
1:12 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this "unexplained coronavirus". - Google Search - Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

Post Link: |  |  _________________________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠   #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this "unexplained coronavirus". - Google SearchMike Nova's Shared Newslinks #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this: unexplained coronavirus - Google SearchMike Nova's Shared Newslinks unexplained coronavirus - Google SearchMike Nova's Shared Newslinks New Abwehr, KGB, and Mossad Puppet Trump is the job of Obama's US Intelligence Services and Community, fully penetrated by them to the hilt, and they deserve the full "credit" for this. History will judge them...