 bio-engineered to cause the infection and hair loss in minks to stop fur farming? - Google Search
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8:01 AM 7/28/2020 - Was Sars-Cov-2 bio-engineered to cause the infection and hair loss in minks to stop fur farming? - Google Search
- Was Sars-Cov-2 bio-engineered to cause the infection and hair loss in minks to stop fur farming? - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=Was+Sars-Cov-2+bio-engineered+to+cause+the+infection+and+nair+loss+in+minks+to+stop+fur+farming%3F&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=Was+Sars-Cov-2+bio-engineered+to+cause+the+infection+and+nair+loss+in+minks+to+stop+fur+farming%3F&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.84638j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 …
- Trump names retired army colonel as ambassador to Germany amid pullout https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-07-28/Trump-names-retired-army-colonel-as-ambassador-to-Germany-amid-pullout-Su6CGSUhR6/index.html … via @cgtnofficial
- Zimbabwe ruling party accuses "thug" U.S. ambassador of funding protests, threatens expulsion https://cbsn.ws/333urNY
- Here's what Fauci thinks about the latest Covid-19 vaccine trial https://youtu.be/NK3W5IPE9Oc via @YouTube
- My Opinion:
Fauci is simply IRRELEVANT, just like the rest of all these political Trumpist and medical clowns. - The survey discovered that nearly a quarter of New York City, Long Island and Westchester residents who had blood surveyed by the CDC were found to have had the coronavirus.
COVID-19: CDC Reveals Percentage Of NYC, Long Island...
https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/nassau/news/covid-19-cdc-reveals-percentage-of-nyc-long-island-westchester-residents-whove-had-virus/791476/ … - How Long Does Coronavirus Last in the Body? | Elemental https://elemental.medium.com/the-mystery-of-why-some-people-keep-testing-positive-for-covid-19-3c0c11a6bd10 …
- 12:09 PM 7/27/2020 - Is Coronavirus a Bioweapon?
July 27, 2020
The Disease-X-19: 12:09 PM 7/27/2020 - Is Coronavirus a Bioweapon? https://diseasex19.blogspot.com/2020/07/1209-pm-7272020-is-coronavirus-bioweapon.html?spref=tw … - Coronavirus Live Updates: Moderna and N.I.H. Begin Vaccine Trial - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/27/world/coronavirus-covid-19.html?action=click&module=Top+Stories&pgtype=Homepage …
- 'The whole church has got it, just about': dozens with Covid-19 after Alabama Baptist revival | Coronavirus outbreak | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/27/coronavirus-alabama-covid-19-baptist-church-revival …
- (Sharing...) National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien tests positive for COVID-19 - CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/news/national-security-adviser-robert-obrien-tests-positive-for-covid-19/ …
- Trump is calling protesters who disagree with him terrorists. That puts him in the company of the world's autocrats | Analysis https://cnn.it/301nzPb
- Reindeer herders in northern Siberia have found a well-preserved wooly mammoth skeleton as climate change thaws the vast region’s permafrost layerhttps://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/07/27/well-preserved-mammoth-discovered-in-russian-arctic-as-permafrost-thaws-a70993 …
- Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years
Fascists linked to hundreds of murders in the US in 25 years https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/27/us-rightwing-extremists-attacks-deaths-database-leftwing-antifa … - National security adviser Robert O'Brien tests positive for COVID-19 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/national-security-adviser-robert-obrien-tests-positive-for-covid-19/ … via @CBSPolitics
- Covid-19 conspiracy theories are being fed to the public by institutions meant to inform them - Vox https://www.vox.com/2020/7/26/21338174/covid-19-conspiracy-theories-fauci-sinclair-plandemic …
- The second corona wave emerges in Europe - Innovation Origins https://innovationorigins.com/the-second-corona-wave-emerges-in-europe/ …
- The virus is not of natural origin - chinese virologist - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=The+virus+is+not+of+natural+origin+-+chinese+virologist&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&sxsrf=ALeKk03Ur4zbPTPllVGT72N21HHcaq2RRw%3A1595856823925&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAtOj4xe3qAhVDmeAKHY20A3YQ_AUoAnoECBYQBA&biw=1536&bih=722 …
- 9:22 AM 7/27/2020 - "The virus is not of natural origin and did not emerge in Wuhan"
The FBI News Review: 9:22 AM 7/27/2020 - "The virus is not of natural o... https://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/07/922-am-7272020-virus-is-not-of-natural.html?spref=tw … - "The virus is not of natural origin and did not emerge in Wuhan" https://en.as.com/en/2020/07/27/latest_news/1595845923_425797.html?id_externo_rsoc=comp_tw … via @English_AS
- PoultryWorld - More Moy Park workers test positive for Covid-19 https://www.poultryworld.net/Meat/Articles/2020/7/More-Moy-Park-workers-test-positive-for-Covid-19-618629E/ …
- investigation into the origins of the Disease -X-19 ("Covid-19") has to be structured as the counterintelligence - criminal one
The FBI News Review: I think, that the investigation into the origins o... https://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/07/i-think-that-investigation-into-origins.html?spref=tw … - 8:17 AM 7/27/2020 - Germany rejects Trump's proposal to invite Putin back to the Group of Seven
The FBI News Review: 8:17 AM 7/27/2020 - Germany rejects Trump's propos... https://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/07/817-am-7272020-germany-rejects-trumps.html?spref=tw … - Covid-19 success story Vietnam on alert after first local infection in 3 months http://f24.my/6iMi.T via @FRANCE24
- Vietnam, Lauded in Coronavirus Fight, Has First Local Case in 100 Days https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/25/world/asia/coronavirus-vietnam.html?smid=tw-share …
- With a grant from the Welsh government, the Catholic Archdiocese of Cardiff will be able to expand its outreach to people self-isolating due to Covid-19.http://ow.ly/Sm6430r0VMh
- 7:17 AM 7/27/2020 - RANKED: Who Will Have The Most Lethal Army in 2030? 27/07/20 05:50
The Disease-X-19: 7:17 AM 7/27/2020 - RANKED: Who Will Have The Most... https://diseasex19.blogspot.com/2020/07/717-am-7272020-ranked-who-will-have.html?spref=tw … - Former CIA Director Releases Bombshell, Tell All Book http://s.einnews.com/k3ZSZO2Yu0
- The FBI News Review: 2:32 PM 7/26/2020 - American protests: Demonstrations, violent riots expected to continue throughout the country...
https://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/07/232-pm-7262020-american-protests.html?spref=tw … - The Disease-X-19: Saved and Shared Stories https://diseasex19.blogspot.com/p/saved-and-shared-stories.html?spref=tw …
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President of the United States Donald Trump on Monday named an outspoken critic of U.S. military deployments as ambassador to Germany, as he ... before November 3 elections as lawmakers focus on the coronavirus pandemic. Google Alert - Coronavirus and US Military |
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When the candidate ingests the drug, it gets infused into the bloodstream, which circulates it to the different parts of the body, including the scalp. Here, the deposited metabolites stay until the hair strands are shed or cut off. This is where the testers find the evidence of drug consumption within 90 days. There is no definitive list of fields that perform hair drug analysis. It simply depends on the employer’s choice or the company's policies. They can choose between any of the drug test sources from nail, saliva, urine, and, of course, hair strands. Hair drug testing is widely accepted and is preferred by many firms now due to the long detection window. Despite hair drug tests being expensive, companies opt to rule out the risk of hiring drug abusers. The Macujo method has been widely tested and approved by many cannabis users in the past; it includes products that strip off the contaminants stuck on the hair shaft by busting it open to clear away the contaminants stuck inside. Another detoxifying method is called the Jerry G Method, in which you are advised to first abstain from consuming marijuana at least ten days before the test. Rather than panicking before a big THC drug test at your workplace or being tested by law enforcement, you can pre-test yourself at home and decide what kind of detox program you should adopt How to Pass It Using Detox Shampoo Even to use this method, one has to be careful because many of the detoxification shampoos out there do not work well This is why, we’re here to help you – because well, somebody needs to! Below is our list of five best synthetic urine products of 2021 to save your day In theory, the toxins would then remain in your hair follicle for around 90 days and Canada for its top-quality effective products It will flush out THC contents from the body