FBI and Trump News Review at 10 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

FBI and Trump News Review at 10 a.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Jan 24 2024

FBI and Trump News Review at 10 a.m. Daily
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@mikenov: October 26, 2016 – Rudy Giuliani went on Fox News to say that then-Republican...
October 26, 2016 – Rudy Giuliani went on Fox News to say that then-Republican presidential nominee Donald...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@Resonant_News: RT by @mikenov: Total Victory is our only option! In a video that...
Total Victory is our only option! In a video that went viral, Israeli 🇮🇱 PM #Netanyahu is seen motivating...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 1h
@mikenov: https://t.co/953g9CwaX0 FBI: In the light of the Mr. McGonigal arrest ......
https://t.co/953g9CwaX0 FBI: In the light of the Mr. McGonigal arrest ... #News #Times #NewsAndTimes...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@Robert4787: RT by @mikenov: Meet John Bugas, the FBI agent who caught Hitler's spies...
Meet John Bugas, the FBI agent who caught Hitler's spies in World War II. #fbi #hitler #spies #detroit...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@mikenov: https://t.co/953g9CwaX0 FBI: In the light of the Mr. McGonigal arrest ......
https://t.co/953g9CwaX0 FBI: In the light of the Mr. McGonigal arrest ... #News #Times #NewsAndTimes...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
@gyokuto39: RT by @mikenov: 未だにハチャパを惜しんでいるけど、自分にとっては本当に最高だったんです #グルーさん #GRU #グルーさんが素敵だからとりあえず見て...
未だにハチャパを惜しんでいるけど、自分にとっては本当に最高だったんです#グルーさん#GRU#グルーさんが素敵だからとりあえず見て pic.twitter.com/BrPvtktLKn— 玉兎🐰 (@gyokuto39)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
'Alarming' surveillance: Feds asked banks to search private transactions for terms...
'Alarming' surveillance: Feds asked banks to search private transactions for terms like 'MAGA,' 'Trump'  Fox...
"FBI and Trump" - Google News 14h
Why are Trump, Republicans so dead set on helping Putin win his war in Ukraine? -...
Why are Trump, Republicans so dead set on helping Putin win his war in Ukraine?  Augusta Free Press
"Putin and Trump" - Google News 16h
@gyokuto39: RT by @mikenov: デレのお手本をお願いされて動揺しているグルーさんがとても可愛い #グルーさん #GRU #グルーさんが素
デレのお手本をお願いされて動揺しているグルーさんがとても可愛い#グルーさん#GRU#グルーさんが素敵だからとりあえず見て#USJファン pic.twitter.com/G8RNMPf5V6— 玉兎🐰 (@gyokuto39)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 16h
@Robert4787: RT by @mikenov: New CIA video appeals to Russians disillusioned with...
New CIA video appeals to Russians disillusioned with Moscow elite. #cia #geopolitics #usa https://t.co/DH26eJqHPx—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17h
Colorado Trump: FBI investigating after reports of violent threats to Colorado judges...
Colorado Trump: FBI investigating after reports of violent threats to Colorado judges in Trump ballot...
"FBI and Trump" - Google News 19h
@_emergent_: RT by @mikenov: @bennyjohnson Yeah, they have a loud enough internal...
Yeah, they have a loud enough internal echo chamber to convince themselves people don't see through this....
(@mikenov) / Twitter 21h
@FBI: RT by @mikenov: #FBI Assistant Director Michael Paul gave keynote remarks at...
#FBI Assistant Director Michael Paul gave keynote remarks at the 13th annual Cyber Security Summit, an...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 21h
@mikenov: #FBI - FBI: McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What...
#FBI - FBI: McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What happened between September 21,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 22h
@mikenov: McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What happened between...
McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What happened between September 21, 2016, when...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 22h
@mikenov: #FBI - FBI: https://t.co/953g9CwaX0 Regarding McGonigal and the October...
#FBI - FBI: https://t.co/953g9CwaX0 Regarding McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 22h
@mikenov: https://t.co/psGCXpA1PK #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel #World...
https://t.co/psGCXpA1PK#News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
@mikenov: #FBI - FBI: https://t.co/953g9CwIMy Regarding McGonigal and the October...
#FBI - FBI: https://t.co/953g9CwIMy Regarding McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h
Regarding McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What happened between...
Search inside imageThe FBI's McGonigal LabyrinthVisitRegarding McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016...
The News And Times 23h
@mikenov: Attention FBI - #FBI: Regarding McGonigal - 2 Key dates in the FBI probe...
Attention FBI - #FBI: Regarding McGonigal - 2 Key dates in the FBI probe of Hillary Clinton's emails...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 23h

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