Behind this new wave of Big Noise in Puerto Rico are the same players: Mossad and GRU, who now work in tandem. Investigate all of this in depth, expell them, and imprison their local helpers.

This Post Link | News Review - 8:49 AM 1/24/2020 | Behind this new wave of Big Noise in Puerto Rico are the same players: Mossad and GRU, who now work in tandem. Investigate all of this in depth, expell them, and imprison their local helpers. And all of you will live happily ever after!
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Understanding Putin’s Moves to Keep His Hold on Power - Google Search | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2000 × 1357
a day ago
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Understanding Putin’s Moves to Keep His Hold on Power: QuickTake - Bloomberg | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Встреча с Президентом Палестины Махмудом Аббасом • Президент России | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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rinaldo nazzaro naples fl - Google Search | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Search ResultsWeb resultsRinaldo Nazzaro, 46 - Naples, FL Has Court or Arrest Records ...
Rinaldo Nazzaro is 46 years old and was born on 06/01/1973. Before moving to Rinaldo's current city of Naples, FL, Rinaldo lived in Washington DC. Rinaldo ...
Rinaldo Nazzaro's Phone Number, Email, Address - Spokeo
Rinaldo Nazzaro, 46. Resides in Naples, FL. Lived InNorth Bergen NJ, New York NY, Washington DC, Arlington VA. Related ToMichael Nazzaro, Gianna ...
Ronald Nazzaro in Florida | 5 Records Found | Spokeo
Find Ronald Nazzaro in Florida: phone number, address, email and photos. Spokeo is a leading people ... Rinaldo Nazzaro, 46. Resides in Naples, FL ... Also known asRon Nazzaro, Nazzaro Rinaldo, Ronald Nazzaro. Includes Address(8) ...
2370 HIDDEN LAKE CT owned by NEWMAN ... - Florida Parcels
APT 7. Naples, FL 34112, female, 1940-04-19, Republican Party of Florida, Active. Burgbacher, John Dante ... Nazzaro, Rinaldo (CLL 117834359), 2370 Hidden ...
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Cruise ship passenger dies after going overboard | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A passenger on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship "Oasis of the Seas" has died after going overboard in Puerto Rico.
A team of divers from the Puerto Rico Police and the San Juan Municipal Police recovered the body of a Florida man who had gone overboard while the ship was docked in Old San Juan Wednesday night, U.S. Coast Guard officials said. The victim was a 46-year-old man from Naples, Florida, according to officials. A statement subsequently released by Royal Caribbean Thursday morning said the footage indicated that the man intentionally went overboard. The Coast Guard launched multiple response boats as well as a rescue helicopter when the initial call came in at 7:50 p.m. Wednesday local time. The Coast Guard initially established a 300-yard “safety zone” perimeter around the ship, keeping two other nearby cruise ships from leaving the dock. But the safety zone was subsequently lifted, allowing the ships to proceed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Russian propaganda on social media" - Google News: Revealed: the true identity of the leader of an American neo-Nazi terror group - The Guardian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Revealed: the true identity of the leader of an American neo-Nazi terror group The Guardian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Base | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Base wants to establish a nationwide network of people who believe in the use of violence to overthrow the existing social and political order. The group sees non-white people as enemies of the white race and envisions a coming race war, which will be sparked by “non-European races.” Members of The Base consider themselves survivalists focused on self-defense and preparing for imminent chaos. The group’s founder, who goes by Norman Spear and Roman Wolf online, describes The Base on Lone Wolf Radio as “kind of like a nationalist survivalist LinkedIn type of thing.” In the same interview, Spear acknowledged the limitations of the virtual space, saying, “There has to be more activism that occurs in real life to circumvent the censorship that is occurring online.” Highlighting the group's move to on the ground activity: In January 2020, authorities arrested four men believed to be associated with The Base on various murder and gun charges. On January 15, 2020, three Georgia men allegedly tied to The Base were arrested on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and participation in a criminal gang, according to arrest warrants and local reporting. One day later, on January 16, 2020, federal authorities arrested three men alleged to be members of The Base on a variety of gun charges. All three had firearms and were planning to attend a January 20 gun rally in Richmond, according to the F.B.I. On Friday, January 17, 2020, authorities arrested a man in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, and charged him with conspiracy to violate citizens' rights to use property free from threats or intimidation, according to court records. He is accused of vandalizing a Racine, Wisconsin, synagogue and is believed to have coordinated efforts with other members of The Base. This was the seventh arrest of suspected Base affiliates in just one week. Like other accelerationists, The Base encourages the polarization of political parties with the end goal of exacerbating tensions, which in turn will hasten societal collapse. To that end, Spear noted, “In our case, we want to survive, but we hope to also influence the political landscape and be able to use any power vacuum that does emerge to our advantage politically, by trying to assume control over that territory.” The Base also advocates for some of the most extreme and violent tactics promoted within the white supremacist movement. On September 10, 2018, Norman Spear posted to Twitter “…if you want a *White* society, electoral politics can’t achieve that unless the current System of government is replaced. The current System can’t be replaced peacefully.” The neo-Nazi group disseminates instruction manuals which detail specific tactics used in warfare and urban settings, including sniper attacks. In one post, Spear offered the benefit of an urban setting to shield one’s sniper position, in the trunk of a car, “surrounded by a crowd.” A similar tactical approach is evident in this Gab post by Base adherent “The Militant Buddhist:” “The electrical grid as well as many other of the system’s tenticals [sic] that keep the lemming class fat and happy are extremely weak and easy to target and could even be gotten away with very easily with enough planning and safety precaution.” Spear justifies the group’s violent goals this way in a Gab post from June 17, 2018: “It's only terrorism if we lose—If we win, we get statues of us put up in parks.” Ideology The Base maintains an informal membership of adherents, who see themselves as defenders of this existential “European struggle” embracing an “ultra-nationalist” worldview. They value skills that can be honed for a perceived impending race war. Online chats provide users with access to various downloadable manuals that cover topics including guerrilla warfare tactics, gunsmithing literature, survival tactics, military tradecraft and weapons handling. The post also mentions red-pilling, a common extremist shorthand used to describe the process of becoming “aware” of the ostensible realities of the current political and social systems: The Base’s ideology is fundamentally anti-Semitic. In a 2018 tweet, referencing the common white supremacist belief that the U.S. government is controlled by Jews, Spear stated his mission is to “prepare for the armed struggle against ‘Z0G’” [sic] [Zionist Occupied Government] and to liberate “our people from Z0G [sic] oppression.” Clearly illustrating their hatred of Jews, a June 23, 2019, Telegram propaganda video, allegedly created by The Base, shows a lone individual firing a gun repeatedly at a target marked with the Star of David. Their hatred is not just theoretical. In fact, in November 2019, federal authorities arrested 18-year-old Brooklawn New Jersey native Richard Tobin, after Tobin allegedly stated that he orchestrated a multi-state vandalism dubbed “Operation Kristallnacht.” This is a reference to the 1938 Nazi pogrom in Germany, which sparked a targeted effort to damage Jewish property throughout Germany and resulted in the death of nearly 100 Jews. According to officials, Tobin admitted to having ties to The Base, and to having helped coordinate the September 2019 targeting of two synagogues in Hancock, Michigan, and Racine, Wisconsin, with anti-Semitic graffiti, including swastikas, other Nazi imagery and The Base logo. To address the state of disrepair of “the system,” they advocate for direct action, especially in the form of violence, to create chaos, ignite a race war and force societal collapse to achieve “total Aryan victory.” The group articulates a sense of both urgency and impatience. On August 18, 2018, Spear tweeted, “The most deadly manifestation of our pathological wishful thinking is in the quasi-religious belief in System Collapse [sic]. It's like waiting for the Second Coming—And as we wait, we continue dying until there won't be a single White person alive to witness it.” Spear underscores the inevitability of violence, saying of his leadership role: “I’ll be the lightening [sic] rod but you need to pay me back in blood (preferably not your own).” As part of their vision of a violent takeover, The Base keeps a range of “domestic enemies” in their crosshairs. This includes more traditional white supremacist targets such as Jews, LGBTQ+ and immigrants but also the media, mainstream conservatives and even other white supremacists, such as members of the alt right, whose tactics they consider toothless, among others. Recruitment and Growth The Base actively recruits members with fliers, propaganda videos and in online posts. In one promotional clip a narrator outlines the type of adherent The Base is looking for: “Membership is limited to nationalists of European descent who understand and accept that the current system cannot be reformed, that societal collapse is seemingly inevitable and, certainly, desirable. With this understanding in mind, we strive to not only survive the ever-accelerating anarchy, but to thrive in it so as to eventually rise from the ashes of Western civilization and impose order from chaos, as our sense of loyalty to blood and soil compels us.” (April 9, 2019, Bitchute). The Base, in their membership application, includes targeted questions, actively seeking those with “science & engineering training,” as well as “military experience.” Acknowledging the limitations to fully disconnect from a society they abhor, on July 6, 2018, Norman Spear advised adherents to live dual lives as “right wing sleeper cells,” stating, “You don’t necessarily need to quit your job or live off-grid to fight the System—in fact you day job is actually the perfect cover—use it. “Normie” by day, urban guerilla fighter by night. Learn, train, act—and don’t get caught—always have a cover story and practice solid OPSEC [operational security]. The Base has a significant virtual presence, migrating from Twitter, to Gab, to Matrix and most recently Telegram, while also using white supremacist forums like Fascist Forge to recruit and radicalize. However, a concerted effort is made to bridge their activism from online spaces to the physical world. A Gab account associated with The Base, Volkskrieger ᛇᛇᛇ, encourages others to join the cause with action: “Having boots-on-the-ground is an essential part of our doctrine, as the fight for our people's survival will not be won on the meaningless spaces of the internet, but in the real world, where a man's actions truly matter. If you are constantly wondering why, in this sick world, won't someone do something, then consider this; the path to victory over this rotten system begins with action…We face the greatest struggle our people have ever known. It is a long, hard, up-hill battle…” The groups’ presence is documented nationwide with leafleting campaigns spreading propaganda, “training camps,” as well as alleged acts of anti-Semitic vandalism linked to the group, proving further radicalization. Influences The Base’s ideology is fashioned from a range of extremist influences. Although they outwardly promote survivalist and preparedness themes, The Base sees its actions as an extension of the Nazi genocide. At their core is a foundation steeped in Hitlerian ideology and National Socialism. On June 10, 2018, Spear tweeted “Fuhrer, you were only the beginning. We will finish what you started. It’s not over yet—we carry the torch.” Similarly, the group references the Irish Republican Army, a designated terrorist group, as a model of success, and praises the guerrilla tactics of Argentinian Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara. Recent Activity January 17, 2020: Authorities arrested a man in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, and charged him with conspiracy to violate citizens' rights to use property free from threats or intimidation, according to court records. He is accused of vandalizing a Racine, Wisconsin, synagogue and is believed to have coordinated efforts with other members of The Base. January 16, 2020: Federal authorities in Maryland arrested three men believed to be linked to The Base. According to the F.B.I, the men, who were charged with various federal crimes, had weapons and discussed attending a January 20, 2020 gun rally in Richmond. January 15, 2020: Authorities arrested three Georgia men allegedly tied to The Base on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and participation in a criminal gang, according to arrest warrants and local reporting. November 17, 2019: Propaganda associated with The Base was reported in the Roosevelt historic neighborhood in downtown Phoenix. The materials read, “Save your race join The Base.” November 13, 2019: Federal authorities arrested alleged The Base member Richard Tobin for his role in orchestrating vandalism at two synagogues on two consecutive days in late September 2019. November 9, 2019: The Base took credit for the recent leafleting around Boston University. November 7, 2019: The Base claimed to have posted propaganda at the Roy G. Guerrero Colorado River Metro Park, in Austin, Texas. The materials read, “Save your race join The Base.” November 6, 2019: The New England cell of The Base boasted about leafleting in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut. August 24, 2019: Alleged Canadian head of The Base, Patrik Matthews reportedly fled his home after being exposed by Winnipeg Free press reporter Ryan Thorpe as a member of the neo-Nazi group. August 2019: Recruitment fliers for The Base were found throughout Winnipeg, including St. James, Exchange District, Osborne Village, North End and outside the Manitoba Legislative Building. September 3, 2018: The Base allegedly held a real-world “camping trip” to practice “bushcraft.” The photo below was posted immediately following the weekend, depicting four individuals disguised with hoodies and masks. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"The bureau failed in its simple duty to “make sure that the left hand knows what the right hand is doing,” as one FBI official put it to Horowitz. This is a tale of dazed, incompetent bureaucrats covering their backsides, not a coup." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"The bureau failed in its simple duty to “make sure that the left hand knows what the right hand is doing,” as one FBI official put it to Horowitz. This is a tale of dazed, incompetent bureaucrats covering their backsides, not a coup."Post Link - 7:30 PM 1/23/2020 | This Post LinkTrump Investigations on RSS Dog | Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ | on RSS Dog
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The FBI abused its powers with intrusive spying on Carter Page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
But accountability can’t become a partisan issue, or we’re sunk as a country. So it’s especially important for President Trump’s critics, even as they make their case that he should be removed from office, to recognize that the bureau abused some of its most sensitive powers when it authorized intrusive surveillance on Trump adviser Carter Page.
The FBI had a nightmare problem in July 2016. An Australian official had passed along a tip that “the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist” with information that would damage Hillary Clinton, Trump’s rival. Should the bureau have ignored this allegation? Obviously not.
On July 31, the bureau launched Crossfire Hurricane. An internal memo stated that “this investigation is being opened to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Trump campaign are witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Government of Russia.” The decisive voice was E.W. “Bill” Priestap, a career official then heading the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division who told Horowitz that the bureau was “obligated” to conduct the investigation.
So far, so good. Horowitz’s report concluded that the FBI’s decision to investigate the Trump team had an appropriate “authorized purpose.”
But the inquiry began to jump the tracks in October 2016, when the FBI sought authority for intrusive spying on Page. Horowitz found that bureau officials supplied incomplete or misleading information to support their request to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for the October warrant for Page and for three renewals that carried the targeting through September 2017.
One abuse was especially outrageous: As the FBI pressed for the Page FISA warrants, it overlooked an August 2016 CIA message that Page had been an occasional “operational contact” for the agency. That’s not the same as a vetted agent, but it should have made FBI officials wonder whether their assumptions about Page’s possible disloyalty and double-dealing were justified.
The CIA told the bureau that Page had been approved as a contact from 2008 to 2013 and that he had “candidly described his contact” with a Russian intelligence officer the bureau feared had recruited him. The FBI ignored this and other exculpatory information.
Worse still, a mid-level FBI official in the office of general counsel, after checking with the CIA in June 2017 about the agency’s past relationship with Page, inaccurately told a colleague that the CIA “confirmed explicitly he was never a source” and then inserted in a CIA email that Page was “not a source.”
The FBI official apparently lied because he wanted to avoid a “terrible footnote” in the latest FISA renewal, admitting the embarrassing fact that the bureau had overlooked the CIA’s relationship with Page in previous filings, according to Horowitz’s narrative. The official has been fired and is under criminal investigation.
Why didn’t the CIA speak up, as Page was being pilloried in public leaks? That’s another good question.
Some Republicans have seen a deep-state conspiracy in these actions. But to me, the Horowitz report suggests the opposite. The intelligence community was so sloppy and disorganized — and so disoriented by the Trump investigation — that it couldn’t coordinate simple tasks, let alone organize a plot.
The bureau failed in its simple duty to “make sure that the left hand knows what the right hand is doing,” as one FBI official put it to Horowitz. This is a tale of dazed, incompetent bureaucrats covering their backsides, not a coup.
Fixing America’s problems should begin at the top, with an impartial Senate trial assessing Trump’s alleged abuses of power. But especially at this disruptive, partisan moment, reforms are needed at every level. The FBI badly abused its power in Crossfire Hurricane, and as Director Christopher A. Wray said last month, it needs “thoughtful, meaningful remedial action.” On that, surely, Republicans and Democrats can agree.
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Pentagon warns that America is enabling Putin's plan for global dominance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Though the U.S. intelligence community has concluded that Russia interfered in America's electoral process (and is continuing to do so), Trump has ... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A New Face of White Supremacy: Plots Expose Danger of the ‘Base’ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In Georgia, the three men arrested had, in the presence of an undercover agent, cased the house of a Bartow County couple they planned to shoot dead for being members of Antifa, which has staged counterdemonstrations at right-wing rallies across the country and revealed the identities of Base members publicly.
They also planned to kill Mr. Mathews, whom they had told about their murder plans. The seventh man arrested was identified as Yousef O. Barasneh, 22, of Oak Creek, Wis., who was accused of vandalizing the synagogue of the Beth Israel Sinai Congregation in nearby Racine. The exterior of the synagogue had been spray painted with swastikas and anti-Semitic words as well as the symbol of the Base, which is drawn from Nazi Germany. Richard Tobin, a suspected member of the Base who was arrested in New Jersey in November, told investigators that, in late September 2019, he had directed what he called “Operation Kristallnacht,” named after the notorious night in 1938 when Jewish property across Germany was destroyed. The operation that Mr. Tobin described included vandalism at the Racine synagogue and another one in Hancock, Mich. Although the Base initially used various social media platforms to spread its message, it has been thrown off most of them, including Twitter, YouTube and Gab, a favorite among extremists. Now it relies on Telegram, an encrypted platform, experts said. After all the arrests, a note appeared on its official Telegram account warning people to stop posting. “Due to recent developments and the tactics of law enforcement, there will be no more recruitment or posts from The Base or Atomwaffen in order to avoid a case brought against anyone in this group,” said the note, which was posted by someone using the name Fashwave. “This is for your own good.” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Base - ADL
The Base is a small militant neo-Nazi organization that emerged mid-2018 and is primarily active in the U.S.
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Inside the neo-Nazi hate group 'The Base,' which is the center of an FBI investigation - ABC News | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Inside the neo-Nazi hate group that is the center of an FBI investigation - ABC News | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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» Saved Stories - None: Google Alert - Trump, Jared Kushner, and Israel: Deal of the century: Abbas warns Trump 'not to cross red lines'
23/01/20 20:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US President Donald Trump has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ... The scheme, headed by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner , was initially ... Google Alert - Trump, Jared Kushner, and Israel Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 20:35 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
US President Donald Trump has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ... The scheme, headed by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner , was initially ... Google Alert - Trump, Jared Kushner, and Israel Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Venezuelan opposition party seeks US blessing to 'repeat' 2018 election: document
23/01/20 20:34 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Last year, prominent Trump supporter and private security executive Erik Prince met with Vice President Delcy Rodriguez in Caracas, while a wealthy ... Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 20:34 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Last year, prominent Trump supporter and private security executive Erik Prince met with Vice President Delcy Rodriguez in Caracas, while a wealthy ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Buttigieg vows to use $1b. to fight antisemitism, extremism if elected
23/01/20 20:33 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
A number of Democratic lawmakers have recently critiqued Israel in ways that some have characterized as antisemitic. What is the line between ... Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 20:33 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
A number of Democratic lawmakers have recently critiqued Israel in ways that some have characterized as antisemitic. What is the line between ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "former FBI agents power influence" - Google News: U.S. Justice Department says it should not have continued spying on former Trump adviser - KFGO News
23/01/20 20:32 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
U.S. Justice Department says it should not have continued spying on former Trump adviser KFGO News "former FBI agents power influence" - Google News Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 20:32 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
U.S. Justice Department says it should not have continued spying on former Trump adviser KFGO News "former FBI agents power influence" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "trump criminal investigation" - Google News: While we’re talking about abuse of power, let’s look at the FBI - The Washington Post
23/01/20 19:07 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
While we’re talking about abuse of power, let’s look at the FBI The Washington Post "trump criminal investigation" - Google News Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 19:07 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
While we’re talking about abuse of power, let’s look at the FBI The Washington Post "trump criminal investigation" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: PBS NewsHour live episode, Jan 23, 2020
23/01/20 19:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Face...
23/01/20 19:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Face...
» Saved Stories - None: Trump Impeachment Trial Features Bipartisan Laughs At Rudy Giuliani's Expense
23/01/20 19:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Republican and Democratic senators laughed at a clip of a former Trump adviser saying that hiring the former New York mayor was a way to "impeach oneself." Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 19:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Republican and Democratic senators laughed at a clip of a former Trump adviser saying that hiring the former New York mayor was a way to "impeach oneself." Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: MidweekPolitics's YouTube Videos: 40% of Republican Senators Missed Impeachment Evidence
23/01/20 19:03 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 06:41 --Despite being required to be in the Senate chamber during impeachment, nearly 40% of Republican senators were missing during Adam Schiff's impeachment presentation 💰 Get $5 just for signing...
23/01/20 19:03 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: MidweekPolitics Duration: 06:41 --Despite being required to be in the Senate chamber during impeachment, nearly 40% of Republican senators were missing during Adam Schiff's impeachment presentation 💰 Get $5 just for signing...
» Saved Stories - None: "social media in trump campaign" - Google News: Trump campaign mocks Schiff as 'Schiff T. Coyote' in Looney Tunes-style cartoon - Fox News
23/01/20 19:02 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump campaign mocks Schiff as 'Schiff T. Coyote' in Looney Tunes-style cartoon Fox News "social media in trump campaign" - Google News Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 19:02 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump campaign mocks Schiff as 'Schiff T. Coyote' in Looney Tunes-style cartoon Fox News "social media in trump campaign" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Democrats Argue 'Bogus' Ukraine Theory Led To Trump Abuse Of Presidential Power
23/01/20 19:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
For a second day, Democrats pressed their case for impeachment before skeptical Republican Senate jurors. Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 19:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
For a second day, Democrats pressed their case for impeachment before skeptical Republican Senate jurors. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Senate Impeachment Trial: Trump's Latest Surreal TV Show - Random Lengths
23/01/20 19:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Senate Impeachment Trial: Trump's Latest Surreal TV Show Random Lengths Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 19:01 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Senate Impeachment Trial: Trump's Latest Surreal TV Show Random Lengths Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Democrats Argue 'Bogus' Ukraine Theory Led To Trump Abuse Of Presidential Power
23/01/20 19:00 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Democrats Argue 'Bogus' Ukraine Theory Led To Trump Abuse Of ... up by a “completely bogus” Ukraine theory pushed by attorney Rudy Giuliani and ... Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 19:00 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Democrats Argue 'Bogus' Ukraine Theory Led To Trump Abuse Of ... up by a “completely bogus” Ukraine theory pushed by attorney Rudy Giuliani and ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Trump 'made a religious man out of Vladimir Putin,' jokes Schiff -
23/01/20 18:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump 'made a religious man out of Vladimir Putin,' jokes Schiff Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 18:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump 'made a religious man out of Vladimir Putin,' jokes Schiff Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Impeachment trial: Focus turns to role of Rudy Giuliani — live - Financial Times
23/01/20 18:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Impeachment trial: Focus turns to role of Rudy Giuliani — live Financial Times Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 18:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Impeachment trial: Focus turns to role of Rudy Giuliani — live Financial Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH: Trump is a continuing threat, Rep. Nadler says | Trump impeachment trial
23/01/20 17:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 01:14 Rep. Jerry Nadler, a House manager in the Senate impeachment trial, concluded his arguments for President Donald Trump’s removal from office on Jan. 23 by outlining three key points: 1) Impeachment is no...
23/01/20 17:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 01:14 Rep. Jerry Nadler, a House manager in the Senate impeachment trial, concluded his arguments for President Donald Trump’s removal from office on Jan. 23 by outlining three key points: 1) Impeachment is no...
» Saved Stories - None: the base - Google Search
23/01/20 17:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1009 × 603 5 days ago Collections Get help Send feedback Vice [PDF] Neo-Nazis Are Organizing Secretive Paramilitary Training ... Images may be subject to copyright. Learn More Image credits Related ...
23/01/20 17:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1009 × 603 5 days ago Collections Get help Send feedback Vice [PDF] Neo-Nazis Are Organizing Secretive Paramilitary Training ... Images may be subject to copyright. Learn More Image credits Related ...
» Saved Stories - None: Benjamin Netanyahu: How the Holocaust underpins Israeli security strategy
23/01/20 17:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech was the most instructive, because Netanyahu encapsulated how the Holocaust defines Israeli ... Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 17:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech was the most instructive, because Netanyahu encapsulated how the Holocaust defines Israeli ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH: Trump’s conduct is an ‘unprecedented betrayal,’ Nadler argues | Trump impeachment trial
23/01/20 17:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:44 Rep. Jerry Nadler, one of seven House managers in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, said the president’s conduct is an “unprecedented betrayal” of national security that demands removal from of...
23/01/20 17:54 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:44 Rep. Jerry Nadler, one of seven House managers in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, said the president’s conduct is an “unprecedented betrayal” of national security that demands removal from of...
» Saved Stories - None: A New Face of White Supremacy: Plots Expose Danger of the ‘Base’
23/01/20 17:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . In Georgia, the three men arrested had, in the presence of an undercover agent, cased the house of a Bartow County couple they planned to shoot dead for being members of Antifa, which has staged count...
23/01/20 17:52 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . In Georgia, the three men arrested had, in the presence of an undercover agent, cased the house of a Bartow County couple they planned to shoot dead for being members of Antifa, which has staged count...
» Saved Stories - None: Lindsey Graham Bizarrely Defends Trump: 'He Did Nothing Wrong In His Mind'
23/01/20 17:50 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Twitter users were quick to rip apart the South Carolina senator. Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 17:50 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Twitter users were quick to rip apart the South Carolina senator. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: For Russia, Impeachment Can't Be Over Soon Enough
23/01/20 17:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
MOSCOW—As the third-ever impeachment trial in U.S. history slogged through its third day on Thursday, supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump ... Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 17:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
MOSCOW—As the third-ever impeachment trial in U.S. history slogged through its third day on Thursday, supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: “The Democrats have now conceded that President Trump has not committed a crime.” @AriFleischer
23/01/20 17:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
“The Democrats have now conceded that President Trump has not committed a crime.” @AriFleischer Posted by realDonaldTrump on Thursday, January 23rd, 2020 8:26pm 22554 likes, 6191 retweets 2845 likes, 958 retweets Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 17:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
“The Democrats have now conceded that President Trump has not committed a crime.” @AriFleischer Posted by realDonaldTrump on Thursday, January 23rd, 2020 8:26pm 22554 likes, 6191 retweets 2845 likes, 958 retweets Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: DOJ says surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Page lacked evidence | TheHill - The Hill
23/01/20 17:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
DOJ says surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Page lacked evidence | TheHill The Hill Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 17:48 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
DOJ says surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Page lacked evidence | TheHill The Hill Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Even Vladimir Putin Is Sick of Trump's Impeachment - Foreign Policy
23/01/20 17:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Even Vladimir Putin Is Sick of Trump's Impeachment Foreign Policy Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 17:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Even Vladimir Putin Is Sick of Trump's Impeachment Foreign Policy Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Politics: Schiff offers compelling rebuttal to a spurious White House claim
23/01/20 17:09 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
We got new allegations and insights into the episode last week from Lev Parnas. Adam Schiff tied it all together Wednesday. Politics Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 17:09 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
We got new allegations and insights into the episode last week from Lev Parnas. Adam Schiff tied it all together Wednesday. Politics Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH LIVE: Chuck Schumer speaks ahead of Trump's impeachment trial
23/01/20 16:00 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Face...
23/01/20 16:00 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 00:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Face...
» Saved Stories - None: "israel and germany" - Google News: 'Laden with guilt': Full text of German president's World Holocaust Forum speech - The Times of Israel
23/01/20 15:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
'Laden with guilt': Full text of German president's World Holocaust Forum speech The Times of Israel "israel and germany" - Google News Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 15:59 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
'Laden with guilt': Full text of German president's World Holocaust Forum speech The Times of Israel "israel and germany" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: German president expresses 'sorrow' for Holocaust, warns 'spirits of evil' are rising
23/01/20 15:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
... days, this is more than just rhetoric,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in December. ... President Trump on Saturday said the United States. Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 15:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
... days, this is more than just rhetoric,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in December. ... President Trump on Saturday said the United States. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: The Mystery of the Trawniki Nazis
23/01/20 15:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Nazi recruit 865 ducked into the U.S. attorney's office in the Southern District of ... A fanatical Nazi who planned and implemented Operation Reinhard, ... Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 15:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Nazi recruit 865 ducked into the U.S. attorney's office in the Southern District of ... A fanatical Nazi who planned and implemented Operation Reinhard, ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: The world turned its back on us: Full text of Netanyahu's Holocaust Forum speech
23/01/20 15:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The following is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at the “World Holocaust Forum 2020 – Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting ... Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 15:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The following is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at the “World Holocaust Forum 2020 – Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: How the Canadian Diaspora can influence Israel
23/01/20 15:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Delegates allocate nearly $1 billion annually to support Israel and world ... In the U.S., elections for delegates from among 15 diverse slates will take ... Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 15:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Delegates allocate nearly $1 billion annually to support Israel and world ... In the U.S., elections for delegates from among 15 diverse slates will take ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Russian President Putin expected in Palestine later today, his third visit to the occupied land - WAFA - Palestine News Agency
23/01/20 15:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Russian President Putin expected in Palestine later today, his third visit to the occupied land WAFA - Palestine News Agency Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 15:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Russian President Putin expected in Palestine later today, his third visit to the occupied land WAFA - Palestine News Agency Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance faces calls for resignation over handling of sex crimes cases
23/01/20 15:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 06:05 Critics are calling for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance to resign over his office's handling of sex crimes cases. CBS News investigative reporter Graham Kates has been following this story and ...
23/01/20 15:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 06:05 Critics are calling for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance to resign over his office's handling of sex crimes cases. CBS News investigative reporter Graham Kates has been following this story and ...
» Saved Stories - None: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Joe: Rep. Adam Schiff Gave Virtuoso Performance | Morning Joe | MSNBC
23/01/20 15:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 05:26 During opening arguments for President Trump's Senate impeachment trial, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told senators they need to remove Trump from office because he's shown he's willing to cheat in t...
23/01/20 15:55 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 05:26 During opening arguments for President Trump's Senate impeachment trial, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told senators they need to remove Trump from office because he's shown he's willing to cheat in t...
» Saved Stories - None: Inside the neo-Nazi hate group that is the center of an FBI investigation - ABC News
23/01/20 13:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Inside the neo-Nazi hate group that is the center of an FBI investigation ABC News Saved Stories - None
23/01/20 13:58 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Inside the neo-Nazi hate group that is the center of an FBI investigation ABC News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Pope Francis appoints a new archbishop of Philadelphia, replacing a prominent conservative prelate - The Washington Post
23/01/20 13:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Pope Francis appoints a new archbishop of Philadelphia, replacing a prominent conservative prelate The Washington Post Pope Francis Replaces Conservative Archbishop of Philadelphia The New York Times Pope Accepts Resignation of Philadelp...
23/01/20 13:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Pope Francis appoints a new archbishop of Philadelphia, replacing a prominent conservative prelate The Washington Post Pope Francis Replaces Conservative Archbishop of Philadelphia The New York Times Pope Accepts Resignation of Philadelp...
» Saved Stories - None: World Leaders Gather in Jerusalem to Fight Anti-Semitism and Recall Holocaust - The New York Times
22/01/20 19:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
World Leaders Gather in Jerusalem to Fight Anti-Semitism and Recall Holocaust The New York Times Saved Stories - None
22/01/20 19:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
World Leaders Gather in Jerusalem to Fight Anti-Semitism and Recall Holocaust The New York Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: William Barr: No repeat single-sourced Crossfire Hurricanes - Washington Times
22/01/20 19:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
William Barr: No repeat single-sourced Crossfire Hurricanes Washington Times Saved Stories - None
22/01/20 19:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
William Barr: No repeat single-sourced Crossfire Hurricanes Washington Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: What if Trump Gave Alaska to Putin? - The New York Times
22/01/20 19:46 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
What if Trump Gave Alaska to Putin? The New York Times Saved Stories - None
22/01/20 19:46 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
What if Trump Gave Alaska to Putin? The New York Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Impeachment trial: Trump accused of undermining democracy – latest news - Financial Times
22/01/20 19:45 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Impeachment trial: Trump accused of undermining democracy – latest news Financial Times Saved Stories - None
22/01/20 19:45 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Impeachment trial: Trump accused of undermining democracy – latest news Financial Times Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: LIVE UPDATES: Trump impeachment trial opening arguments - Business Insider
22/01/20 19:45 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
LIVE UPDATES: Trump impeachment trial opening arguments Business Insider Saved Stories - None
22/01/20 19:45 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
LIVE UPDATES: Trump impeachment trial opening arguments Business Insider Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Ukraine can feed Brexit Britain - Atlantic Council
22/01/20 19:44 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Ukraine can feed Brexit Britain Atlantic Council Saved Stories - None
22/01/20 19:44 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Ukraine can feed Brexit Britain Atlantic Council Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: The ‘Corrupt Purposes’ Impeachment - The Wall Street Journal
22/01/20 19:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The ‘Corrupt Purposes’ Impeachment The Wall Street Journal Saved Stories - None
22/01/20 19:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The ‘Corrupt Purposes’ Impeachment The Wall Street Journal Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Putin and the “Xi Jinping” Model in Russia - Modern Diplomacy
22/01/20 19:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin and the “Xi Jinping” Model in Russia Modern Diplomacy Saved Stories - None
22/01/20 19:43 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Putin and the “Xi Jinping” Model in Russia Modern Diplomacy Saved Stories - None
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