11:40 AM 3/22/2020 - Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon - Considering the possibility of fecal-oral transmission and the contamination of water supplies on a massive scale, these are not the empty threats and not the unrealistic plans.
https://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/03/1140-am-3222020-federal-law-enforcement.html _____________________________________________________________________ #USIntelligence #USMilitary #CIA #ODNI #FBI #Counterintelligence #Bioweapons #BiologicalWar #RussianBioWeapons #CoronaVirusasBioWeapon #CoronaVirus came from the ( #GRU ) #BAT , & quite #naturally ! So, do not #repeat the #myth , that it #came from a #Lab ! https://t.co/D8SOdJ5aDE — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) March 22, 2020 ______________________________________________________________________ Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon - Considering the possibility of fecal-oral transmission and the contamination of water supplies on a massive scale, these are not the empty threats and not the unrealistic plans. The extremists of all colors and ideological coloration have to be considered, not just the rightists....