2:47 PM 4/1/2020 - Here I would like to offer you, my dear readers, a piece of amateur forensic epidemiological cluster analysis of the published data on the Coronavirus cases in Long Island, New York.

It starts to look, like this NYC Coronavirus Epidemic is more about the Real Estate, and the Russian Mafia's Interest in certain development projects, than about anything else.
Here I would like to offer you, my dear readers, a piece of amateur forensic epidemiological cluster analysis of the published data on the Coronavirus cases in Long Island, New York.
The most prominent clusters appear to be Brentwood (Brentwood, New York - From Wikipedia) and Huntington Station, and both of these locations are the prime targets for the Real Estate development: Brentwood because it houses the Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, which can be closed and converted to the nice, spacious residential units in the middle of the park, and Huntington Station (Huntington Station, New York - From Wikipedia, Huntington station - LIRR) because it "is a prime target for transit-oriented development".
Recall, that the first cluster in New York was New Rochelle, which apparently is well liked by the Russian diplomats across the street, so to speak. I addressed this interesting circumstance in my blogs earlier.
And today I attempted to enlighten ourselves re possible Real Estate specialists' interest in NYC public housing projects.
My dear FBI, please see the links below, wake up, and smell the coffee. Already! About time!
Maybe you should ask some questions to Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner regarding their interests in developing some Real Estate projects, after driving the prices of properties down, and in conjunction with their Russian and Israeli partners, of course. We will save the term the "Russian Jewish - Transnational Organised Crime" for the more official entities.
Maybe, you should really look at this Real estate projects cum Epidemias, as the market influencing mechanism, worldwide: the Russian Mafia looks for the simple, safe, and profitable way to invest their money, and the illnesses and deaths are the very secondary matters for them. They do it with flair: the real artists!
Und what would you do without me?! ZI-ZI!!!
Michael Novakhov | 2:47 PM 4/1/2020
- #FBI #FBINews #LongIsland
Huntington is a prime target for transit-oriented development. Currently, the largest proposal for TOD is Avalon Huntington Station, which will occupy a nearby lot southwest of the station & will contain 530 residential units... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huntingto …
- #CDC
John Snow (15 March 1813 – 16 June 1858[1]) was an English physician... He is considered one of the founders of modern epidemiology, in part because of his work in tracing the source of a cholera outbreak in Soho, London, in 1854.
John Snow Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Snow
- #FBI #FBINews #CIA #ODNI #USIntelligence
This is the #real #Collusion: #Trump + #RussianMafia! They #conspired to bring to reality the old #dream of Trump's: to get rid of #NYC eyesore, its #PublicHousing #projects, and to #build the #luxuryhousing instead fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/04/1116-a …
- This is the real #Collusion: Trump + Russian Mafia! They conspired to bring to reality the old dream of Trump's: to get rid of the NYC eyesore, its public housing projects, and to build the luxury housing instead fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/04/1116-a …
- The #FBINews Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 11:16 AM 4/1/2020 - Look at the Coronavirus map of... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/04/1116-a …
- The #FBI #News #Review - #fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 11:16 AM 4/1/2020 - Look at the #Coronavirus map of... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/04/1116-a …
- #FBI #FBINews #CIA #ODNI #US #USIntelligence #Senate
9:51 AM 4/1/2020 - M.N.: Is #CoronavirusEpidemicInNYC a #plot by the #RussianMafia to introduce the #virus into the #NYCProjectsHousing, following the #pattern of the #HongKongOutbreak of #SARS in 2003?! fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/04/mn-is- …
- The #FBINews Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 9:51 AM 4/1/2020 - M.N.: Is Coronavirus Epidemic i... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/04/mn-is- …
- The #FBI #News #Review - #fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 9:51 AM 4/1/2020 - M.N.: Is #CoronavirusEpidemic i... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/04/mn-is- …
- MAP: See which NYC neighborhoods are hardest & least hit by coronavirus via 1010wins.radio.com/articles/ap-ne …@1010wins
- Genetic analysis of the coronavirus gives scientists clues about how it’s spreading via theverge.com/2020/3/31/2119 …@Verge
- This is the factor that stops the deliberate criminal spread of infection! China & S. Korea fought it with very tight, unprecedented #MassSurveillance, tracking the contacts and the acts. Very simple, practical, & efficient!#Crime in NYC down sharply - GS google.com/search?q=Crime …
No "greater training and new checklists" will help #FBI with the #eternallackofbrains & no real #dedication & #motivation. They just want their #donothingjobs with great benefits, they are the classic #StateParasites & the #HiredDogs!#Problems nytimes.com/2020/03/31/us/ …
- Justice Department audit finds widespread flaws in FBI surveillance applications via politico.com/news/2020/03/3 …@politico
- This tweet was more effective for me than 1,000 Dr. Fauci interviews. https://twitter.com/DrPeckPNP/status/1244062665535864832
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