SharedNewsLinks℠: Elvin Isayev the Blogger; and other stories - 1:45 PM 12/15/2019

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SharedNewsLinks℠: Elvin Isayev the Blogger, and other stories – 1:33 PM 12/15/2019 – Post Link

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elvin isayev blogger – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:49:21 -0500
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! – 12:31 PM 12/15/2019
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:36:52 -0500
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! – Post Link – 12:31 PM 12/15/2019

– 12:25 PM 12/15/2019 – Post Link

Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search

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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search

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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search

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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search

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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:19:01 -0500
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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:18:32 -0500
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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:18:11 -0500
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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:17:06 -0500
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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:16:43 -0500
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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:16:23 -0500
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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:16:03 -0500
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Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:15:44 -0500
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:58:45 -0500
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Image result for Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! The Azerbaijani People: Rise up and overthrow these shitty pigs. And we will help you every step of the way. But do this smartly, the pigs are shrewd. - In My Opinion - Michael Novakhov
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:57:13 -0500
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Image result for Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! The Azerbaijani People: Rise up and overthrow these shitty pigs. And we will help you every step of the way. But do this smartly, the pigs are shrewd. - In My Opinion - Michael Novakhov600 × 600
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:55:47 -0500
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Image result for Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! The Azerbaijani People: Rise up and overthrow these shitty pigs. And we will help you every step of the way. But do this smartly, the pigs are shrewd. - In My Opinion - Michael Novakhov149 × 198
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:54:46 -0500
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Image result for Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! The Azerbaijani People: Rise up and overthrow these shitty pigs. And we will help you every step of the way. But do this smartly, the pigs are shrewd. - In My Opinion - Michael Novakhov658 × 800
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:53:17 -0500
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:52:48 -0500
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Image result for Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! The Azerbaijani People: Rise up and overthrow these shitty pigs. And we will help you every step of the way. But do this smartly, the pigs are shrewd. - In My Opinion - Michael Novakhov300 × 200
Submerging Markets
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:52:11 -0500
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Image result for Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! The Azerbaijani People: Rise up and overthrow these shitty pigs. And we will help you every step of the way. But do this smartly, the pigs are shrewd. - In My Opinion - Michael Novakhov298 × 396
Украина депортировала в Азербайджан оппозиционного блогера Эльвина Исаева, он арестован
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:42:06 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Настоящее Время.

Государственная миграционная служба Азербайджана сообщила 15 декабря, что Украина депортировала в Азербайджан блогера Эльвина Исаева, и что на основании решения суда в Баку Исаева 14 декабря поместили в следственный изолятор. По какой статье возбуждено дело в отношении Исаева – власти Азербайджана не сообщают.  Исаев жил в России с 1998 года, он получил гражданство в 2001 году, так как его отец, тоже этнический азербайджанец, на тот момент был гражданином России. В том же году Исаев якобы пытался отказаться от гражданства Азербайджана, но не смог этого сделать. В августе 2019 года Исаева задержали, а позже суд в Санкт-Петербурге принял решение о выдворении блогера из России и лишил его гражданства России, признав его паспорт недействительным (через некоторое время это решение было отменено). Семья Исаева связывала его задержание в России и судебное решение с публикациями в блоге. В них мужчина критиковал руководство Азербайджана, называл президента Ильхама Алиева диктатором и рассказывал о коррупции в Азербайджане.   Жена Исаева Светлана записала видеообращение к российским властям, в котором заявила, что Исаеву “поступали угрозы, ему обещали проблемы и убийство”. “Его депортация в Азербайджан – это политическая расправа!” – подчеркивала женщина. После лишения его российского паспорта Исаев в конце сентября уехал в Украину. По данным украинских СМИ, 12 декабря он исчез в Киеве. Последний раз его видели у дома на ул. Палладина в Святошинском районе Киева, где он жил у знакомых.  Власти Азербайджана утверждают, что он был депортирован из Украины “за нарушение миграционного законодательства Украины”.  В мае 2017 года в Тбилиси схожим образом пропал Афган Мухтарлы, еще один оппозиционный азербайджанский журналист. Он вышел из дома без документов и не вернулся домой, а спустя некоторое время власти Азербайджана подтвердили, что он находится в Баку и арестован. Официально его обвинили в “оказании силового сопротивления представителю власти”, а также в незаконном пересечении границы Азербайджана и в контрабанде.
bne IntelliNews – Russia, Ukraine strike preliminary gas transit deal
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:40:22 -0500
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Russia and Ukraine have struck a preliminary gas transit deal to replace the contract that is due to expire on December 31, 2019, Naftogaz executive director Yuriy Vitrenko said on his Facebook page on December 13.
“[The talks with Gazprom were] relatively successful, we continue working,” Vitrenko told TASS responding to a question about how the negotiations went. “We continue our work, which is already a success,” he added
Vitrenko made the comments after meeting with Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller in Vienna, but went on to say that a “preliminary” deal had been agreed, but gave no concrete details.
December 13 was the last day that a deal was possible due to technical reasons, Vitrenko told bne IntelliNews in an interview on November 26.
Previous bilateral talks took place in Vienna on November 28. They involved Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine Aleksey Orzhel, Miller, the heads of Naftogaz of Ukraine and the operator of the Gas Transportation System of Ukraine.
It was noted that the parties discussed Russian-Ukrainian cooperation in the gas sector, “the settlement of mutual claims for the execution of contracts, the conditions for the transit of Russian gas to Europe from 2020, the prospects for direct purchase of Russian gas for Ukrainian consumers.”
Vitrenko suggested in his post that Ukraine is prepared to drop a $12bn lawsuit against Gazprom seeking compensation for bypassing Ukraine and cutting off gas deliveries.
If dropping the litigation is included in the deal then Naftogaz has taken a step towards Moscow’s position that it is offering a “package solution” that includes a settlement agreement on litigation and direct purchases of gas at reduced rates. As a fallback, Russia is ready to extend the current transit agreement for 2020. Ukraine considers the dismissal of legal claims and the signing of a short-term contract unacceptable.
Gazprom is preparing to bypass Ukraine via two new pipelines: Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream (aka TurkStream). However, after construction delays caused by Denmark dragging its heels over granting permissions, Nord Stream 2 will not be ready until May at the earliest. Turkish Stream is also experiencing delays. Russian President Vladimir Putin lambasted Bulgaria on December 4 and accused it of deliberately delaying completion of its section of the pipeline that was due to be ready by New Year’s Day.
The upshot is that Russia will have to send some gas via the Druzhba pipeline that runs over Ukraine’s territory in 2020 to meet its obligations to European customers. Both sides have been building up reserves of stored gas and Ukraine has some 20bcm of gas in its storage tanks – a record level – and says that it can get through the winter and supply Europe even if it gets cut off. Russia has also been pumping record amounts of gas through Ukraine this autumn and has also built up significant stores of gas in Europe to meet demand. But even with these reserves it’s going to be tight and gas shortages are expected.
Russia supplies Europe just under 200bcm of gas a year of which about 90bcm passes through Ukraine. The capacity of the two new pipelines is a combined 85bcm, which could replace Ukrainian supplies, but Gazprom also wants to increase gas supplies to Europe by 70bcm in the coming decade to meet rising demand so it is likely that Ukraine will play some role. Druzhba’s total capacity is 140bcm so if Gazprom does ramp up its supply to Europe there is little choice at the moment other than sending it via Ukraine.
In the meantime Russia is using its leverage to negotiated a temporary deal with Ukraine. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskiy confirmed over the weekend that some sort of deal was close.
“I think there is a very high probability that the contract on gas transit will be signed [by the end of 2019],” Zelenskiy said as cited by Tass.
“A contract on gas transit is important not only for Ukraine, but for Europe as well,” he added.
Zelenskiy said he discussed this issue with Putin at the Normandy Four (N4) summit in Paris on December 9. “I see that everyone is interested in signing a document,” he noted.
Zelenskiy said that Russia “suggested to sign a contract for one year, and we suggested for 10 years, and then we were offered a compromise – three years.” “Negotiations will continue,” he said noting that gas price “will not be political”. “This is an economic issue,” he stressed.
Russia and the Republicans: Vladimir Putin’s American subsidiary – AlterNet
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:35:06 -0500
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Russia and the Republicans: Vladimir Putin’s American subsidiary –
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:33:10 -0500
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Russia and the Republicans: Vladimir Putin’s American subsidiary

The Russians wasted decades infiltrating the left attempting to gain purchase in American political life. There was the Communist Party USA, of course. Established in 1919, the CPUSA grew through the 1930s and boasted a membership of about 100,000 at the beginning of World War II. A hundred thousand! Whoop-de-doo!
Then there were the spinoff lefty parties like the Socialist Workers Party, the Progressive Labor Party, the Workers World Party, the Socialist Labor Party, the Progressive Labor Party — we could go on listing one splinter group after another with “socialist” or “labor” or “workers” in its title. They were tiny groups with memberships that were sometimes less than 100, and they would all deny being infiltrated by the Russkies, naturally. So would the “New Left” groups that came later, like SDS and The Weathermen. Nobody wanted to admit they were under Russian influence. Everything they were doing, from opposing the war in Vietnam to civil rights to fighting for free speech, was being done for completely pure reasons.
The Democratic Party would deny being under Russian influence as well, of course. But every American political party on the left was jointly infiltrated by Russian agents and the FBI or other American intelligence operations. There was a joke back in the ’70s that without membership by Russian infiltrators and FBI agents, the Socialist Workers Party would have gone out of existence. I covered a meeting of the SWP in a loft on lower Broadway in the early ’70s for the Village Voice. It looked to me like everyone there suspected everyone else of being either a COINTELPRO agent for the FBI or a KGB agent. You could have cut the paranoia with a butter knife.
I can’t even begin to tell you how boring the Socialist Workers Party meeting was. The loft on lower Broadway was dusty, cluttered with back issues of The Militant and International Socialist Review. I asked someone if there was any beer, and he gave me a stern look and said they didn’t allow drinking at their meetings.
Of course, we’re talking about the Soviet Union back in those days. People on the American left, and even “liberals” to some extent, had an idealized vision of the Russian Revolution and the country it spawned. Some of this idealism was born out of the grim years of the Depression, when farmers were struggling to hold onto their land, factories were closing all over, and people were going hungry and homeless in the streets. Russia, with its Communist version of “a chicken in every pot” and a job for everyone (even if it was on a collective farm) must have looked pretty good compared to the deprivation all around.
Moscow used dissension in the American political ranks to gain a foothold in the left which they would pursue until the House Un-American Activities Committee, Richard Nixon, Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover and the Red Scare drove the communist-linked left even further underground than it already was.
I knew some people on the left back in the day. I had a friend in Brooklyn who was a labor organizer in textile factories in the Deep South for “the party.” If he had enough to drink, he would admit to taking his orders from some guys with “connections,” and he wasn’t talking about mob connections. There was a guy I knew from drinking at the Lion’s Head who had been a maritime union organizer who — again, under the influence of a little too much to drink — would admit to knowing a few people with connections “overseas.” He had spent most of the 1950s dodging the FBI. I asked him one night if he really believed he was changing the world, or was he into it for the intrigue and the action. A smile crossed his face as he answered, “Ah, my boy, that’s always been the great question, hasn’t it?”
I remember wondering at the time why Moscow was even bothering with the splintered, weakened left of the ’60s and ’70s, and yet there they were, wasting their time in Broadway lofts and on factory floors in small towns in North Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi. It must have seemed to the KGB and Soviet leaders that they would find allies among those working for integration and voting rights during the Civil Rights movement, and they did. The Republican Party of that era would hardly have been a fertile hunting ground.
But it would turn out that they were sniffing around the wrong end of the political spectrum. After the Soviet Union collapsed, the new batch of Russian hardliners who replaced them would find their natural-born allies about 250 miles south in the Republican National Committee in Washington — and eventually in the current occupant of the Oval Office.
We’ve got a president of the United States who praises Russian President Vladimir Putin every chance he gets, yet spent the NATO summit last week looking like his mommy was making him eat his peas and carrots. He’s pressuring the other members of the Group of Seven to let Russia back in the club. At a recent meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, he told the president of Ukraine he hoped Zelensky could “make a deal” with Putin, clearly indicating whose side Trump was on in the dispute over Crimea and eastern Ukraine. Trump and his Republican puppets have spent the last three months spreading Russian propaganda that it was Ukraine, not Russia, who hacked our 2016 election. When Trump pulled U.S. troops out of northern Syria, he turned over abandoned American bases to the Russians.
Trump’s allies in the Republican Party have parroted his pro-Russia line. “Moscow Mitch” McConnell pushed for lifting sanctions on Russian aluminum company Rusal, which was largely owned by the oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a buddy of Vladimir Putin’s who has been under sanctions since he was named in the Russian hacking of the 2016 presidential election.
Tucker Carlson, a nightly loudspeaker for Trumpism on Fox News, recently said on his show, “Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And I’m serious. Why do I care? Why shouldn’t I root for Russia? Which I am.” Carlson later said he was “joking,” before going after MSNBC host Chuck Todd as someone who “really dislikes our country.” He went on, “Putin, for all his faults, does not hate America as much as many of these people do. They really dislike our country. And they call other people traitors?”
How did we get here? London School of Economics professor Anne Applebaum, writing in this month’s Atlantic, traces the collapse of the Republican Party into Russia’s arms to Pat Buchanan, ironically a former aide to Russia-hater Richard Nixon.
Buchanan’s books “Death of a Superpower” and “The Death of the West” described America’s descent into “a sexual revolution of easy divorce, rampant promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, assisted suicide — the displacement of Christian values by Hollywood values.” Applebaum writes that “Buchanan has come to admire the Russian president because he is ‘standing up for traditional values against Western cultural elites.’”
American evangelical Christians have joined Buchanan. “The belief that Russia is on our side in the war against secularism and sexual decadence is shared by a host of American Christian leaders,” Applebaum writes, citing evangelist Franklin Graham and Larry Jacobs of the World Congress of Families as among Putin’s admirers, who have described Russia under his leadership as “a moral compass” (Buchanan) and “the Christian saviors of the world” (Jacobs).
So here we are. Republicans have been waiting for somebody like Trump for decades. They wanted someone worse than Nixon, worse than Reagan, worse than Bush. They finally found the avatar of their real values in Trump.
Likewise, the Russians have also been waiting for Trump. Call him what you will — a stooge, a useful idiot, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kremlin — Donald Trump is the best thing that ever happened to Moscow.
Forget that whole “sneaking Sally through the alley” thing Trump pulled with the Russians in 2016. Even during the week the House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach him for trying to strong-arm yet another foreign government into damaging one of his political opponents, Trump met privately with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Oval Office. He’s not even trying to hide it anymore. The Republican Party is right there with him.
Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist and screenwriter. He has covered stories such as Watergate, the Stonewall riots and wars in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also the author of five bestselling novels and several unsuccessful motion pictures. He has three children, lives on the East End of Long Island and spends his time Worrying About the State of Our Nation and madly scribbling in a so-far fruitless attempt to Make Things Better. He can be followed on Facebook at The Rabbit Hole and on Twitter @LucianKTruscott.
Greta Thunberg: politicians should be put “against the wall.” – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:25:50 -0500
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Greta Thunberg: politicians should be put “against the wall.” – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:25:34 -0500
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5 days ago
The New Daily
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Greta Thunberg: politicians should be put “against the wall.” – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:25:01 -0500
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22 hours ago
The Wentworth Report
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Greta Thunberg: politicians should be put “against the wall.” – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:24:37 -0500
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10 hours ago
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Going home: Thunberg Stuck on Floor of Crowded German Train
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:16:11 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Voice of America – English:
The poor baby got stuck. Zo, get yourself unstuck, and start breathing and living. Und ziz iz my adviZe.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has tweeted a photo of herself sitting on the floor of a German train surrounded by lots of bags – an image that has drawn plenty of comment online about the performance of German railways.
Thunberg posted the tweet late Saturday with the comment “traveling on overcrowded trains through Germany. And I’m finally on my way home!”
Greta Thunberg
Traveling on overcrowded trains through Germany. And I’m finally on my way home!

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Some Twitter users pitied the 16-year-old Swedish activist for not being able to get a proper seat on the train for the long ride home from Madrid, where she was attending the U.N. climate change conference. Others wished her a safe trip home after months of traveling by trains and boats to different climate events in Europe and the United States.
Thunberg doesn’t fly on planes because it’s considered harmful to the climate. Last week she was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year for her efforts to prod government and others to take faster actions in fighting climate change.
German railways Deutsche Bahn, which used to be famous for its punctuality, has come under fire in recent years for delays, last-minute train cancellations and expensive ticket fares.
Deutsche Bahn replied to the teenager’s tweet, wishing her a good trip back home and adding that “we continue working hard on getting more trains, connections and seats.”
In the picture on Twitter, Thunberg is sitting on the floor at the end of a rail car with her back leaning against a suitcase, staring out of a window. There’s an empty food box next to her and more suitcases and backpacks piled up by her side.

UN Rights Official Urges India to Scrap New Citizenship Law
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:08:36 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Voice of America – English.

The Office of the U.N.’s top human rights official is urging India to scrap its new Citizenship (Amendment) Act, which it says discriminates against Muslims.
Violent protests erupted in the Indian states of Assam and Tripura in the wake of last week’s passage of India’s new citizenship law, killing three people and Injuring many others, including police officers.
The U.N. human rights office says it deplores the government’s brutal crackdown on those protesting the enactment of the law, which it calls fundamentally discriminatory.  The amended legislation grants citizenship rights to six religious minorities fleeing persecution in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
But human rights spokesman, Jeremy Laurence, says the law does not extend the same protection to Muslims.
“The amended law would appear to undermine the commitment to equality before the law enshrined in India’s constitution and India’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention for the elimination of Racial Discrimination, to which India is a state party,” he said.
Laurence says India’s Citizenship Act could violate these international covenants, which prohibit racial, ethnic or religious discrimination.
“Although India’s broader naturalization laws remain in place, these amendments will have a discriminatory effect on people’s access to nationality.  All migrants, regardless of their migration status, are entitled to respect, protection and fulfillment of their human rights,”  he said.
A Muslim political party along with lawyers and rights groups have challenged the law in India’s Supreme Court, arguing that it violates the country’s secular constitution. The U.N. human rights office says it hopes the justices will consider whether the law is compatible with India’s international human rights obligations.

«Юнармия» показала первого мультипликационного «Стража»
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:07:47 -0500
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Герои эпической саги – отряд юнармейцев из будущего.
Kremlin comments on possible Putin-Trump meeting
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:02:58 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from (English).

There are no preparations for a new communication between Russian leader Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump. Russian President’s Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated this on Sunday, on the air of the Russian First Channel TV, TASS reports.
“President Putin is probably ready for any contact; he has repeatedly insisted that,” Peskov said. “However, there is no plan yet on contacts between Putin and Trump.”
The official representative of the Russian President added that relations with the American side are maintained at the level of diplomats and military.
Peskov also noted that there are still many important issues on the agenda of bilateral relations between Russia and the United States. However, according to him, Moscow does not see any real steps by the United States to prove its intention to normalize relations.
Вместе к новым целям: «Юнармия» и Союз российских оружейников подписали соглашение
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:00:25 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from RSS.

Оно предусматривает не только совместную работу, направленную на патриотическое воспитание детей и подростков, но и конкретный план действий по их ранней профориентации.
Report Says US Secretly Expelled 2 Chinese Diplomats
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 10:56:53 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Voice of America – English.

The United States secretly expelled two Chinese embassy officials in September after they drove onto a sensitive military base in Virginia, The New York Times reported Sunday.
The newspaper, which cited people with knowledge of the episode, said it appeared to be the first time in more than 30 years that the U.S. has expelled Chinese diplomats on suspicion of espionage.
At least one of the diplomats was believed to be an intelligence officer operating under cover, the Times said.
The Times said the diplomats, accompanied by their wives, drove up to the checkpoint at the entrance to a sensitive installation near Norfolk, Virginia that includes special operations forces.
The guard saw that they didn’t have permission to enter and directed them to go through the gates, turn around and exit.
The Chinese officials continued onto the base, evading military personnel pursuing them until they were forced to stop by fire trucks blocking their path, according to the Times.
It said the officials said they didn’t understand the guard’s instructions and got lost.
Weeks after the incident, the State Department placed restrictions on the activities of Chinese diplomats, in what it said was a response to years-old Chinese regulations limiting the movements of U.S. diplomats.

The Games And The Thoughts – 9:28 AM 12/15/2019 | FBI Reform
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 09:41:47 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from FBI Reform.

The Games And The Thoughts – 9:28 AM 12/15/2019 | Post Link

President Donald Trump shakes hands with Army player Cole Christiansen in Philadelphia, Saturday, Dec. 14, 2019, before the Army-Navy college football game. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Image result for Trump attends Army-Navy rivalry game in Philadelphia Fox News

Mark Esper is strong and smart: “Mark this hopeful thought: the possible new Alliance or Partnership with Russia, including the working together in the Middle East. We shall see”. 

The Boss is happy, and there is nothing wrong with it. Whatever his general problems are, he can be right on the ball in certain areas, and this ability has to be appreciated. The key is the right persons in the right places, carrying out good, well thought out policies. And he put on a new hat, too: “KAG: Keep America Great!” It can be open to a variety of interpretations, but I do not want to go into this research at this time. Let us stay with a good moment. 

Image result for Trump attends Army-Navy rivalry game in Philadelphia Fox News

We also have to appreciate complexities in everything: the things are more than black and white, they are the interwoven multi-color mosaic, revealing the hidden symbolism, with its underlying emotional content: anxieties, worries, discontents, deeply felt “gut feelings”, which usually are more correct and more telling that dry rationalizations. 

Und ziz iz my interpretation, be it right or wrong; that’s for you to determine, for yourselves. 

Esper ‘Concerned’ About Russian Influence in Egypt, Saudi Arabia – Defense One – 6:31 AM 12/15/2019 – Post Link

Заместитель Министра обороны РФ генерал-полковник Андрей Картаполов поздравил новых участников движения «Юнармия»

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Сегодня организация объединяет в своих рядах более 600 тысяч молодых людей из всех субъектов Российской Федерации.

На базе областного призывного пункта Волгоградской области ЮВО прошел смотр-конкурс «Равнение на Победу»

1 Share
Все строевые приемы оценивались в соответствии со строевым уставом Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации в обстановке, максимально приближенной к реальным строевым смотрам в воинских частях.


Esper ‘Concerned’ About Russian Influence in Egypt, Saudi Arabia 

1 Share
The defense secretary says Moscow’s other Mideast efforts worry him more than its growing presence in Syria.

Heroes and history of DIA: Pearl Harbor 

Every year on Sept. 11, I remember leaving my office in the newly renovated section of the Pentagon for a meeting shortly before American Airlines Flight 77 hit the building. I hear recollections from colleagues and remember the impact that day had on my life. 

DIA remembers a Cold War hero 

1 Share
The Defense Intelligence Agency added another name to the Patriots Memorial wall – Nicholas George Shadrin. While it was not a name from recent history, it is one of great significance to the Agency.

Trump at Army Navy Game – 2:23 AM 12/15/2019

1 Share
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 09:14:04 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Image result for Trump attends Army-Navy rivalry game in Philadelphia Fox News931 × 524
16 hours ago
Fox News
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Trump attends Army-Navy rivalry game in Philadelphia Fox News – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 08:36:46 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Image result for Trump attends Army-Navy rivalry game in Philadelphia Fox News696 × 392
16 hours ago
Fox News
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Mark Esper is strong and smart: “The true flag is the possible new Alliance or Partnership with Russia”. The Boss is happy, and he put on a new hat, too: “Keep America Great!”
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 07:06:08 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review – – Blog by Michael Novakhov.

Trump at Army Navy Game – GS 

– 2:23 AM 12/15/2019  – Post Link | This Post Link

Mark Esper is strong and smart: “The true flag is the possible new Alliance or Partnership with Russia, including working together in the Middle East. We shall see”. 

The Boss is happy, and there is nothing wrong with it. Whatever his general problems are, he can be right on the ball in certain areas, and this ability has to be appreciated. The key is the right persons in the right places, carrying out good, well thought out policies. And he put on a new hat, too: “KAG: Keep America Great!” It can be open to a variety of interpretations, but I do not want to go into this research at this time. Let us stay with a good moment. 
We also have to appreciate complexities in everything: the things are never black and white, they are the interwoven multi-color mosaic. 

Заместитель Министра обороны РФ генерал-полковник Андрей Картаполов поздравил новых участников движения «Юнармия»
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:22:13 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from RSS.

Сегодня организация объединяет в своих рядах более 600 тысяч молодых людей из всех субъектов Российской Федерации.
На базе областного призывного пункта Волгоградской области ЮВО прошел смотр-конкурс «Равнение на Победу»
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:20:39 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from RSS.

Все строевые приемы оценивались в соответствии со строевым уставом Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации в обстановке, максимально приближенной к реальным строевым смотрам в воинских частях.
Esper ‘Concerned’ About Russian Influence in Egypt, Saudi Arabia
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:16:32 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Defense One – All Content.

The defense secretary says Moscow’s other Mideast efforts worry him more than its growing presence in Syria.
Heroes and history of DIA: Pearl Harbor
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:12:35 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Defense Intelligence Agency News.

Every year on Sept. 11, I remember leaving my office in the newly renovated section of the Pentagon for a meeting shortly before American Airlines Flight 77 hit the building. I hear recollections from colleagues and remember the impact that day had on my life.
View looking at "Battleship Row" on Dec. 7, 1941, after the Japanese attack. (Official U.S. Navy Photograph, NHHC Collection)
DIA remembers a Cold War hero
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:10:13 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Defense Intelligence Agency News.

The Defense Intelligence Agency added another name to the Patriots Memorial wall – Nicholas George Shadrin. While it was not a name from recent history, it is one of great significance to the Agency.
Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley Jr., presents Dr. Blanka Shadrin a drawing of her husband, Nicholas Shadrin, after unveiling his plaque on the DIA Patriots Memorial. After defecting from the Soviet Union, Nicholas Shadrin worked at DIA while also serving as a double agent for the FBI. On a mission in Vienna in 1975, Shadrin was abducted by the KGB and killed from a sedative overdose.
Trump at Army Navy Game – 2:23 AM 12/15/2019
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:02:18 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review – – Blog by Michael Novakhov.

mark esper is smart – Google Search
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 02:57:38 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Mark Esper is a great pick for Secretary of Defense if… – Lawfire › lawfire › 2019/06/25 › mark-esper-is-a-great-pick-f…
Jun 25, 2019 – The Secretary of the Army, Mark Esper, discussed what he called a … and physically exceptionally well trained to be “smart, innovative, and …
We should switch to the “airline job”, or even better: to the “Intercontinental Missile Job”: Out with the speed of sound!!!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 00:46:58 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review – – Blog by Michael Novakhov.

Out With The Speed Of Sound!

Out with the speed of sound!!! – FBI News UpdatesWe should switch to the “airline job”, or even better: to the “Intercontinental Missile Job”: Out with the speed of sound!!! | 
Image result for Trump railroaded

Trump railroaded – Google Search

I agree with Mr. Trump: it is a “railroad job”: it is too slow. We should switch to the “airline job”, or even better: to the “Intercontinental Missile Job”: Out with the speed of sound!!! (Dec 12, 2019 14:36) | Post Link
Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠

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I agree with Mr. Trump: it is a “railroad job”: it is too slow. We should switch to the “airline job”, or even better: to the “Intercontinental Missile Job”: Out with the speed of sound!!! (Dec 12, 2019 14:36)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter. I agree with Mr. Trump: it …

“I think it’s obvious to all the American public that this is a railroad job!” @JimPressOffice (Dec 12, 2019 13:08)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from realDonaldTrump on Twitter. “I think it’s obvio…
Trump railroaded – Google Search (Dec 12, 2019 13:06)
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1000 × 562 Collections Get help Send feedback The …
mikenov on Twitter: According to the Urban Dictionary, two related slang meanings of “railroad” are: 1. to get someone unjustly convicted. 2. force a resolution quickly.Jun 11, 2009Railroad job from hell | WordReference › t (Dec 12, 2019 12:56)
According to the Urban Dictionary, two related slang meanings of “railroad” are: 1. to …
mikenov on Twitter: railroad job meaning – Google Search… (Dec 12, 2019 12:54)
railroad job meaning – Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Th…
Image result for Impeach.1200 × 800
13 hours ago
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Opinion | Impeach Donald Trump

1 Share
In the end, the story told by the two articles of impeachment approved on Friday morning by the House Judiciary Committee is short, simple and damning: President Donald Trump abused the power of his office by strong-arming Ukraine, a vulnerable ally, holding up hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid until it agreed to help him influence the 2020 election by digging up dirt on a political rival.
When caught in the act, he rejected the very idea that a president could be required by Congress to explain and justify his actions, showing “unprecedented, categorical and indiscriminate defiance” in the face of multiple subpoenas. He made it impossible for Congress to carry out fully its constitutionally mandated oversight role, and, in doing so, he violated the separation of powers, a safeguard of the American republic.
To quote from the articles, “President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.”
The case now moves to the full House of Representatives, which on Wednesday will decide, for just the third time in the nation’s history, whether to impeach a president.
To resist the pull of partisanship, Republicans and Democrats alike ought to ask themselves the same question: Would they put up with a Democratic president using the power of the White House this way? Then they should consider the facts, the architecture and aspirations of the Constitution and the call of history. In that light, there can be only one responsible judgment: to cast a vote to impeach, to send a message not only to this president but to future ones.
By stonewalling as no previous president has, Donald Trump has left Congress with no choice but to press ahead to a Senate trial. The president insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing, yet he refuses to release any administration documents or allow any administration officials to testify — though, if his assertions are in fact true, those officials would presumably exonerate him. He refused to present any defense before the House whatsoever, asserting a form of monarchical immunity that Congress cannot let stand.
It’s regrettable that the House moved as fast as it did, without working further through the courts and through other means to hear from numerous crucial witnesses. But Democratic leaders have a point when they say they can’t afford to wait, given the looming electoral deadline and Mr. Trump’s pattern of soliciting foreign assistance for his campaigns. Even after his effort to extract help from Ukraine was revealed, the president publicly called on China to investigate his rival. Asked as recently as October what he hoped the Ukrainians would do in response to his infamous July 25 call with their president, Mr. Trump declared: “Well, I would think that, if they were honest about it, they’d start a major investigation into the Bidens. It’s a very simple answer.”
Barring the persuasive defense that Mr. Trump has so far declined even to attempt, that simple answer sounds like a textbook example of an impeachable offense, as the nation’s framers envisioned it.
A president “might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression,” James Madison said of the need for an impeachment clause. “He might betray his trust to foreign powers.”
Madison and his fellow framers understood that elections — which, under normal circumstances, are the essence of democratic self-government — could not serve their purpose if a president was determined to cheat to win.
As the constitutional scholar Noah Feldman testified before the Judiciary Committee last week, “Without impeachment, the president would have been an elected monarch. With impeachment, the president was bound to the rule of law.”
At the same time, the framers were well aware of the dangers inherent in impeachment. That’s why they made it a two-step process: First is the House’s vote on impeachment, which is akin to an indictment and requires only a majority to pass. Second is a trial in the Senate, which decides the president’s ultimate fate, and thus has a much higher bar to clear — two-thirds of senators must vote to convict and remove the president from office.
So far, Republican legislators have shown little sign of treating this constitutional process with the seriousness it demands.
Instead, they have been working overtime to abet the president’s wrongdoing. They have spread toxic misinformation and conspiracy theories to try to justify his actions and raged about the unfairness of the inquiry, complaining that Democrats have been trying to impeach Mr. Trump since he took office.
No doubt some Democrats were too eager to resort to impeachment before it became unavoidable. Mr. Trump has been committing arguably impeachable offenses since the moment he entered the Oval Office, including his acceptance of foreign money at his many businesses; his
Impeach. – Google Search
Sat, 14 Dec 2019 23:54:38 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Image result for Impeach.1200 × 800
13 hours ago
The New York Times
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Opinion | Impeach Donald Trump
Sat, 14 Dec 2019 23:53:38 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

In the end, the story told by the two articles of impeachment approved on Friday morning by the House Judiciary Committee is short, simple and damning: President Donald Trump abused the power of his office by strong-arming Ukraine, a vulnerable ally, holding up hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid until it agreed to help him influence the 2020 election by digging up dirt on a political rival.
When caught in the act, he rejected the very idea that a president could be required by Congress to explain and justify his actions, showing “unprecedented, categorical and indiscriminate defiance” in the face of multiple subpoenas. He made it impossible for Congress to carry out fully its constitutionally mandated oversight role, and, in doing so, he violated the separation of powers, a safeguard of the American republic.
To quote from the articles, “President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.”
The case now moves to the full House of Representatives, which on Wednesday will decide, for just the third time in the nation’s history, whether to impeach a president.
To resist the pull of partisanship, Republicans and Democrats alike ought to ask themselves the same question: Would they put up with a Democratic president using the power of the White House this way? Then they should consider the facts, the architecture and aspirations of the Constitution and the call of history. In that light, there can be only one responsible judgment: to cast a vote to impeach, to send a message not only to this president but to future ones.
By stonewalling as no previous president has, Donald Trump has left Congress with no choice but to press ahead to a Senate trial. The president insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing, yet he refuses to release any administration documents or allow any administration officials to testify — though, if his assertions are in fact true, those officials would presumably exonerate him. He refused to present any defense before the House whatsoever, asserting a form of monarchical immunity that Congress cannot let stand.
It’s regrettable that the House moved as fast as it did, without working further through the courts and through other means to hear from numerous crucial witnesses. But Democratic leaders have a point when they say they can’t afford to wait, given the looming electoral deadline and Mr. Trump’s pattern of soliciting foreign assistance for his campaigns. Even after his effort to extract help from Ukraine was revealed, the president publicly called on China to investigate his rival. Asked as recently as October what he hoped the Ukrainians would do in response to his infamous July 25 call with their president, Mr. Trump declared: “Well, I would think that, if they were honest about it, they’d start a major investigation into the Bidens. It’s a very simple answer.”
Barring the persuasive defense that Mr. Trump has so far declined even to attempt, that simple answer sounds like a textbook example of an impeachable offense, as the nation’s framers envisioned it.
A president “might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression,” James Madison said of the need for an impeachment clause. “He might betray his trust to foreign powers.”
Madison and his fellow framers understood that elections — which, under normal circumstances, are the essence of democratic self-government — could not serve their purpose if a president was determined to cheat to win.
As the constitutional scholar Noah Feldman testified before the Judiciary Committee last week, “Without impeachment, the president would have been an elected monarch. With impeachment, the president was bound to the rule of law.”
At the same time, the framers were well aware of the dangers inherent in impeachment. That’s why they made it a two-step process: First is the House’s vote on impeachment, which is akin to an indictment and requires only a majority to pass. Second is a trial in the Senate, which decides the president’s ultimate fate, and thus has a much higher bar to clear — two-thirds of senators must vote to convict and remove the president from office.
So far, Republican legislators have shown little sign of treating this constitutional process with the seriousness it demands.
Instead, they have been working overtime to abet the president’s wrongdoing. They have spread toxic misinformation and conspiracy theories to try to justify his actions and raged about the unfairness of the inquiry, complaining that Democrats have been trying to impeach Mr. Trump since he took office.
No doubt some Democrats were too eager to resort to impeachment before it became unavoidable. Mr. Trump has been committing arguably impeachable offenses since the moment he entered the Oval Office, including his acceptance of foreign money at his many businesses; his violations of campaign-finance law in paying hush money to a woman who claimed to have had a sexual affair with him; and, of course, his obstructions of justice in the Russia investigation, which were documented extensively by the special counsel, Robert Mueller.
Democrats could have pursued impeachment in any or all of these cases, but for various reasons decided not to. That changed in September, when a whistle-blower’s complaint, initially suppressed by the Justice Department, revealed the outline of Mr. Trump’s Ukraine scheme. That made it impossible to ignore the president’s lawlessness because it sounded an alarm that he was seeking to subvert the next election, depriving the voters of their right to check his behavior.
The Republicans’ most common defenses of Mr. Trump’s behavior fall flat in the face of the evidence.
There is, above all, the summary of the July 25 phone call between Mr. Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president. Mr. Trump still insists that summary exonerates him. It doesn’t — which is why White House officials promptly locked it in a special computer system.
Then there is the sworn testimony of multiple government officials, including several appointed by Mr. Trump himself, all of whom confirmed the essential story line: For all the recent claims about his piety regarding Ukrainian corruption, Mr. Trump did not “give a shit about Ukraine.” He only wanted the “deliverable” — the announcement of an investigation into the Bidens, and also into a debunked theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election.
The argument that Mr. Trump cared about anything other than hurting Joe Biden and helping himself is undercut by several facts. Even though calling on the Ukrainians to fight corruption was part of his prepared talking points, he never mentioned the subject in his calls with Mr. Zelensky; he also didn’t hold up the military aid in 2017 or 2018, even though everyone knew about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine connection at the time. (What changed this year? Joe Biden emerged as his leading Democratic opponent.) By the time Mr. Trump intervened to block the money for Ukraine, the Defense Department had already certified that Ukraine had made enough progress fighting corruption to qualify for this year’s funds.
Without any substantive defense of Mr. Trump’s behavior, several Republicans have taken to arguing that he committed no actual crime, and so can’t be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Putting aside a strong case that Mr. Trump has, in fact, broken at least one law, this isn’t how impeachment works. “High crimes” refers to severe violations of the public trust by a high-ranking official, not literal crimes. A president can commit a technical crime that doesn’t violate the public trust (say, jaywalking), and he can commit an impeachable offense that is found nowhere in the federal criminal code (like abuse of power).
Republicans’ sole remaining argument is: “So what? It wasn’t that big a deal.” Or, as acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney said in October, “Get over it.” This stance at least has the virtue of acknowledging the president’s vice, but that doesn’t make it O.K.
Assuming Mr. Trump is impeached, the case will go to the Senate, where he will have the chance — on far more friendly territory — to mount the defense he refused to make to the House. Rather than withholding key witnesses, he should be demanding sworn appearances by people like Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, and John Bolton, the former national security adviser.
As recently as a few weeks ago, some Republicans seemed to want to get to the bottom of things. Even Trump’s footman, Senator Lindsey Graham, said, “If you could show me that, you know, Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing.”
The time for such expressions of public spirit has, apparently, passed. “I’ve written the whole process off,” Mr. Graham said during the impeachment hearings. “I think this is a bunch of B.S.”
Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, says there will be “no difference between the president’s position and our position in how to handle this,” as he told Sean Hannity of Fox last Thursday. Before the House had cast a single vote on impeachment, Mr. McConnell said there was “no chance” the Senate would vote to convict.
For now, that leaves the defense of the Constitution, and the Republic, to the House of Representatives.
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Trump impeachment: Newspaper editorial boards weigh in
Sat, 14 Dec 2019 23:51:41 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

The opinions of major publications are divided as the House prepares for a historic vote Wednesday, and a host of traditionally more-conservative editorial boards have yet to weigh in — including several that snubbed Trump in 2016 by conspicuously breaking from long histories of Republican endorsements.
Many papers backing impeachment have described a slow-building choice amid hearings into whether Trump abused his position to pressure a foreign power for personal political gain.
“With reluctance …” the piece by the Tampa Bay Times begins.
“Until recently,” USA Today writes, “we believed that impeachment proceedings would be unhealthier for an already polarized nation than simply leaving Trump’s fate up to voters next November.”
The Los Angeles Times mulled a call for impeachment for months, said Nicholas Goldberg, the paper’s editorial page editor. Staffers worried the proceedings would just inflame American divisions and probably not result in Trump’s departure, no matter the findings.
They watched House testimonies intently, Goldberg said, as Trump’s defenders accused those pushing for impeachment of jumping at the chance to undermine the president and his agenda. Democrats contend that the president withheld important military aid and a coveted White House meeting to get Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Trump’s opponents.
“We don’t want to be part of a rush to judgment,” Goldberg told The Washington Post.
He and his colleagues had listened to a slew of career officials describe their discomfort. They had heard about messages and phone calls documenting mounting pressure on Ukraine. They had noted the concerns of constitutional scholars.
“We’ve seen enough,” they wrote.
As for the concerns that made them “late converts”: Those “must yield to the overwhelming evidence that Trump perverted U.S. foreign policy for his own political gain,” the editorial board said. “That sort of misconduct is outrageous and corrosive of democracy.”
The impeachment inquiry was sparked by a whistleblower complaint over a call between Trump and Zelensky. Trump is accused of pressing the Ukrainian leader to open investigations into Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, as well as into a debunked theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. election.
The inquiry culminated this week in two articles of impeachment, which accuse Trump of abusing his power and obstructing Congress by not cooperating with the investigation. The House Judiciary Committee approved the articles Friday along party lines. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), meanwhile, vowed to acquit Trump if necessary, and the president decried the move as “an embarrassment to this country.” Republicans have called impeachment an effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election.
Editorial boards, too — groups of opinion writers who operate independently from the newsroom — have split on whether Trump should become the third U.S. president to be impeached.
The Wall Street Journal criticized the Democrats’ case as “weak” on Wednesday, arguing that “abuse of power” as the president’s critics have outlined it is too vague. Moving ahead on that charge would create a “a new and low standard for impeachment that will come back to haunt future Presidents of all parties,” the paper said.
The Journal joined Republicans in calling impeachment proceedings politically motivated, saying Democrats simply hate Trump and his style of governing.
“There was wide agreement that Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton violated criminal statutes,” the editorial board wrote. “In this case Democrats don’t even try to allege a criminal act.”
But the editorial pages of other national outlets — the New York Times, The Washington Post and USA Today — have put their weight behind impeachment, along with major local papers around the country.
“There may be no single, smoking gun, but there’s ample acrid black stuff rising from the White House,” the New York Daily News wrote.
Some papers are waiting to say whether the president should ultimately be kicked out of office. The editorial board of the L.A. Times has made clear it dislikes Trump’s style and policies, Goldberg said Saturday — they’re a “liberal editorial page in the middle of a liberal city” — but he says his colleagues want to hear the proceedings in full.
He said he’s hoping for the same attitude from readers, despite entrenched views.
“Look, we live in very, very partisan times,” he said. “Many are dug in. Many people aren’t listening to arguments on both sides.
“But I certainly hope there are people out there who are still keeping an open mind,” he said.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, meanwhile, says it is already convinced that the president should be removed. It gives significant weight to the second charge of obstruction — the charge “that should have us all frightened,” the Inquirer’s editorial board writes. It added that the House must signal that Congress is on equal footing with the executive branch.
The Post’s editorial board notes that Trump’s refusal to cooperate in any way with Congress’s inquiry sets him apart from past presidents. Trump has blocked the release of documents as well as testimony by a dozen current and former senior officials, and newspapers argue that those missing voices could clarify Trump’s intent in withholding military aid.
Editorial boards favoring impeachment emphasize their fears about a process so deeply divisive, including some Trump critics’ worries that the inquiry will aid the president’s reelection.
“But the House must make its decision based on the facts and merits, setting aside unpredictable second-order effects,” The Post wrote.
Then there are the newspapers that have yet to come down on one side or the other. Among the holdouts, as Politico reported this week, are papers such as the Arizona Republic, the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Columbus Dispatch, the Dallas Morning News and the Houston Chronicle, which made headlines in 2016 for ditching their traditional Republican endorsement over distaste for Trump.
That’s not to say they won’t back impeachment in coming days. Michael Lindenberger, deputy opinion editor for the Houston Chronicle, told Politico that his editorial board is still deciding when to speak out and may do so before Wednesday’s House vote.
Papers silent so far on moving impeachment to the Senate have also been willing to criticize Trump and his supporters. The Chronicle argued for an impeachment inquiry even before the Ukraine scandal, pointing to disturbing revelations from the investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. Trump is “dangerously reckless,” the Arizona Republic has said. The Columbus Dispatch blasted Republicans who called the impeachment inquiry unconstitutional, saying they are “willing to assault our democracy in order to preserve their places in it.”
Still, some question whether impeachment will solve anything.
“The Democratic Congress will impeach,” Phil Boas, the Arizona Republic’s editorial director, told Politico. “The Republican Senate will acquit. And then we’ll have an election. The rest is all posturing.”
Trump ex-aide Paul Manafort ‘offered to help Putin‘
Sat, 14 Dec 2019 23:19:35 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Stock Daily Dish.

US President Donald Trump‘s one-time campaign chairman secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to assist President Vladimir Putin, the Associated Press (AP) news agency reports.
Paul Manafort is said to have proposed a strategy to nullify anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics a decade ago.
AP says documents and interviews support its claims about Mr Manafort.
Mr Manafort has insisted that he never worked for Russian interests.
He worked as Mr Trump‘s unpaid campaign chairman from March until August last year, including the period during which the flamboyant New York billionaire clinched the Republican nomination.
after AP revealed that he had co-ordinated a secret Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine‘s ruling pro-Russian political party until 2014.
Newly obtained business records link Mr Manafort more directly to Mr Putin‘s interests in the region, AP says.

It comes as Trump campaign advisers are the subject of an FBI investigation and two congressional inquiries.
Investigators are reviewing whether the Trump campaign and its associates co-ordinated with Moscow to interfere in the 2016 presidential election campaign to damage Mr Trump‘s opponent, Hillary Clinton, a stern critic of Mr Putin.
Mr Manafort is said to have pitched the plans to aluminium magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of President Putin.
In a confidential strategy plan in 2005, AP reports, Mr Manafort proposed to influence politics, business dealings and news coverage in the US, Europe and the ex-Soviet republics to advance the interests of the Putin government.
At this time, US-Russia relations were deteriorating.
“We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success,‘‘ Mr Manafort is said to have written, adding that it would be offering “a great service that can refocus, both internally and externally, the policies of the Putin government”.
Mr Manafort signed a $10m-a-year contract beginning in 2006, AP reports. How much work he did under this contract was unclear.
Mr Manafort and Mr Deripaska reportedly maintained a business relationship until at least 2009.

Analysis: North America correspondent Anthony Zurcher

When Donald Trump picked Paul Manafort to be his campaign chair last March, the political operative was a relatively minor player in Washington, consigned to working for deep-pocketed foreign benefactors. That those benefactors have turned out to include Russian oligarchs and Ukrainian politicians with ties to Vladimir Putin is sure to cause growing concern in the Trump White House.
Now it appears increasingly likely that Mr Manafort is one of the “individuals associated with the Trump campaign”, in Director James Comey‘s words, at the heart of an ongoing FBI investigation.
This would explain why White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer recently downplayed Mr Manafort‘s connections to the Trump team, saying he “played a very limited role” in the campaign for “a very limited amount of time”.
Mr Manafort could face legal consequences if the FBI concludes that he did not properly disclose his work for foreign leaders. That would at the very least prove embarrassing for Mr Trump, given the power he delegated to Mr Manafort last summer.
If it turns out that Mr Manafort‘s s with foreign interests continued during his time at the top of the Trump campaign, the situation for the White House could go from embarrassing to full-blown scandal.
In a statement to AP, Mr Manafort confirmed that he had worked for Mr Deripaska in several countries but insisted the work was being unfairly cast as “inappropriate or nefarious” as part of a “smear campaign”.
“I worked with Oleg Deripaska almost a decade ago representing him on business and personal matters in countries where he had investments,” Mr Manafort said in the statement.
“My work for Mr Deripaska did not involve representing Russian political interests.‘‘
A spokesman for Mr Deripaska in Moscow declined to answer questions from AP.
Further allegations have been made in Ukraine about secret funds said to have been paid to Mr Manafort.
Lawmaker Serhiy Leshchenko said he had evidence that Mr Manafort had of $750,000 (£600,800) by a pro-Russian party in 2009.
Mr Manafort‘s spokesman said the claim was “baseless”.
Mr Manafort was an adviser to Ukraine‘s ex-President Viktor Yanukovych, but denies receiving any cash payments.
The FBI News Review – – Blog by Michael Novakhov: Former FBI director James Comey reacts to the rele……
Sat, 14 Dec 2019 23:10:00 -0500
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The FBI News Review – – Blog by Michael Novakhov: Former FBI director James Comey reacts to the rele……

PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode December 14. 2019
Sat, 14 Dec 2019 18:40:30 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from PBSNewsHour’s YouTube Videos.

From: PBSNewsHour
Duration: 24:49

On this edition for Saturday, December 14, the House gets one step closer to impeaching President Trump, a peace deal in Afghanistan faces new challenges, and how illusionist Derren Brown is pushing the boundaries of mentalism. Hari Sreenivasan anchors from New York.
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Former FBI director James Comey reacts to the release of the Justice Department’s inspector general report – 6:17 PM 12/14/2019
Sat, 14 Dec 2019 18:25:22 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review – – Blog by Michael Novakhov.

From: CNN
Duration: 10:06

Former FBI director James Comey reacts to the release of the Justice Department’s inspector general report, concluding that the FBI’s investigation into Russian election interference was legal and unbiased.
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! (Dec 15, 2019 11:58)
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! (Dec 15, 2019 11:57)
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! (Dec 15, 2019 11:55)
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! (Dec 15, 2019 11:54)
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! (Dec 15, 2019 11:53)
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! (Dec 15, 2019 11:52)
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Death to the Azerbaijani Ruling Mafia! Death to the Azerbaijani KGB! They are the same like the old KGB and much, much worse than the Russian KGB. They are the lowest of the lows, stinky, shitty, stupid, oppressive, blood sucking pigs. Death to the Pigs! (Dec 15, 2019 11:52)
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mikenov on Twitter: Esper 'Concerned' About Russian Influence in Egypt, Saudi Arabia… via @defenseone (Dec 15, 2019 06:51)
Esper 'Concerned' About Russian Influence in Egypt, Saudi Arabia

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Impeach. - Google Search (Dec 14, 2019 23:54)
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Opinion | Impeach Donald Trump (Dec 14, 2019 23:53)
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Trump impeachment: Newspaper editorial boards weigh in (Dec 14, 2019 23:51)
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Trump ex-aide Paul Manafort ‘offered to help Putin‘ (Dec 14, 2019 23:19)
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The FBI News Review - - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Former FBI director James Comey reacts to the rele...… (Dec 14, 2019 23:10)
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PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode December 14. 2019 (Dec 14, 2019 18:40)
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Former FBI director James Comey reacts to the release of the Justice Department's inspector general report - 6:17 PM 12/14/2019 (Dec 14, 2019 18:25)
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Former Breitbart editor calls Stephen Miller a white supremacist (Dec 14, 2019 12:52)
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Greta Thunberg says she's taking a break (Dec 14, 2019 11:59)
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