11:20 AM 1/5/2020 - #Israel, come to your senses, cut yourself down to size, and know your place: you are just a one-eyed #midget with the sick ambitions for the one thousand #hungry eyes! - Michael #Novakhov, as the #messenger for, and on behalf of the #Prophets #Isaiah and #Malachi

Israel, come to your senses, cut yourself down to size, and know your place: you are just a one-eyed midget with the sick ambitions for the one thousand hungry eyes! - Michael Novakhov, as the messenger for, and on behalf of the Prophets Isaiah and Malachi.
Post Link - 11:20 AM 1/5/2020
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Israel, come to your senses - Google Search (Jan 5, 2020 11:25)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 740 × 500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . As he’s made abundantly clear over the last two ye...
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 10:51 AM 1/5/2020 - Russian Underwriter VTB May Ha... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/01/1051-a… (Jan 5, 2020 11:03)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 10:51 AM 1...
10:51 AM 1/5/2020 - Russian Underwriter VTB May Have Been Behind Mysterious Donald Trump Deutsche Bank Loans, Per ‘Forensic News’: A whistleblower says he has told the FBI that the state-owned Russian bank guaranteed that the six-time bankrupt Trump was c (Jan 5, 2020 11:03)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.co...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @vaticannews_fr: "Dans tant d’endroits du monde se ressent une terrible montée de tension. La guerre ne conduit qu'à la mort et aux dest… (Jan 5, 2020 10:25)
"Dans tant d’endroits du monde se ressent une terrible montée de tension. La guerre ne ...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @ilfaroonline: Tensione Usa-Iran, appello del Papa al dialogo: “La guerra porta solo morte e distruzione” dlvr.it/RMSlgn #PapaV… (Jan 5, 2020 10:25)
Tensione Usa-Iran, appello del Papa al dialogo: “La guerra porta solo morte e distruzio...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @FabioBerry93: #PapaFrancesco: "Ricordo l'impegno che ci siamo presi a Capodanno, Giornata della #Pace: 'La pace come cammino di speranz… (Jan 5, 2020 10:24)
#PapaFrancesco: "Ricordo l'impegno che ci siamo presi a Capodanno, Giornata della #Pace...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @holidayshappy96: @Pontifex_es EL SANTO De Los Santos, Está Entre Nosotros. Ser Santo En “EL AMOR DE LOS AMORES”. #Ángelus https://t.co/… (Jan 5, 2020 10:24)
@Pontifex_es EL SANTO De Los Santos, Está Entre Nosotros. Ser Santo En “EL AMOR DE LOS ...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @catholicnews1: #PopeFrancis says "This charity, this mercy towards our neighbor, a reflection of God's love, at the same time purifies… (Jan 5, 2020 10:24)
#PopeFrancis says "This charity, this mercy towards our neighbor, a reflection of God's...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @PontAcadLife: War brings only death and destruction. There is a terrible air of tension” in many parts of the world.I call upon all pa… (Jan 5, 2020 10:23)
War brings only death and destruction. There is a terrible air of tension” in many part...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @bikermtb_68: @Pontifex_es Oremos (Jan 5, 2020 10:23)
@Pontifex_es Oremos
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Siwolae1: St. Bernardine of Siena popularized devotion to the Holy Name of JesusLord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy.Lord, have mercy… (Jan 5, 2020 10:23)
St. Bernardine of Siena popularized devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus Lord, have mercy...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @antoniospadaro: In tante parti del mondo si sente la terribile aria di tensione. La guerra porta solo morte e distruzione… Le parti ten… (Jan 5, 2020 10:22)
In tante parti del mondo si sente la terribile aria di tensione. La guerra porta solo m...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @WorldofWarships: (Jan 5, 2020 10:22)
mikenov on Twitter: RT @jackierch: #PopeFrancis at #Angelus: Sustain each other within the family - just as Jesus, Mary and Joseph did (Jan 5, 2020 10:22)
#PopeFrancis at #Angelus: Sustain each other within the family - just as Jesus, Mary an...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @RadioMariaITA: H. 11.55I #Salmi H. 12.00#Angelus - #Ora Media pic.twitter.com/9jZxzMef6P (Jan 5, 2020 10:22)
H. 11.55 I #Salmi H. 12.00 #Angelus - #Ora Media pic.twitter.com/9jZxzMef6P Posted by R...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @USITA_forum: #PopeFrancis apologizes for the bad example he gave last night when a woman grabbed his arm, and urges everyone to live th… (Jan 5, 2020 10:22)
#PopeFrancis apologizes for the bad example he gave last night when a woman grabbed his...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @RadioMariaITA: H. 11.55I #Salmi H. 12.00#Angelus - #Ora Media pic.twitter.com/NOirWQInaZ (Jan 5, 2020 10:21)
H. 11.55 I #Salmi H. 12.00 #Angelus - #Ora Media pic.twitter.com/NOirWQInaZ Posted by R...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @JESUSCARITASEST: #PopeFrancis says "This charity, this mercy towards our neighbor, a reflection of God's love, at the same time purifie… (Jan 5, 2020 10:10)
#PopeFrancis says "This charity, this mercy towards our neighbor, a reflection of God's...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_ln: En vis Nativitatis. Dominus inter nos advenit perseveranter, Verbi sui donum nobis praebet perseveranter, ut unusquisque n… (Jan 5, 2020 10:10)
En vis Nativitatis. Dominus inter nos advenit perseveranter, Verbi sui donum nobis prae...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @VaticanNews: At the #Angelus prayer on the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth, #PopeFrancis says that each person in Jesus' family su… (Jan 5, 2020 10:10)
At the #Angelus prayer on the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth, #PopeFrancis says t...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Michael65413248: Solemnity of the #Epiphany of the Lord, 5Jan2019#Homilies & #Angelus ofPopes Saint #JohnPaul2, #BenedictXVI & #Franc… (Jan 5, 2020 10:10)
Solemnity of the #Epiphany of the Lord, 5Jan2019 #Homilies & #Angelus of Popes Sain...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_it: Ecco il significato del Natale. Se il Signore continua a venire in mezzo a noi, se continua a farci dono della sua Parola,… (Jan 5, 2020 10:09)
Ecco il significato del Natale. Se il Signore continua a venire in mezzo a noi, se cont...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_pt: Esse é o significado do Natal. Se o Senhor continua a vir entre nós, se continua a dar-nos o dom da sua Palavra, é para qu… (Jan 5, 2020 10:09)
Esse é o significado do Natal. Se o Senhor continua a vir entre nós, se continua a dar-...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_fr: Voici le sens de Noël. Si le Seigneur continue à venir parmi nous, s'il continue à faire don de sa Parole, c'est pour que… (Jan 5, 2020 10:09)
Voici le sens de Noël. Si le Seigneur continue à venir parmi nous, s'il continue à fair...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @VaticanNews: #PopeFrancis apologizes for the bad example he gave last night when a woman grabbed his arm, and urges everyone to live th… (Jan 5, 2020 10:09)
#PopeFrancis apologizes for the bad example he gave last night when a woman grabbed his...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Siwolae1: Cf. John 1,14O Holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Through the same Christ our Lord. A… (Jan 5, 2020 10:08)
Cf. John 1,14 O Holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Chris...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_es: Este es el significado de la Navidad. Si el Señor sigue viniendo entre nosotros, si sigue dándonos el don de su Palabra, e… (Jan 5, 2020 10:08)
Este es el significado de la Navidad. Si el Señor sigue viniendo entre nosotros, si sig...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: This is the meaning of Christmas. If the Lord continues to come among us and give us the gift of His Word, it is so that each… (Jan 5, 2020 10:08)
This is the meaning of Christmas. If the Lord continues to come among us and give us th...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: Here’s your deep state: Trump briefed Graham on airstrike, but kept Dems in the dark msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-… (Jan 5, 2020 10:07)
Here’s your deep state: Trump briefed Graham on airstrike, but kept Dems in the dark ms...
mikenov on Twitter: RT @SenSchumer: Republicans, ask yourselves:Would @realDonaldTrump block the release of these emails if he had nothing to hide? Of course… (Jan 5, 2020 10:07)
Republicans, ask yourselves: Would @realDonaldTrump block the release of these emails i...
mikenov on Twitter: Russian Underwriter VTB May Have Been Behind Mysterious Donald Trump Deutsche Bank Loans, Per ‘Forensic News’ inquisitr.com/5819997/russia… (Jan 5, 2020 10:06)
Russian Underwriter VTB May Have Been Behind Mysterious Donald Trump Deutsche Bank Loan...
mikenov on Twitter: January 3, 2020Russian Underwriter VTB May Have Been Behind Mysterious Donald Trump Deutsche Bank Loans, Per ‘Forensic News’A whistleblower says he has told the FBI that the state-owned Russian bank... inquisitr.com/5819997/russia… (Jan 5, 2020 10:06)
January 3, 2020 Russian Underwriter VTB May Have Been Behind Mysterious Donald Trump De...
Russian Underwriter VTB May Have Been Behind Mysterious Donald Trump Deutsche Bank Loans, Per ‘Forensic News’ (Jan 5, 2020 10:05)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Inquisitr. Jonathan Vankin A whistleblower ...
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Go for it, Yaffa! MeZinkz, zat it iz zi very speci... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/01/go-for… (Jan 5, 2020 09:58)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter. The FBI News Review - fbine...
mikenov on Twitter: Bank subsid tied to Russian VTB underwrote Trump DB loans | dagblog dagblog.com/link/russian-v… (Jan 5, 2020 09:57)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakh...
mikenov on Twitter: vtb bank - Google Search google.com/search?q=vtb+b… (Jan 5, 2020 09:55)
vtb bank - Google Search google.com/search?q=vtb+b… Posted by mikenov on Sunday, Januar...
mikenov on Twitter: Search Resultsdagblog (blog)Bank... google.com/search?q=vtb+b… (Jan 5, 2020 09:55)
Search Results dagblog (blog) Bank... google.com/search?q=vtb+b… Posted by mikenov on S...
vtb bank - Google Search (Jan 5, 2020 09:55)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Search Results
vtb bank - Google Search (Jan 5, 2020 09:54)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Robert J. DeNault on Twitter: "BREAKING: A Whistle...
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Поднимайся уже, шлюха, твою мать! - 9:00 AM 1/5/20... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/01/900-am… (Jan 5, 2020 09:45)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakh...
Поднимайся уже, шлюха, твою мать! - 9:00 AM 1/5/2020 - Новогоднее обращение к гражданам России - 5 дней назад (Jan 5, 2020 09:44)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.co...
Go for it, Yaffa! MeZinkz, zat it iz zi very special Mossad Operation: They want to find out, if Putin is circumcised or not, and by how much, so they could safely declare him the Jewish Orthodox Saint! (Jan 5, 2020 08:31)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.co...
mikenov on Twitter: "Yaffa Issachar threatens to block Putin from entering Rivlin's home." M.N.: Go for it, Yaffa! Block all the Elite's houses and take him to your own, to your bedroom; and do with him whatever you wish. You have my explicit permission! (Jan 5, 2020 08:24)
"Yaffa Issachar threatens to block Putin from entering Rivlin's home." M.N.: Go for it,...
Bank subsid tied to Russian VTB underwrote Trump DB loans | dagblog (Jan 5, 2020 05:40)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from dagblog - Comments for "Bank subsid tied t...
mikenov on Twitter: Bank subsid tied to Russian VTB underwrote Trump DB loans dagblog.com/link/russian-v… via @dagblog (Jan 5, 2020 05:39)
Bank subsid tied to Russian VTB underwrote Trump DB loans dagblog.com/link/russian-v… v...
Russian VTB bank underwrote Trump Deutsche Bank loans (Jan 5, 2020 05:37)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Google Alert - Trump and Deutsche Bank. BREAKIN...
Yaffa Issachar threatens to block Putin from entering Rivlin's home (Jan 5, 2020 05:33)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: Go for it, Y...
smoking cigars woman - Google Search (Jan 5, 2020 05:21)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1024 × 809 Collections Get help Send feedback Gott...
smoking cigars woman - Google Search (Jan 5, 2020 05:20)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 600 × 318 Collections Get help Send feedback Flori...
mikenov on Twitter: A strategic errorSoleimani apparently believed his own PR, the admirers who shared his photos and the enemies who glorified him. There’s no doubt... haaretz.com/us-news/.premi… (Jan 5, 2020 05:08)
A strategic error Soleimani apparently believed his own PR, the admirers who shared his...
mikenov on Twitter: Killing Soleimani isn’t the concern — it’s Trump’s suspicious timing: columnist rawstory.com/2020/01/killin… (Jan 5, 2020 04:57)
Killing Soleimani isn’t the concern — it’s Trump’s suspicious timing: columnist rawstor...
Mr. Netanyahu, The MMU-MMU-MMU-NITY Man is getting a message from Mr. Pompeo (Jan 5, 2020 04:42)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.co...
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Mr. Netanyahu, The MMU-MMU-MMU-NITY Man is getting... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/01/mr-net… (Jan 5, 2020 04:41)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Mr. Netany...
Pompeo speaks with Netanyahu on Iranian threat following Soleimani's deat (Jan 5, 2020 04:37)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo , and Israeli P...
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review In 250 Brief P... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/01/mike-n… (Jan 5, 2020 00:45)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Mike Nova’...
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review In 250 Brief Posts - 12:40 AM 1/5/2020 (Jan 5, 2020 00:44)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.co...
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: On the supremacy of the spiritual powers over the ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/01/on-sup… (Jan 4, 2020 23:58)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: On the sup...
On the supremacy of the spiritual powers over the powers of states and statesmen - the Searches in the Philosophy of Religion - 12:39 AM 1/4/2020 (Jan 4, 2020 23:57)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.co...
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Tell me, who are your supporters with cigar smokin... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/01/tell-m… (Jan 4, 2020 23:34)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Tell me, w...
Tell me, who are your supporters with cigar smoking wives, and I will tell you, who you are! Netanyahu and Russian Jewish Mafia (Jan 4, 2020 23:34)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.co...
smoking cigars woman - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 22:51)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 731 × 1024 Collections Get help Send feedback Ciga...
smoking cigars woman - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 22:50)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 866 × 1300 Collections Get help Send feedback 123R...
smoking cigars woman - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 22:50)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1000 × 667 Collections Get help Send feedback Unsp...
smoking cigars woman - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 22:49)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 600 × 400 Collections Get help Send feedback Tagg ...
Netanyahu is an unbridled liar, but his supporters don't mind - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com (Jan 4, 2020 21:46)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 0 comments Print Subscribe now 85 share on face...
mikenov on Twitter: Netanyahu is an unbridled liar, but his supporters don't mind | Opinion haaretz.com/opinion/.premi… (Jan 4, 2020 21:44)
Netanyahu is an unbridled liar, but his supporters don't mind | Opinion haaretz.com/opi...
mikenov on Twitter: Netanyahu is an unbridled liar, but his supporters don't mind haaretz.com/opinion/.premi… (Jan 4, 2020 21:43)
Netanyahu is an unbridled liar, but his supporters don't mind haaretz.com/opinion/.prem...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:59)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 500 × 315 Collections Get help Send feedback Ancie...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:57)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 768 × 432 Collections Get help Send feedback Histo...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:57)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 976 × 549 Collections Get help Send feedback BBC [...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:54)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 600 × 585 Collections Get help Send feedback Bibli...
Islam spread through the Christian world via the bedroom (Jan 4, 2020 17:46)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Aeon. There are few transformations in world hi...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:45)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1400 × 840 Collections Get help Send feedback Aeon...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:44)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1000 × 601 Collections Get help Send feedback Mome...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:43)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 630 × 315 Collections Get help Send feedback HuffP...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:43)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Collections Get help Send feedback Wikipedia [PDF]...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:42)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1600 × 1200 Collections Get help Send feedback Enc...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:42)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 2056 × 3648 Collections Get help Send feedback Wik...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:38)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1532 × 735 Collections Get help Send feedback Fore...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:37)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1200 × 600 Collections Get help Send feedback Info...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:37)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 600 × 337 Collections Get help Send feedback Islam...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:37)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 853 × 1280 Collections Get help Send feedback Univ...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:36)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1600 × 923
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 768 × 432 Collections Get help Send feedback Histo...
Origins of Christianity, Judaism, other religions, and Religion in general - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:35)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Collections Get help Send feedback New World Encyc...
Muslim, Jews and Christians - Relations and Interactions (Jan 4, 2020 17:35)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Institute of Ismaili Studies. Key words: Mu...
Nature of the Divine - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:33)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 350 × 470 Collections Get help Send feedback artne...
Nature of the Divine - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:32)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 480 × 352 Collections Get help Send feedback Artne...
Nature of the Divine - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:31)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 474 × 500 Collections Get help Send feedback Faith...
mikenov on Twitter: Search ResultsFeatured snippet from the webImage result for Nature of the DivineIn traditional Christian theology,... google.com/search?q=Natur… (Jan 4, 2020 17:30)
Search Results Featured snippet from the web Image result for Nature of the Divine In t...
Nature of the Divine - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:30)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Search Results Featured snippet from the web In tr...
mikenov on Twitter: An ultimate unity in knowledge is one to which a multiplicity of... google.com/search?q=The+u… (Jan 4, 2020 17:26)
An ultimate unity in knowledge is one to which a multiplicity of... google.com/search?q...
The ultimate unity of Belief and Knowledge - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 17:25)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . An ultimate unity in knowledge is one to which a m...
mikenov on Twitter: CNN.com - Royal Navy to allow devil worship - Oct 24, 2004 cnn.com/2004/WORLD/eur… (Jan 4, 2020 17:18)
CNN.com - Royal Navy to allow devil worship - Oct 24, 2004 cnn.com/2004/WORLD/eur… Post...
philosophy of religion - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 16:04)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1600 × 948 Collections Get help Send feedback Brit...
philosophy of religion - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 16:03)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 786 × 400 Collections Get help Send feedback The O...
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Attention: #CIA, #DIA, #FBI: Investigate all Mossa... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/01/attent… (Jan 4, 2020 15:51)
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Attention:...
Attention: #CIA, #DIA, #FBI: Investigate all Mossad agents in Puerto Rico / #PuertoRico and #EXPELL them!!! Consult me for details if needed. I think, the problem is obvious. - Michael Novakhov - 3:45 PM 1/4/2020 (Jan 4, 2020 15:50)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.co...
philosophy of religion - Google Search (Jan 4, 2020 15:30)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1018 × 600 Collections Get help Send feedback Quot...
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