Saved Stories In Brief: Since you are not "a King" , and even if you were "a King"; you, little fat blob nothing... | CIA Secretly Owned Global Encryption Provider, Built Backdoors, Spied On 100+ Foreign Governments: Report | Buttigieg Supported by GOP Oligarch Len Blavatnik | Police Forcefully Break Up Postelection Protest In Azerbaijan - 5:07 PM 2/15/2020
Since you are not "a King" , and even if you were "a King"; you, little fat blob nothing:
15/02/20 10:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Since you are not "a King" - ziz iz just your sick fantasy, we have plenty of chances to finish the job, don't you worry about ziz! You are just a little nothing, and you prove ziz every time you open your mouth or pen a tweet; we are af...
» Saved Stories - None: The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...…
15/02/20 10:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 3:19pm Saved...
15/02/20 10:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 3:19pm Saved...
» Saved Stories - None: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #SickFantasy, we have #plenty of #chances to #finish the #job, don't you #worry about ziz! You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth fbinewsrevie
15/02/20 10:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #SickFantasy, we have #plenty of #chances to #finish the #job, don't you #worry about ziz! You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth
15/02/20 10:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #SickFantasy, we have #plenty of #chances to #finish the #job, don't you #worry about ziz! You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth
» Saved Stories - None: You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth or #pen a #tweet; we are after #TRUTH, and it takes #trials and #errors.…
15/02/20 10:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth or #pen a #tweet; we are after #TRUTH, and it takes #trials and #errors.… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, Februar...
15/02/20 10:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth or #pen a #tweet; we are after #TRUTH, and it takes #trials and #errors.… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, Februar...
» Saved Stories - None: The #FBI #News #Review - - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...…
15/02/20 10:27 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 3:20pm S...
15/02/20 10:27 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 3:20pm S...
» Saved Stories - None: ‘What the Hell Are We Doing Lending Money to a Guy Like This?’ - The New York Times
14/02/20 19:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
‘What the Hell Are We Doing Lending Money to a Guy Like This?’ The New York Times Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 19:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
‘What the Hell Are We Doing Lending Money to a Guy Like This?’ The New York Times Saved Stories - None
Saved Stories In Brief: Since you are not "a King" , and even if you were "a King"; you, little fat blob nothing... | CIA Secretly Owned Global Encryption Provider, Built Backdoors, Spied On 100+ Foreign Governments: Report | Buttigieg Supported by GOP Oligarch Len Blavatnik | Police Forcefully Break Up Postelection Protest In Azerbaijan - 5:07 PM 2/15/2020 -
Post Link: | |

» Saved Stories - None: Buttigieg Supported by GOP Oligarch Len Blavatnik
15/02/20 13:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Law & Crime. Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is facing questions after recent revelations that his 2020 effort has taken campaign contribut...
Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is facing questions after recent revelations that his 2020 effort has taken campaign contributions from an infamous Republican Party billionaire with direct links to the Russian oligarchy. That’s according Federal Election Commission (FEC) data reviewed by Law&Crime.
Previously described in the press as “The Giver,” Leonard “Len” Blavatnik is a well-known GOP donor with a New York address who previously took it upon himself to fund President Donald Trump‘s lavish — and allegedly criminal — inauguration festivities in 2017 to the tune of some $1 million.
Now, Blavatnik and his wife are apparently shifting allegiances. As of this writing, they have donated thousands of dollars to Pete for America, Inc., Buttigieg’s official campaign organization.
A summer 2017 commentary for the Dallas Morning News by Ruth May catalogues a bit more of Blavatnik’s political spending habits:
“Mitch McConnell was the top [individual] recipient of Blavatnik’s donations, collecting $2.5 million for his GOP Senate Leadership Fund under the names of two of Blavatnik’s holding companies, Access Industries and AI Altep Holdings,” she wrote.
A January 2019 Quartz article describes another notable expenditure:
“Blavatnik’s relationships with Russian oligarchs close to Putin, particularly Oleg Deripaska, should be worrisome for Trump and the six GOP leaders who took Blavatnik’s money during the 2016 presidential campaign,” May wrote in 2017.
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow long and loudly beat the anti-Blavatnik drum–and played up his oligarchical connections–while he was mainly known for donating to Republicans and ramped up criticism amidst a controversy that saw Deripaska’s network delisted from the United States’ sanctions regime against the Russian Federation.
Liberal outlet Mother Jones reported on those connections in 2019:
And, since making the donations to Buttigieg’s campaign, the Blavatniks have attempted to “purchase” “influence” (as progressives maintain) with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) as well, giving the Democratic Party’s leading congressional incumbent protection organization well over $400,000 — all the while hedging their bets and keeping up similarly-sized donations to the GOP as well, according to publicly-available data collected by the FEC. Giving to both sides is a tactic also employed by some American businesses and business leaders.
The former mayor’s support from the so-called “Russian-linked oligarch” was first noted by Men4Choice co-founder Justin Horowitz.
“Wow. One of the billionaires powering Pete Buttigieg’s campaign is a Russian-linked oligarch who contributed millions to Trump and GOP PACs for Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell and Scott Walker,” Horowitz noted. “You can’t make this stuff up.”
“[Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, and] #resistance twitter made multiple media cycles about this donor, saying Russia was taking over America,” Horowitz continued — responding to left-wing criticism that his language was playing leaning too heavily on the largely discredited Russiagate narrative. “Only reason I said ‘russian-linked’ is to point out obvious hypocrisy they engage in on the daily. Billionaire right winger is all that really matters.”
Law&Crime reached out to the Buttigieg campaign for comment and clarification on this report, but no response was forthcoming at the time of publication.
[Image via Win McNamee/Getty Images.]
Previously described in the press as “The Giver,” Leonard “Len” Blavatnik is a well-known GOP donor with a New York address who previously took it upon himself to fund President Donald Trump‘s lavish — and allegedly criminal — inauguration festivities in 2017 to the tune of some $1 million.
Now, Blavatnik and his wife are apparently shifting allegiances. As of this writing, they have donated thousands of dollars to Pete for America, Inc., Buttigieg’s official campaign organization.
A summer 2017 commentary for the Dallas Morning News by Ruth May catalogues a bit more of Blavatnik’s political spending habits:
Donald Trump and the political action committees for Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich and John McCain accepted $7.35 million in contributions from a Ukrainian-born oligarch who is the business partner of two of Russian president Vladimir Putin‘s favorite oligarchs and a Russian government bank.Citing public data available via the FEC and from campaign finance data clearinghouse OpenSecrets, May notes that most of Blavatnik’s largesse was distributed among Republicans during the 2015-2016 election campaign–accounting for $6.35 million of the oligarch’s spending up to that point.
“Mitch McConnell was the top [individual] recipient of Blavatnik’s donations, collecting $2.5 million for his GOP Senate Leadership Fund under the names of two of Blavatnik’s holding companies, Access Industries and AI Altep Holdings,” she wrote.
A January 2019 Quartz article describes another notable expenditure:
Trump’s campaign didn’t receive any Blavatnik cash during the 2016 campaign but he has donated large sums to the Republican National Committee’s legal fund, which has helped finance Trump’s legal defense for the Russia probe, according to the Wall Street Journal.Aside from the large sums of campaign cash doled out to leading Republicans, Blavatnik has largely been considered problematic by the media and Beltway establishment because of his documented ties to Vladimir Putin and the Russian leader’s inner circle.
“Blavatnik’s relationships with Russian oligarchs close to Putin, particularly Oleg Deripaska, should be worrisome for Trump and the six GOP leaders who took Blavatnik’s money during the 2016 presidential campaign,” May wrote in 2017.
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow long and loudly beat the anti-Blavatnik drum–and played up his oligarchical connections–while he was mainly known for donating to Republicans and ramped up criticism amidst a controversy that saw Deripaska’s network delisted from the United States’ sanctions regime against the Russian Federation.
Liberal outlet Mother Jones reported on those connections in 2019:
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) sent a separate letter probing whether [Treasury Secretary Steven] Mnuchin has a personal conflict of interest in the delisting deal. In her letter, first reported by Buzzfeed, Speier noted that prior to taking office Mnuchin owned a movie production company that he sold, in part, to Access Industries, a company owned by Len Blavatnik, a Russian-born billionaire who has ties to Deripaska. Blavatnik sits on the board of a company called SUAL, a major shareholder in Rusal. According to the New York Times, SUAL’s stake in Rusal will increase as part of Deripaska’s deal with the Treasury Department. In short, a man who is believed to have paid Mnuchin as much as $25 million for his movie company may well benefit from the deal to remove Rusal from the sanctions list.Buttigieg’s support from the Blavatnik family, so far, runs in excess of $5,000, according to the FEC–close to the maximum allowed by law.
And, since making the donations to Buttigieg’s campaign, the Blavatniks have attempted to “purchase” “influence” (as progressives maintain) with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) as well, giving the Democratic Party’s leading congressional incumbent protection organization well over $400,000 — all the while hedging their bets and keeping up similarly-sized donations to the GOP as well, according to publicly-available data collected by the FEC. Giving to both sides is a tactic also employed by some American businesses and business leaders.
The former mayor’s support from the so-called “Russian-linked oligarch” was first noted by Men4Choice co-founder Justin Horowitz.
“Wow. One of the billionaires powering Pete Buttigieg’s campaign is a Russian-linked oligarch who contributed millions to Trump and GOP PACs for Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell and Scott Walker,” Horowitz noted. “You can’t make this stuff up.”
“[Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, and] #resistance twitter made multiple media cycles about this donor, saying Russia was taking over America,” Horowitz continued — responding to left-wing criticism that his language was playing leaning too heavily on the largely discredited Russiagate narrative. “Only reason I said ‘russian-linked’ is to point out obvious hypocrisy they engage in on the daily. Billionaire right winger is all that really matters.”
Law&Crime reached out to the Buttigieg campaign for comment and clarification on this report, but no response was forthcoming at the time of publication.
[Image via Win McNamee/Getty Images.]
CIA Secretly Owned Global Encryption Provider, Built Backdoors, Spied On 100+ Foreign Governments: Report
Wed, 12 Feb 2020 13:06:45 -0500
More than 100 countries across the globe relied for decades upon encryption equipment from a Swiss provider, Crypto AG, to keep their top-secret communications, well, top-secret. For decades, it is alleged, U.S. intelligence agencies were able to read those encrypted communications.
The Swiss company that global governments trusted with their most sensitive of conversations for more than fifty years was actually owned by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in partnership with the West German BND intelligence service, according to an investigation based on CIA documents obtained by the reporters.
Operation Rubicon, as it became known, was both brazen in nature and breathtaking in scope. Foreign governments paid top dollar for the equipment that was being used to spy upon them by both the U.S. and West Germany, and potentially other nation-states that were part of what is known as the Five Eyes alliance: the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
The idea of a nation-state being able to introduce vulnerabilities into communications equipment that enable eavesdropping into sensitive and supposedly highly encrypted conversations may sound familiar. It’s at the heart of the U.S. Government argument to prevent telecoms equipment made by Huawei from being used. Indeed, the revelation that the U.S. apparently has “evidence” of a Huawei capability to do just this is currently being widely reported and continues to stoke the flames of fear. Fear, one must suggest, that could be based upon a been there, done that, had been hiding the t-shirt mentality of U.S. intelligence agencies.
That history suggests that the company was secretly purchased by the CIA and BND in 1970, with the BND selling its share to the U.S. sometime in the early 1990s. The Washington Post investigation concludes that the CIA might have been able to exploit Crypt AG backdoors until as recently as 2018 when the company was eventually sold to private buyers.
In the meantime, more than 100 governments around the world, possibly as many as 120, purchased and employed the backdoored equipment. China and the Soviet Union, as it was then, weren’t amongst the buyers. However, Egypt was, and this apparently enabled the U.S. to monitor communications between Anwar Sadat and Cairo during the Egypt-Israel peace accord meeting at Camp David in 1978. So was Iran, and this was exploited by the U.S. during the 1979 hostage crisis, for example. The U.K. benefited from U.S. intelligence garnered from Argentinian communications during the Falklands War, the report reveals. Other countries that were customers of the company included India, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the Vatican.
The Washington Post reports that neither of the companies which purchased the “dismembered” Crypto AG assets in 2018 has any “ongoing connection to any intelligence service.”
The Swiss government has started an investigation into the reports, having first been made aware of the revelations in November 2019.
Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO at Cyjax and a former member of the Canadian Forces Military Intelligence Branch, says that the revelation is “completely in line with the American intelligence community desire for encryption backdoors dating back to World War Two.” While arguing that you could spend “zillions of dollars” to break crypto like the allies’ efforts back then with Enigma, Thornton-Trump says, “it’s so much easier and orders of magnitude less expensive to ‘pre-break’ encryption at the supply chain level.” The problems start when trying to act upon that intelligence. “When you have good intelligence on something really bad about to happen, even though you could counter it, you can’t as it may reveal the covert access you have established,” he says. Historically, Thornton-Trump says, covert access like this has to be used in a very limited capacity. “Knowing all the things,” he concludes, “does not mean you can act on all the things.”
Operation Rubicon, as it became known, was both brazen in nature and breathtaking in scope. Foreign governments paid top dollar for the equipment that was being used to spy upon them by both the U.S. and West Germany, and potentially other nation-states that were part of what is known as the Five Eyes alliance: the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
Operation Rubicon: How the CIA ‘owned’ encryption
The Washington Post has got access to internal CIA accounts of the intelligence operation known as Rubicon, and the revelations confirm what has been rumored for many years. Namely that the CIA and BND partnership added backdoors into the Crypto AG encryption products and used these for intelligence-gathering purposes across the years. Intelligence gathering, it would appear, from both adversaries and allies. According to the CIA report quoted by the Washington Post, Rubicon was the “intelligence coup of the century.”The idea of a nation-state being able to introduce vulnerabilities into communications equipment that enable eavesdropping into sensitive and supposedly highly encrypted conversations may sound familiar. It’s at the heart of the U.S. Government argument to prevent telecoms equipment made by Huawei from being used. Indeed, the revelation that the U.S. apparently has “evidence” of a Huawei capability to do just this is currently being widely reported and continues to stoke the flames of fear. Fear, one must suggest, that could be based upon a been there, done that, had been hiding the t-shirt mentality of U.S. intelligence agencies.
The most detailed evidence of Operation Rubicon so far
The idea of backdoors in Crypto AG ciphering machines has surfaced repeatedly over the decades, the earliest reporting I could find being that of Scott Shane and Tom Browne in the Baltimore Sun back in 1995. However, until now, these reports were based upon hearsay. The Washington Post investigation puts the meat back onto the bone with the most detailed CIA history of events to date using leaked “secret” documents.That history suggests that the company was secretly purchased by the CIA and BND in 1970, with the BND selling its share to the U.S. sometime in the early 1990s. The Washington Post investigation concludes that the CIA might have been able to exploit Crypt AG backdoors until as recently as 2018 when the company was eventually sold to private buyers.
In the meantime, more than 100 governments around the world, possibly as many as 120, purchased and employed the backdoored equipment. China and the Soviet Union, as it was then, weren’t amongst the buyers. However, Egypt was, and this apparently enabled the U.S. to monitor communications between Anwar Sadat and Cairo during the Egypt-Israel peace accord meeting at Camp David in 1978. So was Iran, and this was exploited by the U.S. during the 1979 hostage crisis, for example. The U.K. benefited from U.S. intelligence garnered from Argentinian communications during the Falklands War, the report reveals. Other countries that were customers of the company included India, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the Vatican.
The Washington Post reports that neither of the companies which purchased the “dismembered” Crypto AG assets in 2018 has any “ongoing connection to any intelligence service.”
The Swiss government has started an investigation into the reports, having first been made aware of the revelations in November 2019.
The military intelligence expert view
“The intelligence services from any country using legitimate companies as a front is a tactic that has been used for many many years,” Philip Ingram, a former Colonel in British Military Intelligence, says, “international cooperation on a bilateral basis again is nothing new what is interesting is this is Germany and the U.S. at a time when it was the U.S. and the U.S. leading cryptology.” While in the early days of encryption it was under the control of governments and subject to the same export restrictions as weapons, in 1977, the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulation Code was used to raise concerns about the publication and distribution of crypto research. “As the government-led and owned crypto monopoly become more and more fragile with the development of commercial cryptography the intelligence agencies will have done everything they can to try and maintain the edge,” Ingram says, “losing visibility, even for a short period of time, is an agencies worst nightmare.”Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO at Cyjax and a former member of the Canadian Forces Military Intelligence Branch, says that the revelation is “completely in line with the American intelligence community desire for encryption backdoors dating back to World War Two.” While arguing that you could spend “zillions of dollars” to break crypto like the allies’ efforts back then with Enigma, Thornton-Trump says, “it’s so much easier and orders of magnitude less expensive to ‘pre-break’ encryption at the supply chain level.” The problems start when trying to act upon that intelligence. “When you have good intelligence on something really bad about to happen, even though you could counter it, you can’t as it may reveal the covert access you have established,” he says. Historically, Thornton-Trump says, covert access like this has to be used in a very limited capacity. “Knowing all the things,” he concludes, “does not mean you can act on all the things.”
This article was written by Davey Winder from Forbes and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to
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Since you are not "a King" - ziz iz just your sick fantasy, we have plenty of chances to finish the job, don't you worry about ziz! You are just a little nothing, and you prove ziz every time you open your mouth or pen a tweet; we are af...
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Since you are not "a King" - ziz iz just your sick fantasy, we have plenty of chances to finish the job, don't you worry about ziz! You are just a little nothing, and you prove ziz every time you open your mouth or pen a tweet; we are af...
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The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 3:19pm Saved...
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The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 3:19pm Saved...
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Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #SickFantasy, we have #plenty of #chances to #finish the #job, don't you #worry about ziz! You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth
15/02/20 10:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #SickFantasy, we have #plenty of #chances to #finish the #job, don't you #worry about ziz! You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth
» Saved Stories - None: You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth or #pen a #tweet; we are after #TRUTH, and it takes #trials and #errors.…
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You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth or #pen a #tweet; we are after #TRUTH, and it takes #trials and #errors.… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, Februar...
15/02/20 10:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
You are just a #LittleNothing, and you #prove ziz #EveryTime you #open your #mouth or #pen a #tweet; we are after #TRUTH, and it takes #trials and #errors.… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, Februar...
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The #FBI #News #Review - - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: Since you are not "a #King" - ziz iz just your #Si...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 3:20pm S...
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» Saved Stories - None: Conversation About 'Moral Injury' Captures Doctors' Distress Deeper Than Burnout - WBUR
14/02/20 19:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Conversation About 'Moral Injury' Captures Doctors' Distress Deeper Than Burnout WBUR Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 19:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Conversation About 'Moral Injury' Captures Doctors' Distress Deeper Than Burnout WBUR Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: The Barr File: Trump’s Man on the Inside
14/02/20 19:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The post The Barr File: Trump’s Man on the Inside appeared first on The Moscow Project . Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 19:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The post The Barr File: Trump’s Man on the Inside appeared first on The Moscow Project . Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Viral Posts Spread Iran-'Deep State' Conspiracy Theory -
14/02/20 19:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Viral Posts Spread Iran-'Deep State' Conspiracy Theory Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 19:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Viral Posts Spread Iran-'Deep State' Conspiracy Theory Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: 3:20 PM 2/14/2020 - The Corrupted In Chief, Putin The Sixty Billion, declared a new phase in his "Fight with Corruption": he approved the new membership in the Special Anti-corruption Council...
14/02/20 19:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Post Link - 3:20 PM 2/14/2020 ____________________________________________ The Corrupted In Chief, Putin The Sixty Billion, declared a new phase in h...
14/02/20 19:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Post Link - 3:20 PM 2/14/2020 ____________________________________________ The Corrupted In Chief, Putin The Sixty Billion, declared a new phase in h...
» Saved Stories - None: Graham requests interviews with DOJ, FBI officials as part of probe into Russia investigation | TheHill - The Hill
14/02/20 19:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Graham requests interviews with DOJ, FBI officials as part of probe into Russia investigation | TheHill The Hill Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 19:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Graham requests interviews with DOJ, FBI officials as part of probe into Russia investigation | TheHill The Hill Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "trump and republican party" - Google News: Over GOP leader’s objections, Trump faces primary in Connecticut - The CT Mirror
14/02/20 19:51 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Over GOP leader’s objections, Trump faces primary in Connecticut The CT Mirror "trump and republican party" - Google News Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 19:51 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Over GOP leader’s objections, Trump faces primary in Connecticut The CT Mirror "trump and republican party" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Barr Orders Review Of Michael Flynn Case, Heightening Political Interference Concerns
14/02/20 19:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The attorney general's move renews the questions about how the Justice Department is treating Donald Trump allies. Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 19:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The attorney general's move renews the questions about how the Justice Department is treating Donald Trump allies. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Three Ways To Help The People Standing Up For The Rule Of Law | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
14/02/20 19:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 01:46 Timothy Snyder, author of "On Tyranny," offers Rachel Maddow three ways to help people who have put themselves in harm's way by standing up for the rule of law feel less lonely and more courage. Air...
14/02/20 19:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 01:46 Timothy Snyder, author of "On Tyranny," offers Rachel Maddow three ways to help people who have put themselves in harm's way by standing up for the rule of law feel less lonely and more courage. Air...
» Saved Stories - None: "putin won US 2016 election" - Google News: Bernie Sanders pranked by Russians posing as Greta Thunberg - Beatrice Daily Sun
14/02/20 19:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Bernie Sanders pranked by Russians posing as Greta Thunberg Beatrice Daily Sun "putin won US 2016 election" - Google News Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 19:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Bernie Sanders pranked by Russians posing as Greta Thunberg Beatrice Daily Sun "putin won US 2016 election" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: One of the Putin's Laundry Girls: U.S. Says Billionaire Deripaska Laundered Putin’s Cash – FT - 8:07 AM 2/14/2020
14/02/20 11:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Link: US cites reports Oleg Deripaska helped Vladimir Putin launder cash - Financial Times Deripaska and Putin - Google Search One of the Putin's Laundr...
14/02/20 11:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Link: US cites reports Oleg Deripaska helped Vladimir Putin launder cash - Financial Times Deripaska and Putin - Google Search One of the Putin's Laundr...
» Saved Stories - None: 10:39 AM 2/14/2020 - Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности • Президент России
14/02/20 11:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
10:39 AM 2/14/2020 - Post Link: Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности • Президент России Facebook | Twitter | Shared Stories | Saved Stories ________________...
14/02/20 11:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
10:39 AM 2/14/2020 - Post Link: Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности • Президент России Facebook | Twitter | Shared Stories | Saved Stories ________________...
» Saved Stories - None: Is Oleg Deripaska the missing link in the Trump-Russia investigation? | World news | Deripaska and Putin - Google Search | US cites stories Oleg Deripaska helped Vladimir Putin launder money | 10:39 AM 2/14/2020 - Совещание с пост
14/02/20 11:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites) _____________________________________________________________________________ Is Oleg Deripaska the missing link... - Post Link _____________________...
14/02/20 11:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites) _____________________________________________________________________________ Is Oleg Deripaska the missing link... - Post Link _____________________...
» Saved Stories - None: U.S. Readied Sanctions on Russian Oligarch's Associates—Then Mysteriously Backed Off - Daily Beast
14/02/20 07:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
U.S. Readied Sanctions on Russian Oligarch's Associates—Then Mysteriously Backed Off Daily Beast Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
U.S. Readied Sanctions on Russian Oligarch's Associates—Then Mysteriously Backed Off Daily Beast Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: People Aren’t Buying William Barr’s Rebuke Of Donald Trump
14/02/20 07:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Lawmakers, legal experts and Lawmakers, legal experts, cable news hosts and more highly doubt the attorney general's interview appearing to stand up to apparent pushback at the president. Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Lawmakers, legal experts and Lawmakers, legal experts, cable news hosts and more highly doubt the attorney general's interview appearing to stand up to apparent pushback at the president. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: I Won't Be 'Bullied,' Barr Tells Trump
14/02/20 07:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Katie Benner , New York Times Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Katie Benner , New York Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Justice Dept. Probes CIA Resistance to Sharing Russia Secrets
14/02/20 07:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Savage et al., NYT Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Savage et al., NYT Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "2016 elections anxiety" - Google News: After split results, Democrats brace for a long primary. Just what Bloomberg wants. -
14/02/20 07:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
After split results, Democrats brace for a long primary. Just what Bloomberg wants. "2016 elections anxiety" - Google News Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
After split results, Democrats brace for a long primary. Just what Bloomberg wants. "2016 elections anxiety" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "trump as danger to National Security" - Google News: Trump’s Policy on New York’s ‘Trusted Travelers’ Is Unconstitutional - The New York Times
14/02/20 07:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump’s Policy on New York’s ‘Trusted Travelers’ Is Unconstitutional The New York Times "trump as danger to National Security" - Google News Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump’s Policy on New York’s ‘Trusted Travelers’ Is Unconstitutional The New York Times "trump as danger to National Security" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "Donald Trump" - Google News: Sex, Lies and Prenups: Donald Trump's Timeless Wisdom on Love - POLITICO Magazine
14/02/20 07:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Sex, Lies and Prenups: Donald Trump's Timeless Wisdom on Love POLITICO Magazine "Donald Trump" - Google News Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Sex, Lies and Prenups: Donald Trump's Timeless Wisdom on Love POLITICO Magazine "Donald Trump" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: The Benefits of Being Joe Biden’s Brother
14/02/20 07:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
by Daniel Golden , ProPublica, and Chuck Neubauer and Matthew Malone for ProPublica ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they’re published. Jim Biden was ...
14/02/20 07:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
by Daniel Golden , ProPublica, and Chuck Neubauer and Matthew Malone for ProPublica ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they’re published. Jim Biden was ...
» Saved Stories - None: Pompeo makes 1st trip to Africa in bid to reassert US as leading partner - KGO-TV
14/02/20 07:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Pompeo makes 1st trip to Africa in bid to reassert US as leading partner KGO-TV Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Pompeo makes 1st trip to Africa in bid to reassert US as leading partner KGO-TV Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Police warns of online Bitcoin fraud -
14/02/20 07:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Police warns of online Bitcoin fraud Saved Stories - None
14/02/20 07:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Police warns of online Bitcoin fraud Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Politics: Trump allies take aim at Buttigieg’s sexuality, a possible sign of things to come
13/02/20 21:50 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Rush Limbaugh’s suggestion that “America’s still not ready to elect a gay guy” could be a foretaste of what Buttigieg will face if he is the nominee. Politics Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 21:50 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Rush Limbaugh’s suggestion that “America’s still not ready to elect a gay guy” could be a foretaste of what Buttigieg will face if he is the nominee. Politics Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: PBS NewsHour full episode, Feb 13, 2020
13/02/20 21:49 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 56:45 Thursday on the NewsHour, a conversation with Sen. Bernie Sanders, one of the current leaders in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. Plus: Ongoing political fallout in China over the novel coronavi...
13/02/20 21:49 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 56:45 Thursday on the NewsHour, a conversation with Sen. Bernie Sanders, one of the current leaders in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. Plus: Ongoing political fallout in China over the novel coronavi...
» Saved Stories - None: FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: White House responds to Barr's concerns with Trump tweets
13/02/20 21:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 00:47 In a statement, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham says President Trump wasn't bothered by Barr's comments at all. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), ...
13/02/20 21:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 00:47 In a statement, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham says President Trump wasn't bothered by Barr's comments at all. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), ...
» Saved Stories - None: US Senators Point to 'Hypersonic Gap' With Russia, China | Voice of America - English
13/02/20 21:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US Senators Point to 'Hypersonic Gap' With Russia , China ... In the 2021 budget released Monday, the Trump administration proposed $3.2 billion for ... Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 21:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US Senators Point to 'Hypersonic Gap' With Russia , China ... In the 2021 budget released Monday, the Trump administration proposed $3.2 billion for ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Trump Admin Seeking Basis to Accuse Obama-Era Intelligence of Hiding, Distorting Evidence of ...
13/02/20 21:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Investigations into allegations that Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election in 2016 may be veering towards a theory that intelligence ... Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 21:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Investigations into allegations that Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election in 2016 may be veering towards a theory that intelligence ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "social media in trump campaign" - Google News: William Barr says Trump's tweets 'make it impossible to do my job' - The Guardian
13/02/20 21:46 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
William Barr says Trump's tweets 'make it impossible to do my job' The Guardian "social media in trump campaign" - Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 21:46 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
William Barr says Trump's tweets 'make it impossible to do my job' The Guardian "social media in trump campaign" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: Attorney General Barr says Trump's tweets about DOJ "make it impossible for me to do my job"
13/02/20 21:45 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 10:33 Attorney General William Barr says in an interview that President Trump's tweets make it "impossible" for him to do his job. Congressional reporter for the Los Angeles Times Jennifer Haberkorn and McCl...
13/02/20 21:45 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 10:33 Attorney General William Barr says in an interview that President Trump's tweets make it "impossible" for him to do his job. Congressional reporter for the Los Angeles Times Jennifer Haberkorn and McCl...
» Saved Stories - None: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Besieged AG Barr Knocks Trump But Still Backs Plot To Help Convicted Trump Aide | MSNBC
13/02/20 21:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 05:03 In a rare rebuke, Attorney General Bill Barr admits Trump makes his job harder by tweeting, but still stands by helping convicted Trump aide, Roger Stone. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on why Barr is t...
13/02/20 21:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 05:03 In a rare rebuke, Attorney General Bill Barr admits Trump makes his job harder by tweeting, but still stands by helping convicted Trump aide, Roger Stone. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on why Barr is t...
» Saved Stories - None: Durham Reportedly Investigating Whether CIA Withheld Information From FBI in Russia Probe - The Epoch Times
13/02/20 21:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Durham Reportedly Investigating Whether CIA Withheld Information From FBI in Russia Probe The Epoch Times Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 21:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Durham Reportedly Investigating Whether CIA Withheld Information From FBI in Russia Probe The Epoch Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "Comey" - Google News: Barr pushes back against Trump’s criticism of Justice Dept., says tweets ‘make it impossible for me to do my job’ - The Washington Post
13/02/20 21:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Barr pushes back against Trump’s criticism of Justice Dept., says tweets ‘make it impossible for me to do my job’ The Washington Post "Comey" - Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 21:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Barr pushes back against Trump’s criticism of Justice Dept., says tweets ‘make it impossible for me to do my job’ The Washington Post "Comey" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Senate Passes Resolution To Limit Trump's Ability To Declare War On Iran | Katy Tur | MSNBC
13/02/20 15:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 01:59 The Senate has voted to approve a resolution that will limit President Trump's ability to declare war on Iran with bipartisan support. NBC News' Leigh Ann Caldwell reports from Capitol Hill. Aired o...
13/02/20 15:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 01:59 The Senate has voted to approve a resolution that will limit President Trump's ability to declare war on Iran with bipartisan support. NBC News' Leigh Ann Caldwell reports from Capitol Hill. Aired o...
» Saved Stories - None: "Donald Trump" - Google News: Senate Republicans defied Trump, voted to block him from war with Iran - Business Insider - Business Insider
13/02/20 15:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Senate Republicans defied Trump, voted to block him from war with Iran - Business Insider Business Insider "Donald Trump" - Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 15:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Senate Republicans defied Trump, voted to block him from war with Iran - Business Insider Business Insider "Donald Trump" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Nikol Pashinyan: "It is a great honor to have such a colleague and friend like Angela Merkel." - #TweetsByMikeNov - 3:20 PM 2/13/2020
13/02/20 15:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov. Nikol Pashinyan @NikolPashinyan It is a great honor to have such a colleague and friend like Angela Merkel. #TweetsByMik...
13/02/20 15:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov. Nikol Pashinyan @NikolPashinyan It is a great honor to have such a colleague and friend like Angela Merkel. #TweetsByMik...
» Saved Stories - None: Justice Dept. Is Investigating C.I.A. Resistance to Sharing Russia Secrets - The New York Times
13/02/20 15:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Justice Dept. Is Investigating C.I.A. Resistance to Sharing Russia Secrets The New York Times Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 15:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Justice Dept. Is Investigating C.I.A. Resistance to Sharing Russia Secrets The New York Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Trump's interference in the Roger Stone' case is not normal - Bangor Daily News
13/02/20 15:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump's interference in the Roger Stone' case is not normal Bangor Daily News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 15:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump's interference in the Roger Stone' case is not normal Bangor Daily News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Can the World’s Second Superpower Rise From the Ashes of Twenty Years of War
13/02/20 15:51 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
February 15 marks the day, 17 years ago, when global demonstrations against the pending Iraq invasion were so massive that the New York Times called world public opinion “the second superpower.” But the U.S. ignored it ...
13/02/20 15:51 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
February 15 marks the day, 17 years ago, when global demonstrations against the pending Iraq invasion were so massive that the New York Times called world public opinion “the second superpower.” But the U.S. ignored it ...
» Saved Stories - None: Sudan reaches settlement with families of USS Cole victims
13/02/20 12:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Sudan said on Thursday a settlement has been reached for the families of U.S. Navy sailors killed in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, in an effort to have the African country taken off the U.S. terrorism list. Saved S...
13/02/20 12:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Sudan said on Thursday a settlement has been reached for the families of U.S. Navy sailors killed in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, in an effort to have the African country taken off the U.S. terrorism list. Saved S...
» Saved Stories - None: Iran Pulls Out All The Stops To Get An Apathetic Public To Vote
13/02/20 12:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Fearing a low turnout in the upcoming parliamentary elections, Iranian officials have resorted to begging, threats, and inducements to get the vote out. Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 12:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Fearing a low turnout in the upcoming parliamentary elections, Iranian officials have resorted to begging, threats, and inducements to get the vote out. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Retired NYPD cop says he was assaulted in Nashville bar over ‘Make 50 Great Again’ birthday hat: report
13/02/20 12:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
A retired New York City police officer says he got punched in the face at a Nashville bar, all because he was wearing a birthday hat and shirt with Trump-like slogans. Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 12:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
A retired New York City police officer says he got punched in the face at a Nashville bar, all because he was wearing a birthday hat and shirt with Trump-like slogans. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: US briefing: William Barr, coronavirus and 'amoral' foreign policy - The Guardian
13/02/20 12:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US briefing: William Barr, coronavirus and 'amoral' foreign policy The Guardian View Full Coverage on Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 12:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US briefing: William Barr, coronavirus and 'amoral' foreign policy The Guardian View Full Coverage on Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Just Security: The Early Edition: February 13, 2020
13/02/20 10:10 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Signup to receive the Early Edition in your inbox here . Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. ROGER STONE CASE Attorney Gene...
13/02/20 10:10 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Signup to receive the Early Edition in your inbox here . Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. ROGER STONE CASE Attorney Gene...
» Saved Stories - None: "Russian Intelligence services" - Google News: Russia's Attempts to Regain the Balkans Are Futile - Georgia Today
13/02/20 10:08 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Russia's Attempts to Regain the Balkans Are Futile Georgia Today "Russian Intelligence services" - Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 10:08 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Russia's Attempts to Regain the Balkans Are Futile Georgia Today "Russian Intelligence services" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as tragedy, then as farce" - Putinism as Stalinism Light: Putin Keeps Stalin’s Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West - 7:13 AM 2/13/2020
13/02/20 10:07 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov. Post Link - 7:13 AM 2/13/2020 " First as tragedy, then as farce " - Putinism as Stalinism Light : Putin Keeps Stali...
13/02/20 10:07 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov. Post Link - 7:13 AM 2/13/2020 " First as tragedy, then as farce " - Putinism as Stalinism Light : Putin Keeps Stali...
» Saved Stories - None: mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: "Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as...…
13/02/20 10:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: "Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as...… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 13th, 2020 1:41pm miken...
13/02/20 10:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: "Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as...… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 13th, 2020 1:41pm miken...
» Saved Stories - None: mikenov on Twitter: Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as tragedy, then as farce" - Putinism as Stalinism Light: Putin Keeps Stalin’s Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West - 7:13 AM 2/13/2020 fbinewsreview.blogspot.
13/02/20 10:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as tragedy, then as farce" - Putinism as Stalinism Light: Putin Keeps Stalin’s Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West - 7:13 AM 2/13/2020… Post...
13/02/20 10:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as tragedy, then as farce" - Putinism as Stalinism Light: Putin Keeps Stalin’s Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West - 7:13 AM 2/13/2020… Post...
» Saved Stories - None: mikenov on Twitter: "Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as tragedy, then as farce" - Putinism as Stalinism Light: Putin Keeps Stalin’s Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West - Не хлебом единым! fbinewsreview.blogspo
13/02/20 10:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
"Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as tragedy, then as farce" - Putinism as Stalinism Light: Putin Keeps Stalin’s Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West - Не хлебом единым!… Pos...
13/02/20 10:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
"Мы живём, под собою не чуя страны..." | "First as tragedy, then as farce" - Putinism as Stalinism Light: Putin Keeps Stalin’s Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West - Не хлебом единым!… Pos...
» Saved Stories - None: Twitter, Facebook fined for not moving user data to Russia - Hanford Sentinel
13/02/20 10:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Twitter, Facebook fined for not moving user data to Russia Hanford Sentinel Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 10:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Twitter, Facebook fined for not moving user data to Russia Hanford Sentinel Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Встреча с рабочей группой по подготовке предложений о внесении поправок в Конституцию • Президент России
13/02/20 10:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Встреча с рабочей группой по подготовке предложений о внесении поправок в Конституцию Владимир Путин проводит встречу с рабочей группой по подготовке предложений о внесении поправок в Основной закон Р...
13/02/20 10:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Встреча с рабочей группой по подготовке предложений о внесении поправок в Конституцию Владимир Путин проводит встречу с рабочей группой по подготовке предложений о внесении поправок в Основной закон Р...
» Saved Stories - None: NPR News: 02-13-2020 9AM ET
13/02/20 10:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-13-2020 9AM ET Download audio:
13/02/20 10:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-13-2020 9AM ET Download audio:
» Saved Stories - None: Just Security: Why the US Military Needs to Rethink How It Investigates Civilian Harm
13/02/20 10:03 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
When a U.S. military operation results in the death or injury of civilians, how does that harm get reported? Who can make a report? And what does the investigation that follows—if any—look like? To civilians living in Afghanistan, Iraq, ...
13/02/20 10:03 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
When a U.S. military operation results in the death or injury of civilians, how does that harm get reported? Who can make a report? And what does the investigation that follows—if any—look like? To civilians living in Afghanistan, Iraq, ...
» Saved Stories - None: Putin Keeps Stalin's Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West - The Moscow Times
13/02/20 06:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin Keeps Stalin's Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West The Moscow Times Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin Keeps Stalin's Crimes Under Wraps in WWII Battle With West The Moscow Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "Trump anxiety" - Google News: On Super Tuesday, California will be gatekeeper to the final stretch - Los Angeles Times
13/02/20 06:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
On Super Tuesday, California will be gatekeeper to the final stretch Los Angeles Times "Trump anxiety" - Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
On Super Tuesday, California will be gatekeeper to the final stretch Los Angeles Times "Trump anxiety" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Netanyahu: Reading Torah Gives me Strength
13/02/20 06:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went for a stop in the northern Israeli town of Carmiel while on the campaign trail. During his visit, he was ... Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went for a stop in the northern Israeli town of Carmiel while on the campaign trail. During his visit, he was ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Roger Stone Faces Judge Who Has Spurned and Sided With Trump - Bloomberg
13/02/20 06:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Roger Stone Faces Judge Who Has Spurned and Sided With Trump Bloomberg Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Roger Stone Faces Judge Who Has Spurned and Sided With Trump Bloomberg Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: NPR News: 02-13-2020 4AM ET
13/02/20 06:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-13-2020 4AM ET Download audio:
13/02/20 06:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-13-2020 4AM ET Download audio:
» Saved Stories - None: "trump authoritarianism" - Google News: No fatalism allowed: Democrats can beat Trump with a progressive-centrist unity ticket - USA TODAY
13/02/20 06:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
No fatalism allowed: Democrats can beat Trump with a progressive-centrist unity ticket USA TODAY "trump authoritarianism" - Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
No fatalism allowed: Democrats can beat Trump with a progressive-centrist unity ticket USA TODAY "trump authoritarianism" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "organized crime and terrorism" - Google News: Sudan Signs Deal with Families of USS Cole Bombing Victims - Asharq Al-awsat English
13/02/20 06:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Sudan Signs Deal with Families of USS Cole Bombing Victims Asharq Al-awsat English "organized crime and terrorism" - Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Sudan Signs Deal with Families of USS Cole Bombing Victims Asharq Al-awsat English "organized crime and terrorism" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "israel and germany" - Google News: The Israeli conductor who is beating the Mafia with music - Jewish Chronicle
13/02/20 06:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Israeli conductor who is beating the Mafia with music Jewish Chronicle "israel and germany" - Google News Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Israeli conductor who is beating the Mafia with music Jewish Chronicle "israel and germany" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Conservative Columnist Sounds The Alarm About Donald Trump's Post-Acquittal Era
13/02/20 06:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
"This is not normal. This is truly a mayday moment for our democracy," warned The Washington Post pundit Max Boot. Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
"This is not normal. This is truly a mayday moment for our democracy," warned The Washington Post pundit Max Boot. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Why Was Hunter Biden on Board of Left's Security Institute?
13/02/20 06:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Eliana Johnson , Beacon If Joe Biden's presidential campaign collapses in the coming weeks, as looks increasingly likely, it will be in part because of stories like this. Saved Stories - None
13/02/20 06:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Eliana Johnson , Beacon If Joe Biden's presidential campaign collapses in the coming weeks, as looks increasingly likely, it will be in part because of stories like this. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: NPR News: 02-12-2020 1PM ET
12/02/20 13:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-12-2020 1PM ET Download audio:
12/02/20 13:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-12-2020 1PM ET Download audio:
» Saved Stories - None: Бывший начальник управления ФСИН покончил с собой в зале суда в Москве - РИА Новости, 12.02.2020
12/02/20 13:37 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . МОСКВА, 12 фев — РИА Новости. Бывший начальник одного из управлений ФСИН Виктор Свиридов покончил с собой в зале Чертановского суда Москвы, сообщила РИА Новости пресс-секретарь Мосгорсуда Ульяна Солоп...
12/02/20 13:37 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . МОСКВА, 12 фев — РИА Новости. Бывший начальник одного из управлений ФСИН Виктор Свиридов покончил с собой в зале Чертановского суда Москвы, сообщила РИА Новости пресс-секретарь Мосгорсуда Ульяна Солоп...
» Saved Stories - None: Chechen critic’s murder calls attention to UFC’s ties to Kadyrov - Bloody Elbow
12/02/20 13:37 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Bloody Elbow - All Posts. Murder of Chechen critic in France raises concerns about UFC’s ties to Kadyrov Karim Zidan delves into the latest assassination of a Chechen critic and how the bloody inci...
12/02/20 13:37 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Bloody Elbow - All Posts. Murder of Chechen critic in France raises concerns about UFC’s ties to Kadyrov Karim Zidan delves into the latest assassination of a Chechen critic and how the bloody inci...
» Saved Stories - None: Donald Trump's fascist Circus Maximus: Pay attention to what's going on below the surface - Salon
12/02/20 13:36 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Donald Trump's fascist Circus Maximus: Pay attention to what's going on below the surface Salon Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 13:36 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Donald Trump's fascist Circus Maximus: Pay attention to what's going on below the surface Salon Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: First same-sex couple ties the knot in Northern Ireland
12/02/20 13:36 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: Euronews Duration: 02:31 Robyn Peoples and Sharni Edwards made history today as they were the first same-sex couple to get married in Northern Ireland. … READ MORE :
12/02/20 13:36 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: Euronews Duration: 02:31 Robyn Peoples and Sharni Edwards made history today as they were the first same-sex couple to get married in Northern Ireland. … READ MORE :
» Saved Stories - None: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson takes questions in parliament | LIVE
12/02/20 13:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: Euronews Duration: 00:00 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson takes questions in parliament. Subscribe to our channel: Watch our LIVE here:
12/02/20 13:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: Euronews Duration: 00:00 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson takes questions in parliament. Subscribe to our channel: Watch our LIVE here:
» Saved Stories - None: Salvini faces key senate vote over 'migrant kidnapping' allegations
12/02/20 13:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: Euronews Duration: 01:58 League leader Matteo Salvini faces a key vote in Italy' Senate today on to whether proceed with his indictment over 'migrant kidnapping' allegations.… READ MORE :
12/02/20 13:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: Euronews Duration: 01:58 League leader Matteo Salvini faces a key vote in Italy' Senate today on to whether proceed with his indictment over 'migrant kidnapping' allegations.… READ MORE :
» Saved Stories - None: В Бундестаге по делу о коррупции допросят главу Еврокомиссии
12/02/20 13:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
В Бундестаге по делу о коррупции допросят главу Еврокомиссии Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 13:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
В Бундестаге по делу о коррупции допросят главу Еврокомиссии Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Бывший начальник управления ФСИН покончил с собой в зале суда в Москве
12/02/20 13:34 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Бывший начальник управления ФСИН покончил с собой в зале суда в Москве Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 13:34 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Бывший начальник управления ФСИН покончил с собой в зале суда в Москве Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Descendants of Nazi victims continue fight for German citizenship
12/02/20 13:33 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Hundreds of descendants of German Jews who fled Nazi persecution have been fighting for years for naturalization. The Interior Ministry last year eased restrictions — but, but for many applicants, it’s not enough. Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 13:33 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Hundreds of descendants of German Jews who fled Nazi persecution have been fighting for years for naturalization. The Interior Ministry last year eased restrictions — but, but for many applicants, it’s not enough. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Russia's trust in Putin falls to six-year low despite high approval rating: pollster
12/02/20 13:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Russian public's trust in President Vladimir Putin fell to its lowest in six years last month, the Levada opinion pollster said on Wednesday, despite the Russian leader's approval rating remaining high. Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 13:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Russian public's trust in President Vladimir Putin fell to its lowest in six years last month, the Levada opinion pollster said on Wednesday, despite the Russian leader's approval rating remaining high. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Why Valentine’s Day in These European Countries Is All About Friendship
12/02/20 13:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Five days before Valentine’s Day, Taru Jäntti, 27, made her way to the local post office in Helsinki to send cards to her four closest friends. “For me, friends are the most important people in my life,” Jäntt...
12/02/20 13:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Five days before Valentine’s Day, Taru Jäntti, 27, made her way to the local post office in Helsinki to send cards to her four closest friends. “For me, friends are the most important people in my life,” Jäntt...
» Saved Stories - None: Spanish police arrest former head of Mexico's state oil firm Pemex
12/02/20 13:16 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Spanish police on Wednesday arrested Emilio Lozoya, the former chief executive of Mexico's state oil firm Pemex, giving Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's government its first high-profile win in an anti-corruption drive tha...
12/02/20 13:16 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Spanish police on Wednesday arrested Emilio Lozoya, the former chief executive of Mexico's state oil firm Pemex, giving Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's government its first high-profile win in an anti-corruption drive tha...
» Saved Stories - None: The Iranian Missile Strike Did Far More Damage Than Trump Admits
12/02/20 13:07 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Hundreds of our troops suffered brain trauma. We need to reconsider the costs of military interventions. Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 13:07 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Hundreds of our troops suffered brain trauma. We need to reconsider the costs of military interventions. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: CIA Secretly Owned Global Encryption Provider, Built Backdoors, Spied On 100+ Foreign Governments: Report
12/02/20 13:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
More than 100 countries across the globe relied for decades upon encryption equipment from a Swiss provider, Crypto AG, to keep their top-secret communications, well, top-secret. For decades, it is alleged, U.S. intelligence agencies wer...
12/02/20 13:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
More than 100 countries across the globe relied for decades upon encryption equipment from a Swiss provider, Crypto AG, to keep their top-secret communications, well, top-secret. For decades, it is alleged, U.S. intelligence agencies wer...
» Saved Stories - None: Esper presses NATO allies to send more troops to Iraq
12/02/20 13:03 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Wednesday echoed President Donald Trump’s recent call for NATO to expand operations into the Middle East as he urged allies to contribute more troops to the training mission in Iraq. Saved Stories - ...
12/02/20 13:03 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Wednesday echoed President Donald Trump’s recent call for NATO to expand operations into the Middle East as he urged allies to contribute more troops to the training mission in Iraq. Saved Stories - ...
» Saved Stories - None: RFE/RL: Russians' trust in Putin falls sharply since 2017 | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice - Kyiv Post
12/02/20 13:02 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
RFE/RL: Russians' trust in Putin falls sharply since 2017 | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice Kyiv Post Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 13:02 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
RFE/RL: Russians' trust in Putin falls sharply since 2017 | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice Kyiv Post Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Russia says Turkish army is aggravating situation in Syria's Idlib - Reuters
12/02/20 13:00 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Russia says Turkish army is aggravating situation in Syria's Idlib Reuters Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 13:00 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Russia says Turkish army is aggravating situation in Syria's Idlib Reuters Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: US forces come under fire while on patrol in Syria - WABC-TV
12/02/20 12:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US forces come under fire while on patrol in Syria WABC-TV Saved Stories - None
12/02/20 12:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US forces come under fire while on patrol in Syria WABC-TV Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Police Forcefully Break Up Postelection Protest In Azerbaijan
12/02/20 12:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: rferlonline Duration: 01:50 Azerbaijani police detained at least 20 people at a demonstration in Baku on February 11, injuring several of them. The protesters, including independent candidates, were voicing their anger over widespr...
12/02/20 12:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: rferlonline Duration: 01:50 Azerbaijani police detained at least 20 people at a demonstration in Baku on February 11, injuring several of them. The protesters, including independent candidates, were voicing their anger over widespr...
» Saved Stories - None: "Putinism" - Google News: Putin's Truth in the Era of Post-Truth - Modern Diplomacy
11/02/20 21:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin's Truth in the Era of Post-Truth Modern Diplomacy "Putinism" - Google News Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 21:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin's Truth in the Era of Post-Truth Modern Diplomacy "Putinism" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Google Alert - Israel and US Elections 2016: Trump accused of meddling to reduce sentence for former adviser Stone
11/02/20 21:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US President Donald Trump faced fresh accusations of abuse of power Tuesday ... Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top ... for decades and consulted on his successful 2016 presidential campaign , ......
11/02/20 21:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US President Donald Trump faced fresh accusations of abuse of power Tuesday ... Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top ... for decades and consulted on his successful 2016 presidential campaign , ......
» Saved Stories - None: Cartoons: As Trump's ratings rise post-impeachment, is president exacting revenge on witnesses?
11/02/20 21:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
President Donald Trump ousted two key witnesses in the impeachment trial, days after the Senate voted to acquit him on charges of abuse of power ... Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 21:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
President Donald Trump ousted two key witnesses in the impeachment trial, days after the Senate voted to acquit him on charges of abuse of power ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: To the DOJ Inspector General:I’m calling for an immediate investigation of why the Roger Stone sentencing recommendations by career prosecutors were countermanded.The American people must have confidence that justice in this coun
11/02/20 21:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
To the DOJ Inspector General: I’m calling for an immediate investigation of why the Roger Stone sentencing recommendations by career prosecutors were countermanded. The American people must have confidence that justice in this coun...
11/02/20 21:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
To the DOJ Inspector General: I’m calling for an immediate investigation of why the Roger Stone sentencing recommendations by career prosecutors were countermanded. The American people must have confidence that justice in this coun...
» Saved Stories - None: Paging Michael Bloomberg
11/02/20 21:23 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
And (3) both Russia and China know that Trump is utterly transactional and ... Too much of the Trump tax cuts have gone to companies and the most ... Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 21:23 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
And (3) both Russia and China know that Trump is utterly transactional and ... Too much of the Trump tax cuts have gone to companies and the most ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "trump russian candidate" - Google News: Paging Michael Bloomberg - The New York Times
11/02/20 21:23 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Paging Michael Bloomberg The New York Times 11 Democrats still in U.S. presidential race as New Hampshire votes Reuters Bernie Sanders giving some Florida Democrats heart burn Tampa Bay Times Trump ...
11/02/20 21:23 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Paging Michael Bloomberg The New York Times 11 Democrats still in U.S. presidential race as New Hampshire votes Reuters Bernie Sanders giving some Florida Democrats heart burn Tampa Bay Times Trump ...
» Saved Stories - None: CNN's YouTube Videos: All 4 federal prosecutors quit Roger Stone case
11/02/20 20:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CNN Duration: 08:43 The four federal prosecutors who took the case against longtime Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone to trial withdrew their involvement Tuesday after top Justice Department officials disavowed and undercut them b...
11/02/20 20:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CNN Duration: 08:43 The four federal prosecutors who took the case against longtime Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone to trial withdrew their involvement Tuesday after top Justice Department officials disavowed and undercut them b...
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: PBS NewsHour 9pm update, Feb 11, 2020
11/02/20 20:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Face...
11/02/20 20:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Face...
» Saved Stories - None: "trump criminal investigation" - Google News: Trial team quits Roger Stone case in dispute over sentence - WTMJ
11/02/20 20:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trial team quits Roger Stone case in dispute over sentence WTMJ "trump criminal investigation" - Google News Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 20:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trial team quits Roger Stone case in dispute over sentence WTMJ "trump criminal investigation" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: The 'remarkable' DOJ controversy over Roger Stone's sentencing
11/02/20 20:49 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 05:32 Roger Stone, the sixth former associate of President Trump to be convicted on charges stemming from the Mueller probe, is again at the center of controversy. Federal prosecutors recommended Stone be sent...
11/02/20 20:49 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 05:32 Roger Stone, the sixth former associate of President Trump to be convicted on charges stemming from the Mueller probe, is again at the center of controversy. Federal prosecutors recommended Stone be sent...
» Saved Stories - None: Mike Pompeo warns of China threat to exploit U.S. freedom, co opt leaders
11/02/20 13:23 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
China is engaged in aggressive influence and financial operations inside the United States as part of Beijing's program to obtain Western technology and influence American policies, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said this weekend. Speak...
11/02/20 13:23 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
China is engaged in aggressive influence and financial operations inside the United States as part of Beijing's program to obtain Western technology and influence American policies, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said this weekend. Speak...
» Saved Stories - None: Israel accused of torturing Palestinians after fatal bombing
11/02/20 13:21 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - One of the men was hospitalized with kidney failure and 11 broken ribs. Another was nearly unrecognizable to his wife when he was wheeled into a courtroom. A third was stitched up after being attacked by a secu...
11/02/20 13:21 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - One of the men was hospitalized with kidney failure and 11 broken ribs. Another was nearly unrecognizable to his wife when he was wheeled into a courtroom. A third was stitched up after being attacked by a secu...
» Saved Stories - None: Turkey's defense ministry says Syrian army shelling kills 5 Turkish soldiers, wounds 5 in Syria's no
11/02/20 13:20 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkey's defense ministry says Syrian army shelling kills 5 Turkish soldiers, wounds 5 in Syria's northwest Idlib area. Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 13:20 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkey's defense ministry says Syrian army shelling kills 5 Turkish soldiers, wounds 5 in Syria's northwest Idlib area. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: William Barr says DOJ must be 'very careful' vetting information on Bidens
11/02/20 13:20 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Attorney General William Barr said Monday the Justice Department must be “very careful” when evaluating "very careful" vetting information from Ukraine obtained by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani regarding ... Tru...
11/02/20 13:20 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Attorney General William Barr said Monday the Justice Department must be “very careful” when evaluating "very careful" vetting information from Ukraine obtained by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani regarding ... Tru...
» Saved Stories - None: William Evanina, cointel chief: Iowa caucus chaos may fuel enemies' election interference agenda
11/02/20 13:18 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The chaos surrounding last week's Iowa caucus could fuel enemies' election interference agenda this November, the head of U.S. counterintelligence said Monday. A technical glitch delayed finalized raw vote and delegate tabulations at las...
11/02/20 13:18 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The chaos surrounding last week's Iowa caucus could fuel enemies' election interference agenda this November, the head of U.S. counterintelligence said Monday. A technical glitch delayed finalized raw vote and delegate tabulations at las...
» Saved Stories - None: More than 100 U.S. troops suffered brain injuries in Iranian attack, Pentagon says
11/02/20 13:18 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The number of U.S. troops who suffered brain injuries during a Jan. 8 Iranian attack on an American military base in Iraq has topped 100, the Pentagon said Monday night. Defense Department officials said 109 troops have been diagnosed wi...
11/02/20 13:18 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The number of U.S. troops who suffered brain injuries during a Jan. 8 Iranian attack on an American military base in Iraq has topped 100, the Pentagon said Monday night. Defense Department officials said 109 troops have been diagnosed wi...
» Saved Stories - None: New START, last U.S.-Russia nuclear treaty, enters final year
11/02/20 13:17 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The clock is ticking as the Trump administration weighs the fate of the last major nuclear arms treaty with Russia, as fears of a world without accountability between the world's two largest nuclear powers deepen. Last week marked exactl...
11/02/20 13:17 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The clock is ticking as the Trump administration weighs the fate of the last major nuclear arms treaty with Russia, as fears of a world without accountability between the world's two largest nuclear powers deepen. Last week marked exactl...
» Saved Stories - None: Donald Trump flies to Dover for Javier Gutierrez, Antonio Rodriguez dignified transfer
11/02/20 13:17 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence headed straight DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. — President Donald Trump traveled Monday to Dover Air Force Base after a New Hampshire rally late Monday to take part in a "dignified transfer cerem...
11/02/20 13:17 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence headed straight DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. — President Donald Trump traveled Monday to Dover Air Force Base after a New Hampshire rally late Monday to take part in a "dignified transfer cerem...
» Saved Stories - None: Thai army chief: Gunman wasn't treated fairly in land deal
11/02/20 13:16 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
BANGKOK (AP) - Thailand's army commander said Tuesday the soldier who killed 29 people in a shooting rampage had not been treated fairly in a land deal involving his commander and such arrangements would have to be halted. The gunman kil...
11/02/20 13:16 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
BANGKOK (AP) - Thailand's army commander said Tuesday the soldier who killed 29 people in a shooting rampage had not been treated fairly in a land deal involving his commander and such arrangements would have to be halted. The gunman kil...
» Saved Stories - None: Mike Pompeo denounces Iran's failed satellite launch as 'reckless'
11/02/20 13:15 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday criticized Iran's recent failed satellite launch, calling the attempt "reckless." On Sunday, Iranian defense ministry officials confirmed the failed launch and said the rocket used to launch the ...
11/02/20 13:15 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday criticized Iran's recent failed satellite launch, calling the attempt "reckless." On Sunday, Iranian defense ministry officials confirmed the failed launch and said the rocket used to launch the ...
» Saved Stories - None: Путин поздравил Алиева с победой «Нового Азербайджана» на выборах - EADaily
11/02/20 11:19 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Путин поздравил Алиева с победой «Ново&#...
11/02/20 11:19 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Путин поздравил Алиева с победой «Ново&#...
» Saved Stories - None: Putin Picks New Ukraine Negotiator After Ties Thaw a Little
11/02/20 10:33 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Kremlin said on Tuesday that a senior Ukrainian-born Russian official was now in charge of managing Moscow's relations with Ukraine, a move likely to be seen by some politicians in Kyiv as further evidence of a slight thaw in ties. P...
11/02/20 10:33 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Kremlin said on Tuesday that a senior Ukrainian-born Russian official was now in charge of managing Moscow's relations with Ukraine, a move likely to be seen by some politicians in Kyiv as further evidence of a slight thaw in ties. P...
» Saved Stories - None: Justice Dept. Won't Oppose Probation for ex-Trump Aide Flynn
11/02/20 10:32 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Justice Department said Wednesday that it would not oppose probation for former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn — a more lenient stance than prosecutors took earlier this month, when they said he de...
11/02/20 10:32 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Justice Department said Wednesday that it would not oppose probation for former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn — a more lenient stance than prosecutors took earlier this month, when they said he de...
» Saved Stories - None: The Return of Stalinist Show Trials - The Moscow Times
11/02/20 10:22 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Return of Stalinist Show Trials The Moscow Times Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 10:22 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Return of Stalinist Show Trials The Moscow Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Federal prosecutors question ‘integrity and competence’ of D.C. crime lab - The Washington Post
11/02/20 09:08 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Federal prosecutors question ‘integrity and competence’ of D.C. crime lab The Washington Post Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 09:08 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Federal prosecutors question ‘integrity and competence’ of D.C. crime lab The Washington Post Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: mikenov on Twitter: Putin's prompt response: "Татары мы. Будем сечь, Государство наше Татарское защищать. Для примера, чтоб другим неповадно было. Всегда на святой Руси так было, есть, и будет. Аминь." See also Sechin, сечь. The
11/02/20 08:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin's prompt response: "Татары мы. Будем сечь, Государство н&...
11/02/20 08:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin's prompt response: "Татары мы. Будем сечь, Государство н&...
» Saved Stories - None: Экс-главе правительства Чувашии вынесли замечание за оскорбление
11/02/20 08:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Ранее Иван Моторин нецензурно оскорби&#...
11/02/20 08:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Ранее Иван Моторин нецензурно оскорби&#...
» Saved Stories - None: As Buttigieg rises, so does the question of what it means to be mayor of a midsize city
11/02/20 08:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Pete Buttigieg believes his experience as mayor of South Bend, Ind., has prepared him for the global stage. Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 08:53 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Pete Buttigieg believes his experience as mayor of South Bend, Ind., has prepared him for the global stage. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Iranians mark revolution anniversary amid high tension with US - Al Jazeera English
11/02/20 08:49 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Iranians mark revolution anniversary amid high tension with US Al Jazeera English Iran remembers 1979 Islamic Revolution amid high US tension Washington Post Iranian company makes US flags for protesters to dest...
11/02/20 08:49 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Iranians mark revolution anniversary amid high tension with US Al Jazeera English Iran remembers 1979 Islamic Revolution amid high US tension Washington Post Iranian company makes US flags for protesters to dest...
» Saved Stories - None: Watch planes try to land in wild winds as brutal storm batters Europe - New York Post
11/02/20 07:30 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Watch planes try to land in wild winds as brutal storm batters Europe New York Post Storm Ciara: Transatlantic flight smashes records FRANCE 24 English WATCH: Middle East Airlines pilot pulls off spectacular Heathrow landing during storm...
11/02/20 07:30 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Watch planes try to land in wild winds as brutal storm batters Europe New York Post Storm Ciara: Transatlantic flight smashes records FRANCE 24 English WATCH: Middle East Airlines pilot pulls off spectacular Heathrow landing during storm...
» Saved Stories - None: Thailand starts releasing shooting victims' bodies to families; many of the wounded in serious condition - Fox News
11/02/20 07:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Thailand starts releasing shooting victims' bodies to families; many of the wounded in serious condition Fox News Thailand mass shooting: Details emerge about Thai soldier who killed 29 in mall rampage CBS News Thai soldier’s deadl...
11/02/20 07:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Thailand starts releasing shooting victims' bodies to families; many of the wounded in serious condition Fox News Thailand mass shooting: Details emerge about Thai soldier who killed 29 in mall rampage CBS News Thai soldier’s deadl...
» Saved Stories - None: Russia jails left-wing activists on ‘terrorism’ charges, sparking outcry - Fox News
11/02/20 06:10 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Russia jails left-wing activists on ‘terrorism’ charges, sparking outcry Fox News Russian antifascist group given 'monstrous' jail terms The Guardian They were Russian vegans, environmentalists, antifascists and airsoft playe...
11/02/20 06:10 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Russia jails left-wing activists on ‘terrorism’ charges, sparking outcry Fox News Russian antifascist group given 'monstrous' jail terms The Guardian They were Russian vegans, environmentalists, antifascists and airsoft playe...
» Saved Stories - None: Turkey retaliates after Syrian government shelling kills 5 troops - Al Jazeera English
11/02/20 06:08 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Turkey retaliates after Syrian government shelling kills 5 troops Al Jazeera English Turkish Troop Losses Mount After Clash With Assad Forces The Wall Street Journal Syria war: Government shellfire kills Turkish soldiers in Idlib BBC New...
11/02/20 06:08 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Turkey retaliates after Syrian government shelling kills 5 troops Al Jazeera English Turkish Troop Losses Mount After Clash With Assad Forces The Wall Street Journal Syria war: Government shellfire kills Turkish soldiers in Idlib BBC New...
» Saved Stories - None: Barr announces sweeping new sanctions, 'significant escalation' against left-wing sanctuary cities - Fox News
11/02/20 06:08 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Barr announces sweeping new sanctions, 'significant escalation' against left-wing sanctuary cities Fox News Justice Department Sues New Jersey, Washington County Over ‘Sanctuary’ Policies The Wall Street Journal Barr announce...
11/02/20 06:08 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Barr announces sweeping new sanctions, 'significant escalation' against left-wing sanctuary cities Fox News Justice Department Sues New Jersey, Washington County Over ‘Sanctuary’ Policies The Wall Street Journal Barr announce...
» Saved Stories - None: Главком ВМФ России ознакомил Командующего Королевских ВМС Таиланда с уникальными изданиями из фондов Центральной Военно-Морской Библиотеки
11/02/20 04:22 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Гостям Адмиралтейства был, также, представлен уникальный Атлас из личной библиотеки адмирала И.Ф. Крузенштерна, руководителя первой российской кругосветной экспедиции. Saved Stories - None
11/02/20 04:22 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Гостям Адмиралтейства был, также, представлен уникальный Атлас из личной библиотеки адмирала И.Ф. Крузенштерна, руководителя первой российской кругосветной экспедиции. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Pentagon: US troops attacked in Afghanistan
10/02/20 17:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 00:42 The Pentagon releases a statement saying the United States’ troops were conducting an operation with Afghan troops when they came under direct fire. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX B...
10/02/20 17:42 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 00:42 The Pentagon releases a statement saying the United States’ troops were conducting an operation with Afghan troops when they came under direct fire. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX B...
» Saved Stories - None: Thai Soldier Kills At Least 20 In Shooting Rampage | MSNBC
10/02/20 17:41 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 00:39 A soldier killed at least 20 and injured 31 people in a shooting rampage before holing up in a shopping mall in Thailand.» Subscribe to MSNBC: MSNBC delivers bre...
10/02/20 17:41 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 00:39 A soldier killed at least 20 and injured 31 people in a shooting rampage before holing up in a shopping mall in Thailand.» Subscribe to MSNBC: MSNBC delivers bre...
» Saved Stories - None: PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode February 9, 2020
10/02/20 17:40 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 26:36 On this edition for Sunday, February 9, Democratic presidential candidates canvass New Hampshire in the final push ahead of Tuesday’s primary, the death toll from the novel coronavirus continues to climb...
10/02/20 17:40 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 26:36 On this edition for Sunday, February 9, Democratic presidential candidates canvass New Hampshire in the final push ahead of Tuesday’s primary, the death toll from the novel coronavirus continues to climb...
» Saved Stories - None: Deadly insider attack that left 2 US soldiers dead
10/02/20 17:40 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 01:35 The shooter was wearing an Afghan army uniform and opened fire with a machine gun. WATCH THE FULL EPISODES OF 'WORLD NEWS TONIGHT': WATCH OTHER FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS TONIGHT: ht...
10/02/20 17:40 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 01:35 The shooter was wearing an Afghan army uniform and opened fire with a machine gun. WATCH THE FULL EPISODES OF 'WORLD NEWS TONIGHT': WATCH OTHER FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS TONIGHT: ht...
» Saved Stories - None: Live: US AG Barr to announce a cyber-related enforcement action
10/02/20 17:33 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 00:00 U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr and other Justice Department officials will hold a press conference to announce a cyber-related enforcement action. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC...
10/02/20 17:33 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 00:00 U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr and other Justice Department officials will hold a press conference to announce a cyber-related enforcement action. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC...
» Saved Stories - None: WATCH LIVE: Attorney General Barr holds news conference on cybersecurity
10/02/20 16:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 20:18 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us...
10/02/20 16:06 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 20:18 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us...
» Saved Stories - None: President Trump Announces Opportunity Now
10/02/20 16:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: whitehouse Duration: 01:01 Saved Stories - None
10/02/20 16:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: whitehouse Duration: 01:01 Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Barr addresses Rudy Giuliani's work in Ukraine
10/02/20 16:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 01:08 AG Bill Barr discusses the potential of Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's personal attorney, bringing information from Ukraine to the Justice department. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel...
10/02/20 16:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 01:08 AG Bill Barr discusses the potential of Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's personal attorney, bringing information from Ukraine to the Justice department. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel...
» Saved Stories - None: Sen. Joe Manchin Jabs Back At POTUS After Being Called 'Munchkin' | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
10/02/20 16:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 06:10 Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) joins Hallie Jackson after he was attacked by the President for voting to convict in the Senate impeachment trial. Manchin says the names "don't bother" him but he hopes t...
10/02/20 16:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 06:10 Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) joins Hallie Jackson after he was attacked by the President for voting to convict in the Senate impeachment trial. Manchin says the names "don't bother" him but he hopes t...
» Saved Stories - None: Byron York on more bad news for Joe Biden
10/02/20 15:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 04:17 04:16 Undecided moderate Democrats in New Hampshire appear not to be breaking for former Vice President Joe Biden, says Fox News contributor Byron York, chief political correspondent for the Washingto...
10/02/20 15:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 04:17 04:16 Undecided moderate Democrats in New Hampshire appear not to be breaking for former Vice President Joe Biden, says Fox News contributor Byron York, chief political correspondent for the Washingto...
» Saved Stories - None: WATCH LIVE: Trump addresses the National Governors Association
10/02/20 15:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 34:06 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Face...
10/02/20 15:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 34:06 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Face...
» Saved Stories - None: Dean Cain: NYPD support for de Blasio is at zero
10/02/20 15:38 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 03:27 Cops in New York City feel Mayor Bill de Blasio has turned his back on them, says actor and reserve police officer Dean Cain. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Networ...
10/02/20 15:38 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 03:27 Cops in New York City feel Mayor Bill de Blasio has turned his back on them, says actor and reserve police officer Dean Cain. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Networ...
» Saved Stories - None: Police officers in New York City targeted by 1 suspect
10/02/20 08:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 03:08 The suspect is a parolee out on an attempted murder conviction who only surrendered after firing all rounds. WATCH THE FULL EPISODES OF 'WORLD NEWS TONIGHT': WATCH OTHER FULL EPISODES...
10/02/20 08:28 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 03:08 The suspect is a parolee out on an attempted murder conviction who only surrendered after firing all rounds. WATCH THE FULL EPISODES OF 'WORLD NEWS TONIGHT': WATCH OTHER FULL EPISODES...
» Saved Stories - None: President Trump and The First Lady Attend the Governors' Ball
10/02/20 08:26 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: whitehouse Duration: 03:05 The White House Saved Stories - None
10/02/20 08:26 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: whitehouse Duration: 03:05 The White House Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: CRINGE: Trump Calls Juan Guaido Rightful President of Venezuela
10/02/20 08:26 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 03:20 --Caller didn't like Trump recognizing Juan Guaido as the President of Venezuela during the State of the Union address Support The David Pakman Show: -Become a Member:
10/02/20 08:26 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 03:20 --Caller didn't like Trump recognizing Juan Guaido as the President of Venezuela during the State of the Union address Support The David Pakman Show: -Become a Member:
» Saved Stories - None: What's the Most Corrupt Thing You've Experienced?
10/02/20 08:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 04:16 --Audience Question: What's the most corrupt thing you've ever experienced? Support The David Pakman Show: -Become a Member: -Become a Patron: https://www.patre...
10/02/20 08:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 04:16 --Audience Question: What's the most corrupt thing you've ever experienced? Support The David Pakman Show: -Become a Member: -Become a Patron: https://www.patre...
» Saved Stories - None: Multiple soldiers killed, wounded in Afghan attack
09/02/20 17:30 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 04:36 Two U.S. soldiers were killed and six were wounded when American and Afghan troops were fired on during a mission in Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan, retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. James Carafan...
09/02/20 17:30 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 04:36 Two U.S. soldiers were killed and six were wounded when American and Afghan troops were fired on during a mission in Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan, retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. James Carafan...
» Saved Stories - None: GDP Growth DOWN, Misses Trump's Predictions
09/02/20 17:30 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 06:06 --GDP growth is down, completely contrary to Donald Trump's predictions How Trumpists are tricking you about the state of the economy:
09/02/20 17:30 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 06:06 --GDP growth is down, completely contrary to Donald Trump's predictions How Trumpists are tricking you about the state of the economy:
» Saved Stories - None: PBS NewsHour Weekend live show February 9, 2020
09/02/20 17:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 27:07 00:00 On this edition for Sunday, February 9, Democratic presidential candidates canvass New Hampshire in the final push ahead of Tuesday’s primary, the death toll from the novel coronavirus continues to...
09/02/20 17:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 27:07 00:00 On this edition for Sunday, February 9, Democratic presidential candidates canvass New Hampshire in the final push ahead of Tuesday’s primary, the death toll from the novel coronavirus continues to...
» Saved Stories - None: Trump preparing to release $4.8 trillion budget proposal
09/02/20 17:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 02:54 Highlights of the 2021 budget include increased military spending and $2 billion for the border wall. David Spunt reports from the White House. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Busine...
09/02/20 17:29 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 02:54 Highlights of the 2021 budget include increased military spending and $2 billion for the border wall. David Spunt reports from the White House. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Busine...
» Saved Stories - None: NPR News: 02-09-2020 5PM ET
09/02/20 17:23 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-09-2020 5PM ET Download audio:
09/02/20 17:23 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-09-2020 5PM ET Download audio:
» Saved Stories - None: 'I didn't attack Pete. Pete's been attacking me': former Vice President Joe Biden
09/02/20 13:22 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 10:23 George Stephanopoulos interviews former Vice President Joe Biden, on "This Week." Saved Stories - None
09/02/20 13:22 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 10:23 George Stephanopoulos interviews former Vice President Joe Biden, on "This Week." Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: DNC Chair Tom Perez 'mad as hell' about Iowa caucus problems
09/02/20 13:21 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CNN Duration: 08:03 DNC Chairman Tom Perez tells CNN's Jake Tapper that what happened at the Iowa caucuses is "undeniably unacceptable." #CNN #News Saved Stories - None
09/02/20 13:21 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CNN Duration: 08:03 DNC Chairman Tom Perez tells CNN's Jake Tapper that what happened at the Iowa caucuses is "undeniably unacceptable." #CNN #News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: 'Well (Biden's) right. I'm not Barack Obama. And neither is he': Pete Buttigieg
09/02/20 13:21 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 07:49 Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg joins "This Week" to discuss the upcoming New Hampshire primary. Saved Stories - None
09/02/20 13:21 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 07:49 Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg joins "This Week" to discuss the upcoming New Hampshire primary. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Buttigieg Declaring Victory Without Votes Was Cringe
09/02/20 13:21 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 02:56 --Caller doesn't like that Pete Buttigieg declared victory in Iowa before the results were in Support The David Pakman Show: -Become a Member: -Become a Patron:...
09/02/20 13:21 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 02:56 --Caller doesn't like that Pete Buttigieg declared victory in Iowa before the results were in Support The David Pakman Show: -Become a Member: -Become a Patron:...
» Saved Stories - None: 'The coalition of billionaires is not … going to carry us over the top': Sen. Warren
09/02/20 13:20 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 07:46 Sen. Elizabeth Warren is interviewed on "This Week." Saved Stories - None
09/02/20 13:20 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: ABC News Duration: 07:46 Sen. Elizabeth Warren is interviewed on "This Week." Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Liberator diamond,155-carat rough,exceptional quality D-color ...155 carat diamond - Google Search…
08/02/20 19:41 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Liberator diamond,155-carat rough,exceptional quality D-color ... 155 carat diamond - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th, 2020 2:54pm Saved Stories - None
08/02/20 19:41 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Liberator diamond,155-carat rough,exceptional quality D-color ... 155 carat diamond - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th, 2020 2:54pm Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: RT @LDNHRS: #GoonOfTheWeek GOES TO #VladislavSurkov, #VladimirPutin "The Only Thing That Interests Me In The US Is @2pac"…
08/02/20 19:40 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
#GoonOfTheWeek GOES TO #VladislavSurkov, #VladimirPutin "The Only Thing That Interests Me In The US Is @2pac" Posted by LDNHRS on Thursday, March 20th, 2014 8:34pm Retweeted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th...
08/02/20 19:40 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
#GoonOfTheWeek GOES TO #VladislavSurkov, #VladimirPutin "The Only Thing That Interests Me In The US Is @2pac" Posted by LDNHRS on Thursday, March 20th, 2014 8:34pm Retweeted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th...
» Saved Stories - None: RT @INTELCENTRE: A Mysterious Death Raises Questions In Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #VladislavSurkov https://t.c…
08/02/20 19:40 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
A Mysterious Death Raises Questions In Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #VladislavSurkov Posted by INTELCENTRE on Wednesday, January 6th, 2016 5:08pm Retweeted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th,...
08/02/20 19:40 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
A Mysterious Death Raises Questions In Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #VladislavSurkov Posted by INTELCENTRE on Wednesday, January 6th, 2016 5:08pm Retweeted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th,...
» Saved Stories - None: RT @InspiringU2: The FBI Just Put White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis on the Same Threat Level as #ISIS!“Not only is the terror threat dive…
08/02/20 19:39 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The FBI Just Put White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis on the Same Threat Level as #ISIS! “Not only is the terror threat diverse, it’s UNRELENTING," said #FBI chief Chris Wray.… Posted by InspiringU2 on Friday, Februar...
08/02/20 19:39 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The FBI Just Put White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis on the Same Threat Level as #ISIS! “Not only is the terror threat diverse, it’s UNRELENTING," said #FBI chief Chris Wray.… Posted by InspiringU2 on Friday, Februar...
» Saved Stories - None: RT @FBISeattle: Coupled with #FBI Director Wray's comments today…, additional resources regarding the threat faced f…
08/02/20 19:38 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Coupled with #FBI Director Wray's comments today… , additional resources regarding the threat faced from China are available here.… Posted by FBISeattle on Thursday...
08/02/20 19:38 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Coupled with #FBI Director Wray's comments today… , additional resources regarding the threat faced from China are available here.… Posted by FBISeattle on Thursday...
» Saved Stories - None: The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: #GoonOfTheWeek | #TweetsByMikeNov – 12:46 PM 2/8/2...…
08/02/20 19:38 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: #GoonOfTheWeek | #TweetsByMikeNov – 12:46 PM 2/8/2...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th, 2020 5:55pm Saved ...
08/02/20 19:38 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: #GoonOfTheWeek | #TweetsByMikeNov – 12:46 PM 2/8/2...… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th, 2020 5:55pm Saved ...
» Saved Stories - None: #SergeantMajor #JakapanthThomma: #Jay(#Jew)-Kay(#Kike)-#Panther-#Partner #Thee-#homma (they-Arabic), Thee-#homo #Bangkok: #Bang #Cock! #Thai: TatЬ(#Tatar), Tatya (#Father-#Russian), #Tatyana - #VladislavSurkov #I am - #Signature fbi
08/02/20 19:37 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
#SergeantMajor #JakapanthThomma: #Jay(#Jew)-Kay(#Kike)-#Panther-#Partner #Thee-#homma (they-Arabic), Thee-#homo #Bangkok: #Bang #Cock! #Thai: TatЬ(#Tatar), Tatya (#Father-#Russian), #Tatyana - #VladislavSurkov #I am - #Signature fbinewsr...
08/02/20 19:37 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
#SergeantMajor #JakapanthThomma: #Jay(#Jew)-Kay(#Kike)-#Panther-#Partner #Thee-#homma (they-Arabic), Thee-#homo #Bangkok: #Bang #Cock! #Thai: TatЬ(#Tatar), Tatya (#Father-#Russian), #Tatyana - #VladislavSurkov #I am - #Signature fbinewsr...
» Saved Stories - None: RT @eurotopics_en: #VladislavSurkov, a long-time aide to Vladimir Putin and most recently responsible for Russia's Ukraine policy, has exit…
08/02/20 19:36 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
#VladislavSurkov, a long-time aide to Vladimir Putin and most recently responsible for Russia's Ukraine policy, has exited government service. Is this a a turning point in Russian-Ukrainian relations?… Poste...
08/02/20 19:36 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
#VladislavSurkov, a long-time aide to Vladimir Putin and most recently responsible for Russia's Ukraine policy, has exited government service. Is this a a turning point in Russian-Ukrainian relations?… Poste...
» Saved Stories - None: RT @SimonPerkins: @juliehinukeu @andwarn #AdamCurtis described this as a strategy developed by Putin's advisor #VladislavSurkov i.e. https:…
08/02/20 19:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
@juliehinukeu @andwarn #AdamCurtis described this as a strategy developed by Putin's advisor #VladislavSurkov i.e. In a nutshell, you create chaos so that nothing can be trusted - so that those in charge hav...
08/02/20 19:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
@juliehinukeu @andwarn #AdamCurtis described this as a strategy developed by Putin's advisor #VladislavSurkov i.e. In a nutshell, you create chaos so that nothing can be trusted - so that those in charge hav...
» Saved Stories - None: Рамзан Кадыров и его специальные силы - Google Search Спецназ Кадырова. Кто стоит за центром, который ...Mar 16, 2017 - Его площадь – свыше 70 гектаров, он находится в окрестностях Гудермеса. #FBI #CIA #DIA #NSC #GlobalTerrorism #
08/02/20 19:34 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Рамзан Кадыров и его специальные силы - Google Search Спецназ Кадырова. Кто стоит за центром, который ... Mar 16, 2017 - Его площадь – свыше 70 гектаров, он находится в окрестностях Гудермеса. #FBI #CIA #DIA #NSC #GlobalTerrorism #Congre...
08/02/20 19:34 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Рамзан Кадыров и его специальные силы - Google Search Спецназ Кадырова. Кто стоит за центром, который ... Mar 16, 2017 - Его площадь – свыше 70 гектаров, он находится в окрестностях Гудермеса. #FBI #CIA #DIA #NSC #GlobalTerrorism #Congre...
» Saved Stories - None: FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Multiple US troops killed in Afghanistan
08/02/20 17:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 00:43 Fox News confirms multiple casualties in Afghanistan attack. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the dir...
08/02/20 17:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 00:43 Fox News confirms multiple casualties in Afghanistan attack. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the dir...
» Saved Stories - None: Famed pathologist says wealthy woman's trash-chute death may have been homicide
08/02/20 17:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Baden, who had been hired by the family of Jeffrey Epstein to preside at the ... Prychodko's manner of death was one of just 3% of cases to be ruled ... Saved Stories - None
08/02/20 17:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Baden, who had been hired by the family of Jeffrey Epstein to preside at the ... Prychodko's manner of death was one of just 3% of cases to be ruled ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: NPR News: 02-08-2020 4PM ET
08/02/20 17:11 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-08-2020 4PM ET Download audio:
08/02/20 17:11 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
NPR News: 02-08-2020 4PM ET Download audio:
» Saved Stories - None: Soldier armed with rifle kills at least 17 in Thailand via @MailOnline
08/02/20 17:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Soldier armed with rifle kills at least 17 in Thailand via @MailOnline Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th, 2020 5:04pm Saved Stories - None
08/02/20 17:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Soldier armed with rifle kills at least 17 in Thailand via @MailOnline Posted by mikenov on Saturday, February 8th, 2020 5:04pm Saved Stories - None
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