The Red Menace Is REAL!!! Fuck you, MAMABICHOS!!! This is not the mythical "Red Scare", this is the very logical, reasonable, and valid concern, and for the some time already: the Chinese operatives try to steal and manipulate, or alternatively, to destroy, if they feel like it, any intellectual property of value that they can put their hands on; and here, in this case, in this my conflict with the InMotion Hosting, it appears quite evident: they wanted me and my sites off the air for the political purposes, because it did not suit their views.
7:33 AM 8/27/2019 - Post Link

This is not the mythical "Red Scare", this is the very logical, reasonable, and valid concern, and for the some time already: the Chinese operatives try to steal and manipulate, or alternatively, to destroy, if they feel like it, any intellectual property of value that they can put their hands on; and here, in this case, in this my conflict with the InMotion Hosting, it appears quite evident: they wanted me and my sites off the air for the political purposes, because it did not suit their views.
It is also very interesting, that the last internet "blackout" or "blockade" of my sites by the Inmotion Hosting, occurred on the same day, when the question of the Governorship was decided by the Puerto Rican Supreme Court. I think, they were blocked on purpose by Douglas Leff, to prevent the negative coverage of these events in the internet by the free, independent bloggers, like your humble servant.
And now Mr. Douglas Leff, and those who are behind him, and I think, that it is the Trumpist Mafia; using the excuses and the pretenses of "Inappropriate Language", took all my sites off the air, exercising their efficient control over the "Inmotion Hosting", and its servers.
The little stupid Mafiosi mamabichos and nincompoops did not know that I use a different hosting service also, for my new sites. Fuck you, MAMABICHOS!!!
Michael Novakhov
7:30 AM 8/27/2019

This is not the mythical "Red Scare", this is the very logical, reasonable, and valid concern, and for the some time already: the Chinese operatives try to steal and manipulate, or alternatively, to destroy, if they feel like it, any intellectual property of value that they can put their hands on; and here, in this case, in this my conflict with the InMotion Hosting, it appears quite evident: they wanted me and my sites off the air for the political purposes, because it did not suit their views.
It is also very interesting, that the last internet "blackout" or "blockade" of my sites by the Inmotion Hosting, occurred on the same day, when the question of the Governorship was decided by the Puerto Rican Supreme Court. I think, they were blocked on purpose by Douglas Leff, to prevent the negative coverage of these events in the internet by the free, independent bloggers, like your humble servant.
And now Mr. Douglas Leff, and those who are behind him, and I think, that it is the Trumpist Mafia; using the excuses and the pretenses of "Inappropriate Language", took all my sites off the air, exercising their efficient control over the "Inmotion Hosting", and its servers.
The little stupid Mafiosi mamabichos and nincompoops did not know that I use a different hosting service also, for my new sites. Fuck you, MAMABICHOS!!!
Michael Novakhov
7:30 AM 8/27/2019
InMotion Hosting: | #InMotionHosting:
#FBI #CIA #ODNI #DOJ #Congress #Senate #FCC #UN #NEWS #CENSORSHIP #DEEPSTATE #ChineseEspionage
#InMotionHostingAreChineseSpies, #InMotionHostingAreRussianSpies,
#InMotionHostingAreChineseSpies, #InMotionHostingAreRussianSpies,

All News Review In 25 Saved Stories
Douglas Leff: Brief Psychological Portrait as the impressions from the photograph. – By Michael Novakhov – 10:18 AM 8/6/2019
Did Douglas Leff Manufacture The Case Of Julia Keleher, and why? – Google Search | ||
Douglas Leff: Brief Psychological Portrait as the impressions from the photograph. – By Michael Novakhov – 10:18 AM 8/6/2019 – Post Link
![]() This guy looks too complex, too smart, too ambitious, and too psychopathic – for the price of his suit, whatever meaning you want to put into it. It means that he is masking, plays (but all of them are bad actors, and it shows), lies, hides (his wealth, first of all), is perverse; loves money and power above all. He also appears to be very controlling, deeply paranoid (suspicious about everything), apprehensive, defensive.But overall, he is hard to read. As I posted earlier, he fits the concept of the proverbial onion: many masking and protective layers but no substance and no essence inside, except for money and power, his psychological drivers.What you, or rather I, see in the depth of his eyes, is THE BEAST. The same naked, fearless, merciless, low, playful, mysterious, animalistic, Hebrew-Abwehr mix, Mafia Beast, that you can see in many of the faces of their leaders (and he would be in the first row, definitely) but extremely and uniquely well masked. In my humble opinion.
10:17 AM 8/6/2019
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