
Showing posts from April 23, 2019

"gregg jarrett" - Google News: Gregg Jarrett on Hillary Clinton's claim the DOJ gave Trump a pass: Her hypocrisy is breathtaking - Yahoo News

April 23, 2019 FBI News Review at 23 Hours "gregg jarrett" - Google News: Gregg Jarrett on Hillary Clinton's claim the DOJ gave Trump a pass: Her hypocrisy is breathtaking - Yahoo News Sarah Sanders reiterates Comey claims despite admitting to lying - The Guardian ...

AP FACT CHECK: Trump, AG spread untruths on Mueller report - Associated Press

April 23, 2019 FBI News Review at 18 Hours AP FACT CHECK: Trump, AG spread untruths on Mueller report - Associated Press Ex-FBI agent: Americans should be 'disgusted' by Russian interference in Mueller report | TheHill - The Hill Hanson on president's...

MD Anderson Cancer Center ousts 3 over Chinese data theft concerns - KTRK-TV

April 23, 2019 FBI News Review at 17 Hours MD Anderson Cancer Center ousts 3 over Chinese data theft concerns - KTRK-TV "fbi criticism" - Google News: Militia leader allegedly told FBI they were training to assassinate Obama, Hillary Clinton - 10TV ...

Mueller says the FBI thinks Russians hacked a Florida county. The FBI says... nothing - Miami Herald

April 23, 2019 FBI News Review at 16 Hours Mueller says the FBI thinks Russians hacked a Florida county. The FBI says... nothing - Miami Herald Sources: FBI investigating ousted SharedLabs CEO - Jacksonville Business Journal FBI probing accusations SF jail deputy...

"james b. comey" - Google News: Then vs. now: How Congress changed positions on disclosure between the Starr report and the Mueller report - The Washington Post

April 23, 2019 FBI News Review at 14 Hours "james b. comey" - Google News: Then vs. now: How Congress changed positions on disclosure between the Starr report and the Mueller report - The Washington Post Crime and Criminology from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): "political crimes" - Google News: Jared Kushner downplays Russian in...

mikenov on Twitter: Facebook and FBI are paving the royal road to dictatorship! Wake up, America! Is the FBI capable of handling the Counterintelligence matters? – By Michael Novakhov

April 23, 2019 FBI News Review Updates mikenov on Twitter: Facebook and FBI are paving the royal road to dictatorship! Wake up, America! Is the FBI capable of handling the Counterintelligence matters? – By Michael Novakhov mikenov on Twitter: Facebook and FBI are paving the royal road to dictatorship...