
2:11 PM 3/28/2020 - The assessment of Coronavirus Pandemic and the U.S. Epidemic as the event of bio-terrorism

Image ____________________________________________________________ The Assessment Scales quoted below are useful as the systematized method of making the the distinction between the epidemic as the phenomenon due to bio-terrorism or bio-warfare and the natural one. The systems of measurements are the very secondary matters; the absolute precision can never be achieved, and is not even needed, these measurements are impressionistic, subjective, and serve as the helpful hints due to their systematization and organisation of raters’ impressions. The criteria are the most helpful part.  If we make a ballpark assessment, rating each criterion as indication of the bio-terrorism on the simple mild – moderate – severe type of scale, almost all of them will be in the severe range in the  assessment of Coronavirus Pandemic and the U.S. Epidemic as the event of bio-terrorism .  You do not have to wait until