
Showing posts from March 31, 2020

1:30 PM 3/31/2020 - The American KGB spied on the whole country: without sufficient justifications, on made-up pretenses, needlessly, aggressively, stupidly, most of all to satisfy their criminal voyeuristic psychopathic needs. They were on their sure way of turning America into the totalitarian Stalinist state. And that's how they missed all the real dangers! Investigate the FBI CRIMINALS and put them in prison!!!

Image _______________________________________________________________ FBI: The Federal Bandits and Idiots:     IG Identified 390 Issues in 39/42 FISA Applications Sought By FBI  |  Problems with FBI surveillance extended far beyond probe of Trump campaign, Justice Dept. inspector general says  |  Problems in F.B.I. Wiretap Applications Go Beyond Trump Aide Surveillance, Review Finds - The New York Times The American KGB spied on the whole country: without sufficient justifications, on made-up pretenses, needlessly, aggressively, stupidly, most of all to satisfy their criminal voyeuristic psychopathic needs. They were on their sure way of turning America into the totalitarian Stalinist state.  And that's how they missed all the real dangers!  Investigate the FBI CRIMINALS and put them in prison!!!  No "greater training and new checklists" will help FBI...