6:20 AM 2/21/2020 - Mama Russia and Potemkin Penis on her night table: Donald Fredovich, our Dear Trumpushka: Mother Russia wants you, Mammy Russia loves you!
Mama Russia and Potemkin Penis on her night table
Mama Russia, you need a good psychiatrist, but there are no such things left these days, except me; and I am too expensive for you to hire. So you are lost, wondering forever in your national Putinistic psychosis, post-"barachniy socialism" denial, sick grandiose fantasies, delusions of omnipotence, "the propaganda feast in the midst of impending doom of the all erasing Korona virus plague, and the economic catastrophe, with $26 per barrel oil price lurking around the corner.
What are you to do, Dear Mama Russia?
Just to laugh, to have a good time, and to wait for your beloved Trampushka The Pampushka for your WW2 anniversary Victory Parade.
Who needs the real Victory these days? Just have the Parade with Trampushkas, and go back to Kremlin for a State Dinner with all sorts of Pampushkas.
Ziz iz zi Solution for you: the PARADES!!!
You have the Parades, therefore you still exist!
Keep the Count Potemkin's powerful impressive tool on your night table, and use it as needed, und all your problems are gone!
Ziz iz zi Solution for our Dear Mammy Russia.
No need to call the ambulance...
M.N. - 2.21.20

Trump’s Fury at Intel Briefing Shows Putin’s Bet on Him Keeps Paying Off
The GOP wants you to believe Trump is tough on Russia, so why does Moscow love him so much? The Kremlin's state media make that clear almost every day.
The GOP wants you to believe Trump is tough on Russia, so why does Moscow love him so much? The Kremlin's state media make that clear almost every day.
Julia Davis
Updated Feb. 21, 2020 4:28AM ET / Published Feb. 21, 2020 3:43AM ET
Updated Feb. 21, 2020 4:28AM ET / Published Feb. 21, 2020 3:43AM ET
AFP Contributor
Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia is interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Donald J. Trump re-elected, according to the New York Times and The Daily Beast. During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, President Trump’s Republican allies reportedly challenged the conclusions of the intelligence community, arguing that under Trump the U.S. has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security.
Russians Think Triumphant Trump Is More Their Man Than Ever
Julia Davis
Julia Davis
But Russian state media—tightly controlled by the Kremlin—contradict that assertion all the time. They have consistently conveyed the message that Trump’s election has proven exceedingly beneficial for the Kremlin.
Indeed, Trump’s presidency is so valuable for President Vladimir Putin that even “tough” sanctions are minor by comparison. The Chekist in the Kremlin is willing to make temporary sacrifices in order to keep such a disruptive figure in charge of the mightiest country in the world, and Russian state media repeatedly make the point that Russia’s gamble will continue to pay off, since the Kremlin is holding, as it were, the trump card.
Russian experts and pundits on state television frequently express their desire to see President Trump re-elected. Appearing on Russia’s popular state television news talk show 60 Minutes last October, political analyst Mikhail Sinelnikov-Orishak gushed: “I look at Trump and think: ‘May God grant him good health—and another term.’ This is a great situation for Russia... may he flourish and get re-elected...Trump is a great candidate. I applaud him... For America, this isn’t a very good president.”
Once Trump is re-elected—which, according to Russian experts and pundits, is a fait accompli— they expect U.S. concessions on every front, from the removal of sanctions imposed after Putin annexed the Crimean Peninsula and backed a separatist war in Ukraine, to restoration of access to diplomatic compounds the U.S. seized after Russia’s effort to murder a defector in Britain.
Once Trump is re-elected—which, according to Russian experts and pundits, is a fait accompli— they expect U.S. concessions on every front, from the removal of sanctions imposed after Putin annexed the Crimean Peninsula and backed a separatist war in Ukraine, to restoration of access to diplomatic compounds the U.S. seized after Russia’s effort to murder a defector in Britain.
Appearing on a state TV show, The Evening with Vladimir Soloviev, last week, Russian politician Sergey Stankevich said that Trump is “obligated” to accept Putin’s invitation to attend the Victory Day parade in Moscow this May. As he explained, “Trump owes us a serious debt… from back when he privately met with our president [Putin] in Helsinki one-on-one. They made a deal about creating working groups of entrepreneurs to discuss business, sanctions, de-escalating tensions, disarmaments, etc.”
Russian state media have taken Trump’s side at every turn and fully supported him throughout the impeachment. Kremlin-controlled news media outed the Ukraine whistleblower, referred to the U.S. president affectionately as “Donald Ivanovych,” “Trumpushka” and as an “agent” of the Kremlin.
“By flaunting the Kremlin’s sway with the White House, Russia further weakens U.S. democracy.”
Normally, spymasters seek to shroud in secrecy their relations with those who wittingly or unwittingly serve their interests. But Russian state media openly gloat about the Kremlin’s influence over Trump, believing that he can endure the exposure without repercussions, and by flaunting the Kremlin’s sway with the White House, Russia further weakens U.S. democracy, which has always been one of its main pursuits.
Normally, spymasters seek to shroud in secrecy their relations with those who wittingly or unwittingly serve their interests. But Russian state media openly gloat about the Kremlin’s influence over Trump, believing that he can endure the exposure without repercussions, and by flaunting the Kremlin’s sway with the White House, Russia further weakens U.S. democracy, which has always been one of its main pursuits.
Appearing on The Evening with Vladimir Soloviev in March of 2019, Karen Shakhnazarov, CEO of Mosfilm Studio, noted: “They say Trump is making Russia great. That’s basically accurate… The chaos brought by Trump into the American system of government is weakening the United States... So when they say that Trump is weakening the United States—yes, he is. And that’s why we love him... The more problems they have, the better it is for us.”
Kremlin-controlled media offered their full-throated support for Trump’s pursuit of derogatory information that could be used to discredit former Vice President Joe Biden. State television hosts not only helped to spread conspiracy theories about Biden and his son, but also threatened Ukraine, trying to push it toward complicity in Trump’s efforts.
Kremlin-controlled media offered their full-throated support for Trump’s pursuit of derogatory information that could be used to discredit former Vice President Joe Biden. State television hosts not only helped to spread conspiracy theories about Biden and his son, but also threatened Ukraine, trying to push it toward complicity in Trump’s efforts.
In November of 2019, the host of Russian news talk show 60 Minutes, Evgeny Popov, warned: “If Trump gets re-elected, and you don’t investigate Biden... [Ukraine] won’t get anything from America. Not a thing.” Two months earlier, Dmitry Kiselyov, the host of Russia’s most popular Sunday news program Vesti Nedeli urged Trump to keep digging in Ukraine for “the sweetest” kompromat of all: “Proving that Ukraine—not Russia—interfered in the U.S. elections.”
“The pursuit of 'Biden dirt' is widely seen in Russia as a successful operation”
The resulting situation presents a boon for the Kremlin on multiple fronts: fraying confidence in the integrity of the U.S. elections and the rule of law in the United States, combined with the weakening of American relations with Ukraine, as well as with other strategic partners and allies.
The resulting situation presents a boon for the Kremlin on multiple fronts: fraying confidence in the integrity of the U.S. elections and the rule of law in the United States, combined with the weakening of American relations with Ukraine, as well as with other strategic partners and allies.
Russians Think Triumphant Trump Is More Their Man Than Ever
"Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch describes color draining from her face during testimony for the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. on November 15, 2019."
Why No Joint Investigation of Yovanovitch Surveillance?
"Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch describes color draining from her face during testimony for the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. on November 15, 2019."
Why No Joint Investigation of Yovanovitch Surveillance?
The New U.S.-Russia Space Race Has Begun
The pursuit of “Biden dirt” is widely seen in Russia as a successful operation. Last week, pundits and experts on the Soloviev show described Joe Biden as a “political corpse,” openly hoped that Mike Bloomberg would run as a third-party candidate.
The pursuit of “Biden dirt” is widely seen in Russia as a successful operation. Last week, pundits and experts on the Soloviev show described Joe Biden as a “political corpse,” openly hoped that Mike Bloomberg would run as a third-party candidate.
They also said that President Trump should wish the best of luck to presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, whose candidacy brings “nothing but joy” for the incumbent.
They also said that President Trump should wish the best of luck to presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, whose candidacy brings “nothing but joy” for the incumbent.
Reporting for channel Rossiya-1’s Saturday News Show on Feb. 8, Valentin Bogdanov pegged Sanders as an ideal opponent, who can be taken down easily by Trump. The host of the program, Sergey Brilyov, surmised that “Socialist Sanders” simply “can’t compete” with the current occupant of the White House.
This month, Izvestia, which was formerly the newspaper of record in the Soviet Union, described Trump as “the only real contender” in the upcoming presidential election. Konstantin Blokhin, research fellow with the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, told Izvestia that in spite of his popularity, Sanders can’t win, because he is too old and too radical for most Americans.
Appearing on The Evening with Vladimir Soloviev earlier this month, political scientist Dmitry Evstafiev concluded that barring unforeseen circumstances, Trump “already won his re-election.”
Last year, following the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, Evgeny Popov, the host of Russia’s 60 Minutes, promised: “Soon, we will help you elect Trump once again. Just like the last time. Get ready!” After the conclusion of the impeachment hearings this month, Russian state television channel Rossiya-1 host Artyom Sheynin exclaimed: “Trump forever!” and asked: “Is America finished?”
The continued pro-Trump tendencies of the Russian state media stand in sharp contrasted to their virulent anti-American propaganda. While the Trump presidency is considered to be highly beneficial for the Kremlin, the United States remains Russia’s biggest adversary. President Trump is therefore seen as one of the best tools the Kremlin has in its ongoing efforts to undermine, discredit and ultimately destroy the American way of life. And Russian state media openly praise Trump’s authoritarian tendencies, predicting civil war in the United States in the event he is not re-elected.
The continued pro-Trump tendencies of the Russian state media stand in sharp contrasted to their virulent anti-American propaganda. While the Trump presidency is considered to be highly beneficial for the Kremlin, the United States remains Russia’s biggest adversary. President Trump is therefore seen as one of the best tools the Kremlin has in its ongoing efforts to undermine, discredit and ultimately destroy the American way of life. And Russian state media openly praise Trump’s authoritarian tendencies, predicting civil war in the United States in the event he is not re-elected.
Russian experts and pundits also have divined that a Trump dynasty will rule the United States for decades to come, with the president’s children following in his footsteps.
Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’
Julia Davis
Julia Davis
Appearing on Sunday Evening With Vladimir Soloviev earlier this month, Konstantin Zatulin, a leading figure in Putin’s United Russia party, said that Russia has been fighting “information wars” against the West for the longest time, but now they’re much more technologically advanced.
During the same show, Boris Yakemenko, one of the chief architects of the pro-Kremlin youth movement “Nashi,” asserted that World War III between the United States and Russia is already in progress and is playing out in social media.

This fits with the reported conclusions of the U.S. intelligence community that “the Russians have been preparing—and experimenting—for the 2020 election... They have made more creative use of Facebook and other social media. Rather than impersonating Americans as they did in 2016, Russian operatives are working to get Americans to repeat disinformation.”
The task of getting Americans to repeat the Kremlin’s talking points is an easy errand from the standpoint of the Russian state media. Back in 2017, Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of Russia’s state-controlled broadcaster RT (formerly Russia Today), described Americans as poorly educated and ignorant. Simonyan concluded: “They’ll believe anything!”
The Russian state-operated news agency RIA Novosti recently noted that suspension of disbelief is easy, since “only one in six Americans can find Ukraine on the map, only one in four can find Iran, and about a quarter of American voters aged 24 to 35 are not sure that the Earth is round.”
The Russian state-operated news agency RIA Novosti recently noted that suspension of disbelief is easy, since “only one in six Americans can find Ukraine on the map, only one in four can find Iran, and about a quarter of American voters aged 24 to 35 are not sure that the Earth is round.”
Perennially insulted by the descriptions of Russia as “a gas station masquerading as a country” or “Zimbabwe with nukes” because of its economic dependence on oil production and its well-armed autocracy, the Kremlin’s mouthpieces inadvertently reveal the reasons for boasting about election interference and other anti-Western active measures. This month, Ivan Danilov wrote for RIA Novosti that Russia—“the country that ‘organized Brexit’ and ‘elected Trump’—is by definition “a global hegemon.”
Such remarks have a purpose in state policy. As Trump’s former Russia adviser, Fiona Hill, testified in October 2019 the Kremlin often sends signals “publicly through the press and through press articles—that’s the way that they operate.”
When the Russian state media openly brag about interfering in the U.S. elections, the desired effect is akin to showing off Russia’s new and purportedly "invincible" high-tech weapons of war. This month Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserted that “Russia’s foreign policy concept since 2000 has made it possible for us to develop principally new qualities on the international arena, to restore our status as a great power.”
The Kremlin wants to be perceived as a force to be reckoned with, fostering an atmosphere devoid of accountability for Russia’s human rights violations, foreign invasions, land grabs and assassinations. In the style of “fake it till you make it,” Putin is determined to persuade the world that resistance is futile and the Kremlin is omnipotent.
Every denial of Russian election interference coming out of the White House brings Putin one step closer to the fulfillment of his goals. Every election security bill that is blocked by the GOP in the Senate gives advantage to our foreign adversaries—and they are not sick of winning.
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» mikenov on Twitter: Trump’s Fury at Intel Briefing Shows Putin’s Bet on Him Keeps Paying Off thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-…
21/02/20 06:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump’s Fury at Intel Briefing Shows Putin’s Bet on Him Keeps Paying Off thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 11:05am mikenov on Twitter
21/02/20 06:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump’s Fury at Intel Briefing Shows Putin’s Bet on Him Keeps Paying Off thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 11:05am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @csdickey: Read This: "Trump’s Fury at Intel Briefing Shows Putin’s Bet on Him Keeps Paying Off" @JuliaDavisNews https://t.co/Hpr4MkH…
21/02/20 06:01 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Read This: "Trump’s Fury at Intel Briefing Shows Putin’s Bet on Him Keeps Paying Off" @JuliaDavisNews thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-… Posted by csdickey on Friday, February 21st, 2020 8:47am Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 2...
21/02/20 06:01 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Read This: "Trump’s Fury at Intel Briefing Shows Putin’s Bet on Him Keeps Paying Off" @JuliaDavisNews thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-… Posted by csdickey on Friday, February 21st, 2020 8:47am Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 2...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @gantzbe: איזה ערב בראשון לציון!הבנתי שיש נאשם חמוץ שהתחיל במתקפת ציוצים הערב, מוזמן לחפש אותנו בראשון, אנחנו ממשיכים להתקדם. https://t…
21/02/20 06:00 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
איזה ערב בראשון לציון! הבנתי שיש נאשם חמוץ שהתחיל במתקפת ציוצים הערב, מוזמן לחפש אותנו בראשון, אנחנו ממשיכים להתקדם. pic.twitter.com/ma7AqlgubI Posted by gantzbe on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:07pm Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, Feb...
21/02/20 06:00 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
איזה ערב בראשון לציון! הבנתי שיש נאשם חמוץ שהתחיל במתקפת ציוצים הערב, מוזמן לחפש אותנו בראשון, אנחנו ממשיכים להתקדם. pic.twitter.com/ma7AqlgubI Posted by gantzbe on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:07pm Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, Feb...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @MaxBoot: A Reuters reporter said @RichardGrenell was “the most dishonest and deceptive press person I ever worked with. He often lied.”…
21/02/20 05:59 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
A Reuters reporter said @RichardGrenell was “the most dishonest and deceptive press person I ever worked with. He often lied.” That is a big problem given that the job of DNI is to tell the truth—including uncomfortable truths POTUS woul...
21/02/20 05:59 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
A Reuters reporter said @RichardGrenell was “the most dishonest and deceptive press person I ever worked with. He often lied.” That is a big problem given that the job of DNI is to tell the truth—including uncomfortable truths POTUS woul...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: President Trump: "We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of it they give them best movie of the year? Was…
21/02/20 05:59 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump: "We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of it they give them best movie of the year? Was it good? I don't know... Can we get 'Gone with the Wind' back please?" hill.cm/RpJeDJo pic.twitter.com/O0YGvfnT...
21/02/20 05:59 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump: "We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of it they give them best movie of the year? Was it good? I don't know... Can we get 'Gone with the Wind' back please?" hill.cm/RpJeDJo pic.twitter.com/O0YGvfnT...
» mikenov on Twitter: Und how about you, dear friend Donald?! twitter.com/thehill/status…
21/02/20 05:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Und how about you, dear friend Donald?! twitter.com/thehill/status… President Trump: "Comey lied, McCabe lied, Lisa Page lied, her lover Strzok, Peter Strzok lied. You don't know who these people are? Just trust me, they all lied." pic.t...
21/02/20 05:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Und how about you, dear friend Donald?! twitter.com/thehill/status… President Trump: "Comey lied, McCabe lied, Lisa Page lied, her lover Strzok, Peter Strzok lied. You don't know who these people are? Just trust me, they all lied." pic.t...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: President Trump: "Comey lied, McCabe lied, Lisa Page lied, her lover Strzok, Peter Strzok lied. You don't know who these peopl…
21/02/20 05:57 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump: "Comey lied, McCabe lied, Lisa Page lied, her lover Strzok, Peter Strzok lied. You don't know who these people are? Just trust me, they all lied." pic.twitter.com/jXNZ6T8p8C Posted by thehill on Thursday, February 20th, ...
21/02/20 05:57 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump: "Comey lied, McCabe lied, Lisa Page lied, her lover Strzok, Peter Strzok lied. You don't know who these people are? Just trust me, they all lied." pic.twitter.com/jXNZ6T8p8C Posted by thehill on Thursday, February 20th, ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Sanders implies Russia, not his supporters, may be to blame for online vitriol. Experts aren’t so sure. https://t.co/vo…
21/02/20 05:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Sanders implies Russia, not his supporters, may be to blame for online vitriol. Experts aren’t so sure. wapo.st/37NLKRQ Posted by washingtonpost on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 10:17pm Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020...
21/02/20 05:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Sanders implies Russia, not his supporters, may be to blame for online vitriol. Experts aren’t so sure. wapo.st/37NLKRQ Posted by washingtonpost on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 10:17pm Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: Wow, thank you — on my way!! twitter.com/teamtrump/stat…
21/02/20 05:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Wow, thank you — on my way!! twitter.com/teamtrump/stat… Look at the line forming for the @realDonaldTrump rally in Colorado Springs tonight! HUGE! #TrumpRallyColoradoSprings pic.twitter.com/bzc6uBnBXo Posted by TeamTrump on Thursday, Fe...
21/02/20 05:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Wow, thank you — on my way!! twitter.com/teamtrump/stat… Look at the line forming for the @realDonaldTrump rally in Colorado Springs tonight! HUGE! #TrumpRallyColoradoSprings pic.twitter.com/bzc6uBnBXo Posted by TeamTrump on Thursday, Fe...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: To neglect the issue of #ElectionsSecurity is the #National #PoliticalSUICIDE. All types of #safeguards have to be put in plac…
21/02/20 05:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To neglect the issue of #ElectionsSecurity is the #National #PoliticalSUICIDE. All types of #safeguards have to be put in place, and this has to be watched 24X7. Mr. #Grenell, please share your #views and your plans on this topic, includ...
21/02/20 05:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To neglect the issue of #ElectionsSecurity is the #National #PoliticalSUICIDE. All types of #safeguards have to be put in place, and this has to be watched 24X7. Mr. #Grenell, please share your #views and your plans on this topic, includ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @CNNPolitics: JUST IN: Intelligence officials say Russia is trying to get President Trump re-elected, The New York Times reports https:/…
21/02/20 05:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
JUST IN: Intelligence officials say Russia is trying to get President Trump re-elected, The New York Times reports cnn.it/39UUzLh pic.twitter.com/QlfDKqM7Gs Posted by CNNPolitics on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 10:46pm Retweeted by mike...
21/02/20 05:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
JUST IN: Intelligence officials say Russia is trying to get President Trump re-elected, The New York Times reports cnn.it/39UUzLh pic.twitter.com/QlfDKqM7Gs Posted by CNNPolitics on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 10:46pm Retweeted by mike...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @wandavazquezg: Agradezco la visita de Bianca Alarcón hija del presidente de SBS, Raúl Alarcón y parte de su equipo ejecutivo en la esta…
21/02/20 05:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Agradezco la visita de Bianca Alarcón hija del presidente de SBS, Raúl Alarcón y parte de su equipo ejecutivo en la estación de Puerto Rico; Víctor Roque, Sixto Pabón y Alex Alemán. pic.twitter.com/JfQIPeAZ55 Posted by wandavazquezg on F...
21/02/20 05:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Agradezco la visita de Bianca Alarcón hija del presidente de SBS, Raúl Alarcón y parte de su equipo ejecutivo en la estación de Puerto Rico; Víctor Roque, Sixto Pabón y Alex Alemán. pic.twitter.com/JfQIPeAZ55 Posted by wandavazquezg on F...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @SpeakerPelosi: American voters should decide American elections — not Vladimir Putin. All Members of Congress should condemn the Presid…
21/02/20 05:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
American voters should decide American elections — not Vladimir Putin. All Members of Congress should condemn the President’s reported efforts to dismiss threats to the integrity of our democracy & to politicize our intel community. ...
21/02/20 05:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
American voters should decide American elections — not Vladimir Putin. All Members of Congress should condemn the President’s reported efforts to dismiss threats to the integrity of our democracy & to politicize our intel community. ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @SenSchumer: Republicans keep blocking election security bills in the Senate, and now we know why:They’d rather let Putin win than sta…
21/02/20 05:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Republicans keep blocking election security bills in the Senate, and now we know why: They’d rather let Putin win than stand up to President Trump. nytimes.com/2020/02/20/us/… Posted by SenSchumer on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 10:50pm...
21/02/20 05:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Republicans keep blocking election security bills in the Senate, and now we know why: They’d rather let Putin win than stand up to President Trump. nytimes.com/2020/02/20/us/… Posted by SenSchumer on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 10:50pm...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @SecPompeo: Why did @khamenei_ir deny 7,000+ Iranians the right to run in tomorrow's election? Because he fears one free election more t…
21/02/20 05:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Why did @khamenei_ir deny 7,000+ Iranians the right to run in tomorrow's election? Because he fears one free election more than anything else. Today, the U.S. sanctioned those responsible for denying Iranians the right to free and fair e...
21/02/20 05:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Why did @khamenei_ir deny 7,000+ Iranians the right to run in tomorrow's election? Because he fears one free election more than anything else. Today, the U.S. sanctioned those responsible for denying Iranians the right to free and fair e...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: Russia is aiding President Trump in the 2020 election, intelligence officials told lawmakers. Trump complained Democrats might…
21/02/20 05:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russia is aiding President Trump in the 2020 election, intelligence officials told lawmakers. Trump complained Democrats might exploit the news. nyti.ms/3bTBtXr Posted by nytimes on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:57pm Retweeted by miken...
21/02/20 05:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russia is aiding President Trump in the 2020 election, intelligence officials told lawmakers. Trump complained Democrats might exploit the news. nyti.ms/3bTBtXr Posted by nytimes on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:57pm Retweeted by miken...
» mikenov on Twitter: 5:11 AM 2/21/2020 - Post Link - #News #Review: #RichardGrenell, #ElectionsSecurity, and other #stories fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/511-am…
21/02/20 05:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
5:11 AM 2/21/2020 - Post Link - #News #Review: #RichardGrenell, #ElectionsSecurity, and other #stories fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/511-am… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 10:20am mikenov on Twitter
21/02/20 05:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
5:11 AM 2/21/2020 - Post Link - #News #Review: #RichardGrenell, #ElectionsSecurity, and other #stories fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/511-am… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 10:20am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 5:11 AM 2/21/2020 - Post Link - #NewsReview: Richa... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/511-am…
21/02/20 05:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 5:11 AM 2/21/2020 - Post Link - #NewsReview: Richa... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/511-am… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 10:19am mi...
21/02/20 05:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 5:11 AM 2/21/2020 - Post Link - #NewsReview: Richa... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/511-am… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 10:19am mi...
» mikenov on Twitter: On Thursday, Grenell said in a tweet that the president would nominate a permanent DNI “soon” and that it would not be him. A senior White House official said a nominee would be announced before March 11. washingtonpost.com/national-se
20/02/20 22:26 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
On Thursday, Grenell said in a tweet that the president would nominate a permanent DNI “soon” and that it would not be him. A senior White House official said a nominee would be announced before March 11. washingtonpost.com/national-secu...
20/02/20 22:26 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
On Thursday, Grenell said in a tweet that the president would nominate a permanent DNI “soon” and that it would not be him. A senior White House official said a nominee would be announced before March 11. washingtonpost.com/national-secu...
» mikenov on Twitter: Senior intelligence official told lawmakers that Russia wants to see Trump reelected washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
20/02/20 22:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Senior intelligence official told lawmakers that Russia wants to see Trump reelected washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 3:22am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 22:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Senior intelligence official told lawmakers that Russia wants to see Trump reelected washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 3:22am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @CCyberscribe: @MSNBC @MSNBC is very selective about the #gays they want to tear down and those they support. Somehow @PeteButtigieg, th…
20/02/20 22:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@MSNBC @MSNBC is very selective about the #gays they want to tear down and those they support. Somehow @PeteButtigieg, the mayor of a small Indiana town, is qualified to be #Potus, but #Grenell is an incompetent boob. Posted by CCyberscr...
20/02/20 22:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@MSNBC @MSNBC is very selective about the #gays they want to tear down and those they support. Somehow @PeteButtigieg, the mayor of a small Indiana town, is qualified to be #Potus, but #Grenell is an incompetent boob. Posted by CCyberscr...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @JA_Loans: Kash Patel; NSC aide who worked to discredit Russia probe moves to senior ODNI post. Good move. #Grenell https://t.co/NZj6NI…
20/02/20 22:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Kash Patel; NSC aide who worked to discredit Russia probe moves to senior ODNI post. Good move. #Grenell politico.com/news/2020/02/2… Posted by JA_Loans on Friday, February 21st, 2020 2:41am Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st,...
20/02/20 22:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Kash Patel; NSC aide who worked to discredit Russia probe moves to senior ODNI post. Good move. #Grenell politico.com/news/2020/02/2… Posted by JA_Loans on Friday, February 21st, 2020 2:41am Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st,...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @ClaudiaNichols: In Berlin, officials were jubilant at the news of #Grenell’s new job. Then they found out he’d still remain as ambassad…
20/02/20 22:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
In Berlin, officials were jubilant at the news of #Grenell’s new job. Then they found out he’d still remain as ambassador. politico.com/news/2020/02/2… Posted by ClaudiaNichols on Friday, February 21st, 2020 2:38am Retweeted by mikenov o...
20/02/20 22:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
In Berlin, officials were jubilant at the news of #Grenell’s new job. Then they found out he’d still remain as ambassador. politico.com/news/2020/02/2… Posted by ClaudiaNichols on Friday, February 21st, 2020 2:38am Retweeted by mikenov o...
» mikenov on Twitter: Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 and Richard Grenell - #Google #Search google.com/search?q=Russi…
20/02/20 21:01 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 and Richard Grenell - #Google #Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 2:01am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 21:01 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 and Richard Grenell - #Google #Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 2:01am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #RussianInterference in #USElections2020 and #RichardGrenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi…
20/02/20 21:01 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#RussianInterference in #USElections2020 and #RichardGrenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 2:01am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 21:01 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#RussianInterference in #USElections2020 and #RichardGrenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 2:01am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: To neglect the issue of #ElectionsSecurity is the #National #PoliticalSUICIDE. All types of #safeguards have to be put in place, and this has to be watched 24X7. Mr. #Grenell, please share your #views and your plans on this topic, incl
20/02/20 20:57 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To neglect the issue of #ElectionsSecurity is the #National #PoliticalSUICIDE. All types of #safeguards have to be put in place, and this has to be watched 24X7. Mr. #Grenell, please share your #views and your plans on this topic, includ...
20/02/20 20:57 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To neglect the issue of #ElectionsSecurity is the #National #PoliticalSUICIDE. All types of #safeguards have to be put in place, and this has to be watched 24X7. Mr. #Grenell, please share your #views and your plans on this topic, includ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Without any doubts, Russia & Putin will try to interfere in US Elections again in 2020. It is very hard for me to believe that Mr. #Grenell will not address this issue, will not discuss it with the President, and will not do everyt
20/02/20 20:46 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Without any doubts, Russia & Putin will try to interfere in US Elections again in 2020. It is very hard for me to believe that Mr. #Grenell will not address this issue, will not discuss it with the President, and will not do everythi...
20/02/20 20:46 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Without any doubts, Russia & Putin will try to interfere in US Elections again in 2020. It is very hard for me to believe that Mr. #Grenell will not address this issue, will not discuss it with the President, and will not do everythi...
» mikenov on Twitter: Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 and Richard Grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi…
20/02/20 20:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 and Richard Grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:39am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 and Richard Grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:39am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Intel officials warned House lawmakers Russia is interfering to get Trump reelected: NYT | TheHill thehill.com/policy/nationa…
20/02/20 20:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Intel officials warned House lawmakers Russia is interfering to get Trump reelected: NYT | TheHill thehill.com/policy/nationa… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:38am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Intel officials warned House lawmakers Russia is interfering to get Trump reelected: NYT | TheHill thehill.com/policy/nationa… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:38am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #RussianInterference in #USElections2020 - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi…
20/02/20 20:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#RussianInterference in #USElections2020 - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:36am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#RussianInterference in #USElections2020 - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:36am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi…
20/02/20 20:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:35am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russian Interference in US Elections 2020 - Google Search google.com/search?q=Russi… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:35am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Intel officials warned House lawmakers Russia is interfering to get Trump reelected: NYT thehill.com/policy/nationa…
20/02/20 20:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Intel officials warned House lawmakers Russia is interfering to get Trump reelected: NYT thehill.com/policy/nationa… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:31am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Intel officials warned House lawmakers Russia is interfering to get Trump reelected: NYT thehill.com/policy/nationa… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:31am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: News - elections interference and ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect…
20/02/20 20:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
News - elections interference and ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:30am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
News - elections interference and ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:30am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #ElectionsInterference and #ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect…
20/02/20 20:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#ElectionsInterference and #ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:29am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#ElectionsInterference and #ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:29am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: elections interference and ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect…
20/02/20 20:26 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
elections interference and ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:26am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:26 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
elections interference and ODNI - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:26am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Foreign #ElectionInterference In The #2020Race: What You ...www.npr.org #Foreigninterference didn't begin in 2016. And U.S. officials expect it to remain an issue through the 2020 ...elections interference - Google Search #CIA #FBI
20/02/20 20:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Foreign #ElectionInterference In The #2020Race: What You ...www.npr.org #Foreigninterference didn't begin in 2016. And U.S. officials expect it to remain an issue through the 2020 ... elections interference - Google Search #CIA #FBI #ODN...
20/02/20 20:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Foreign #ElectionInterference In The #2020Race: What You ...www.npr.org #Foreigninterference didn't begin in 2016. And U.S. officials expect it to remain an issue through the 2020 ... elections interference - Google Search #CIA #FBI #ODN...
» mikenov on Twitter: elections interference - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect…
20/02/20 20:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
elections interference - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:20am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
elections interference - Google Search google.com/search?q=elect… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:20am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: elections interference - YouTube youtube.com/results?search…
20/02/20 20:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
elections interference - YouTube youtube.com/results?search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:17am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
elections interference - YouTube youtube.com/results?search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:17am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: NYT Report: Russia Is Interfering In The 2020 Election, Putin Still Favo... youtu.be/X0YzI1tTP6g via @YouTube
20/02/20 20:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
NYT Report: Russia Is Interfering In The 2020 Election, Putin Still Favo... youtu.be/X0YzI1tTP6g via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:15am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
NYT Report: Russia Is Interfering In The 2020 Election, Putin Still Favo... youtu.be/X0YzI1tTP6g via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:15am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: ‘Chaos Is the Point’: Russian Hackers and Trolls Grow Stealthier in 2020 nyti.ms/2uyBXkF
20/02/20 20:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
‘Chaos Is the Point’: Russian Hackers and Trolls Grow Stealthier in 2020 nyti.ms/2uyBXkF Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:04am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 20:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
‘Chaos Is the Point’: Russian Hackers and Trolls Grow Stealthier in 2020 nyti.ms/2uyBXkF Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 1:04am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support nyti.ms/2uTOgJ7
20/02/20 19:41 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support nyti.ms/2uTOgJ7 Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 12:41am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 19:41 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support nyti.ms/2uTOgJ7 Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 12:41am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @MZHemingway: This story claims that it had five (5!) people criminally leaking alleged content from a classified briefing. And why not,…
20/02/20 19:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
This story claims that it had five (5!) people criminally leaking alleged content from a classified briefing. And why not, since no one gets prosecuted for these crimes. Still, we have a serious problem with our supposedly professional "...
20/02/20 19:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
This story claims that it had five (5!) people criminally leaking alleged content from a classified briefing. And why not, since no one gets prosecuted for these crimes. Still, we have a serious problem with our supposedly professional "...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @ewarren: Russia is interfering in our election again to help elect Trump.After members of Congress were briefed about this threat, Tr…
20/02/20 19:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russia is interfering in our election again to help elect Trump. After members of Congress were briefed about this threat, Trump fired the acting Director of National Intelligence. Trump is shredding the rule of law—and the integrity of ...
20/02/20 19:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Russia is interfering in our election again to help elect Trump. After members of Congress were briefed about this threat, Trump fired the acting Director of National Intelligence. Trump is shredding the rule of law—and the integrity of ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: To coordinate this brutal campaign, Argentina, Chile and other countries established a secret communications network us…
20/02/20 19:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To coordinate this brutal campaign, Argentina, Chile and other countries established a secret communications network using encryption machines from a Swiss company called Crypto AG. @gregpmiller washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Poste...
20/02/20 19:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To coordinate this brutal campaign, Argentina, Chile and other countries established a secret communications network using encryption machines from a Swiss company called Crypto AG. @gregpmiller washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Poste...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: “For all the focus on Ukraine and the impeachment trial and all that, to me, there are portions of the manuscript that…
20/02/20 19:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“For all the focus on Ukraine and the impeachment trial and all that, to me, there are portions of the manuscript that deal with Ukraine, I view that like the sprinkles on the ice cream sundae in terms of what’s in the book,” Bolton said...
20/02/20 19:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“For all the focus on Ukraine and the impeachment trial and all that, to me, there are portions of the manuscript that deal with Ukraine, I view that like the sprinkles on the ice cream sundae in terms of what’s in the book,” Bolton said...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @FBI: Recently, the #FBI hosted MI5 Director General Andrew Parker. Sir Andrew spoke to employees, noting many similarities between MI5…
20/02/20 19:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Recently, the #FBI hosted MI5 Director General Andrew Parker. Sir Andrew spoke to employees, noting many similarities between MI5 and the FBI: “We all get out of bed in the morning for one reason, which is to make our countries safer. Th...
20/02/20 19:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Recently, the #FBI hosted MI5 Director General Andrew Parker. Sir Andrew spoke to employees, noting many similarities between MI5 and the FBI: “We all get out of bed in the morning for one reason, which is to make our countries safer. Th...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: What I learned about Grenell: In a 1995 Washington Post article, Grenell, who was the press secretary for then-congress…
20/02/20 19:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
What I learned about Grenell: In a 1995 Washington Post article, Grenell, who was the press secretary for then-congressman Mark Sanford of South Carolina, was profiled as the young, fresh face of the Republican revolution. washingtonpost...
20/02/20 19:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
What I learned about Grenell: In a 1995 Washington Post article, Grenell, who was the press secretary for then-congressman Mark Sanford of South Carolina, was profiled as the young, fresh face of the Republican revolution. washingtonpost...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: Grenell is a vocal Trump loyalist who will lead a group of national security agencies often viewed skeptically by the W…
20/02/20 19:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Grenell is a vocal Trump loyalist who will lead a group of national security agencies often viewed skeptically by the White House. nyti.ms/2vK97P4 Posted by adamgoldmanNYT on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:54pm Retweeted by mikenov on...
20/02/20 19:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Grenell is a vocal Trump loyalist who will lead a group of national security agencies often viewed skeptically by the White House. nyti.ms/2vK97P4 Posted by adamgoldmanNYT on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:54pm Retweeted by mikenov on...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: Sanders was pressed to address some of the persistent questions about his candidacy, including why his candidacy appear…
20/02/20 19:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Sanders was pressed to address some of the persistent questions about his candidacy, including why his candidacy appears to inspire uniquely vitriolic behavior by some of his supporters on the internet. nytimes.com/2020/02/19/us/… Posted...
20/02/20 19:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Sanders was pressed to address some of the persistent questions about his candidacy, including why his candidacy appears to inspire uniquely vitriolic behavior by some of his supporters on the internet. nytimes.com/2020/02/19/us/… Posted...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @jdawsey1: “My party is very interested in deficits when there is a Democrat in the White House. The worse thing in the whole world is d…
20/02/20 19:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“My party is very interested in deficits when there is a Democrat in the White House. The worse thing in the whole world is deficits when Barack Obama was the president. Then Donald Trump became president, and we’re a lot less interested...
20/02/20 19:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“My party is very interested in deficits when there is a Democrat in the White House. The worse thing in the whole world is deficits when Barack Obama was the president. Then Donald Trump became president, and we’re a lot less interested...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: “He was not prosecuted to give anyone a political advantage," Judge Amy Berman Jackson said at sentencing. "He was not…
20/02/20 19:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“He was not prosecuted to give anyone a political advantage," Judge Amy Berman Jackson said at sentencing. "He was not prosecuted, as some have complained, for standing up for the president. He was prosecuted for covering up for the pres...
20/02/20 19:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“He was not prosecuted to give anyone a political advantage," Judge Amy Berman Jackson said at sentencing. "He was not prosecuted, as some have complained, for standing up for the president. He was prosecuted for covering up for the pres...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @julianbarnes: Grenell must leave by March 11 unless there is a formal nominee to the Senate, officials confirm. @EricColumbus and @stev…
20/02/20 19:32 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Grenell must leave by March 11 unless there is a formal nominee to the Senate, officials confirm. @EricColumbus and @steve_vladeck explain how the Vacancies act will work for the DNI post. nytimes.com/2020/02/20/us/… Posted by julianbarn...
20/02/20 19:32 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Grenell must leave by March 11 unless there is a formal nominee to the Senate, officials confirm. @EricColumbus and @steve_vladeck explain how the Vacancies act will work for the DNI post. nytimes.com/2020/02/20/us/… Posted by julianbarn...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: @matthewacole "The Prince investigations, and decisions about whether or not to charge him, are perhaps the most politi…
20/02/20 19:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@matthewacole "The Prince investigations, and decisions about whether or not to charge him, are perhaps the most politically charged of all." Posted by adamgoldmanNYT on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:30pm Retweeted by mikenov on Friday...
20/02/20 19:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@matthewacole "The Prince investigations, and decisions about whether or not to charge him, are perhaps the most politically charged of all." Posted by adamgoldmanNYT on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:30pm Retweeted by mikenov on Friday...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: The FBI is investigating Erik Prince for trying to weaponize crop-dusting planes. Will the attorney general protect him…
20/02/20 19:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI is investigating Erik Prince for trying to weaponize crop-dusting planes. Will the attorney general protect him? interc.pt/2P9Mydt by @matthewacole Posted by adamgoldmanNYT on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:18pm Retweeted by mik...
20/02/20 19:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI is investigating Erik Prince for trying to weaponize crop-dusting planes. Will the attorney general protect him? interc.pt/2P9Mydt by @matthewacole Posted by adamgoldmanNYT on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:18pm Retweeted by mik...
» mikenov on Twitter: briefing to the House Intelligence Committee - Google Search google.com/search?q=brief…
20/02/20 19:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
briefing to the House Intelligence Committee - Google Search google.com/search?q=brief… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 12:30am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 19:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
briefing to the House Intelligence Committee - Google Search google.com/search?q=brief… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 12:30am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: NEW: During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing th…
20/02/20 19:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
NEW: During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that Mr. Trump has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. nyti.ms/2uTOgJ7 @julianbarnes @maggieNYT @np...
20/02/20 19:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
NEW: During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that Mr. Trump has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. nyti.ms/2uTOgJ7 @julianbarnes @maggieNYT @np...
» mikenov on Twitter: #intelligence #briefing - Google Search google.com/search?q=intel…
20/02/20 19:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#intelligence #briefing - Google Search google.com/search?q=intel… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 12:25am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 19:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#intelligence #briefing - Google Search google.com/search?q=intel… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 12:25am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: intelligence briefing - Google Search google.com/search?q=intel…
20/02/20 19:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
intelligence briefing - Google Search google.com/search?q=intel… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 12:25am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 19:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
intelligence briefing - Google Search google.com/search?q=intel… Posted by mikenov on Friday, February 21st, 2020 12:25am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 6:07 PM 2/20/2020 - News Review - Roger Stone Sent... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/607-pm…
20/02/20 18:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 6:07 PM 2/20/2020 - News Review - Roger Stone Sent... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/607-pm… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:24pm mike...
20/02/20 18:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 6:07 PM 2/20/2020 - News Review - Roger Stone Sent... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/607-pm… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:24pm mike...
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 6:07 PM 2/20/2020 - #NewsReview - #RogerStone Sent... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/607-pm…
20/02/20 18:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 6:07 PM 2/20/2020 - #NewsReview - #RogerStone Sent... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/607-pm… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:24pm ...
20/02/20 18:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 6:07 PM 2/20/2020 - #NewsReview - #RogerStone Sent... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/607-pm… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:24pm ...
» mikenov on Twitter: News - richard grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=richa…
20/02/20 16:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
News - richard grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=richa… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:25pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 16:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
News - richard grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=richa… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:25pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @MsPP01: #Trump to name #RichardGrenell , U.S. ambassador to Germany, as acting head of intelligence who's a staunch supporter of #Trump…
20/02/20 16:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Trump to name #RichardGrenell , U.S. ambassador to Germany, as acting head of intelligence who's a staunch supporter of #Trump on social media & has sparked controversy in Europe! RT washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Posted by MsPP...
20/02/20 16:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Trump to name #RichardGrenell , U.S. ambassador to Germany, as acting head of intelligence who's a staunch supporter of #Trump on social media & has sparked controversy in Europe! RT washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Posted by MsPP...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @AlwaysBthinking: @bhweingarten @Cernovich @RichardGrenell @realDonaldTrump let's not forget that #RichardGrenell is openly gay, which a…
20/02/20 16:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@bhweingarten @Cernovich @RichardGrenell @realDonaldTrump let's not forget that #RichardGrenell is openly gay, which also means that President Trump is not a homophobe. (So much for their narrative of hate.) pic.twitter.com/msdEJzR40F Po...
20/02/20 16:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@bhweingarten @Cernovich @RichardGrenell @realDonaldTrump let's not forget that #RichardGrenell is openly gay, which also means that President Trump is not a homophobe. (So much for their narrative of hate.) pic.twitter.com/msdEJzR40F Po...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @SteveMTalk: Congratulations to the new interim DNI @RichardGrenell (right) and his partner @mattlashey. @realDonaldTrump @RT_America @M…
20/02/20 16:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Congratulations to the new interim DNI @RichardGrenell (right) and his partner @mattlashey. @realDonaldTrump @RT_America @MalzbergShow #richardgrenell pic.twitter.com/tRAMFpUUGw Posted by SteveMTalk on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:24a...
20/02/20 16:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Congratulations to the new interim DNI @RichardGrenell (right) and his partner @mattlashey. @realDonaldTrump @RT_America @MalzbergShow #richardgrenell pic.twitter.com/tRAMFpUUGw Posted by SteveMTalk on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:24a...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @NWPinPDX: Why is Trump planning on making the Ambassador to Gemany, #RichardGrenell, the ACTING intelligence chief? That's not possib…
20/02/20 16:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Why is Trump planning on making the Ambassador to Gemany, #RichardGrenell, the ACTING intelligence chief? That's not possible. "Some Republicans are outraged with job he has done as ambassador, there is no way he could get confirmed," a ...
20/02/20 16:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Why is Trump planning on making the Ambassador to Gemany, #RichardGrenell, the ACTING intelligence chief? That's not possible. "Some Republicans are outraged with job he has done as ambassador, there is no way he could get confirmed," a ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @lovetogive2:
20/02/20 16:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
20/02/20 16:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @heshootshescors: I guess I'm not sure why everyone is up in arms about this...trump has ZERO experience so it stands to reason the dip…
20/02/20 16:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I guess I'm not sure why everyone is up in arms about this...trump has ZERO experience so it stands to reason the dipshit would choose someone with no experience #TrumpIsAnIdiot #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #richardgrenell #DumpTrump2020 #m...
20/02/20 16:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I guess I'm not sure why everyone is up in arms about this...trump has ZERO experience so it stands to reason the dipshit would choose someone with no experience #TrumpIsAnIdiot #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #richardgrenell #DumpTrump2020 #m...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @PoliTribune: Trump Just Handed Over Top Intelligence Agency To “The Least Qualified Intelligence Chief In US History”#DonaldTrump #Int…
20/02/20 16:21 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump Just Handed Over Top Intelligence Agency To “The Least Qualified Intelligence Chief In US History” #DonaldTrump #IntelligenceCommunity #RichardGrenell politicaltribune.org/trump-just-han… Posted by PoliTribune on Thursday, February...
20/02/20 16:21 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump Just Handed Over Top Intelligence Agency To “The Least Qualified Intelligence Chief In US History” #DonaldTrump #IntelligenceCommunity #RichardGrenell politicaltribune.org/trump-just-han… Posted by PoliTribune on Thursday, February...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @authorofmystery: #RichardGrenell ... another swamp creature appointed to this disaster of an administration! He’ll fit right in with th…
20/02/20 16:21 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#RichardGrenell ... another swamp creature appointed to this disaster of an administration! He’ll fit right in with the incompetence in the @WhiteHouse ! twitter.com/psychdr100/sta… Rick Grenell is our new Dir. of National Intelligence. ...
20/02/20 16:21 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#RichardGrenell ... another swamp creature appointed to this disaster of an administration! He’ll fit right in with the incompetence in the @WhiteHouse ! twitter.com/psychdr100/sta… Rick Grenell is our new Dir. of National Intelligence. ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @AndyOstroy: Hey @senatemajldr #McConnell: you feeling America’s gonna be safer now for your kids and grandkids? You could’ve gotten rid…
20/02/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Hey @senatemajldr #McConnell: you feeling America’s gonna be safer now for your kids and grandkids? You could’ve gotten rid of this dangerous corrupt treasonous sociopath #Trump but you didn’t. So fuck you... #RichardGrenell twitter.com/...
20/02/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Hey @senatemajldr #McConnell: you feeling America’s gonna be safer now for your kids and grandkids? You could’ve gotten rid of this dangerous corrupt treasonous sociopath #Trump but you didn’t. So fuck you... #RichardGrenell twitter.com/...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @DuszaLukasz: 30 years ago, gays couldn’t work in the Intelligence community. Now, one runs it. Congrats, @RichardGrenell!#Richard…
20/02/20 16:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
30 years ago, gays couldn’t work in the Intelligence community. Now, one runs it. Congrats, @RichardGrenell! #RichardGrenell #KAG2020
20/02/20 16:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
30 years ago, gays couldn’t work in the Intelligence community. Now, one runs it. Congrats, @RichardGrenell! #RichardGrenell #KAG2020
» mikenov on Twitter: richard grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=richa…
20/02/20 16:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
richard grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=richa… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:12pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 16:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
richard grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=richa… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:12pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Supreme Court sets arguments on Trump taxes, financial records in cases that could yield major rulings nbcnews.com/politics/supre…
20/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Supreme Court sets arguments on Trump taxes, financial records in cases that could yield major rulings nbcnews.com/politics/supre… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:04pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Supreme Court sets arguments on Trump taxes, financial records in cases that could yield major rulings nbcnews.com/politics/supre… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:04pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: supreme court on trump taxes - Google Search google.com/search?q=supre…
20/02/20 16:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
supreme court on trump taxes - Google Search google.com/search?q=supre… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:03pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 16:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
supreme court on trump taxes - Google Search google.com/search?q=supre… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:03pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The Trump Investigations - Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov: M.N.: Who is blackmailing whom, Mr. Schroeder? | "... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/03/mn-who…
20/02/20 15:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The Trump Investigations - Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov: M.N.: Who is blackmailing whom, Mr. Schroeder? | "... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/03/mn-who… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 ...
20/02/20 15:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The Trump Investigations - Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov: M.N.: Who is blackmailing whom, Mr. Schroeder? | "... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/03/mn-who… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Grenell and Nord Stream 2 pipelin - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene…
20/02/20 15:48 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Grenell and Nord Stream 2 pipelin - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:48pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 15:48 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Grenell and Nord Stream 2 pipelin - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:48pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: March 15, 2019US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell receives threats - CNNPolitics cnn.com/2019/03/14/pol…
20/02/20 15:41 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
March 15, 2019 US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell receives threats - CNNPolitics cnn.com/2019/03/14/pol… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:41pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 15:41 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
March 15, 2019 US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell receives threats - CNNPolitics cnn.com/2019/03/14/pol… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:41pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: Who is blackmailing whom, Mr. Schroeder? | Political ...Grenell and Schroeder - By Michael Novakhov - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene…
20/02/20 15:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
M.N.: Who is blackmailing whom, Mr. Schroeder? | Political ... Grenell and Schroeder - By Michael Novakhov - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:35pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 15:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
M.N.: Who is blackmailing whom, Mr. Schroeder? | Political ... Grenell and Schroeder - By Michael Novakhov - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:35pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Grenell and Schroeder - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene…
20/02/20 15:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Grenell and Schroeder - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:33pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 15:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Grenell and Schroeder - Google Search google.com/search?q=Grene… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:33pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump to name Richard Grenell, U.S. ambassador to Germany, as acting head of intelligence washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
20/02/20 15:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump to name Richard Grenell, U.S. ambassador to Germany, as acting head of intelligence washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:31pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 15:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump to name Richard Grenell, U.S. ambassador to Germany, as acting head of intelligence washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 8:31pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #Grenell has guts, and this is what the #DNI job requires; more than ever. This job is a learning and self-training experience. #Gays make the most natural and efficient #Superspies, for some reasons. He is not the one to be blackmaile
20/02/20 15:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Grenell has guts, and this is what the #DNI job requires; more than ever. This job is a learning and self-training experience. #Gays make the most natural and efficient #Superspies, for some reasons. He is not the one to be blackmailed....
20/02/20 15:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Grenell has guts, and this is what the #DNI job requires; more than ever. This job is a learning and self-training experience. #Gays make the most natural and efficient #Superspies, for some reasons. He is not the one to be blackmailed....
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 10:49 AM 2/20/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNews... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1049-a…
20/02/20 10:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 10:49 AM 2/20/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNews... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1049-a… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 3:56pm m...
20/02/20 10:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 10:49 AM 2/20/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNews... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1049-a… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 3:56pm m...
» mikenov on Twitter: The US Blames Russia's GRU for Sweeping Cyberattacks in Georgia | WIRED wired.com/story/us-blame…
20/02/20 10:41 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The US Blames Russia's GRU for Sweeping Cyberattacks in Georgia | WIRED wired.com/story/us-blame… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 3:41pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 10:41 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The US Blames Russia's GRU for Sweeping Cyberattacks in Georgia | WIRED wired.com/story/us-blame… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 3:41pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @haaretzcom: Voting for the old Jewish guy comes naturally to us voters in the Arab Disneyland of Dearborn, Michigan: Opinion @AmerZahr…
20/02/20 09:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Voting for the old Jewish guy comes naturally to us voters in the Arab Disneyland of Dearborn, Michigan: Opinion @AmerZahr haaretz.com/us-news/.premi… Posted by haaretzcom on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:50pm Retweeted by mikenov on T...
20/02/20 09:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Voting for the old Jewish guy comes naturally to us voters in the Arab Disneyland of Dearborn, Michigan: Opinion @AmerZahr haaretz.com/us-news/.premi… Posted by haaretzcom on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:50pm Retweeted by mikenov on T...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with King Salman in Saudi Arabia. pic.twitter.com/wqTdS1PKDc
20/02/20 09:47 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with King Salman in Saudi Arabia. pic.twitter.com/wqTdS1PKDc Posted by thehill on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:41pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:47pm 32 likes, 26 retweet...
20/02/20 09:47 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with King Salman in Saudi Arabia. pic.twitter.com/wqTdS1PKDc Posted by thehill on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:41pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:47pm 32 likes, 26 retweet...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Angela Merkel says racism is a "poison" Germany must face as 10 killed in far-right shooting wapo.st/2SIpKU1
20/02/20 09:46 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Angela Merkel says racism is a "poison" Germany must face as 10 killed in far-right shooting wapo.st/2SIpKU1 Posted by washingtonpost on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:37pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:46pm 37...
20/02/20 09:46 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Angela Merkel says racism is a "poison" Germany must face as 10 killed in far-right shooting wapo.st/2SIpKU1 Posted by washingtonpost on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:37pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:46pm 37...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @CNNPolitics: Bernie Sanders misled America. Voters aren't comfortable with a socialist President | Analysis cnn.it/3bV00eM htt…
20/02/20 09:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Bernie Sanders misled America. Voters aren't comfortable with a socialist President | Analysis cnn.it/3bV00eM pic.twitter.com/Pz9LwTuIiy Posted by CNNPolitics on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:18pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, Febr...
20/02/20 09:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Bernie Sanders misled America. Voters aren't comfortable with a socialist President | Analysis cnn.it/3bV00eM pic.twitter.com/Pz9LwTuIiy Posted by CNNPolitics on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:18pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, Febr...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @MiddleEastMnt: US lost track of $715m in weapons sent to anti-Daesh allies in Syria middleeastmonitor.com/20200220-us-lo… pic.twitter.com/bmxeOFrtEO
20/02/20 09:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
US lost track of $715m in weapons sent to anti-Daesh allies in Syria middleeastmonitor.com/20200220-us-lo… pic.twitter.com/bmxeOFrtEO Posted by MiddleEastMnt on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:46pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, Febr...
20/02/20 09:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
US lost track of $715m in weapons sent to anti-Daesh allies in Syria middleeastmonitor.com/20200220-us-lo… pic.twitter.com/bmxeOFrtEO Posted by MiddleEastMnt on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:46pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, Febr...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: This makes Mini Mike look good compared to his performance last night. Worst debate performance in history! https://t.…
20/02/20 09:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
This makes Mini Mike look good compared to his performance last night. Worst debate performance in history! twitter.com/alx/status/122… I’m in tears
20/02/20 09:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
This makes Mini Mike look good compared to his performance last night. Worst debate performance in history! twitter.com/alx/status/122… I’m in tears
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: I’ll weigh in at 11:45am ET: Trump's choice for Intel Director called 'a national disgrace' @craigmelvin @MSNBC #d…
20/02/20 09:43 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I’ll weigh in at 11:45am ET: Trump's choice for Intel Director called 'a national disgrace' @craigmelvin @MSNBC #dni msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-… Posted by FrankFigliuzzi1 on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:22pm Retweeted by mikenov on ...
20/02/20 09:43 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I’ll weigh in at 11:45am ET: Trump's choice for Intel Director called 'a national disgrace' @craigmelvin @MSNBC #dni msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-… Posted by FrankFigliuzzi1 on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 1:22pm Retweeted by mikenov on ...
» mikenov on Twitter: germany - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
20/02/20 09:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
germany - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:39pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 09:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
germany - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:39pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: tobias r hanau - Google Search google.com/search?q=tobia…
20/02/20 09:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
tobias r hanau - Google Search google.com/search?q=tobia… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:38pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 09:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
tobias r hanau - Google Search google.com/search?q=tobia… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:38pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: I AM ON MY WAY, SEE YOU SOON! twitter.com/karilakefox10/…
20/02/20 09:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I AM ON MY WAY, SEE YOU SOON! twitter.com/karilakefox10/… This happened at the @realDonaldTrump rally in Phoenix. Lots of teamwork here. These men carrying a World War II veteran to his seat. Got to admit I got a lump in my throat pic.tw...
20/02/20 09:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I AM ON MY WAY, SEE YOU SOON! twitter.com/karilakefox10/… This happened at the @realDonaldTrump rally in Phoenix. Lots of teamwork here. These men carrying a World War II veteran to his seat. Got to admit I got a lump in my throat pic.tw...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: #DonaldTrump, this is my #RespectfulAdvice. One #SmartMove - #ActingDNIGrenell, should be followed by others. #Resolve the #is…
20/02/20 09:14 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#DonaldTrump, this is my #RespectfulAdvice. One #SmartMove - #ActingDNIGrenell, should be followed by others. #Resolve the #issue of the appearance and optics: that you owe #BigMoney to #VTB, in effect - #KGB. #Disclose your #FinancialSt...
20/02/20 09:14 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#DonaldTrump, this is my #RespectfulAdvice. One #SmartMove - #ActingDNIGrenell, should be followed by others. #Resolve the #issue of the appearance and optics: that you owe #BigMoney to #VTB, in effect - #KGB. #Disclose your #FinancialSt...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @theworldreview2: Buttigieg hits back at Trump and Limbaugh, saying, ‘I’ve never transferred hush money’#PeteButtigieg #DonaldTrump #Ru…
20/02/20 09:14 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Buttigieg hits back at Trump and Limbaugh, saying, ‘I’ve never transferred hush money’ #PeteButtigieg #DonaldTrump #RushLimbaugh #UnitedStates #NewsToday theworldreviews.com/americas/2020/… Posted by theworldreview2 on Thursday, February...
20/02/20 09:14 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Buttigieg hits back at Trump and Limbaugh, saying, ‘I’ve never transferred hush money’ #PeteButtigieg #DonaldTrump #RushLimbaugh #UnitedStates #NewsToday theworldreviews.com/americas/2020/… Posted by theworldreview2 on Thursday, February...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @TJHDSN: I can't believe #DonaldTrump said this about #PeteButtigieg pic.twitter.com/GvyKLyRzr5
20/02/20 09:11 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I can't believe #DonaldTrump said this about #PeteButtigieg pic.twitter.com/GvyKLyRzr5 Posted by TJHDSN on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:04pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:11pm 11 likes, 4 retweets mikenov on ...
20/02/20 09:11 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I can't believe #DonaldTrump said this about #PeteButtigieg pic.twitter.com/GvyKLyRzr5 Posted by TJHDSN on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:04pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 2:11pm 11 likes, 4 retweets mikenov on ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Концерт памяти Анатолия Собчака • Президент России kremlin.ru/events/preside…
20/02/20 07:49 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Концерт памяти Анатолия Собчака • Президент России kremlin.ru/events/preside… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 12:49pm mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 07:49 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Концерт памяти Анатолия Собчака • Президент России kremlin.ru/events/preside… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 12:49pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Germany shooting: 'Far-right extremist' carried out shisha bars attacks - BBC News bbc.com/news/world-eur…
20/02/20 06:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Germany shooting: 'Far-right extremist' carried out shisha bars attacks - BBC News bbc.com/news/world-eur… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:35am mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 06:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Germany shooting: 'Far-right extremist' carried out shisha bars attacks - BBC News bbc.com/news/world-eur… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:35am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: Hanau shooting: Nine dead in attacks at shisha lounges in ...germany - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
20/02/20 06:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Hanau shooting: Nine dead in attacks at shisha lounges in ... germany - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:10am Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:34am 1 r...
20/02/20 06:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Hanau shooting: Nine dead in attacks at shisha lounges in ... germany - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:10am Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:34am 1 r...
» mikenov on Twitter: #DonaldTrump, this is my #RespectfulAdvice. One #SmartMove - #ActingDNIGrenell, should be followed by others. #Resolve the #issue of the appearance and optics: that you owe #BigMoney to #VTB, in effect - #KGB. #Disclose your #Financial
20/02/20 06:32 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#DonaldTrump, this is my #RespectfulAdvice. One #SmartMove - #ActingDNIGrenell, should be followed by others. #Resolve the #issue of the appearance and optics: that you owe #BigMoney to #VTB, in effect - #KGB. #Disclose your #FinancialSt...
20/02/20 06:32 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#DonaldTrump, this is my #RespectfulAdvice. One #SmartMove - #ActingDNIGrenell, should be followed by others. #Resolve the #issue of the appearance and optics: that you owe #BigMoney to #VTB, in effect - #KGB. #Disclose your #FinancialSt...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: President Trump: "America is respected again. Respected like never before. We're respected again. We're no longer the laughing…
20/02/20 06:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump: "America is respected again. Respected like never before. We're respected again. We're no longer the laughingstock." pic.twitter.com/lI9GGzEU0O Posted by thehill on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 3:13am Retweeted by miken...
20/02/20 06:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump: "America is respected again. Respected like never before. We're respected again. We're no longer the laughingstock." pic.twitter.com/lI9GGzEU0O Posted by thehill on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 3:13am Retweeted by miken...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: "I’d like to talk about who we’re running against," Elizabeth Warren said early in tonight's #DemDebate, "a billionaire who ca…
20/02/20 06:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"I’d like to talk about who we’re running against," Elizabeth Warren said early in tonight's #DemDebate, "a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump; I’m talking about Ma...
20/02/20 06:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"I’d like to talk about who we’re running against," Elizabeth Warren said early in tonight's #DemDebate, "a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump; I’m talking about Ma...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: Mini Mike Bloomberg’s debate performance tonight was perhaps the worst in the history of debates, and there have been…
20/02/20 06:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Mini Mike Bloomberg’s debate performance tonight was perhaps the worst in the history of debates, and there have been some really bad ones. He was stumbling, bumbling and grossly incompetent. If this doesn’t knock him out of the race, no...
20/02/20 06:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Mini Mike Bloomberg’s debate performance tonight was perhaps the worst in the history of debates, and there have been some really bad ones. He was stumbling, bumbling and grossly incompetent. If this doesn’t knock him out of the race, no...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: President Trump is expected to name Richard Grenell, an ambassador and vocal Trump loyalist, to be the acting d…
20/02/20 06:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Breaking News: President Trump is expected to name Richard Grenell, an ambassador and vocal Trump loyalist, to be the acting director of national intelligence nyti.ms/2vMzcwU Posted by nytimes on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:48pm Re...
20/02/20 06:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Breaking News: President Trump is expected to name Richard Grenell, an ambassador and vocal Trump loyalist, to be the acting director of national intelligence nyti.ms/2vMzcwU Posted by nytimes on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:48pm Re...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: pic.twitter.com/1XnhyX8jb2
20/02/20 06:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
pic.twitter.com/1XnhyX8jb2 Posted by realDonaldTrump on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 4:40am Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:17am 36979 likes, 10113 retweets mikenov on Twitter
20/02/20 06:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
pic.twitter.com/1XnhyX8jb2 Posted by realDonaldTrump on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 4:40am Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:17am 36979 likes, 10113 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @SenSchumer: President Trump can keep repeating that he has some plan to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.But that doesn…
20/02/20 06:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump can keep repeating that he has some plan to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions. But that doesn’t make it true—It’s his #DailyLie. If he really wants to protect these Americans, why is he suing to kick millions...
20/02/20 06:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump can keep repeating that he has some plan to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions. But that doesn’t make it true—It’s his #DailyLie. If he really wants to protect these Americans, why is he suing to kick millions...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @NikolPashinyan: Today we are paying tribute to the memory of #GurgenMargaryan, an #Armenia'n officer who became an innocent victim of h…
20/02/20 06:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Today we are paying tribute to the memory of #GurgenMargaryan, an #Armenia'n officer who became an innocent victim of hatred, racism and anti-Armenian policy. We express our solidarity to all members and friends of the Margaryan family. ...
20/02/20 06:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Today we are paying tribute to the memory of #GurgenMargaryan, an #Armenia'n officer who became an innocent victim of hatred, racism and anti-Armenian policy. We express our solidarity to all members and friends of the Margaryan family. ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @DailyCaller: Elizabeth Warren:"I’d like to talk about who we’re running against. A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse f…
20/02/20 06:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Elizabeth Warren: "I’d like to talk about who we’re running against. A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians, and no I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking about mayor Bloomberg." pic.twitter.com/Rp8UWo...
20/02/20 06:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Elizabeth Warren: "I’d like to talk about who we’re running against. A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians, and no I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking about mayor Bloomberg." pic.twitter.com/Rp8UWo...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @PalmerReport: Democratic debate so far:Warren - probably winningBernie - old man yells at cloudAmy and Pete - spending too much t…
20/02/20 06:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Democratic debate so far: Warren - probably winning Bernie - old man yells at cloud Amy and Pete - spending too much time fighting each other Biden - did the moderators forget he’s up there? Bloomberg - wishing he hadn’t qualified for th...
20/02/20 06:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Democratic debate so far: Warren - probably winning Bernie - old man yells at cloud Amy and Pete - spending too much time fighting each other Biden - did the moderators forget he’s up there? Bloomberg - wishing he hadn’t qualified for th...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @wandavazquezg: Heidy Alexandra Aguirre Febres es una estudiante de la escuela Gabriela Mistral y miembro del Team Amazonas. Hoy Heidy f…
20/02/20 06:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Heidy Alexandra Aguirre Febres es una estudiante de la escuela Gabriela Mistral y miembro del Team Amazonas. Hoy Heidy fungió como gobernadora de manera simbólica, representando a tantas jovenes miembro de la liga atlética a nivel isla. ...
20/02/20 06:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Heidy Alexandra Aguirre Febres es una estudiante de la escuela Gabriela Mistral y miembro del Team Amazonas. Hoy Heidy fungió como gobernadora de manera simbólica, representando a tantas jovenes miembro de la liga atlética a nivel isla. ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: Thank you Arizona! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to kee…
20/02/20 06:14 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Thank you Arizona! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep ON WINNING! America is thriving like never before, and the BEST IS YET TO COME!...
20/02/20 06:14 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Thank you Arizona! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep ON WINNING! America is thriving like never before, and the BEST IS YET TO COME!...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Imamofpeace: I used to fear needles when I was a young boy. I asked our school Imam, how I could overcome this fear. He said: “The dent…
20/02/20 06:13 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I used to fear needles when I was a young boy. I asked our school Imam, how I could overcome this fear. He said: “The dentist is a Kafir non-believer. Show him Muslims are strong and not scared of needles.” It worked on young me. But loo...
20/02/20 06:13 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I used to fear needles when I was a young boy. I asked our school Imam, how I could overcome this fear. He said: “The dentist is a Kafir non-believer. Show him Muslims are strong and not scared of needles.” It worked on young me. But loo...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @NotiUno: "Está en su casa con un grillete, no ha sido arrestado", desmiente la señora Waleska Casanova en Normando en la Mañana informa…
20/02/20 06:13 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"Está en su casa con un grillete, no ha sido arrestado", desmiente la señora Waleska Casanova en Normando en la Mañana información que trascendió de que Bryan Viera Bonilla fue detenido. La dama se siente frustrada con las autoridades. #...
20/02/20 06:13 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"Está en su casa con un grillete, no ha sido arrestado", desmiente la señora Waleska Casanova en Normando en la Mañana información que trascendió de que Bryan Viera Bonilla fue detenido. La dama se siente frustrada con las autoridades. #...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @NotiUno: AHORA: Habla Waleska Casanova, madre de la joven Génesis Aguilar Casanova que sufrió brutal golpiza en Arecibo https://t.co/fI…
20/02/20 06:13 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
AHORA: Habla Waleska Casanova, madre de la joven Génesis Aguilar Casanova que sufrió brutal golpiza en Arecibo notiuno.com/noticias/segur… Posted by NotiUno on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:09am Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, Febru...
20/02/20 06:13 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
AHORA: Habla Waleska Casanova, madre de la joven Génesis Aguilar Casanova que sufrió brutal golpiza en Arecibo notiuno.com/noticias/segur… Posted by NotiUno on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:09am Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, Febru...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @cnni: The UK government has organized an evacuation flight for British nationals on board the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship…
20/02/20 06:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The UK government has organized an evacuation flight for British nationals on board the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan cnn.it/2ug2iV1 Posted by cnni on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:11am Retweeted by mikenov on Thur...
20/02/20 06:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The UK government has organized an evacuation flight for British nationals on board the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan cnn.it/2ug2iV1 Posted by cnni on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 11:11am Retweeted by mikenov on Thur...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @haaretzcom: 'Most Americans don't see where they fit if they have to choose between a socialist who thinks money is the root of all evi…
20/02/20 06:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
'Most Americans don't see where they fit if they have to choose between a socialist who thinks money is the root of all evil and a billionaire who thinks that money ought to be the root of all power,' Buttigieg said haaretz.com/us-news/s...
20/02/20 06:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
'Most Americans don't see where they fit if they have to choose between a socialist who thinks money is the root of all evil and a billionaire who thinks that money ought to be the root of all power,' Buttigieg said haaretz.com/us-news/s...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @haaretzcom: 'We're running against a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians,' said Warren, a senator from Mass…
20/02/20 06:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
'We're running against a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians,' said Warren, a senator from Massachusetts. 'And, no, I'm not talking about Donald Trump' haaretz.com/us-news/warren… Posted by haaretzcom on Thurs...
20/02/20 06:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
'We're running against a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians,' said Warren, a senator from Massachusetts. 'And, no, I'm not talking about Donald Trump' haaretz.com/us-news/warren… Posted by haaretzcom on Thurs...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @RubinReport: “People around the world who are fighting for equality...are totally annoyed at the New York, Hollywood gays who raise a l…
19/02/20 22:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“People around the world who are fighting for equality...are totally annoyed at the New York, Hollywood gays who raise a lot of money for black tie events and aren’t doing a thing to help our brothers and sisters in Lebanon...” —- @Richa...
19/02/20 22:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“People around the world who are fighting for equality...are totally annoyed at the New York, Hollywood gays who raise a lot of money for black tie events and aren’t doing a thing to help our brothers and sisters in Lebanon...” —- @Richa...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @RubinReport: I dare @glaad or any other mainstream gay organization to share this video. The US ambassador to Germany (@RichardGrenell)…
19/02/20 22:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I dare @glaad or any other mainstream gay organization to share this video. The US ambassador to Germany (@RichardGrenell) on the major push by the Trump administration to help gay people all over the world... twitter.com/RubinReport/st…...
19/02/20 22:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I dare @glaad or any other mainstream gay organization to share this video. The US ambassador to Germany (@RichardGrenell) on the major push by the Trump administration to help gay people all over the world... twitter.com/RubinReport/st…...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @GOPLeader: President Trump made a great choice to name @RichardGrenell as America’s next Acting Director of National Intelligence. Ric…
19/02/20 22:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump made a great choice to name @RichardGrenell as America’s next Acting Director of National Intelligence. Ric has a proven track record of fighting for our country, and now, he will work every day to make sure Americans are...
19/02/20 22:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump made a great choice to name @RichardGrenell as America’s next Acting Director of National Intelligence. Ric has a proven track record of fighting for our country, and now, he will work every day to make sure Americans are...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @mattgaetz: Fifty years ago a gay man or woman couldn’t work in the intelligence community. Today President Trump is appointing an openl…
19/02/20 22:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fifty years ago a gay man or woman couldn’t work in the intelligence community. Today President Trump is appointing an openly gay man to serve as Acting Director of National Intelligence. Congratulations, Ambassador @RichardGrenell Poste...
19/02/20 22:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fifty years ago a gay man or woman couldn’t work in the intelligence community. Today President Trump is appointing an openly gay man to serve as Acting Director of National Intelligence. Congratulations, Ambassador @RichardGrenell Poste...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: I am pleased to announce that our highly respected Ambassador to Germany, @RichardGrenell, will become the Acting Dire…
19/02/20 22:28 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I am pleased to announce that our highly respected Ambassador to Germany, @RichardGrenell, will become the Acting Director of National Intelligence. Rick has represented our Country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him...
19/02/20 22:28 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
I am pleased to announce that our highly respected Ambassador to Germany, @RichardGrenell, will become the Acting Director of National Intelligence. Rick has represented our Country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him...
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump Names Richard Grenell as Acting Head of Intelligence nyti.ms/2vK97P4
19/02/20 22:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump Names Richard Grenell as Acting Head of Intelligence nyti.ms/2vK97P4 Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 3:25am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 22:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump Names Richard Grenell as Acting Head of Intelligence nyti.ms/2vK97P4 Posted by mikenov on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 3:25am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The appointment of Mr. #Grenell changes everything, I was turned from #Trump's critic and opponent into his supporter, and I also think, that he will be reelected. This is the extremely important, key event. I hope, Mr. Grenell will be
19/02/20 22:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The appointment of Mr. #Grenell changes everything, I was turned from #Trump's critic and opponent into his supporter, and I also think, that he will be reelected. This is the extremely important, key event. I hope, Mr. Grenell will be c...
19/02/20 22:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The appointment of Mr. #Grenell changes everything, I was turned from #Trump's critic and opponent into his supporter, and I also think, that he will be reelected. This is the extremely important, key event. I hope, Mr. Grenell will be c...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @nedprice: Another slap in the face to my former intel colleagues. Grenell is a partisan bombthrower whose only skill is defending Trump…
19/02/20 22:01 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Another slap in the face to my former intel colleagues. Grenell is a partisan bombthrower whose only skill is defending Trump. Trump’s decision not to nominate a permanent DNI underscores that he has no use for intel and no regard for na...
19/02/20 22:01 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Another slap in the face to my former intel colleagues. Grenell is a partisan bombthrower whose only skill is defending Trump. Trump’s decision not to nominate a permanent DNI underscores that he has no use for intel and no regard for na...
» mikenov on Twitter: Excellent, wise, and the truly Intelligent choice! It makes me feel proud. Bravo once again, Mr. Grenell! Thank you, and congratulations with your choice, Mr. Trump! Richard Grenell tapped to take over as US intelligence boss — RT
19/02/20 21:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Excellent, wise, and the truly Intelligent choice! It makes me feel proud. Bravo once again, Mr. Grenell! Thank you, and congratulations with your choice, Mr. Trump! Richard Grenell tapped to take over as US intelligence boss — RT USA Ne...
19/02/20 21:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Excellent, wise, and the truly Intelligent choice! It makes me feel proud. Bravo once again, Mr. Grenell! Thank you, and congratulations with your choice, Mr. Trump! Richard Grenell tapped to take over as US intelligence boss — RT USA Ne...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @santangelo_s: #Putin ha licenziato #Surkov (in realtà non è la prima volta); ma l'ideologo della #DemocraziaSovrana, il "principe nero"…
19/02/20 16:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin ha licenziato #Surkov (in realtà non è la prima volta); ma l'ideologo della #DemocraziaSovrana, il "principe nero" del #Cremlino ha lasciato un segno profondo nel ventennio putiniano m.huffingtonpost.it/salvatore-sant… via @HuffPo...
19/02/20 16:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin ha licenziato #Surkov (in realtà non è la prima volta); ma l'ideologo della #DemocraziaSovrana, il "principe nero" del #Cremlino ha lasciato un segno profondo nel ventennio putiniano m.huffingtonpost.it/salvatore-sant… via @HuffPo...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @lennutrajektoor: Head of #Novorossiya project #Surkov has been sacked by #Kremlin. pic.twitter.com/Ts9m9O2lXA
19/02/20 16:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Head of #Novorossiya project #Surkov has been sacked by #Kremlin. pic.twitter.com/Ts9m9O2lXA Posted by lennutrajektoor on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 10:24am Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:09pm 6 likes, 13 retwe...
19/02/20 16:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Head of #Novorossiya project #Surkov has been sacked by #Kremlin. pic.twitter.com/Ts9m9O2lXA Posted by lennutrajektoor on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 10:24am Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:09pm 6 likes, 13 retwe...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @JuliaDavisNews: Still waiting for #Russia to condemn #Malorossiya malarkey? Don't hold your breath.#Surkov: "Malorossiya hype is usefu…
19/02/20 16:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Still waiting for #Russia to condemn #Malorossiya malarkey? Don't hold your breath. #Surkov: "Malorossiya hype is useful." #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/rGDyCboS0k Posted by JuliaDavisNews on Wednesday, July 19th, 2017 3:53pm Retweeted by mik...
19/02/20 16:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Still waiting for #Russia to condemn #Malorossiya malarkey? Don't hold your breath. #Surkov: "Malorossiya hype is useful." #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/rGDyCboS0k Posted by JuliaDavisNews on Wednesday, July 19th, 2017 3:53pm Retweeted by mik...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @MauriceSchleepe: Assistant to the President of #Russia,V,#Surkov,I Want to take part in the competition for the name of weapons systems…
19/02/20 16:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Assistant to the President of #Russia,V,#Surkov,I Want to take part in the competition for the name of weapons systems and propose to name the new #Russian weapons in the name of the Hero of #Donbass #Givi. pic.twitter.com/WibszwT6B1 Pos...
19/02/20 16:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Assistant to the President of #Russia,V,#Surkov,I Want to take part in the competition for the name of weapons systems and propose to name the new #Russian weapons in the name of the Hero of #Donbass #Givi. pic.twitter.com/WibszwT6B1 Pos...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @MauriceSchleepe: President #Putin,s aide,V,#Surkov,On this difficult day I will tell you once again that the Head of the #Donetsk peopl…
19/02/20 16:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President #Putin,s aide,V,#Surkov,On this difficult day I will tell you once again that the Head of the #Donetsk people,s Republic,A,#Zakharchenko who died on Friday in a terrorist attack was a tough guy and a real Hero,it is a Great Hon...
19/02/20 16:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President #Putin,s aide,V,#Surkov,On this difficult day I will tell you once again that the Head of the #Donetsk people,s Republic,A,#Zakharchenko who died on Friday in a terrorist attack was a tough guy and a real Hero,it is a Great Hon...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pauvain: #russie Vladislav #Surkov remercié de ses fonctions. Il était celui qui gérait au plus près les dossiers "séparatistes". Entre…
19/02/20 16:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#russie Vladislav #Surkov remercié de ses fonctions. Il était celui qui gérait au plus près les dossiers "séparatistes". Entre autres l'#Abkhazie, où il avait notamment forcé la résolution de crise du mois dernier. meduza.io/en/news/2020...
19/02/20 16:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#russie Vladislav #Surkov remercié de ses fonctions. Il était celui qui gérait au plus près les dossiers "séparatistes". Entre autres l'#Abkhazie, où il avait notamment forcé la résolution de crise du mois dernier. meduza.io/en/news/2020...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @K24Turkce: #Putin yardımcısı #Surkov’u görevden aldıkurdistan24.net/tr/news/2eda50… pic.twitter.com/3EFlmje0PP
19/02/20 16:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin yardımcısı #Surkov’u görevden aldı kurdistan24.net/tr/news/2eda50… pic.twitter.com/3EFlmje0PP Posted by K24Turkce on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:22pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:05pm 2 likes, 1 retw...
19/02/20 16:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin yardımcısı #Surkov’u görevden aldı kurdistan24.net/tr/news/2eda50… pic.twitter.com/3EFlmje0PP Posted by K24Turkce on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:22pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:05pm 2 likes, 1 retw...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @PrisseK: #HS-analyysi: Itä-#Ukraina'n miehityksen ohjailija #Surkov näyttää saavan lähtöpassit #Venäjä'llä. Tilalle vanhempi #Putin'in…
19/02/20 16:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#HS-analyysi: Itä-#Ukraina'n miehityksen ohjailija #Surkov näyttää saavan lähtöpassit #Venäjä'llä. Tilalle vanhempi #Putin'in luottomies, tuttu #Suomi-Venäjä-kauppasuhteista ja #Transnistria'n miehityksen junailusta. hs.fi/ulkomaat/art-...
19/02/20 16:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#HS-analyysi: Itä-#Ukraina'n miehityksen ohjailija #Surkov näyttää saavan lähtöpassit #Venäjä'llä. Tilalle vanhempi #Putin'in luottomies, tuttu #Suomi-Venäjä-kauppasuhteista ja #Transnistria'n miehityksen junailusta. hs.fi/ulkomaat/art-...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Stuart_JW: #France sees 'new phase' in #Ukraine talks after #Kozak succeeds #Surkov as #Russia negotiator-Timetable for new summit set…
19/02/20 16:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#France sees 'new phase' in #Ukraine talks after #Kozak succeeds #Surkov as #Russia negotiator -Timetable for new summit set to be pushed back -Kozak seen by analysts as more pragmatic figure -Promoted #Yermak to stay on as Ukr negotiato...
19/02/20 16:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#France sees 'new phase' in #Ukraine talks after #Kozak succeeds #Surkov as #Russia negotiator -Timetable for new summit set to be pushed back -Kozak seen by analysts as more pragmatic figure -Promoted #Yermak to stay on as Ukr negotiato...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @RT_com: #Surkov & #Bogdan out: #Russia & #Ukraine announce new #negotiators as relations slowly thawBy Bryan MacDonaldhttps://t.co/…
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Surkov & #Bogdan out: #Russia & #Ukraine announce new #negotiators as relations slowly thaw By Bryan MacDonald on.rt.com/aatu pic.twitter.com/nTnUkmJda2 Posted by RT_com on Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 7:45pm Retweeted by mikeno...
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Surkov & #Bogdan out: #Russia & #Ukraine announce new #negotiators as relations slowly thaw By Bryan MacDonald on.rt.com/aatu pic.twitter.com/nTnUkmJda2 Posted by RT_com on Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 7:45pm Retweeted by mikeno...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @RT_com: #Putin orders to remove #Surkov from #Russian presidential aide officeon.rt.com/ab8q pic.twitter.com/78bFWG4Xsn
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin orders to remove #Surkov from #Russian presidential aide office on.rt.com/ab8q pic.twitter.com/78bFWG4Xsn Posted by RT_com on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 8:10pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:04pm 28 lik...
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin orders to remove #Surkov from #Russian presidential aide office on.rt.com/ab8q pic.twitter.com/78bFWG4Xsn Posted by RT_com on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 8:10pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:04pm 28 lik...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @1972book: @ruslantrad “It is the retrenchment of the regime into sensible, grey, technocracy; the age of the impresario and the illusio…
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@ruslantrad “It is the retrenchment of the regime into sensible, grey, technocracy; the age of the impresario and the illusionist is over, the kleptocrat and the KPIocrat have won“. Il senso di #Surkov out. Il putinismo nella sua fase re...
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@ruslantrad “It is the retrenchment of the regime into sensible, grey, technocracy; the age of the impresario and the illusionist is over, the kleptocrat and the KPIocrat have won“. Il senso di #Surkov out. Il putinismo nella sua fase re...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @digitaljournal: #Surkov: Ukraine pointman and #Putin's ideologue digitaljournal.com/news/world/sur…
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Surkov: Ukraine pointman and #Putin's ideologue digitaljournal.com/news/world/sur… Posted by digitaljournal on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 12:48pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:04pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Surkov: Ukraine pointman and #Putin's ideologue digitaljournal.com/news/world/sur… Posted by digitaljournal on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 12:48pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:04pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pauvain: #russie @MarkGaleotti sur le sujet #Surkov et du late #Putinism "It is the retrenchment of the regime into sensible, grey, tec…
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#russie @MarkGaleotti sur le sujet #Surkov et du late #Putinism "It is the retrenchment of the regime into sensible, grey, technocracy; the age of the impresario and the illusionist is over, the kleptocrat and the KPIocrat have won." the...
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#russie @MarkGaleotti sur le sujet #Surkov et du late #Putinism "It is the retrenchment of the regime into sensible, grey, technocracy; the age of the impresario and the illusionist is over, the kleptocrat and the KPIocrat have won." the...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @_1BUV: #Russian President Vladimir #Putin has signed an executive order to release Vladislav #Surkov from the position of his #Aide, th…
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Russian President Vladimir #Putin has signed an executive order to release Vladislav #Surkov from the position of his #Aide, the Kremlin’s press service said on Tuesday. “To relieve Vladislav #Surkov from the position of the #Aide to th...
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Russian President Vladimir #Putin has signed an executive order to release Vladislav #Surkov from the position of his #Aide, the Kremlin’s press service said on Tuesday. “To relieve Vladislav #Surkov from the position of the #Aide to th...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @ramblejant: "He was also perennially too smart for his own good, or not quite as smart as he thought, depending on to whom you spoke"…
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"He was also perennially too smart for his own good, or not quite as smart as he thought, depending on to whom you spoke" #surkov themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/19/sur… Posted by ramblejant on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 11:13am Retweeted...
19/02/20 16:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"He was also perennially too smart for his own good, or not quite as smart as he thought, depending on to whom you spoke" #surkov themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/19/sur… Posted by ramblejant on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 11:13am Retweeted...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @TerekMedia: #Putin Fires Longtime Aide, Ex-#Ukraine Peace Negotiator #Surkov @V_Surkov rferl.org/a/putin-fires-… via @RFERL (rh)
19/02/20 16:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin Fires Longtime Aide, Ex-#Ukraine Peace Negotiator #Surkov @V_Surkov rferl.org/a/putin-fires-… via @RFERL (rh) Posted by TerekMedia on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 4:31pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:0...
19/02/20 16:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin Fires Longtime Aide, Ex-#Ukraine Peace Negotiator #Surkov @V_Surkov rferl.org/a/putin-fires-… via @RFERL (rh) Posted by TerekMedia on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 4:31pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:0...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @jillrussia: #Putin Fires Longtime Aide, Ex-Ukraine Peace Negotiator #Surkov rferl.org/a/putin-fires-…
19/02/20 16:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin Fires Longtime Aide, Ex-Ukraine Peace Negotiator #Surkov rferl.org/a/putin-fires-… Posted by jillrussia on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 5:38pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:03pm 2 retweets mikenov on T...
19/02/20 16:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin Fires Longtime Aide, Ex-Ukraine Peace Negotiator #Surkov rferl.org/a/putin-fires-… Posted by jillrussia on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 5:38pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:03pm 2 retweets mikenov on T...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @MarkGaleotti: #Surkov’s End and the KPIocrats’ Triumph"The age of the impresario + the illusionist is over, the kleptocrat + the KPIo…
19/02/20 16:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Surkov’s End and the KPIocrats’ Triumph "The age of the impresario + the illusionist is over, the kleptocrat + the KPIocrat have won" On grey cardinal vs grey suits in #Russia, for @MoscowTimes themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/19/sur… Posted ...
19/02/20 16:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Surkov’s End and the KPIocrats’ Triumph "The age of the impresario + the illusionist is over, the kleptocrat + the KPIocrat have won" On grey cardinal vs grey suits in #Russia, for @MoscowTimes themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/19/sur… Posted ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Insideua2: Віктор Медведчук почав по чуть-чуть "мочити" радника Путіна Владислава Суркова на українському ТБ і робити з нього "жахливог…
19/02/20 16:02 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Віктор Медведчук почав по чуть-чуть "мочити" радника Путіна Владислава Суркова на українському ТБ і робити з нього "жахливого парламентера" для України. #ВікторМедведчук #ВладиславСурков #конфліктКломойськийМедведчук #конфліктМедведчукаС...
19/02/20 16:02 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Віктор Медведчук почав по чуть-чуть "мочити" радника Путіна Владислава Суркова на українському ТБ і робити з нього "жахливого парламентера" для України. #ВікторМедведчук #ВладиславСурков #конфліктКломойськийМедведчук #конфліктМедведчукаС...
» mikenov on Twitter: #News - #владиславсурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B…
19/02/20 13:27 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#News - #владиславсурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:27pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 13:27 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#News - #владиславсурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:27pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: News - владислав сурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B…
19/02/20 13:27 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
News - владислав сурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:27pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 13:27 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
News - владислав сурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:27pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #владиславсурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B…
19/02/20 13:26 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#владиславсурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:26pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 13:26 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#владиславсурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:26pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: владислав сурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B…
19/02/20 13:26 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
владислав сурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:26pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 13:26 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
владислав сурков - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:26pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #surkov - Google Search google.com/search?q=surko…
19/02/20 13:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#surkov - Google Search google.com/search?q=surko… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:20pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 13:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#surkov - Google Search google.com/search?q=surko… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:20pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: surkov - Google Search google.com/search?q=surko…
19/02/20 13:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
surkov - Google Search google.com/search?q=surko… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:20pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 13:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
surkov - Google Search google.com/search?q=surko… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 6:20pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Methinks-not: “Putinism” held the “political algorithm” that was defining modern times, in fact the experience of the West may suggest it is actually “Surkovism,” fantasy politics, that is “the ideology of the future.”Surkov’s End -
19/02/20 13:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Methinks-not: “Putinism” held the “political algorithm” that was defining modern times, in fact the experience of the West may suggest it is actually “Surkovism,” fantasy politics, that is “the ideology of the future.” Surkov’s End - The...
19/02/20 13:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Methinks-not: “Putinism” held the “political algorithm” that was defining modern times, in fact the experience of the West may suggest it is actually “Surkovism,” fantasy politics, that is “the ideology of the future.” Surkov’s End - The...
» mikenov on Twitter: Reportedly, he was also one of the men who sold that raging bull Ramzan Kadyrov to Putin, and in the process saddled Russia with a virtually autonomous bandit kingdom that it has to bankroll.Surkov’s End and the KPIocrats’ Triumph - T
19/02/20 13:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Reportedly, he was also one of the men who sold that raging bull Ramzan Kadyrov to Putin, and in the process saddled Russia with a virtually autonomous bandit kingdom that it has to bankroll. Surkov’s End and the KPIocrats’ Triumph - The...
19/02/20 13:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Reportedly, he was also one of the men who sold that raging bull Ramzan Kadyrov to Putin, and in the process saddled Russia with a virtually autonomous bandit kingdom that it has to bankroll. Surkov’s End and the KPIocrats’ Triumph - The...
» mikenov on Twitter: Putin Sacks Prominent Kremlin Ideologue, Ukraine Hardliner - The Moscow Times themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/18/put…
19/02/20 11:28 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin Sacks Prominent Kremlin Ideologue, Ukraine Hardliner - The Moscow Times themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/18/put… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 4:28pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 11:28 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin Sacks Prominent Kremlin Ideologue, Ukraine Hardliner - The Moscow Times themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/18/put… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 4:28pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Mohammad #JavadZarif met last week with Sen. #ChrisMurphy - Google Search google.com/search?q=Moham…
19/02/20 10:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Mohammad #JavadZarif met last week with Sen. #ChrisMurphy - Google Search google.com/search?q=Moham… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:35pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 10:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Mohammad #JavadZarif met last week with Sen. #ChrisMurphy - Google Search google.com/search?q=Moham… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:35pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Mohammad Javad Zarif met last week with Sen. Chris Murphy - Google Search google.com/search?q=Moham…
19/02/20 10:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Mohammad Javad Zarif met last week with Sen. Chris Murphy - Google Search google.com/search?q=Moham… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:35pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 10:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Mohammad Javad Zarif met last week with Sen. Chris Murphy - Google Search google.com/search?q=Moham… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:35pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Mohammad Javad Zarif met last week with Sen. Chris Murphy images.app.goo.gl/s7dwhjM7zpDVCa…
19/02/20 10:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Mohammad Javad Zarif met last week with Sen. Chris Murphy images.app.goo.gl/s7dwhjM7zpDVCa… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:34pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 10:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Mohammad Javad Zarif met last week with Sen. Chris Murphy images.app.goo.gl/s7dwhjM7zpDVCa… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:34pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: images.app.goo.gl/AmQtC9YUMjnk1E…
19/02/20 10:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
images.app.goo.gl/AmQtC9YUMjnk1E… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:34pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 10:34 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
images.app.goo.gl/AmQtC9YUMjnk1E… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:34pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: The Present State of Russian Economy: Stagnation, ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-pr…
19/02/20 10:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: The Present State of Russian Economy: Stagnation, ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-pr… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:10pm mike...
19/02/20 10:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: The Present State of Russian Economy: Stagnation, ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-pr… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:10pm mike...
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: The Present State of #RussianEconomy: #Stagnation, ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-pr…
19/02/20 10:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: The Present State of #RussianEconomy: #Stagnation, ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-pr… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:09pm...
19/02/20 10:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: The Present State of #RussianEconomy: #Stagnation, ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-pr… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 3:09pm...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: Researchers in Germany presented evidence that people who have the new coronavirus can infect others even when they have no sy…
19/02/20 09:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Researchers in Germany presented evidence that people who have the new coronavirus can infect others even when they have no symptoms. Their findings indicated that people may be spreading the disease before they know they are sick. nyti....
19/02/20 09:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Researchers in Germany presented evidence that people who have the new coronavirus can infect others even when they have no symptoms. Their findings indicated that people may be spreading the disease before they know they are sick. nyti....
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @samstein: NEW — The son of one of Trump’s pardon recipients gave $85k to Trump victory this August. His wife gave $50k that same month.…
19/02/20 09:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
NEW — The son of one of Trump’s pardon recipients gave $85k to Trump victory this August. His wife gave $50k that same month. On top of that, they made an in-kind contribution for $75k in air travel. thedailybeast.com/trump-grants-c… Pos...
19/02/20 09:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
NEW — The son of one of Trump’s pardon recipients gave $85k to Trump victory this August. His wife gave $50k that same month. On top of that, they made an in-kind contribution for $75k in air travel. thedailybeast.com/trump-grants-c… Pos...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: NEW POLL: Sanders up by 18 points in California hill.cm/TsMIaEB pic.twitter.com/VKHF22EXuA
19/02/20 09:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
NEW POLL: Sanders up by 18 points in California hill.cm/TsMIaEB pic.twitter.com/VKHF22EXuA Posted by thehill on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 12:49pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:33pm 176 likes, 48 retweets m...
19/02/20 09:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
NEW POLL: Sanders up by 18 points in California hill.cm/TsMIaEB pic.twitter.com/VKHF22EXuA Posted by thehill on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 12:49pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:33pm 176 likes, 48 retweets m...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @CNNPolitics: Pete Buttigieg slams President Trump: My marriage never involved sending "hush money to a porn star" https://t.co/BBszMehw…
19/02/20 09:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Pete Buttigieg slams President Trump: My marriage never involved sending "hush money to a porn star" cnn.it/2wrKff7 pic.twitter.com/oTUt0nQ3Id Posted by CNNPolitics on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 4:42am Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesd...
19/02/20 09:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Pete Buttigieg slams President Trump: My marriage never involved sending "hush money to a porn star" cnn.it/2wrKff7 pic.twitter.com/oTUt0nQ3Id Posted by CNNPolitics on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 4:42am Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesd...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @RepAdamSchiff: There are 175,000 federal prisoners. Many are serving harsh sentences and deserve mercy.Yet, Trump uses pardons almost…
19/02/20 09:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
There are 175,000 federal prisoners. Many are serving harsh sentences and deserve mercy. Yet, Trump uses pardons almost exclusively for: 1) Political supporters 2) Wealthy individuals 3) Contestants on his TV show And worse abuses are al...
19/02/20 09:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
There are 175,000 federal prisoners. Many are serving harsh sentences and deserve mercy. Yet, Trump uses pardons almost exclusively for: 1) Political supporters 2) Wealthy individuals 3) Contestants on his TV show And worse abuses are al...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_es: “Felices los mansos porque heredarán la tierra”. La “tierra” que hay que conquistar es la salvación del hermano. No hay te…
19/02/20 09:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“Felices los mansos porque heredarán la tierra”. La “tierra” que hay que conquistar es la salvación del hermano. No hay territorio que sea más hermoso ganar que el corazón del otro y la paz reencontrada con un hermano. Esta es la tierra ...
19/02/20 09:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“Felices los mansos porque heredarán la tierra”. La “tierra” que hay que conquistar es la salvación del hermano. No hay territorio que sea más hermoso ganar que el corazón del otro y la paz reencontrada con un hermano. Esta es la tierra ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." The "earth" to conquer is the salvation of our brother and sister.…
19/02/20 09:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." The "earth" to conquer is the salvation of our brother and sister. There is no earth better than someone's heart, no land more beautiful to gain than peace renewed with a brother ...
19/02/20 09:30 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." The "earth" to conquer is the salvation of our brother and sister. There is no earth better than someone's heart, no land more beautiful to gain than peace renewed with a brother ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_es: «Felices los mansos, porque ellos heredarán la tierra» (Mt 5,4). La mansedumbre conquista los corazones, salva las amistad…
19/02/20 09:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
«Felices los mansos, porque ellos heredarán la tierra» (Mt 5,4). La mansedumbre conquista los corazones, salva las amistades y mucho más, porque las personas se enfadan pero luego se calman, se arrepienten y pueden reconstruirse las rela...
19/02/20 09:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
«Felices los mansos, porque ellos heredarán la tierra» (Mt 5,4). La mansedumbre conquista los corazones, salva las amistades y mucho más, porque las personas se enfadan pero luego se calman, se arrepienten y pueden reconstruirse las rela...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Mt 5:5). Meekness can win over hearts, save friendships, and much m…
19/02/20 09:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Mt 5:5). Meekness can win over hearts, save friendships, and much more, because people get angry then they calm down. They rethink the issue before retracing their steps, and rela...
19/02/20 09:29 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Mt 5:5). Meekness can win over hearts, save friendships, and much more, because people get angry then they calm down. They rethink the issue before retracing their steps, and rela...
» mikenov on Twitter: Price of Oil images.app.goo.gl/icCmaSBoLYGV6E…
19/02/20 09:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Price of Oil images.app.goo.gl/icCmaSBoLYGV6E… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:16pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 09:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Price of Oil images.app.goo.gl/icCmaSBoLYGV6E… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:16pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: price of oil now - Google Search google.com/search?q=price…
19/02/20 09:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
price of oil now - Google Search google.com/search?q=price… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:12pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 09:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
price of oil now - Google Search google.com/search?q=price… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:12pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart | MacroTrends macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil…
19/02/20 09:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart | MacroTrends macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:08pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 09:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart | MacroTrends macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:08pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: price of oil chart 30 years - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
19/02/20 09:07 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
price of oil chart 30 years - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:07pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 09:07 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
price of oil chart 30 years - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:07pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The Russian Economy Is Stagnating - The Moscow Times themoscowtimes.com/2019/05/27/the…
19/02/20 09:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The Russian Economy Is Stagnating - The Moscow Times themoscowtimes.com/2019/05/27/the… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:03pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 09:03 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The Russian Economy Is Stagnating - The Moscow Times themoscowtimes.com/2019/05/27/the… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 2:03pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: 13 mind-blowing facts about Russia's economy | Markets Insider markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/ru…
19/02/20 08:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
13 mind-blowing facts about Russia's economy | Markets Insider markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/ru… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:56pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 08:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
13 mind-blowing facts about Russia's economy | Markets Insider markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/ru… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:56pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: economy of Russia, present state - Google Search google.com/search?q=econo…
19/02/20 08:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
economy of Russia, present state - Google Search google.com/search?q=econo… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:52pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 08:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
economy of Russia, present state - Google Search google.com/search?q=econo… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:52pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Евгений Витальевич Гильбо — Циклопедия cyclowiki.org/wiki/%D0%95%D0…
19/02/20 08:48 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Евгений Витальевич Гильбо — Циклопедия cyclowiki.org/wiki/%D0%95%D0… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:48pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 08:48 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Евгений Витальевич Гильбо — Циклопедия cyclowiki.org/wiki/%D0%95%D0… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:48pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #гильбоевгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B…
19/02/20 08:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#гильбоевгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:45pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 08:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#гильбоевгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:45pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #гильбо евгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B…
19/02/20 08:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#гильбо евгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:44pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 08:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#гильбо евгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:44pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: гильбо евгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B…
19/02/20 08:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
гильбо евгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:44pm mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 08:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
гильбо евгений - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:44pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Saved Stories: “V” For “#Vympel”: #FSB’s #Secretive #Department “V” Behind #Assassination Of #Georgian #Asylum Seeker In #Germany fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/saved-…
19/02/20 06:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Saved Stories: “V” For “#Vympel”: #FSB’s #Secretive #Department “V” Behind #Assassination Of #Georgian #Asylum Seeker In #Germany fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/saved-… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 11:52am mike...
19/02/20 06:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Saved Stories: “V” For “#Vympel”: #FSB’s #Secretive #Department “V” Behind #Assassination Of #Georgian #Asylum Seeker In #Germany fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/saved-… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 11:52am mike...
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: #SavedStories: “V” For “#Vympel”: #FSB’s Secretive D... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/saved-…
19/02/20 06:51 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: #SavedStories: “V” For “#Vympel”: #FSB’s Secretive D... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/saved-… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 11:51...
19/02/20 06:51 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: #SavedStories: “V” For “#Vympel”: #FSB’s Secretive D... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/saved-… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 11:51...
» mikenov on Twitter: What emerging Europe learnt from the Munich Security Conference - Emerging Europe | News, Intelligence, Community emerging-europe.com/news/what-emer…
19/02/20 06:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
What emerging Europe learnt from the Munich Security Conference - Emerging Europe | News, Intelligence, Community emerging-europe.com/news/what-emer… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 11:10am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 06:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
What emerging Europe learnt from the Munich Security Conference - Emerging Europe | News, Intelligence, Community emerging-europe.com/news/what-emer… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 11:10am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: INSIGHT: Chief Justice Roberts’ Surprising Views on the Public’s Right to Know news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/in…
19/02/20 05:54 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
INSIGHT: Chief Justice Roberts’ Surprising Views on the Public’s Right to Know news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/in… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:54am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 05:54 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
INSIGHT: Chief Justice Roberts’ Surprising Views on the Public’s Right to Know news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/in… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:54am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 4:57 AM 2/19/2020 – #NewsReview fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/457-am…
19/02/20 05:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 4:57 AM 2/19/2020 – #NewsReview fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/457-am… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:09am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 05:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 4:57 AM 2/19/2020 – #NewsReview fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/457-am… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:09am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: 4:57 AM 2/19/2020 - #News #Review trumpismandtrump.com/index.php/2020…
19/02/20 05:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
4:57 AM 2/19/2020 - #News #Review trumpismandtrump.com/index.php/2020… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:06am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 05:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
4:57 AM 2/19/2020 - #News #Review trumpismandtrump.com/index.php/2020… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 10:06am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #Hack in #Israel - Google Search google.com/search?q=Hack+…
19/02/20 04:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Hack in #Israel - Google Search google.com/search?q=Hack+… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:25am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 04:25 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Hack in #Israel - Google Search google.com/search?q=Hack+… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:25am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Hack in Israel - Google Search google.com/search?q=Hack+…
19/02/20 04:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Hack in Israel - Google Search google.com/search?q=Hack+… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:24am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 04:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Hack in Israel - Google Search google.com/search?q=Hack+… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:24am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @TheSpeedSnail: If you want help to explain #Russian oligarchs & #Putin connections to #TrumpCrimeFamily, check out @forensicnewsnet The…
19/02/20 04:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
If you want help to explain #Russian oligarchs & #Putin connections to #TrumpCrimeFamily, check out @forensicnewsnet They initially broke the story with docs found by son of #DeutscheBank employee who committed suicide. They #FollowT...
19/02/20 04:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
If you want help to explain #Russian oligarchs & #Putin connections to #TrumpCrimeFamily, check out @forensicnewsnet They initially broke the story with docs found by son of #DeutscheBank employee who committed suicide. They #FollowT...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Robert4787: The #Russian #FSB spy agency, a successor of the former #coldwar #KGB. murdered a Georgian exile in a #Berlin park in broad…
19/02/20 04:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #Russian #FSB spy agency, a successor of the former #coldwar #KGB. murdered a Georgian exile in a #Berlin park in broad daylight. I hope #Trump warns #Putin to not let this happen inside America. sports.yahoo.com/russian-secret… Post...
19/02/20 04:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #Russian #FSB spy agency, a successor of the former #coldwar #KGB. murdered a Georgian exile in a #Berlin park in broad daylight. I hope #Trump warns #Putin to not let this happen inside America. sports.yahoo.com/russian-secret… Post...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @glykosymoritis: “V” For “Vympel”: FSB’s secretive department “V” behind assassination of Georgian asylum seeker In Germany https://t.co…
19/02/20 04:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“V” For “Vympel”: FSB’s secretive department “V” behind assassination of Georgian asylum seeker In Germany glykosymoritis.blogspot.com/2020/02/v-for-… #putinism #MurderousState #FSB #Vympel pic.twitter.com/BjY0aHnfM2 Posted by glykosymor...
19/02/20 04:05 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
“V” For “Vympel”: FSB’s secretive department “V” behind assassination of Georgian asylum seeker In Germany glykosymoritis.blogspot.com/2020/02/v-for-… #putinism #MurderousState #FSB #Vympel pic.twitter.com/BjY0aHnfM2 Posted by glykosymor...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @RT_com: Chechen exile Zelimkhan #Khangoshvili’s killer may have been trained by #FSB – investigation suggestson.rt.com/ab8p
19/02/20 04:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Chechen exile Zelimkhan #Khangoshvili’s killer may have been trained by #FSB – investigation suggests on.rt.com/ab8p Posted by RT_com on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 8:30pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:04am 12...
19/02/20 04:04 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Chechen exile Zelimkhan #Khangoshvili’s killer may have been trained by #FSB – investigation suggests on.rt.com/ab8p Posted by RT_com on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 8:30pm Retweeted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 9:04am 12...
» mikenov on Twitter: #FSB, #SpecialOperations, and #PoliticalAssassinations | Is #VTB #bank controlled by #FSB and #AlexanderBortnikov through his son Denis? - #Tweets and #WebReview - 3:20 AM 2/19/2020 | #TweetsByMikeNov fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02
19/02/20 03:50 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#FSB, #SpecialOperations, and #PoliticalAssassinations | Is #VTB #bank controlled by #FSB and #AlexanderBortnikov through his son Denis? - #Tweets and #WebReview - 3:20 AM 2/19/2020 | #TweetsByMikeNov fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/f...
19/02/20 03:50 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#FSB, #SpecialOperations, and #PoliticalAssassinations | Is #VTB #bank controlled by #FSB and #AlexanderBortnikov through his son Denis? - #Tweets and #WebReview - 3:20 AM 2/19/2020 | #TweetsByMikeNov fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/f...
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: #FSBSpecialOperations, and #FSBPoliticalAssassinationsfbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/fsb-sp…
19/02/20 03:49 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: #FSBSpecialOperations, and #FSBPoliticalAssassinations fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/fsb-sp… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 8:49am...
19/02/20 03:49 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: #FSBSpecialOperations, and #FSBPoliticalAssassinations fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/fsb-sp… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 8:49am...
» mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: FSB, Special Operations, and Political Assassinati... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/fsb-sp…
19/02/20 03:47 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: FSB, Special Operations, and Political Assassinati... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/fsb-sp… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 8:47am mike...
19/02/20 03:47 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: FSB, Special Operations, and Political Assassinati... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/fsb-sp… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 8:47am mike...
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/kiWbZXSZpgAjQC…
19/02/20 02:59 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/kiWbZXSZpgAjQC… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:59am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 02:59 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/kiWbZXSZpgAjQC… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:59am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/EUxQsZV3pBMcwo…
19/02/20 02:59 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/EUxQsZV3pBMcwo… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:59am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 02:59 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/EUxQsZV3pBMcwo… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:59am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/rKdp9w4LWoVuCa…
19/02/20 02:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/rKdp9w4LWoVuCa… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:58am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 02:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/rKdp9w4LWoVuCa… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:58am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/2M5SjUy2WSmLJf…
19/02/20 02:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/2M5SjUy2WSmLJf… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:58am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 02:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/2M5SjUy2WSmLJf… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:58am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/7JZMUD2zUdaV1M…
19/02/20 02:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/7JZMUD2zUdaV1M… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:58am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 02:58 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/7JZMUD2zUdaV1M… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:58am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/c4kxUvTCcAg2SE…
19/02/20 02:57 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/c4kxUvTCcAg2SE… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:57am mikenov on Twitter
19/02/20 02:57 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel images.app.goo.gl/c4kxUvTCcAg2SE… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 7:57am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Bellingcat Says FSB Behind 2019 Berlin Killing Of Former Chechen Separatist Commander rferl.org/a/bellingcat-s…
18/02/20 20:54 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Bellingcat Says FSB Behind 2019 Berlin Killing Of Former Chechen Separatist Commander rferl.org/a/bellingcat-s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:54am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:54 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Bellingcat Says FSB Behind 2019 Berlin Killing Of Former Chechen Separatist Commander rferl.org/a/bellingcat-s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:54am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: bellingcat - "V" For “Vympel”: FSB’s Secretive Department “V” Behind Assassination Of Georgian Asylum Seeker In Germany - bellingcat bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-eu…
18/02/20 20:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
bellingcat - "V" For “Vympel”: FSB’s Secretive Department “V” Behind Assassination Of Georgian Asylum Seeker In Germany - bellingcat bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-eu… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:52am mikenov on Twi...
18/02/20 20:52 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
bellingcat - "V" For “Vympel”: FSB’s Secretive Department “V” Behind Assassination Of Georgian Asylum Seeker In Germany - bellingcat bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-eu… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:52am mikenov on Twi...
» mikenov on Twitter: #FsbSpetsnazVympel - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s…
18/02/20 20:50 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#FsbSpetsnazVympel - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:50am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:50 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#FsbSpetsnazVympel - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:50am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz vympel - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s…
18/02/20 20:49 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:49am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:49 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz vympel - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:49am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #FSBSpetsnazAlpha - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
18/02/20 20:48 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#FSBSpetsnazAlpha - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:48am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:48 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#FSBSpetsnazAlpha - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:48am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz alpha - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
18/02/20 20:47 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz alpha - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:47am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:47 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz alpha - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:47am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #fsbspetsnaz - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s…
18/02/20 20:47 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#fsbspetsnaz - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:47am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:47 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#fsbspetsnaz - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:47am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: fsb spetsnaz - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s…
18/02/20 20:46 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:46am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:46 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
fsb spetsnaz - Google Search google.com/search?q=fsb+s… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:46am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #FSB and #specialoperations abroad - Google Search google.com/search?q=FSB+a…
18/02/20 20:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#FSB and #specialoperations abroad - Google Search google.com/search?q=FSB+a… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:45am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#FSB and #specialoperations abroad - Google Search google.com/search?q=FSB+a… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:45am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: FSB and special operations abroad - Google Search google.com/search?q=FSB+a…
18/02/20 20:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
FSB and special operations abroad - Google Search google.com/search?q=FSB+a… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:44am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
FSB and special operations abroad - Google Search google.com/search?q=FSB+a… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:44am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #ImranAliev - Google Search google.com/search?q=Imran…
18/02/20 20:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#ImranAliev - Google Search google.com/search?q=Imran… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:23am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#ImranAliev - Google Search google.com/search?q=Imran… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:23am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Imran Aliev - Google Search google.com/search?q=Imran…
18/02/20 20:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Imran Aliev - Google Search google.com/search?q=Imran… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:23am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Imran Aliev - Google Search google.com/search?q=Imran… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:23am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #ZelimkhanKhangoshvili - Google Search google.com/search?q=Zelim…
18/02/20 20:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#ZelimkhanKhangoshvili - Google Search google.com/search?q=Zelim… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:22am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#ZelimkhanKhangoshvili - Google Search google.com/search?q=Zelim… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:22am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Zelimkhan Khangoshvili - Google Search google.com/search?q=Zelim…
18/02/20 20:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Zelimkhan Khangoshvili - Google Search google.com/search?q=Zelim… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:22am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Zelimkhan Khangoshvili - Google Search google.com/search?q=Zelim… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:22am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Putin’s Foreign Assassination Playbook: Evidence shows the FSB organized a daytime killing in Berlin. - Google Search google.com/search?q=Putin…
18/02/20 20:21 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin’s Foreign Assassination Playbook: Evidence shows the FSB organized a daytime killing in Berlin. - Google Search google.com/search?q=Putin… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:21am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:21 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin’s Foreign Assassination Playbook: Evidence shows the FSB organized a daytime killing in Berlin. - Google Search google.com/search?q=Putin… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:21am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Evidence shows Russia's FSB organized a daytime killing in Berlin. wsj.com/articles/putin… via @WSJ
18/02/20 20:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Evidence shows Russia's FSB organized a daytime killing in Berlin. wsj.com/articles/putin… via @WSJ Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:19am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Evidence shows Russia's FSB organized a daytime killing in Berlin. wsj.com/articles/putin… via @WSJ Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:19am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #Putin's #ForeignAssassination Playbook: the #AbsolutePower #corruptsabsolutely. - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
18/02/20 20:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin's #ForeignAssassination Playbook: the #AbsolutePower #corruptsabsolutely. - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:17am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Putin's #ForeignAssassination Playbook: the #AbsolutePower #corruptsabsolutely. - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:17am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook: the Absolute Power corrupts absolutely - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
18/02/20 20:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook: the Absolute Power corrupts absolutely - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:16am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook: the Absolute Power corrupts absolutely - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:16am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook images.app.goo.gl/Lga4tfmBLFCDip…
18/02/20 20:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook images.app.goo.gl/Lga4tfmBLFCDip… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:15am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook images.app.goo.gl/Lga4tfmBLFCDip… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:15am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook images.app.goo.gl/v4vjAGVbReXG7E…
18/02/20 20:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook images.app.goo.gl/v4vjAGVbReXG7E… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:15am mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 20:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Putin's Foreign Assassination Playbook images.app.goo.gl/v4vjAGVbReXG7E… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:15am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: The sentencing of Roger Stone, the friend and adviser of President Trump who was convicted on 7 felony charges, will go on as…
18/02/20 14:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The sentencing of Roger Stone, the friend and adviser of President Trump who was convicted on 7 felony charges, will go on as planned on Thursday despite last-ditch motions by Stone's defense attorneys for a new trial, the judge said on ...
18/02/20 14:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The sentencing of Roger Stone, the friend and adviser of President Trump who was convicted on 7 felony charges, will go on as planned on Thursday despite last-ditch motions by Stone's defense attorneys for a new trial, the judge said on ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @cnni: Officials in Lakeland, Florida, had to close part of a public park due to a massive amount of snakes mating in the area. https://…
18/02/20 14:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Officials in Lakeland, Florida, had to close part of a public park due to a massive amount of snakes mating in the area. cnn.it/38E6Nra pic.twitter.com/r9yOQH9p3R Posted by cnni on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:57pm Retweeted by mikenov...
18/02/20 14:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Officials in Lakeland, Florida, had to close part of a public park due to a massive amount of snakes mating in the area. cnn.it/38E6Nra pic.twitter.com/r9yOQH9p3R Posted by cnni on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:57pm Retweeted by mikenov...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @cnnbrk: President Trump pardons former New York police commissioner Bernie Kerik, who served time in prison for tax fraud and lying to…
18/02/20 14:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump pardons former New York police commissioner Bernie Kerik, who served time in prison for tax fraud and lying to officials cnn.it/3bPZv5S pic.twitter.com/N7lCXxztCr Posted by cnnbrk on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 7:04pm Re...
18/02/20 14:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
President Trump pardons former New York police commissioner Bernie Kerik, who served time in prison for tax fraud and lying to officials cnn.it/3bPZv5S pic.twitter.com/N7lCXxztCr Posted by cnnbrk on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 7:04pm Re...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @SecPompeo: Productive discussion with @AUC_MoussaFaki today in Addis Ababa. I look forward to continuing our engagement with the Africa…
18/02/20 14:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Productive discussion with @AUC_MoussaFaki today in Addis Ababa. I look forward to continuing our engagement with the African Union to address security challenges in the region. pic.twitter.com/8XpduFhuyJ Posted by SecPompeo on Tuesday, ...
18/02/20 14:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Productive discussion with @AUC_MoussaFaki today in Addis Ababa. I look forward to continuing our engagement with the African Union to address security challenges in the region. pic.twitter.com/8XpduFhuyJ Posted by SecPompeo on Tuesday, ...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @mod_russia: Тренировка военных инженеров Восточного военного округа в Бурятии#АрмияРоссии #ВВО #ВоенныеИнженеры #БоеваяПодготовка #Б…
18/02/20 14:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Тренировка военных инженеров Восточного военного округа в Бурятии #АрмияРоссии #ВВО #ВоенныеИнженеры #БоеваяПодготовка #Бурятия pic.twitter.com/Fe5QAGiGOR Posted by mod_russia on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 7:00pm Retweeted by mikenov o...
18/02/20 14:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Тренировка военных инженеров Восточного военного округа в Бурятии #АрмияРоссии #ВВО #ВоенныеИнженеры #БоеваяПодготовка #Бурятия pic.twitter.com/Fe5QAGiGOR Posted by mod_russia on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 7:00pm Retweeted by mikenov o...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @wandavazquezg: Trabajando junto al Concilio de Salud sobre la implementación de programas de prevención, los esfuerzos que se llevan en…
18/02/20 14:07 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trabajando junto al Concilio de Salud sobre la implementación de programas de prevención, los esfuerzos que se llevan en la zona sur y futuros proyectos que redundarán en nuevos beneficios para el paciente. pic.twitter.com/Nqlj8JiWQC Pos...
18/02/20 14:07 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trabajando junto al Concilio de Salud sobre la implementación de programas de prevención, los esfuerzos que se llevan en la zona sur y futuros proyectos que redundarán en nuevos beneficios para el paciente. pic.twitter.com/Nqlj8JiWQC Pos...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: Law and order is dying: Trump Commutes Corruption Sentence of Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois https://t.co/zcnbV…
18/02/20 14:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Law and order is dying: Trump Commutes Corruption Sentence of Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois nytimes.com/2020/02/18/us/… Posted by FrankFigliuzzi1 on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:53pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18t...
18/02/20 14:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Law and order is dying: Trump Commutes Corruption Sentence of Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois nytimes.com/2020/02/18/us/… Posted by FrankFigliuzzi1 on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:53pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18t...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Comey: The reservoir is everything. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/…
18/02/20 14:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The reservoir is everything. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/… Posted by Comey on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 7:01pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 7:06pm 777 likes, 268 retweets mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 14:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The reservoir is everything. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/… Posted by Comey on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 7:01pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 7:06pm 777 likes, 268 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Why #DeutscheBank Said "#Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My #Guess: Because Trump #blackmailed them into #revealing #Germany's role in #9/11 #FBI #CIA #ODNI #COUNTERINTELLIGENCE #Germany#AlQaeda#IntelligenceCommunity #NewAbwehr #TRUTH#
18/02/20 13:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Why #DeutscheBank Said "#Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My #Guess: Because Trump #blackmailed them into #revealing #Germany's role in #9/11 #FBI #CIA #ODNI #COUNTERINTELLIGENCE #Germany #AlQaeda #IntelligenceCommunity #NewAbwehr #TRUTH #Senate #C...
18/02/20 13:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Why #DeutscheBank Said "#Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My #Guess: Because Trump #blackmailed them into #revealing #Germany's role in #9/11 #FBI #CIA #ODNI #COUNTERINTELLIGENCE #Germany #AlQaeda #IntelligenceCommunity #NewAbwehr #TRUTH #Senate #C...
» mikenov on Twitter: Why #DeutscheBank Said "#Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My #Guess: Because Trump #blackmailed them into #revealing the #Germany's role in #9/11... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de…
18/02/20 13:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Why #DeutscheBank Said "#Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My #Guess: Because Trump #blackmailed them into #revealing the #Germany's role in #9/11... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:45pm...
18/02/20 13:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Why #DeutscheBank Said "#Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My #Guess: Because Trump #blackmailed them into #revealing the #Germany's role in #9/11... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:45pm...
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: Why #DeutscheBank Said "Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My Gu... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de…
18/02/20 13:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: Why #DeutscheBank Said "Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My Gu... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:44pm m...
18/02/20 13:44 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: Why #DeutscheBank Said "Yes" To #Trump? M.N.: My Gu... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:44pm m...
» mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Why Deutsche Bank Said "Yes" To Trump? M.N.: My Gu... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de…
18/02/20 13:43 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Why Deutsche Bank Said "Yes" To Trump? M.N.: My Gu... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:43pm mikeno...
18/02/20 13:43 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Why Deutsche Bank Said "Yes" To Trump? M.N.: My Gu... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-de… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 6:43pm mikeno...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: Is #VTB #bank controlled by #FSB and #AlexanderBortnikov through his son Denis? images.app.goo.gl/iroiQ1gsuGuwze…
18/02/20 12:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Is #VTB #bank controlled by #FSB and #AlexanderBortnikov through his son Denis? images.app.goo.gl/iroiQ1gsuGuwze… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 2:28pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 5:09pm 1 like...
18/02/20 12:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Is #VTB #bank controlled by #FSB and #AlexanderBortnikov through his son Denis? images.app.goo.gl/iroiQ1gsuGuwze… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 2:28pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 5:09pm 1 like...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Conaldsky: #VladimirTrump #VTB pic.twitter.com/9YS3dp8Krr
18/02/20 12:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#VladimirTrump #VTB pic.twitter.com/9YS3dp8Krr Posted by Conaldsky on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 2:44pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 5:08pm 1 retweet mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 12:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#VladimirTrump #VTB pic.twitter.com/9YS3dp8Krr Posted by Conaldsky on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 2:44pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 5:08pm 1 retweet mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @JayleneLewis1: @realDonaldTrump Semion Mogilevich = RU mob boss#DarkTowers #DeutscheBank #VTB pic.twitter.com/QapGe55FnD
18/02/20 12:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@realDonaldTrump Semion Mogilevich = RU mob boss #DarkTowers #DeutscheBank #VTB pic.twitter.com/QapGe55FnD Posted by JayleneLewis1 on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 3:19pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 5:08pm 1 like,...
18/02/20 12:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@realDonaldTrump Semion Mogilevich = RU mob boss #DarkTowers #DeutscheBank #VTB pic.twitter.com/QapGe55FnD Posted by JayleneLewis1 on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 3:19pm Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 5:08pm 1 like,...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @PC_Butter_Bread: Dark Towers review: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and a must-read mystery | Deutsche Bank | The Guardian#TrumpRussia i…
18/02/20 12:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Dark Towers review: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and a must-read mystery | Deutsche Bank | The Guardian #TrumpRussia is still a thing. #DeutscheBank #VTB #DarkTowers #MoneyLaundering #JaredKushner #JusticeKennedy #JustinKennedy #JusticeKa...
18/02/20 12:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Dark Towers review: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and a must-read mystery | Deutsche Bank | The Guardian #TrumpRussia is still a thing. #DeutscheBank #VTB #DarkTowers #MoneyLaundering #JaredKushner #JusticeKennedy #JustinKennedy #JusticeKa...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @marystudeny: Will @SenateGOP read #DarkTowers?How Deutsche Bank & Russians thru #VTB loaned millions (billions?) to @realDonaldTrump &…
18/02/20 12:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Will @SenateGOP read #DarkTowers? How Deutsche Bank & Russians thru #VTB loaned millions (billions?) to @realDonaldTrump & @jaredkushner @senatemajldr @SenatorRomney @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorBurr @SenatorCollins @SenCoryGardner @...
18/02/20 12:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Will @SenateGOP read #DarkTowers? How Deutsche Bank & Russians thru #VTB loaned millions (billions?) to @realDonaldTrump & @jaredkushner @senatemajldr @SenatorRomney @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorBurr @SenatorCollins @SenCoryGardner @...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @NL25_Tulips: @maddow @msnbc Trump vs #DeutscheBank and William Barr on March 31, 2020. Why did these former execs kill themselves ....…
18/02/20 12:07 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@maddow @msnbc Trump vs #DeutscheBank and William Barr on March 31, 2020. Why did these former execs kill themselves ..... ...... William Broeksmit (58) - Suicide Calogero Gambino (41) - Suicide Thomas Bowers (55) - Suicide #TrumpCoverUp...
18/02/20 12:07 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@maddow @msnbc Trump vs #DeutscheBank and William Barr on March 31, 2020. Why did these former execs kill themselves ..... ...... William Broeksmit (58) - Suicide Calogero Gambino (41) - Suicide Thomas Bowers (55) - Suicide #TrumpCoverUp...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @TheSpeedSnail: @realDonaldTrump Tweeting about judges is not your job.Trying to bail out #Halkbank #Erdogan is treason.Taking over half…
18/02/20 12:07 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@realDonaldTrump Tweeting about judges is not your job.Trying to bail out #Halkbank #Erdogan is treason.Taking over half a billion in loans from #VTB state bank of #Putin #Russia criminal conflict of interest.Speaking of interest,how muc...
18/02/20 12:07 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@realDonaldTrump Tweeting about judges is not your job.Trying to bail out #Halkbank #Erdogan is treason.Taking over half a billion in loans from #VTB state bank of #Putin #Russia criminal conflict of interest.Speaking of interest,how muc...
» mikenov on Twitter: 11:47 AM 2/18/2020 - Saved and Shared Stories: Every #TrumpFinancial Thread Pulled #Results In #Scandal | #RachelMaddow | #MSNBC - #YouTube fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1147-a…
18/02/20 11:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
11:47 AM 2/18/2020 - Saved and Shared Stories: Every #TrumpFinancial Thread Pulled #Results In #Scandal | #RachelMaddow | #MSNBC - #YouTube fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1147-a… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:55...
18/02/20 11:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
11:47 AM 2/18/2020 - Saved and Shared Stories: Every #TrumpFinancial Thread Pulled #Results In #Scandal | #RachelMaddow | #MSNBC - #YouTube fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1147-a… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:55...
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 11:47 AM 2/18/2020 - Saved and Shared Stories: Eve... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1147-a…
18/02/20 11:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 11:47 AM 2/18/2020 - Saved and Shared Stories: Eve... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1147-a… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:53pm mi...
18/02/20 11:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 11:47 AM 2/18/2020 - Saved and Shared Stories: Eve... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/1147-a… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:53pm mi...
» mikenov on Twitter: #News - trump finances supreme court - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump…
18/02/20 11:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#News - trump finances supreme court - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:15pm mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 11:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#News - trump finances supreme court - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:15pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Supreme Court sets arguments on Trump taxes, financial records in cases that could yield major rulings nbcnews.com/politics/supre…
18/02/20 11:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Supreme Court sets arguments on Trump taxes, financial records in cases that could yield major rulings nbcnews.com/politics/supre… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:12pm mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 11:12 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Supreme Court sets arguments on Trump taxes, financial records in cases that could yield major rulings nbcnews.com/politics/supre… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:12pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #trumpfinances #supremecourt - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
18/02/20 11:11 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#trumpfinances #supremecourt - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:11pm mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 11:11 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#trumpfinances #supremecourt - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:11pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #trumpfinances - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump…
18/02/20 11:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#trumpfinances - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:10pm mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 11:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#trumpfinances - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:10pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: trump finances - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump…
18/02/20 11:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
trump finances - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:10pm mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 11:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
trump finances - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:10pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #trumptaxes - Google #NewsSearch google.com/search?q=trump…
18/02/20 11:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#trumptaxes - Google #NewsSearch google.com/search?q=trump… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:09pm mikenov on Twitter
18/02/20 11:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#trumptaxes - Google #NewsSearch google.com/search?q=trump… Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 4:09pm mikenov on Twitter

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