
Showing posts with the label New Abwehr

New Abwehr, burnt on its past disasters, changed its strategy: It plans and intends to defeat America first and separately, and with Russian help; and after that it will conquer completely, and will most definitely enslave Mother Russia.

My most dear Russian friends:  Make no mistake, and have no illusions about it:  In this new, silent WW3, the New Abwehr , burnt on its past disasters, changed its strategy: It plans and intends to defeat America first and separately, and with Russian help; and after that it will conquer completely, and will most definitely enslave Mother Russia.  Do your own careful analysis, and make your own  careful conclusions.  And do it fast. Sincerely,  M.N.  8:39 AM 12/30/2019 - Post Link   ________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ Saved and Shared Stories In 100 Headlines   The News And Times – Blogs Network  | Reviews Of News And Opinions – | Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ |  Saved and Shared Stories In 50 Brief Posts  – |  In 250 Brief Posts  |  On RSS Dog In 25 Posts  |  On RSS Dog – In 50 Posts  |  Michael Novakhov – Sha...

Some Comments on the Statement of U.S. Attorney John H. Durham: "...we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened." of Monday, December 9, 2019

_______________________________________________________________ Statement of U.S. Attorney John H. Durham:  "...we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened." -  Monday, December 9, 2019 _____________________________ Post Link -  7:26 PM 12/28/2019 M.N.: This, above, is the main point of the statement, and we should not read anything more that this or less than this there.  So far we do not have any coherent story or explanation, why and how this whole "hullabaloo" (and by this I mean the elections of D. Trump as the US President) started, and what and who were behind it, including and starting with Mr. Trump's sudden political success after Paul Manafort became his campaing manager. Most amazingly, Manafort continued his de facto management after he was fired, almost up to the time of his arrest. It is very unlikely, that Trump would be elected, if not for Manafort, who did two things, ...

Raffaele: Ra Raff FFaele: Russia will fall ruff - hard - That's what the New Abwehr hoped for during the last 80 years, and in their recent Operation Trump. - M.N. - 10:11 AM 12/25/2019

Angelo Raffaele Sodano = Angelo Rifle SATANO Raffaele: Ra Raff FFaele: Russia will fall ruff - hard -  That's what the New Abwehr hoped for during the last 80 years, and in their recent Operation Trump.  M.N.  10:11 AM 12/25/2019 - Post Link   _____________________________________________

Doesn't this person look (amazingly) like "a dark (Ecuadorian) version" of President Zelensky of Ukraine? - 5:58 PM 12/12/2019 | TWEETS BY MIKENOV - 250

miguel douglas jersey city shooting - GS Doesn't this person look (amazingly) like "a dark (Ecuadorian) version" of President Zelensky of Ukraine?  And this similarity in appearance is only a part of the same  (pseudo)ideological racial dichotomy that the author of this special intelligence operation grapples with.  The Orthodox Jews from Europe (which are just the Abwehr's ideological creation, the politically correct Polish Jewish "paysans" of their fantasies and longings for the idealized "true Jewishness", created by them for the very practical purposes of money laundering, which is their main raison d'etre) vs. the Black Israelites of Harlem .  What is the difference between them, in principle, the author asks. And he gives his answer: "Very little, really. Kill them all."  This type of the racial "philosophical" dilemma would be of the historically traditional interest for the Abwehr officers, many of ...