
The Postcards from M.N.: Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Donald Trump’s Pattern of Deference to the Kremlin Is Clear - The Atlantic

January 16, 2019 FBI News Review Updates The Postcards from M.N.: Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Donald Trump’s Pattern of Deference to the Kremlin Is Clear - The Atlantic FBI News Review: Trump Investigations: Manafort the Kingmaker and Trump Administration Ap……

News / MN Newsletter // January 16

January 16, 2019 FBI - Whitey Bulger, FBI Informants, and Prison Murders - Update Movies filmed in Massachusetts that received big tax credits - Government Shutdown: Experts Fear Deep Cybersecurity Impact - Sarah Stern murder not t

"fbi" - Google News: Iranian state TV: FBI arrested our American-born news anchor - Haaretz

January 16, 2019 FBI News Review at 08 Hours "fbi" - Google News: Iranian state TV: FBI arrested our American-born news anchor - Haaretz FBI investigation is why we still have rule of law - Charleston Post Courier Nurx Just Launched At-Home HPV Test Kit

Amerithrax: Unresolved! | 2001 Anthrax Mailings and the Amerithrax Investigation - REVISITED: Book Review

"The FBI’s investigation into the 2001 mailings, labeled Amerithrax, remains a salient fixture on the post-9/11 landscape. Amerithrax was one of the  largest and most complex  in American history. It involved more than 10,000 witness interviews worldwide, 80 separate searches, and the recovery of more than 6,000 items of potential evidence, including 5,730 environmental samples from 60 site locations. The lessons of the investigation are crucial to understanding not only the U.S. government’s response to the first deadly bioterror attack on American soil, but also the role scientific evidence does — and does not — play in efforts to attribute bioterror attacks to an individual or group. Today, notwithstanding significant advances in bioforensics, the debates that continue to surround the Amerithrax investigation findings, the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons attacks, or the Russian involvement in the Skripal poisonings are all examples of the doubts confronting even the most ear