
News / MN Newsletter // October 28

October 28, 2019 FBI - Whitey Bulger, FBI Informants, and Prison Murders - Update Ivan Milat: 'Wolf Creek' serial killer dies without ever confessing to 7 murders - CNN Ivan Milat death: Serial killer behind Australian backpacker murders dies in prison aged 74 - The Independent

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Soviet-Era Dissident Vladimir Bukovsky Dies Aged 76

October 28, 2019 FBI News Review at 08 Hours Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Soviet-Era Dissident Vladimir Bukovsky Dies Aged 76 Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Soviet-era dissident Vladimir Bukovsky dies in UK Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Обмен

McCabe on ISIS raid: Credit Trump for 'tough decision' - KHQ Right Now

October 28, 2019 FBI News Review at 06 Hours McCabe on ISIS raid: Credit Trump for 'tough decision' - KHQ Right Now NPR News Now: NPR News: 10-28-2019 5AM ET Top stories - Google News: Fentanyl leads as deadliest drug in US, but in Louisiana meth is even

3:22 AM 10/28/2019 - M.N.: My Memo to the FBI: Go get the Mob, this is the alpha and omega of everything; and most importantly, get the analysis of the root causes right. | "Trump presidency is metastasizing rapidly into a right-wing authoritarian regime, with distinctly fascist characteristics..."

3:22 AM 10/28/2019 -  M.N. - My Memo to the FBI:  Go get the Mob , this is the alpha and omega of everything; and most importantly, get the analysis of the root causes right.  "Trump presidency is metastasizing rapidly into a right-wing authoritarian regime, with distinctly fascist characteristics..." M.N.: This appears to be the correct observation. But the analysis of causes is the habitual socialist theorizing, unscientific and non-convincing.  Attention, FBI: It is necessary to analyse, determine and define the true root causes. And in my opinion, these causes although complex, can be expressed in just one term: TOC, the Transnational Organized Crime, in its various forms and ways; and very likely, the New Abwehr behind them, also in my opinion, as novel and unconventional this thought may be.  This area, subject, and the opponent, the TOC, is the direct concern and the focus of the FBI work for the last several decades. This phenomenon, in its historical, cultura