
Russian Mob - TOC and Covid-19: Attention #FBI, #CIA, #DIA, #NSC: The event such as "COVID-19": global, complex, defying understanding and the explanations; can be comprehended only if it is viewed as the terrorist BioInfoWarfare.

Money and Power - these are the tools and objectives in this Covid-19 Operation! Attention #FBI, #CIA, #DIA, #NSC:  The event such as "COVID-19": global, complex, defying understanding and the explanations; can be comprehended only if it is viewed as the terrorist BioInfoWarfare: see these links to searches below.  Their tactics is to buy up the best pieces of Real Estate, at a deep Covid-19 discount, and to install their "ReZident agents" and Russian Mafia soldiers - the tools of their future conquests.  At the same time and even earlier, they took the defensive measures of the same type, preventing the similar types of transactions on their soil: e.g. the arrest of Paul Whelan  and several Israelis , to prevent and discourage the presence of the "foreigners-spies" on their territories. This is just one of the indications that "Covid-19 Conquest" was the long standing and the very well thought out plan, most likely conceived within the ...

8:01 AM 7/28/2020 - Was Sars-Cov-2 bio-engineered to cause the infection and hair loss in minks to stop fur farming? - Google Search

8:01 AM 7/28/2020 -  Was Sars-Cov-2 bio-engineered to cause the infection and hair loss in minks to stop fur farming? - Google Search hair fur loss in minks https:// TX9  … Image: Hair Loss in Ferrets | PetMD Found on Google from 4 s   Michael Novakhov @mikenov Was Sars-Cov-2 bio-engineered to cause the infection and hair loss in minks to stop fur farming? - Google Search https://www. ars-Cov-2+bio-engineered+to+cause+the+infection+and+nair+loss+in+minks+to+stop+fur+farming%3F&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=Was+Sars-Cov-2+bio-engineered+to+cause+the+infection+and+nair+loss+in+minks+to+stop+fur+farming%3F&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.84638j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8  … 6 m   Michael Novakhov @mikenov retired colonel Douglas Macgregor https://