The Road To Dictatorship: FBI + Facebook. "Like? No Like!" - By Michael Novakhov

CounterPunch - Panopticon Observation Prison as labor camp - Google Search - Tuesday April 23rd, 2019 at 7:18 PM
FBI + Facebook. Like No Like!
Facebook and FBI are paving the royal road to dictatorship! Wake up, America! Is the FBI capable of handling the Counterintelligence matters? - Page Link
The Facebook and their controller the FBI, are paving the royal road to the present and future dictatorships. Wake up, America! Investigate the investigators! Save America! Reform the FBI now!
The Facebook CENSORSHIP does exactly what Putin wants: to restrict the freedom of information on the Internet, and despite his hypocritical assurances to the contrary.
FBI terrorized them into the construction of the virtual Panopticon Observation Prison, presided over by the archetypes of the Jewish Mother (and not the best version of this phenomenon), Sheryl Sandberg, and the glassy-eyed Jewish Accountant pretending to be the Face Of The World and Mr. Very Sociable himself, Mark Zuckerberg.
"Sheryl Sandberg’s Russia talk was an insult to our intelligence", noted the press.
The question is, my dear America: why do you allow these entities and these people to decide how and with whom you should communicate, what news you should consume, and what kind of friends you should make? Isn't it much too much? Isn't it one of the roots of our current troubles?
It is not the exaggeration to say that the modern politics are transformed by the Facebook, and this fact has the enormous significance. It appears that Facebook in fact, had prostituted itself for political purposes. Some of us say that they betrayed America and her values, just like Manafort, and his operating arm, the Cambridge Analytica.
Replace Facebook with the not for profit business model, make it better, truly social, and maybe even "socialist", and "free", in all senses. It would fit it to the T.
The FBI is the second part of this explosive equation which makes a prescription for the potential disaster of dictatorship. Investigate the investigators! Save America! Reform the FBI now! This is my mantra for the last several years, and I am not tired of repeating it. FBI is a very sick, Mafia and Nazi style type of the organisation staffed with shrewd but brainless and soulless psychopaths. It has to be studied and researched in depth.
The FBI was thoroughly penetrated by the Nazis, the Canaris' Abwehr, and the Mobsters; and these two are just the two parts of the same phenomenon connected to and by Abwehr, a long time ago, even before the WW2, and much more so after it, according to my impressions. Former Nazis were hired by the FBI en masse, and the true extent of this problem might exceed anyone's imagination.
The German espionage in America was rampant, especially before and after the WW2, and the FBI under Hoover was not able to deal with it and to contain it, not the industrial one, and much less the political one. The FBI became infected with the slow but persistent virus of the German Military Intelligence, the Abwehr; and it was turned into the deceptive and invisible weapon which destroys America from within.
From the Canaris Directive: "We have at our command in the United States efficient contacts, which have been carefully kept up even during the war."
(Quoted from: The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America - Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins - - Pages 289 - 290).
The New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Operation Trump puts this and the other historical calamities after the WW2 into a neat and convincing perspective. This is the largely under-researched area, and very likely due to the Abwehr's deliberate disinformation and the sophisticated use of covers.
The FBI's sick, unlawful, low, cynical, gypsy mentality type "secrets" and "mysteries" have to be exposed and revealed. This stupid, brainless, ever hungry, dysfunctional, ugly Beast feeds on America and her people. They are worse than KGB and Gestapo, and they are stupider too.
For example, their "hair analysts" gave the wrong testimonies and sent the innocent people to prison simply because they wanted to "make the grade", to please their superiors, and to move up the ladder.
And in addition to all that, they are simply incompetent and are not able to carry out their duties properly.
I also think that the FBI is the major threat to the sanity and the mental health of the American people. In a society where one half informs on the other half, there cannot be trust and the healthy interpersonal relationships. FBI, with its crude and outdated Nazi-KGB tactics, and inefficient security wise at that, undermines the very structure and the texture of the modern American society. They function as the "vice squad" - the moral police, and as the political police, despite all their half-hearted protestations. These two areas are easy for them to understand (or so they think), especially "sex", and the little nincompoops impose and enforce their norms (primitive, police and "law and order" oriented, largely Catholic, and the product of the lower to middle class mentality) on the rest of society.
This is the road to social degeneration. The FBI and the similar structures and agencies should understand their proper and complex role in our society. They feel that they should prove their worth to society while they have very little of it, and if anything, are detrimental to the healthy functioning of the society.
As strange as it might sound (or not "strange" at all), the sophisticated, civil and civilized, proper electronic surveillance should replace the obviously sick, pathological by its nature, the institute and practice of informants, which comes from the old historical European traditions and was perfected by Abwehr.
The FBI "COINTELPRO specialists" literally and deliberately drive America crazy, and those very talanted artistic nincompoops sincerely believe, in accordance with their limited intellectual capacities, that this is exactly their job to do. They became the inspiring model for the many monstrous "secret security services" around the world, and lately for the Israeli private spying firms who developed and expanded ad criminal absurdum the COINTELPRO tactics and techniques. Read about those firms activities and interference in 2016 Elections.
The Russian interference was well demonstrated by the Mueller Investigation.
In fact, there were many different and various INTERFERENCES (!), which is nothing new historically and conceptually: German - Russian - Ukrainian - Israeli - Oligarchs - Arab - Global Russian Jewish Israeli Mafia, and ultimately by the New Abwehr.
Undoubtedly, it was also the interference, largely invisible, by the FBI, and there were, also to be exact, many various "interferences", according to the FBI various factions and players. It is a big question if this aspect was addressed in Mueller Investigation, and how adequately it was addressed.
The FBI's structure and mentality are of the same hired thugs of the Pinkerton Agency, their amoral but practical mommy. The problem is that the FBI acquired or accumulated the monopoly on Police Powers which can be quite formidable in any culture.
The today society appears to outgrow the need for these types of the ugly and perverse monopolies on Power; on the Political Power, to be specific. This monopoly also has to be broken.
The Multilayered Model of the Intelligence Services, with the overlapping responsibilities, appears to be the best, historically formed alternative. Do not trust any of them entirely, and let them all spy on each other; the accuracy of intelligence assessments and the efficiency of response and prevention will benefit. None of them should have a monopoly on Intelligence Work. The Intelligence Analysis should strive to approach the accuracy standards of the Medical Diagnosis. The Intelligence Analysis (and the same of course for the Counterintelligence Analysis) should be based on the principles of the Medical Diagnosis and it should be guided by the motto "The Truth, the only Truth, and nothing but the Truth".
And we better research and investigate all of the above, my dear America!
We should not forget that in Nazi Germany the road to dictatorship was through the elections.
The FBI and some Police Departments still practice the COINTELPRO. And this is the crime. And they should and will be punished for it. Please, pay attention to this issue, our Congressional Democrats!
We do not need the monopolies on Power and Information. These monopolies, the Facebook and the FBI, are paving the royal road to Dictatorship!
The FBI's role and the interferences in Elections 2016 are multifaceted and complex, and they have to be investigated very thoroughly.
Many have the strong suspicions that a certain, pro-Trump faction of the FBI‘s upper echelons, possibly represented by Kallstrom (reportedly, Trump’s old childhood friend), and the Giuliani circles, (reportedly very close to the New York branch of the FBI), might have been a prominent part of this conspiracy against the U.S., or the so called FBI NY branch cabal, or according to Sidney Blumenthal: “Cabal Of Right-Wing FBI Agents” who “Took Down Hillary In A “Coup D’Etat”. Both of them, Kallstrom and Giuliani, apparently, and again, reportedly, and assumingly, aspired to lead the FBI after Trump’s win.
“After weeks/months of the Hillary campaign bashing Trump for “irresponsibly” questioning the legitimacy of the election process, Clinton-insider, Sid Blumenthal, is apparently making the media rounds in Europe attributing her loss to a “coup d’etat” organized by “a cabal of right-wing agents of the FBI in the New York office attached to Rudy Giuliani.”
“It was the result of a cabal of right-wing agents of the FBI in the New York office attached to Rudy Giuliani, who was a member of Trump’s campaign.”
It is also my suspicion that the FBI engineered the Abedin – Weiner email affair as their sexual-political “sting operation”, which is an old, familiar and the favorite trick in both their own and Mr. Putin’s political toolboxes. In these circumstances, the question that logically and inevitably arises, is: What was the degree of cooperation between them and the Russians? This is the big and the important question, and it has to be addressed and answered. This affair led to the October 28, 2016 Letter, which in the opinion of the pollsters, now broadly accepted, did decide the outcome of the elections, along with other factors.
The question about how the hundreds of thousands of emails (650,000) ended up on Abedin – Weiner laptop, remain essentially unanswered. Who planted them there and with whose help?
We need to understand what happened, starting from 1990-s, and encompassing both the 9/11 and The Elections 2016.
The Operations Trump and 9/11, these two epochal events do seem to be closely related, they appear to be the connecting links of the same mysterious chain, as it was noted by many other observers.
The FBI has to be investigated, and very, very thoroughly.
I support Mr. Barr's plan to investigate the FBI; with the proviso that this investigation has to be non-partisan, non-political, objective, comprehensive, in-depth, and practical, namely, the reform oriented.
See the full text of this article with hyperlinks below
10:05 AM 4/23/2019 - Sri Lanka social media shutdown reveals Facebook's Achilles' heel - WP
"Facebook’s mission statement is to “bring the world closer together.” But its failure to rein in rampant misinformation and violent content could be the Achilles’ heel of its global ambitions."
11:36 AM 4/22/2019
Facebook and FBI are paving the royal road to dictatorship! Wake up, America! Is the FBI capable of handling the Counterintelligence matters? - By Michael NovakhovSri Lanka blocks social media following deadly attacks via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@MichaelNovakhov) April 22, 2019
We do not need the monopolies on Power and Information. The Map To Dictatorship: The Facebook and the FBI are paving the royal road! | Updated on 11:29 AM 4/21/2019
From The Canaris Directive:
"We have at our command in the United States efficient contacts, which have been carefully kept up even during the war."
Is the FBI capable of handling the Counterintelligence matters?
The Road To Dictatorship
The Facebook and their controller the FBI are paving the royal road to the present and future dictatorship. Wake up, America!
By Michael Novakhov
Michael Novakhov on FBI - GS
FBI News Review - By Michael Novakhov
For the Facebook visitors: Please, look up the links in text format and on the Google also, because the stupid greedy Facebook does not publish the direct links. Visit all my blogs and sites: see the links at
The Facebook's editors and their system of CENSORSHIP are the absolute retards, and that is exactly what the New Abwehr and (their long time agent) Putin wanted: to restrict the freedom of information on the Internet, despite his hypocritical assurances to the contrary.
It appears that the FBI is the part of this CENSORSHIP, "for security reasons", ostensibly; but in fact because The (Stupid) Dogs just cannot resist poking their bulbous noses into everything that is able to excite their doggy attention.
The Stupid Facebook rejects my posts on the ground that they "do not meet the community standards", while these posts are just the reprints, the copies of the links to the mainstream press articles from the Google searches. The Facebook runs scared and crazy, the FBI terrorized them to death, and into the construction of the virtual Panopticon Observation Prison cum Jewish Mother (and not the best version of this phenomenon) + glassy-eyed Jewish Accountant pretending to be the Face Of The World and Mr. Very Sociable himself. The problem is not that those people are Jewish, the problem is that they are idiots, and that they try, wittingly or not, to turn the others into their idiots-robots too.
Facebook is the very retarded "social marketplace" for their masses of the retarded customers.
It appears that the FBI is the part of this CENSORSHIP, "for security reasons", ostensibly; but in fact because The (Stupid) Dogs just cannot resist poking their bulbous noses into everything that is able to excite their doggy attention.
The Stupid Facebook rejects my posts on the ground that they "do not meet the community standards", while these posts are just the reprints, the copies of the links to the mainstream press articles from the Google searches. The Facebook runs scared and crazy, the FBI terrorized them to death, and into the construction of the virtual Panopticon Observation Prison cum Jewish Mother (and not the best version of this phenomenon) + glassy-eyed Jewish Accountant pretending to be the Face Of The World and Mr. Very Sociable himself. The problem is not that those people are Jewish, the problem is that they are idiots, and that they try, wittingly or not, to turn the others into their idiots-robots too.
Facebook is the very retarded "social marketplace" for their masses of the retarded customers.
Und ziz iz my Opini'on. When the Facebook rejects postings because they don't "fit the community standards", it should be specified, which of the "communities", and which of the "standards". There are so many of both of them.
The question is, my dear America: why do you allow these entities and these people to decide how and with whom you should communicate, what news you should consume, and what kind of friends you should make?
Isn't it much too much? Isn't it one of the roots of our current troubles?
The Society which limits the freedom of expressions and communications on its electronic "agoras", such as Facebook and Twitter (and others), robs itself of the wealth, richness, and potential uses of information, when it is properly selected and organized. The Society which restricts the opportunities for communications and commercializes them (quite often excessively), as the Facebook does, robs itself of its history, literature, arts, education, culture, and journalism. It restricts the natural social intercourse and historical progress.
The Society which limits the freedom of expressions and communications on its electronic "agoras", such as Facebook and Twitter (and others), robs itself of the wealth, richness, and potential uses of information, when it is properly selected and organized. The Society which restricts the opportunities for communications and commercializes them (quite often excessively), as the Facebook does, robs itself of its history, literature, arts, education, culture, and journalism. It restricts the natural social intercourse and historical progress.
Facebook has to be broken up, just like AT&T was, they became the dangerous social media and communications (!!! - that's what is important) monopoly. They accumulated too much power, and this process continues and expands into all areas and aspects of the society's functions, including its practices of politics. It is not the exaggeration to say that the modern politics are transformed by the Facebook, and this fact has the enormous significance.
It also appears that Facebook in fact prostituted itself for political purposes, it was making advertising money on politics. Facebook is more than willing to sell itself to any bidder. Some of us say that they betrayed America and her values, just like Manafort, and his operating arm, the Cambridge Analytica.
Replace Facebook with the not for profit business model, make it better, truly social, and maybe even "socialist", and "free", in all senses. It would fit it to the T.
The FBI is the second part of this explosive equation which makes a prescription for the potential disaster of dictatorship.
Investigate the investigators! Save America! Reform the FBI now! This is my mantra for the last several years, and I am not tired of repeating it.
FBI is a very sick, Mafia and Nazi style type of the organisation staffed with shrewd but brainless and soulless psychopaths. It has to be studied and researched in depth.
The FBI was thoroughly penetrated by the Nazis - the Canaris' Abwehr, and the Mobsters (which are just two parts of the same phenomenon connected by Abwehr) a long time ago, even before the WW2, and much more so after it, according to my impressions.
Former Nazis were hired by the FBI en masse, and the true extent of this problem might exceed anyone's imagination. The German espionage in America was rampant, especially before and after the WW2, and the FBI under Hoover was not able to deal with it and to contain it, not the industrial one, and much less the political one; that's what I concluded on the basis of the "first take", first impression of the Web review on this subject.
The FBI became infected with the slow but persistent virus of the German Military Intelligence, the Abwehr; and it was turned into the deceptive and invisible weapon which destroys America from within.
High Command, Admiral Canaris of March 15, 1944 part of which follows here casts a
suspicious eye towards Nazi intrigue.
"There is great fear in the USA of Bolshevism. The opposition against
Roosevelt’s alliance with Stalin grows constantly. Our chances for success are good, if
we succeed to stir up influential circles against Roosevelt’s policy. This can be done
through clever pieces of information, or by references to unsuspicious neutral
ecclesiastical contact men.
We have at our command in the United States efficient contacts, which have
been carefully kept up even during the war. The campaign of hatred stirred up by
Roosevelt and the Jews against everything German has been temporarily silenced the
pro-German bloc in the USA. However, there is every hope that this situation will be
completely changed within a few months. If the Republicans succeed in defeating
Roosevelt in the coming election, it will greatly influence American conduct of the
war towards us.
The KO-leaders abroad and their staffs have innumerable opportunities of
constantly referring to Roosevelt’s hate policy. They must use in this campaign all the
existing contacts and they should try to open new channels. We must point to the
danger Germany may be forced to cooperate with Russia. The greatest caution has to
be observed in all talks and negotiations by those who, as "anti-Nazis" maintain
contact with the enemy. When fulfilling missions, they have to comply strictly with
The above document now casts all such leaks and reports in the press appearing
in the later stages of the war as Nazi intrigue or propaganda. As shown in the
previous chapters the Nazis had willing accomplices in Congress, the military, and
the press and industrial leaders. The reader also should be alerted to the reference to
that if the Republican Party could win the election they would alter the American
conduct of the war. The previous chapters have detailed the collaboration between
the Nazis and the Republican Party."
From: The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America - Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins
Pages 289 - 290
The FBI's sick, unlawful, low, cynical, gypsy mentality type "secrets" and "mysteries" have to be exposed and revealed. This stupid, brainless, ever hungry, dysfunctional, ugly Beast feeds on America and her people. They are worse than KGB and Gestapo, and they are stupider too.
Their "hair analysts" gave the wrong testimonies and sent the innocent people to prison simply because they wanted to "make the grade", to please their superiors, and to move up the ladder. Read about it, including my blogs and sites.
They have to be destroyed, abolished, and those who deserve it should be prosecuted themselves. I could not and still cannot believe that all this, including their infamous COINTELPRO "operations" were happening in America!
And in addition to all that, they are simply incompetent and are not able to carry out their duties properly.
Their "hair analysts" gave the wrong testimonies and sent the innocent people to prison simply because they wanted to "make the grade", to please their superiors, and to move up the ladder. Read about it, including my blogs and sites.
They have to be destroyed, abolished, and those who deserve it should be prosecuted themselves. I could not and still cannot believe that all this, including their infamous COINTELPRO "operations" were happening in America!
And in addition to all that, they are simply incompetent and are not able to carry out their duties properly.
I also think that the FBI is the major threat to the sanity and the mental health of the American people.
In a society where one half informs on the other half, there cannot be trust and the healthy interpersonal relationships. FBI, with its crude and outdated Nazi-KGB tactics, and inefficient security wise at that, undermines the very structure and the texture of the modern American society. They function as the "vice squad" - the moral police, and as the political police, despite all their half-hearted protestations. These two areas are easy for them to understand (or so they think), especially "sex", and the little nincompoops impose and enforce their norms (primitive, police and "law and order" oriented, largely Catholic, and the product of the lower to middle class mentality) on the rest of society. This is the road to social degeneration. The FBI and the similar structures and agencies should understand their proper and complex role in our society. They feel that they should prove their worth to society while they have very little of it, and if anything, are detrimental to the healthy functioning of the society. As strange as it might sound (or not "strange" at all), the sophisticated, civil and civilized, proper electronic surveillance should replace the obviously sick, pathological by its nature, the institute and practice of informants, which comes from the old historical European traditions and was perfected by Abwehr.
The FBI "COINTELPRO specialists" literally and deliberately drive you crazy, and those very talanted artistic nincompoops sincerely believe, in accordance with their limited intellectual capacities, that this is exactly their job to do.
They became the inspiring model for the many monstrous "secret security services" around the world, and lately for the Israeli private spying firms who developed and expanded ad criminal absurdum the COINTELPRO tactics and techniques. Read about those firms activities and interference in 2016 Elections.
The Russian interference was well demonstrated by the Mueller Investigation.
In fact, there were many different and various INTERFERENCES (!), which is nothing new historically and conceptually: German - Russian - Ukrainian - Israeli - Oligarchs - Arab - Global Russian Jewish Israeli Mafia, and ultimately by the New Abwehr.
Undoubtedly, it was also the interference, largely invisible, by the FBI, and also to be exact, many various "interferences". The FBI cannot be allowed to rule this society under any circumstances, they will turn it into the police state (the term "deep state" is the alternative); and this is exactly what they are trying to do, by their various ways and means. The retired FBI agents play a role in it: there is no such thing as the "retired FBI agent".
It is a big question if this aspect was addressed in Mueller Investigation, and how adequately it was addressed.
The FBI's structure and mentality are of the same hired thugs of the Pinkerton Agency, their amoral but practical mommy. The problem is that the FBI acquired or accumulated the monopoly on Police Powers which can be quite formidable in any culture.
The today society appears to outgrow the need for these types of the ugly and perverse monopolies on Power; on the Political Power, to be specific. This monopoly also has to be broken.
The Multilayered Model of the Intelligence Services, with the overlapping responsibilities, appears to be the best, historically formed alternative. Do not trust any of them entirely, and let them all spy on each other; the accuracy of intelligence assessments and the efficiency of response and prevention will benefit. None of them should have a monopoly on Intelligence Work. The Intelligence Analysis should strive to approach the accuracy standards of the Medical Diagnosis.
The FBI "COINTELPRO specialists" literally and deliberately drive you crazy, and those very talanted artistic nincompoops sincerely believe, in accordance with their limited intellectual capacities, that this is exactly their job to do.
They became the inspiring model for the many monstrous "secret security services" around the world, and lately for the Israeli private spying firms who developed and expanded ad criminal absurdum the COINTELPRO tactics and techniques. Read about those firms activities and interference in 2016 Elections.
The Russian interference was well demonstrated by the Mueller Investigation.
In fact, there were many different and various INTERFERENCES (!), which is nothing new historically and conceptually: German - Russian - Ukrainian - Israeli - Oligarchs - Arab - Global Russian Jewish Israeli Mafia, and ultimately by the New Abwehr.
Undoubtedly, it was also the interference, largely invisible, by the FBI, and also to be exact, many various "interferences". The FBI cannot be allowed to rule this society under any circumstances, they will turn it into the police state (the term "deep state" is the alternative); and this is exactly what they are trying to do, by their various ways and means. The retired FBI agents play a role in it: there is no such thing as the "retired FBI agent".
It is a big question if this aspect was addressed in Mueller Investigation, and how adequately it was addressed.
The FBI's structure and mentality are of the same hired thugs of the Pinkerton Agency, their amoral but practical mommy. The problem is that the FBI acquired or accumulated the monopoly on Police Powers which can be quite formidable in any culture.
The today society appears to outgrow the need for these types of the ugly and perverse monopolies on Power; on the Political Power, to be specific. This monopoly also has to be broken.
The Multilayered Model of the Intelligence Services, with the overlapping responsibilities, appears to be the best, historically formed alternative. Do not trust any of them entirely, and let them all spy on each other; the accuracy of intelligence assessments and the efficiency of response and prevention will benefit. None of them should have a monopoly on Intelligence Work. The Intelligence Analysis should strive to approach the accuracy standards of the Medical Diagnosis.
And we better research and investigate all of the above, my dear America!
We should not forget that in Nazi Germany the road to dictatorship was through the elections.
We should not forget that in Nazi Germany the road to dictatorship was through the elections.
After I posted one of the "anti-FBI tirades" above, the stupid FBI panicked (or those who want to turn me against the FBI, we have to consider this possibility too, remote or not) and blocked my websites. They managed to break into The FBI News Review and messed it up.
They did not like the pictures... They are not very visual, those blocks; and they definitely have some problems in the humor and satire department. They are very straight looking and straight thinking robots.
Although I always liked Comey, and his predecessor and successor look good also. The problem might be not in the leaders but in the other strata of this organization, and it is very hierarchical. This has to be carefully and objectively researched.
Thank you, the Great American Democracy and the Great American Freedom of Speech! Thank you Obama, and the rest of you!
They did not like the pictures... They are not very visual, those blocks; and they definitely have some problems in the humor and satire department. They are very straight looking and straight thinking robots.
Although I always liked Comey, and his predecessor and successor look good also. The problem might be not in the leaders but in the other strata of this organization, and it is very hierarchical. This has to be carefully and objectively researched.
Thank you, the Great American Democracy and the Great American Freedom of Speech! Thank you Obama, and the rest of you!
Now my sites are up again; visit them and read my posts and pages!
But first, they have to be investigated, and very thoroughly. I support Mr. Barr's plan to investigate the FBI; with the proviso that this investigation has to be non-partisan, non-political, objective, comprehensive, in-depth, and practical, namely, the reform oriented.
4.15 - 4.21.19
MeZinkz humbly zat zi solution might be the multilayered, overlapping, competing Intelligence Services: none of them should be completely trusted, and all of them should spy on each other. And it is only natural; the redundancy element enhances the accuracy of (ODNI) assessments.— Michael Novakhov (@MichaelNovakhov) April 17, 2019
During these last 2 days of severe DOS attacks, my site was broken into and messed up. I do not know if these were the FBI hackers or someone who wants to turn me against them, but we (...) will find out. If it was the FBI, I do not advise them to do that.— Michael Novakhov (@MichaelNovakhov) April 18, 2019
Medley of James Bond - John Barry & London Symphony Orchestra via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@MichaelNovakhov) April 17, 2019
See also:
M.N.: My Definition: Twitterocracy: The Rule by Opinions In the Information Age.
My Follow-up Opinion: All Social Media Companies should be literally regulated to death (No Advertising and Fairness for All), and then nationalized on a global scale. The profit motives and drivers in the Information field, just like in Medicine, are inappropriate, dysfunctional, and counterproductive. The State should carry the expenses, which are minimal, if not just symbolic, for the maintenance of the Social Media Platforms. If the traditional media justified their charges by the expenses on ink and paper (with expenditures on good thinking and ideas in the very distant from those costs numbers), digital costs simply cannot justified at all at this stage and age. The Social media users build their castles in the air, and the owners of the Social media companies collect the rent. In very nice and tangible real life pennies. The relative value of the good thinking and ideas went up, and the state should protect, defend, and nurture them, for it is them that drive the economic and social progress. The current "free for all" - "Free Enterprise" system breeds crooks, swindlers, liars, and psychopaths, and the current troubles demonstrate this vividly. We as the humans are better than that.
Michael Novakhov
4:45 PM 4/3/2019

"The system by which split-second opinions are rendered and sent out for all the world to see, no matter how little they care." - Urban Dictionary: twitterocracy -
ter how little they care." - Urban Dictionary
See also:
Page 371: Appendix 2 Captured Documents Captured Nazi Documents:
Directive of the German High Command on Political Warfare in the U.S.A
The following directive was issued by the Chief of the Intelligence Division of the German High Command, Admiral Walter Wilhelm Canaris, in 1944.
The document lays bare the basic German strategy of scaring the U.S.A. with Bolshevism but —at the same time—recommends a long-range policy of RussoGerman collaboration. SECRET STATE MATTER OKW-Abwehr March 15, 1944 At a meeting of the representatives of the Foreign Office, the Security Division, ("SD") and the Department of Defense, ("Abwehr"), the following resolutions were adopted for unified action by all our agents in foreign countries: I. Utilize to the fullest extent all available possibilities in neutral and enemy countries, in order to support our military efforts with political and propaganda campaigns. 2. Our goal is to crush the enemy's plan whose object it is to destroy forever the German Reich militarily, economically, and culturally. The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America — 372 — The new regulations put into effect by the political leaders for the dissolution and disintegration of the enemy bloc should be carried out more intensely. We must do our utmost to create a state of confusion and distrust among our enemies. Such a state of disunity would enable us to sue for a quick separate peace with either side. While it is true that the efforts made in that direction have failed so far due to the implacable hate policy of Roosevelt and Churchill it does not mean that some day, under different conditions, the unnatural front of our enemies could not be broken. Roosevelt's electoral defeat this year could have immeasurable political consequences. The political and military leaders are of the opinion that Germany cannot expect any mercy from the Soviets; on the contrary, should the war take a turn for the worse, we must assume that the Slavs will do everything in order to retaliate against the harsh treatment we have inflicted upon them. In spite of everything, no effort should be spared to stir up, through carefully directed propaganda, political animosity inside the Anglo-Saxon countries which would enrage the Soviets to such a degree that, as a consequence, they would welcome a chance to conclude a separate peace with Germany. In the event of a negotiated peace, or should we be defeated, Germany would have everything to gain-in the long run-by joining the East. Right now, the chances for a separate peace with the West are a little better, especially if we succeed, through our propaganda campaign and our confidential channels, to convince the enemy that Roosevelt's policy of "unconditional surrender" drives the German people towards Communism. There is great fear in the U.S.A. of Bolshevism. The opposition against Roosevelt's alliance with Stalin grows constantly. Our chances for success are good, if we succeed to stir up influential circles against Roosevelt's policy. This can be done through clever pieces of information, or by references to unsuspicious neutral ecclesiastical contact men. We have at our command in the United States efficient contacts which have been carefully kept up even during the war. The campaign of hatred stirred up by Roosevelt and the Jews against everything German has temporarily silenced the pro-German bloc in the U.S.A. However, there is every hope that this situation will be completely changed within a few months. If the Republicans succeed in defeating Roosevelt in the coming presidential election, it would greatly influence the American conduct of war towards us. The KO-leaders abroad and their staffs have innumerable opportunities of constantly referring to Roosevelt's hate policy. They must use in this campaign all the existing contacts and they should try to open up new channels. We must point to the danger that Germany may be forced to cooperate with Russia. The greatest caution has to be observed in all talks and negotiations by those who, as "antiNazis," maintain contact with the enemy. When fulfilling missions, they have to comply strictly with instructions. German Plan for Psychological Warfare in the U.S.A. The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America — 373 — (Memorandum from Dr. Colin Ross to the German Foreign Office, 1943.) On July 27, 1943, the German Foreign Office expert on the U.S.A., the geo. politician Dr. Colin Ross, suggested in a fifteen page memorandum a "Plan for an Ideological Campaign in the United States." Recognizing Germany's inability to bring the war to a victorious end, Dr. Colin Ross proposed the immediate implementation of a carefully planned psychological warfare to undermine the anticipated U.S. military victory. Dr. Ross regarded American public opinion as the weakest link because the American people seemed especially susceptible to scare propaganda hinting that a defeated Germany would join the ranks of Bolshevism. The memorandum, which was addressed to the German Secretary of State in the Foreign Office, von Steengracht, became the guidepost for Germany's highly successful blackmail diplomacy in post-war America. Here follow some significant parts of the memorandum. PLAN FOR AN IDEOLOGICAL CAMPAIGN IN THE UNITED STATES The Prerequisites for psychological warfare 1. Analyze the spiritual temper of world public opinion. 2. Evaluate correctly the ideological weapons available. 3. Put before the eyes of the world a strategic concept which will impress not only our own people, but also the neutrals and our enemies. 4. Select the most effective tactical methods for the accomplishment of 5. Co-ordinate the ideological campaign in support of our military and economic warfare. The more the prospects for outright military victory diminish, the more urgent becomes the necessity for all-out psychological warfare. In analyzing this problem we can disregard completely the possibility of total victory through military might alone, because in such a case psychological warfare is superfluous. However, in the case of total military collapse, we must continue the struggle by means of psychological warfare until the day arrives when weapons can speak again. In my opinion it is important to point to this ultima ratio now and emphasize it more than ever before. Psychological warfare will prove especially successful in the U.S.A. where many groups (weite Kreise) are fed up with the war. . . . Under all circumstances we should prepare ourselves for the worst, not in a spirit of defeatism, but in order to cope more effectively with defeatism in the hour of collapse. It is important that we see to it that our enemies, especially the Americans, should not bask themselves in the sun of victory or that they enjoy the role of being the liberators of Europe. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a far- flung organization in every country which, under enemy occupation, must carry on the task from the underground. We must do everything possible to impress upon American public opinion that after the liberation of Europe they will become involved in an endless maze of insoluble contradictions. However great their sacrifices may be they will end up in a blind alley exactly as it happened in 1918 under Wilson's grandiose planning. We have to use the argument that if the enemy succeeds in stamping out The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America — 374 — "Fascism" or "Nazism" there will remain only Bolshevism. Thus, a Germany threatened by the Anglo-Americans with dismemberment, will throw herself completely into the arms of the Soviets, and in that way will make Bolshevism unconquerable. This is the time to make up the balance sheet and to start with large scale preparation in order to meet the coming invasion. Our defense must not remain limited to military measures alone but must employ every available weapon of psychological warfare. The ideological offensive is the order of the day. American Documents: Germany's Preparation for a Comeback On March 30, 1945 the U.S. State Department announced that "reliable information collected by Allied Governments clearly indicates that the Nazi regime in Germany has developed well arranged post-war plans for the perpetuation of Nazi doctrines and domination. Some of these plans have already been put into operation and others are ready to be launched...
See also these posts:
Opening The Pandora Box: The Nazi Hydra in America - February 08, 2019
Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters, in its present structure, and as a matter of personnel selection, their education, training, and the FBI’s institutional culture? The record does not look impressive. Is there something structurally wrong? Would the new forms of the workforce organization be helpful? Should the Counterintelligence Services and Forces be grouped directly under the ODNI, and it’s central apparatus, and in greater collaboration with other related services? What should be the strategic directions? Rethinking, reconceptualization and the reorganization might be the more healthy alternatives to the present structure, which appears to be largely dysfunctional, for a number of reasons, still not formulated, analyzed, and comprehended properly. “Critics claim that the FBI’s law-enforcement structure is inadequate for twenty first century counterintelligence realities and should be replaced by a separate service staffed by counterintelligence officers, presumably with no law-enforcement powers.” “The need for proactive and preventive approach, combined with a lesser visibility and a lesser emphasis on the formal law enforcement functions as compared with the counterintelligence functions proper, was advocated by the researchers:“The third quality essential to counterintelligence operation is a preventive disposition. As Christopher Andrew has noted, a counterintelligence organization may be better evaluated by preventing spies from gaining any foothold than by the number of spies caught.(343) MI5 has always aimed to prevent threats from materializing. This is most evident in the Service’s penchant for running double agents in general and in the Double Cross System in specific. Having double agents in place within target organizations can prevent any success on the part of that organization and the strategic deception on D-Day obviated the bulk of Nazi forces and prevented countless allied casualties. The FBI’s most notable cases of preventive counterintelligence or counter-terrorism operation are more recent, particularly after Director Mueller’s concerted drive to push the Bureau in this direction.(344) The Bureau’s rise to the challenge posed by terrorism will absolutely require it to become more preventive because the FBI cannot wait for terrorists to be successful before they apprehend them. … Finally, and most crucially, the Bureau must become more preventive and proactive in contrast to its established preference for reactive law enforcement.(345) This quality is at the heart of counterintelligence and counter-terrorism and will absolutely be the most difficult change for the Bureau. If the FBI can make this cultural shift, it will be able to prevent and counter intelligence and terrorist threats just as well as any other organization, including MI5.” And this is not to say that the MI5 is any more successful in its counterintelligence efforts (recently) than the FBI. By the way, and interestingly enough, the Russian Counterintelligence Services, starting from their very inception in 1920-s and the “Operation Trust“, emphasized and practiced the sophisticated and aggressive proactive and preventive approach, it was the matter of the very survival for them. It looks that their counterintelligence operations outgrew and expanded into the intelligence operations proper. The recent events might be the confirmation of this thesis, just like the recent expansion of the FSB mandate into the foreign activities and operations. How far will this approach take them eventually, and how successful it will be in the present circumstances, is very much the open question, projected into the future. This approach is the result and function of their deep historical insecurity. But it is quite effective apparently, and it should be studied, understood and comprehended, and reciprocated with the comprehensive multiplications. The resources are there, the resolve and will are needed, the qualities that apparently are lacking lately, after the ill-conceived and the counterproductive euphoria of 1990-s. Do catch their arrows and send them back to them, with the overwhelming force and the well thought out strategic determination. Michael Novakhov 11.13.17 Links
9:45 AM 11/15/2017 – Is the FBI capable? | Election – 2016 Meddling: FBI, Russia, and other players – by Michael Novakhov | Posts – Counterintelligence and Intelligence Services News Review
- 9:45 AM 11/15/2017 – Is the FBI capable? | Election – 2016 Meddling: FBI, Russia, and other players – by Michael Novakhov | Posts – Counterintelligence and Intelligence Services News Review
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Is the FBI capable of handling the Counterintelligence matters? – by Michael Novakhov
FBI and Counterintelligence – 11.14.17
- 1:12 PM 11/13/2017 – Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters? | FBI News Review
- Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters? – Google Search
- The Future of FBI Counterintelligence Through the Lens of the Past Hundred Years | FBI Studies
- The FBI probe into Trump and Russia is huge news. Our political system isn’t ready for it. – Vox
- counterintelligence fbi – Google Search
- fbi counterintelligence program – Google Search
- fbi counterintelligence investigation – Google Search
- fbi counterintelligence – Google Search
- problems with fbi counterintelligence – Google Search
- For America’s Top Spy Catcher, A World Of Problems To Fix — And Prevent : Parallels : NPR
- William Evanina – Google Search
- five functions of counterintelligence – Google Search
- Operation Trust – Google Search
- Russian Counterintelligence Services – Google Search
Election – 2016 Meddling:
FBI, Russia, and other players
To add some comments to this very good and straightforward article, in my humble opinion. This situation is further complicated by the strong suspicions that a certain, pro-Trump faction of the FBI‘s upper echelons, possibly represented by Kallstrom (reportedly, Trump’s old childhood friend), and the Giuliani circles, reportedly very close to the New York branch of the FBI, might have been a prominent part of this conspiracy against the U.S., or the so called FBI NY branch cabal, or according to Sidney Blumenthal: “Cabal Of Right-Wing FBI Agents” who “Took Down Hillary In A “Coup D’Etat”. Both of them, Kallstrom and Giuliani, apparently, and again, reportedly, and assumingly, aspired to lead the FBI after Trump’s win.4:33 PM 5/7/2017 - Recent Posts: WATCH: Comey admits FBI investigating leaks to Giuliani and Trump team
The statistical effects of the October 28 Letter | Federal Bureau of Investigation - NYTIt is also my suspicion that the FBI engineered the Abedin – Weiner email affair as their sexual-political “sting operation”, which is an old, familiar and the favorite trick in both their own and Mr. Putin’s political toolboxes. In these circumstances, the question that logically and inevitably arises, is: What was the degree of cooperation between them and the Russians? This is the big and the important question, and it has to be addressed and answered. This affair led to the October 28, 2016 Letter, which in the opinion of the pollsters, now broadly accepted, did decide the outcome of the elections. The question about how the hundreds of thousands of emails (650,000) ended up on Abedin – Weiner laptop, remain essentially unanswered. Who planted them there and with whose help? If you get the wind that there might have been a covert or overt collusion between the Russians and the FBI, it would be hard to accuse you of the lack of logic in your thinking. Naturally, the next set of questions that inevitably arise, is the degree of infiltration and penetration of the FBI by the Russians and the others, who worked hard on this for many years. They do have a sad history in this regard, illustrated recently by this account. See also: ANTHONY WEINER WAS THE FIRST TO TALK ABOUT TRUMP’S CONNECTIONS WITH RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS, WEINER’S SENTENCE IS TRUMP’S REVENGE. Mr. Mueller’s Investigation proceeds at its pace and seems to be rather deep and comprehensive, and I think and hope that he and his team will address these issues in their customary and expected depth, and will not cover up the FBI’s possible wrongdoings if any are discovered, and/or confirmed; although some observers expressed their strongly worded doubts on this account. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That what we need if we really want to recover and to understand what happened, starting from 1990-s, and encompassing both the 9/11, 2001 and The Elections 2016. These two epochal events do seem to be the connecting links of the same mysterious chain, as the author suggests, and as was noted by many others, of the writing and thinking public, on this subject. Michael Novakhov 11.13.17 Quote: “After weeks/months of the Hillary campaign bashing Trump for “irresponsibly” questioning the legitimacy of the election process, Clinton-insider, Sid Blumenthal, is apparently making the media rounds in Europe attributing her loss to a “coup d’etat” organized by “a cabal of right-wing agents of the FBI in the New York office attached to Rudy Giuliani.” “It was the result of a cabal of right-wing agents of the FBI in the New York office attached to Rudy Giuliani, who was a member of Trump’s campaign.” “I think it’s not unfair to call it a coup. Yeah, a coup d’etat.” Of course, Blumenthal is well known within Clinton world for his wild conspiracy theories as John Podesta pointed out he is “lost in his own web of conspiracies.” Links
- Russia’s Election Meddling Was Another U.S. Intelligence Failure | The New Yorker
- Dana Priest | The New Yorker
- Dana Priest – Google Search
- FBI and elections 2016 – Google Search
- Trump and conspiracy against the U.S. – Google Search
- cabal – Google Search
- FBI NY branch cabal – Google Search
- The Cabal against Clinton: Giuliani, Bannon and the FBI New York bureau (part 2 of 2) – YouTube
- 9/11, 2001 and The Elections 2016 – Google Search
- Sidney Blumenthal: “Cabal Of Right-Wing FBI Agents” Took Down Hillary In A “Coup D’Etat” | Zero Hedge
- News Reviews and Opinions: The Autumn Of Our Discontent – by Michael Novakhov
- Mueller’s Investigation – Google Search
- News – Mueller’s Investigation – Google Search
- New York branch of the FBI and Trump – Google Search
- Kallstrom and Trump – Google Search
- James B. Comey, called a ‘liar’ and ‘leaker’ by Trump, tweets a quote about truth and justice – The Washington Post
- Trump voters were motivated by racism, not economic anxiety : The Massachusetts Daily Collegian
- Trump suggests softening the US’ stance towards Russia, easing sanctions – Business Insider
- Former DNI James Clapper says he didn’t know about Papadopoulos meetings – Business Insider
- James Clapper says Watergate ‘pales’ in comparison to Trump-Russia – Business Insider
- Authorities investigating stairwell collapse at San Diego gym that injured nearly two dozen children – LA Times
- 21 children injured after platform collapses at San Diego parkour gym for kids – The Washington Post
- children staircase – Google Search
- low gun definition – Google Search
- Police: 2 dead, 2 wounded in Atlanta concert shooting – ABC News
- How Spain’s Fight Against Gangsters Revealed Russian Power Networks
- Bulgaria’s Richest Man or Mafia Kingpin? Possibly Both | Provocateurs | OZY
- pro-Trump faction of the FBI – Google Search
- Rudy Giuliani – Google Search
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The Intelligence Analysis (and the same of course for the Counterintelligence Analysis) should be based on the principles of the Medical Diagnosis and it should be guided by the motto "The Truth, the only truth, and nothing but the truth"
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