
Showing posts from February 5, 2019

Alerta de Google: fbi: FBI sex-trafficking sting before Super Bowl nets 169

February 05, 2019 FBI News Review at 23 Hours Alerta de Google: fbi: FBI sex-trafficking sting before Super Bowl nets 169 Alerta de Google: fbi: Bend man tipped off FBI to threatening emails he sent to two police chiefs in Pennsylvania ... Alerta de Google: fbi: ...

Crime and Criminology from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): "political crimes" - Google News: Politics of ‘extradition’: Look at bigger picture - The Asian Age

February 05, 2019 FBI News Review at 21 Hours Crime and Criminology from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): "political crimes" - Google News: Politics of ‘extradition’: Look at bigger picture - The Asian Age James Comey on Hillary Clinton’s Emails: ‘Zero Chance’ She Would Be Prosecuted Based on the Facts - Newsweek...

Trump administration says no evidence that foreign powers compromised the 2018 U.S. midterms - Toronto Star

February 05, 2019 FBI News Review at 18 Hours Trump administration says no evidence that foreign powers compromised the 2018 U.S. midterms - Toronto Star Alerta de Google: fbi: Oliver W. Hill's FBI file reveals casual racism, a lack of Communist ties, and a case of mistaken ... ...

"political criminology" - Google News: Rhodes Scholar from Colorado Springs receives Spirit of the Springs award -

February 05, 2019 FBI News Review at 17 Hours "political criminology" - Google News: Rhodes Scholar from Colorado Springs receives Spirit of the Springs award - "house judiciary committee" - Google News: North Dakota lawmaker seeks to seal DUI records if offender stays out of trouble - INFORUM ...

"fbi" - Google News: FBI looking for man accused of robbing Noble bank - KFOR Oklahoma City

February 05, 2019 FBI News Review at 16 Hours "fbi" - Google News: FBI looking for man accused of robbing Noble bank - KFOR Oklahoma City A Brief History of Trump’s Addresses to Congress - The New Yorker Alerta de Google: fbi: FBI arrests 169 in Su...

"fbi and trump" - Google News: Mueller deputy briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election: testimony - Fox News

February 05, 2019 FBI News Review at 14 Hours "fbi and trump" - Google News: Mueller deputy briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election: testimony - Fox News "fbi scandal" - Google News: FBI visits Bridgeport Department of Finance - ...