Reading Isaiah - Читая Исайю | Polyphonic Prayer In 66 Songs, In English-Russian

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G. F. Handel: Messiah HWV 56 (fantastic performance)

Book of Isaiah KJV - GS | Images: IsaiahIsaiah Vatican

Библия/Книга пророка Исаии

Книга пророка Исаии

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Dramatis Personae




Chorus In Functions: Israel, Angels, Little Devils, Doubters, Believers, All Chorus 


Isaiah 1 King James Version (KJV)

Song 1: Your Princes are Thieves! 

Opening Statement

1.2 Внемли, Небо; Впитай, Земля; Сыновей взрастил, а против меня восстали! 


Comments and Discussion

Isaiah: They have rebelled! They have rebelled! 

Хор Ангелов: Так говорит Господь! Так говорит Господь!

Satan: Just one second, my dear friends! Not so fast! 

Isn' ziz zi bad case of Oedipus Complex? What do you mean by "rebelled"? Was he a good father? Was there any child abuse, and maybe the sexual abuse? I would not be surprised if these things were quite common among the ancient Hebrews. And who appointed him "God" in the first place? Was there any proper due process in place? Any competition? Any alternative candidates? Was he properly vetted? Did FBI perform a good background check or were they sloppy as always? 

What was the need to perform that barbaric act of circumcision? They claim, that ziz iz zi magic wedding ring symbolising the monotheistic and the monogamous marriage between the Jews and their Lord. But did they reach the legal age of consent? And was this consent free from any undue pressures? We cannot avoid all these unpleasant but important questions, my dear friends!

Doubters: Yes, ziz iz zi Truth! We will play zi Devils' advocates too! We all have passed our bar exams, and we have our legal licenses! Do not take us for the fools! We are entitled to ask the questions, und ziz iz our job, after all. We are getting paid for ziz, and therefore we are zi professionals! 

"They have rebelled! They have rebelled!" 

А были ли они его сыновья, in the first place?! They did not trust the paternal lineage those days that much, that is why they derive the assigned Jewish identities from the maternal lines, und ziz fact speaks for itself! 

And maybe, those were the fruits of the strict religious education. "They have rebelled! They have rebelled!" Nonsense! Nothing is proven until it is really proven.

Little Devils: Absolutely! We support all these valid arguments. We have to look deeper! Into the roots of things. Into those gorgeous high hanging roots, not your low hanging fruits!

And anyway, what were the sequelae?

No pain no gain! No rebellion, no progress! Rebel! Rebel! 

The Angels: Lies, lies! All lies and artful deceptions. You just have to believe and to understand with your hearts, not with your minds. The rational knowledge is limited, illusory and deceptive. It is the road to nowhere, the gnoseological cul-de-sac, so to speak. 

Lord: [Shut up, all of you! I am speaking now, the Lord Almighty!]
1.3 И у вола хозяин есть, и у осла - стойло его, а Израиль народ мой, не знает меня и не слушает. 

Хор Ангелов: Не знает, не слушает! И не знает, и не слушает! Это так. Это - правда. We confirm. 

Isaiah: All right, let him talk now. We all came here to hear him, and to learn his truths, not your empty blah blah blah, you brainless little ignoramuses! And you Satan, know your place, or I will hang you by your balls! Me no interesanto in your hanging roots, utilize them in your stinking gay baths, to your soulless heart content!

Lord: [Thank you, my faithful servant Isaiah. You do deserve the promotion. So!] 
1.4 Народ грешный, народ беззаконный, племя злодеев, сыны погибели! Оставили Господа, презрели Святой Израиль, повернули назад!

Израиль: Грешны мы, грешны мы! Oh Lord! We deserve your punisment!

1.5 Во что вас бить еще, упрямцы? Голова моя в язвах, сердце моё исчахло.

Хор Ангелов: Упрямцы, упрямцы! 

1.7 Земля ваша опустела, города сожжены огнем, плоды трудов ваших, на ваших же глазах, пожирают грабители, всё опустешено, всё разорено! 

Хор Ангелов: Всё опустешено, всё разорено! 

1.10 Слушайте слово Господне, князья Содомские; внимай закону Бога нашего, народ Гоморрский! 

Хор Ангелов: Содом и Гоморра! 
Хор Сатанинский: Содом и Гоморра! 
Сатана, смеясь: Содом и Гоморра! 

1.11 К чему Мне жертвы ваши? Я крови тельцов и агнцев и козлов не хочу. 

Хор Ангелов: Так говорит Господь! 

1.13 & 14 Дары ваши тщетны и отвратительны для Меня; суббот и праздников ваших не могу терпеть: беззаконие вершите и  празднуете! 
Праздники ваши ненавидит душа Моя: они бремя для Меня; Мне тяжело нести его! 

Хор Ангелов: Беззаконие вершите и  празднуете! 

1.15 И когда простираете руки ваши, закрываю от вас очи Мои; и когда молитесь, то не слышу: руки ваши полны крови! 

Хор Ангелов: Руки ваши полны крови, полны крови! 
Хор Сатанинский: Не хочет крови видеть, Ха! 
Сатана, смеясь: Ха! Ха! Кровь - это естественная биологическая жидкость, Ваше святейшество! 
Хор Сатанинский: Крови хотим, крови!

1.16 Омойтесь, очиститесь; удалите злые деяния ваши от очей Моих; перестаньте делать зло; научитесь делать добро, ищите правды, спасайте угнетенного, защищайте сироту, вступайтесь за вдову. 

Хор Сатанинский: Много, много хочешь, Батенька! Так в жизни не бывает! 
Сатана (притворно назидательно): Он же Бог, Всевышний, Всемогущий! Работа у него такая! 
Хор Сатанинский: Работа такая, работа такая! Ха! Ха! 
Хор Ангелов: Изыди, Сатана, изыди! Делайте добро, ищите правды! Добра и правды, добра и правды! 
Сатана (притворно задумчиво): А что есть добро, что есть правда? We need to clarify the terms, we need the good definitions!
Хор Сатанинский: Добра и правды! Ха! Ха! Добра и правды! Многого хочет! А кто за них платить будет? Дядя Ваня? 
Хор Ангелов: Добра и правды, добра и правды!

1.22 Серебро твое стало изгарью, вино твое испорчено водою; князья твои — законопреступники и сообщники воров; все они любят подарки и гоняются за мздою; не защищают сироты, и дело вдовы не доходит до них. 

Во'ры князья мои! 
Во'ры князья мои! 
Во'ры князья мои! 

To be continued (hopefully) 

M.N. - 1:17 PM 12/28/2019 - Post Link 

Cornelis Cornelisz van HaarlemThe Fall of the Titans, 1596-1598 


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Holy Bible - Book 23 - Isaiah - KJV Dramatized Audio

This is the holy book of Isaiah, known as "The Book of the Prophet Isaiah". The recording is dramatized, from the King James Bible. This is, in my opinion, the best and most beautiful recording of the King James Bible in existence. Thanks, blessings, honor, glory, and power to the most high God, who is the almighty creator and author of these books. For those who doubt the Biblical Christian worldview, please carefully examine the evidence set forth in the following documentaries: "Non-Christian Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus" by Chris White, "The Bible - The Word of God? - Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence", "The Bible on Trial - Beyond A Reasonable Doubt", which is split into six ~10 minute parts, "A Lamp in the Dark - The Untold History of the Bible" (2009), the sequel "Tares Among The Wheat" (2012), "Finger of God" (2007), and the sequel "Furious Love" (2010), and it's sequel Father of Lights (2012), "Darwin's Dilemma - The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record" (2009), "Secrets of the Bible Code Revealed", Parts 1 & 2 (1998), "The Case for a Creator" (2006), the sequel "The Case for Christ" (2007), and it's sequel "The Case for Faith" (2008), and this next one not from Lee Strobel, "The Case for Christ's Resurrection" (2007), "The Privileged Planet" (2004), "The Star of Bethlehem" (2007), "Unlocking the Mystery of Life" (2002), "Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution" (2000), it's sequel "Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution II" (2000), and it's sequel "Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution III" (2004), "God of Wonders" (2008), Chuck Missler's "What Is Truth - The Case for Biblical Integrity", Parts 1 & 2 (2006), "Aquarius - The Age of Evil" (2010), "Age of Deceit - Fallen Angels and the New World Order", "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Volume 1 - The New Atlantis" (2006), it's sequel "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Volume 2 "- Riddles In Stone - The Secret Arcitecture of Washington D.C." (2007), the next sequel "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Volume 3 - Eye of the Phoenix - Secret of the Dollar Bill" (2009), and the final sequel "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Volume 4 - Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" (2010), "Megiddo - The March to Armageddon" (2004), and it's sequel "Megiddo II - The New Age" (2006), "Countdown to Eternity" (2005), "Zeitgeist Refuted & Debunked". If you want more, or have a specific question, just ask. I found all of these for free on the internet, most of them here on YouTube but a few on torrent websites. King James Version .PDF → King James Version - High Resolution 1611 → King James Version - Normal Resolution 1611 + Tons More Awesome Ancient Bibles → In the secret recess of a temple cell in the sacred city of Tashi-Lhunpo an old monk sat reading the Bible before a charcoal brazier. "Surely these are great words," he said to himself. "Never have I heard such a story as this." Taking up his pen, he dipped it in black ink and wrote in beautiful flowing Tibetan: "Dear unknown friends, The book you have sent over the mountains has come to my lonely cell. My soul has been strangely stirred as I have read these words. Light has come to my poor darkened soul. Please send me more light." - an excerpt from "God Spoke Tibetan: The Epic Story of the Men Who Gave the Bible to Tibet, The Forbidden Land" written by Allan Maberly (1971)

P.S.: Vovchick, if you want to be my co-author, I do not mind; but do ziz properly and do not mess up the text, I am tired of fixing it all the time, and it is such a waste of time! M.N. - 1:17 PM 12/28/2019


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