
Showing posts from July 19, 2020

4:23 PM 7/19/2020

4:23 PM 7/19/2020 News Review from Michael Novakhov:  Blogs  |  Shared Stories  |  Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠  | Saved Stories  |  Tweets  |  _________________________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks - Latest Post Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks   Voice of America - English: Trump Questions Bidens Mental Sharpness Michael_Novakhov  shared this story  from  1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (115 sites). U.S. President Donald Trump is questioning the mental sharpness of his November election opponent, former vice president Joe Biden, contending he is not competent to be president. Trump, in a barrage of attacks aired in an interview on the Fox News Sunday TV show, said, Biden can't put two sentences together. They wheel him out. He goes up  he repeats  they ask him questions. He reads a teleprompter and then he goes back into hi...

12:06 PM 7/19/2020

News Review from Michael Novakhov:  Blogs  |  Shared Stories  |  Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks  | Saved Stories  |  Tweets  |  Feed Integration by RSS Dog. ______________________________________________________ Blogs Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (23 sites)   Covid-19-Review: 11:10 AM 7/19/2020 Covid-19-Review: 7:53 AM 7/19/2020 - How did infants get covid-19 in Texas? The FBI News Review: 7:16 PM 7/18/2020 The FBI News Review: 1:40 PM 7/18/2020 - Covid-19 as the political, information, and the biological weapon of the New Abwehr and their tool, Russian-Jewish Mafia or TOC Covid-19-Review: 8:59 AM 7/18/2020 » Researchers decode symptoms of COVID-19 outside lungs, call it a 'multisystem disease' Covid-19-Review: 7:26 AM 7/18/2020 - California is shutting down again. Italy is getting back to normal. Why? 18/07/20 05:56 from Disease X-19 Covid-19-Review: 7:21 AM 7/18/2020 » Saved Stories - None: A virus is killing ...