
2:47 PM 4/1/2020 - Here I would like to offer you, my dear readers, a piece of amateur forensic epidemiological cluster analysis of the published data on the Coronavirus cases in Long Island, New York.

Image _____________________________________________ It starts to look, like this NYC Coronavirus Epidemic is more about the Real Estate, and the Russian Mafia's Interest in certain development projects, than about anything else.  Here I would like to offer you, my dear readers, a piece of amateur forensic epidemiological cluster analysis of the published data on the Coronavirus cases in Long Island, New York .  The most prominent clusters appear to be Brentwood  ( Brentwood, New York - From Wikipedia ) and Huntington Station, and both of these locations are the prime targets for the Real Estate development: Brentwood because it houses the Pilgrim Psychiatric Center , which can be closed and converted to the nice, spacious residential units in the middle of the park, and Huntington Station  ( Huntington Station, New York - From Wikipedia ,  Huntington station - LIRR ) because it "is a prime ta