
Showing posts with the label Vladislav Surkov

My Letter to Mr. Hassan Rouhani: Some thoughts on the hypothetical operation "Crossfire Hurricane" conducted in Parandak, Iran - M.N. - 12:50 AM 1/13/2020

The tragedy of the stampede at Gen. Soleimani's funeral in Kerman and the crash of a Ukrainian passenger plane in Tehran that killed numerous Iranians, including a group of students, as well as other nationalities, deeply saddens all Iranians. May they rest in peace. #PS752 — Hassan Rouhani (@HassanRouhani) January 8, 2020 Hassan Rouhani: "The tragedy of the stampede at Gen. Soleimani's funeral in Kerman and the crash of a Ukrainian passenger plane in Tehran that killed numerous Iranians, including a group of students, as well as other nationalities, deeply saddens all Iranians. May they rest in peace." Pope Francis: "The world does not need empty words but convinced witnesses, peacemakers who are open to a dialogue that rejects exclusion or manipulation (1-1-20)." — The Assisi Project (@Assisi_Project) January 12, 2020 ______________________________________________________________________