
Showing posts with the label FBI Behavior As Offense To Political Order

M.N.: Does the FBI have this "serious evidence"? That's the question. | "Perhaps the Times report is exaggerated, or the FBI has serious evidence of a criminally corrupt quid pro quo between Trump and Moscow that there’s no public indication of yet. Otherwise, the Times story is a damning account of an offense against our political order, and not by Donald Trump." - Trump Collusion Investigation: FBI Behavior An Offense To Political Order - National Review

"Perhaps the  Times  report is exaggerated, or the FBI has serious evidence of a criminally corrupt quid pro quo between Trump and Moscow that there’s no public indication of yet.  Otherwise, the Times story is a damning account of an offense against our political order, and not by Donald Trump."  M.N.: Does the FBI have this "serious evidence"? That's the question.   Trump Collusion Investigation: FBI Behavior An Offense To Political Order Wednesday January 16 th , 2019  at  2:12 AM National Review 1 Share The FBI should brush up on the powers of the chief executive. T he FBI took it upon itself to determine whether the president of the United States is a threat to national security. No one had ever before thought that this was an appropriate role for the FBI, a subordinate agency in the executive branch, but Donald Trump isn’t the only one in Washington trampling norms.   The  New York Times ...