
Showing posts from January 29, 2020

M.N.: Is this the admission: "Yes, this is our (red) flag, in both cases"? With the plausible deniability due to the Supreme Leader? - 5:42 PM 1/29/2020

Michael Novakhov @mikenov Sounds good. Why is his face all red? I guess, better red than dead. Quote Tweet Минобороны России @mod_russia · 7h Артиллеристы #ЗВО применили самоходные гаубицы #МстаС для уничтожения условной колонны бронетехники »неприятеля» в ходе тактического занятия на полигоне #Головеньки https:// #Артиллерия #Гаубицы #БоеваяПодготовка 5:42 PM 1/29/2020 - Post Link M.N.: Is this the admission: "Yes, this is our (red) flag, in both cases"? With the plausible deniability due to the Supreme  Leader?  I simply do not know. These types of the "soft signs" or hints are not more than that. The definitive  and hard proofs are needed to confirm or refute these suspicions. The official and reliable input from the Russians is desirable, of course, and, I think, in this situation, it will be coming: the publicity of both episodes i...