Abwehr and Mountain Jews | Abwehr and Baku: "The Abwehr were in Azerbaijan..."

Post Link - Abwehr and Mountain Jews | Abwehr and Baku: "The Abwehr were in Azerbaijan from 01.01.1933-19.09.1955, inclusive, physical fighting with dangerous weapons versus the USSR, with atrocities on both sides

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Battle of the Caucasus - Wikipedia

M.N.: My impression is that the Abwehr's influence and activities in Baku were very significant, in preparation for the capture of the Azeri oil fields, with the aid of sabotage, bribery and subversion of the corrupt local officials, and the other related techniques. 

I think, it is very likely that Abwehr penetrated thoroughly the local security services and the KGB, and it is also very likely that they relied in these efforts on the local Ashkenazi and Mountain Jews, whose share of population was quite notable, especially in political and military spheres. 

I also think, that these were the roots of the invisible but strong and consistent Abwehr's and the German presence in this region, with all its logical consequences. This thesis is important, and it has to be researched thoroughly, especially because the real facts were severely distorted by the multiple layers of disinformation and propaganda from all possible and multiple sources. 

"Hitler believed that Baku's oil resources were essential for the survival of the Third Reich..." - Operation Barbarossa - Wikipedia

Rudolf Hess' visit to Baku in 1920, for the "First Congress of the Peoples of the East", is also the indication of the early interest in this area and in its inhabitants, which apparently was consistent with his general interest in Intelligence and Counterintelligence work at that time. 

Michael Novakhov | 10:27 AM 12/2/2019


"Весной и летом 1919 года Рудольф Гесс активно участвовал в борьбе с так называемыми «ноябрьскими преступниками» — в контрреволюционной деятельности по свержению Баварской советской республики. Гесс занимался закупками оружия и отвечал за размещение рекрутированных боевиков Общества Туле. Под его руководством разведывательная служба Общества Туле готовила фальшивые документы: более пятисот проездных билетов[12]:74, увольнительные, печати и многое другое. Гесс занимался внедрением своих людей в Коммунистическую партию Германии и её боевые отряды. Каждый боец Общества Туле обеспечивался членским билетом другой организации на чужое имя. За успешными акциями саботажа, как, например, вывод из строя автопарка правительства Баварской советской республики и самолётов на аэродроме в Шлайсхайме, также стоял Рудольф Гесс. Кроме того, он непосредственно участвовал в боях и командовал артиллерийским взводом, получил лёгкое ранение. После разгрома Баварской советской республики в начале мая 1919 года Гесс участвовал в расправах над побеждёнными, жертвами которых стало не менее пятисот человек. По доносам подчинённых Гессу шпионов Общества Туле защитников баварских Советов доставляли в следственную комиссию командования рейхсвера[6]:32. С 7 мая по 15 октября 1919 года Рудольф Гесс временно служил добровольцем в 5-й дежурной роте добровольческого корпуса Франца фон Эппа, а затем вновь надел военную форму, чтобы участвовать в ликвидации Рурской Красной армии. 30 апреля 1920 года Рудольф Гесс официально демобилизовался из рядов рейхсвера и посвятил себя служению идеям экстремистской реакционной партии[6]:34.

Абвер в Азербайджане и Баку - GS

Битва за «черное золото» Баку: Абвер против СМЕРШа | Новости Азербайджана | Азербайджан сегодня | События в мире | Moscow-Baku.ru

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Владимир Пучков, "Москва-Баку"
19.04.2015 16:53
Без бакинской нефти Советский Союз не одержал бы победу в Великой Отечественной войне. О самых захватывающих страницах борьбы за этот стратегический ресурс рассказывает эксперт «Москва-Баку», поэт Владимир Пучков.
Любые сокровища Агры меркнут по сравнению с теми сокровищами, которые скрыты в благословенной земле Азербайджана!
Абвер не сумел провести ни одной масштабной операции в Азербайджане - бакинские чекисты оказались на голову выше своих немецких соперников
Нацистские хищники это прекрасно понимали. В чем-чем, а уж в здравом смысле им не откажешь! Еще до войны они смотрели и облизывались на Кавказ! Грозненская нефть! Нефть Баку! Вот, что привлекало и гипнотизировало вождей Третьего Рейха!

Они дошли до того, что заслали в Грозный своего агента под кличкой «полковник Шамиль». Правда, этот лжеполковник недолго погулял по Кавказу. Местные жители раскусили его в момент и отправили прогуляться в мир иной.
В Баку было сложней. Это - многонациональный город, где жило в том числе и немало этнических немцев. Гитлеровцы пытались создать там большую агентурную сеть. 22 июня 1941 года Управление Аусланд/«Абвер»/ОКВ поручило майору Шульце-Хольтхусу, резиденту фашистской контрразведки, организовать сбор разведданных о бакинском нефтепромышленном районе, линиях коммуникации и связи в регионе Кавказа и Закавказья.
Им было хорошо известно, как советские «бесхозяйственники» распоряжались природным богатством Азербайджана. Излишки нефти просто сливались на землю. В результате образовались огромные нефтяные озера. В районе Баку их было около 40! Прекрасная база для возможных терактов.
На совещании у Гитлера генерал фон Лееб говорил: «Чтобы окончательно парализовать русских, необходимо вывести из строя нефтяные поля в Баку».
Гитлер возражал: «Зачем нам выводить из строя то, что через некоторое время будет принадлежать нам. Более того, тем самым мы будем помогать Сталину и Черчиллю – мне достоверно известно, что Сталин и Черчилль хотят поджечь нефтяные поля Баку. Нет, это не наш путь. Канарис, разработайте Ваш вариант и представьте мне на следующем Совете. Жителей и город не жалейте - промыслы, по возможности, сохраните в рабочем порядке».
Канарис гнул свое: «Думаю, что задыхающийся в дыму Баку будет хорошим знаком для Инёню, президента Турции». (В Стамбуле шла смертельная борьба между советскими и немецкими разведчиками: первые убеждали турок, что СССР – скала, вторые – что СССР вот-вот падет).
А на вопрос – где они найдут столько диверсантов, обнаглевший нацистский террорист Отто Скорцени ответил: «Во-первых, у нас в Баку есть достаточное количество диверсантов. А во вторых, мы забросим их столько, сколько необходимо! На двух самолетах с двумя планерами мы ночью вылетаем с Ростовского аэродрома. Через 40 минут отцепляются наши планеры, и на малой высоте мы сядем в 22-х км от Баку. Через назначенное время все будут у выделенных для них объектов».
Для Советского Союза реализация этих планов Гитлера однозначно равнялась проигрышу в войне! Нет нефти – нет ничего!
А в это же время сыпались сталинские распоряжения одно дурней другого: заминировать все скважины и взорвать! Но только, если придут немцы! А если не придут, то не взрывать! Но в том и в другом случае – расстрел! Нефтяники схватились за голову – что делать? Как ни поступи – конец один.
И тут сработала наша разведка СМЕРШ («Смерть Шпионам»). Прилетевшие диверсанты были поголовно уничтожены. Гитлер как всегда в таких случаях, впал в истерику. Но истерика не помогла. Азербайджанские чекисты оказались на голову выше своих немецких соперников!
Кстати, диверсии против Баку продолжились, даже в США. Немецкие агенты, внедрившись в систему производства боеприпасов для Советского Союза, пытались организовать поставку русским испорченных боеприпасов. Но разведведомство Гувера сумело их вовремя обезвредить.
Такая напряженная обстановка была вокруг бакинской нефти.
Главный вывод противоборства спецслужб в этом регионе однозначен – гитлеровская контрразведка не сумела провести там ни одной масштабной операции  – «СМЕРШ» пресекал их в корне! Даже сегодня, спустя 70 лет, подробности противоборства в Баку Абвера и «СМЕРШа» не публикуются. Они засекречены до сих пор!
Правда, попытки навредить нефтяным промыслам в Баку были и после войны. Но это - совсем другая история.

M.N.: Where are the references to your sources, Mr. Puchkov? Are they still secret?!


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» Rudolf Hess in Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 10:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 700 × 525 Collections Get help Send feedback Azvision.az [PDF] Nazi conspiracy theory over fate of Hitler deputy Rudolph Hess Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related images
» Rudolf Hess in Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 10:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Remains of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy, cremated in ... - APA.az https://apa.az › europe Cached Baku -APA. The remains of Nazi criminal Rudolf Hess were cremated on Thursday so his ashes could be sca...
» Abwehr and mountain jews - Google Search
02/12/19 09:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Mountain Jews - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mountain_Jews Cached Similar Mountain Jews or Caucasus Jews also known as Juhuro, Juvuro, Juhuri, Juwuri, Juhurim, Kavkazi Jews or Gorsky Je...
» Mountain Jews - Wikipedia
02/12/19 09:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Mountain Jews or Caucasus Jews also known as Juhuro, Juvuro, Juhuri, Juwuri , Juhurim, Kavkazi Jews or Gorsky Jews ( Azerbaijani : Dağ Yəhudiləri , Hebrew : יהודי קווקז Yehudey Kavkaz or יהודי ההרים Y...
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 220 × 236 Collections Get help Send feedback en.wikipedia.org [PDF] Mountain Jews - Wikipedia Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related images
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 604 × 380 Collections Get help Send feedback kavkazplus.com - Georgia news [PDF] Nazi origins of Armenian atrocities in Abkhazia- kavkazplus ... Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image ...
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 709 × 1004 Collections Get help Send feedback КиберЛенинка [PDF] The Caucasus and the Caspian in the great geostrategic game ... Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related ...
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 340 × 408 Collections Get help Send feedback Military Wiki [PDF] Richard Sorge | Military Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related images
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 506 × 342 Collections Get help Send feedback Trump and Trumpism [PDF] Operation "Kaiser Trump", from Abwehr Entertainments – By ... Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Relat...
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 200 × 326 Collections Get help Send feedback Wikipedia [PDF] Richard Sorge - Wikipedia Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related images
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02/12/19 09:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 300 × 228 Collections Get help Send feedback Wikipedia » Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1200 × 1291 Collections Get help Send feedback Wikipedia [PDF] Aserbaidschanische Legion - Wikipedia Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related images
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02/12/19 09:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 220 × 266 Image result for Abwehr and Baku» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 1201 × 921 Collections Get help Send feedback Wikipedia [PDF] Battle of the Caucasus - Wikipedia Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related images
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 652 × 300 Collections Get help Send feedback The Greanville Post [PDF] OPERATION LONG-JUMP 1943: The Nazi Assassination Plot ... Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related ...
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 600 × 599 Collections Get help Send feedback The Trump Investigations - Blogger.com [PDF] The real story behind Donald Trump's phony Baku hotel Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image c...
» Azerbaijan in World War II - Wikipedia
02/12/19 09:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Azerbaijan , officially by its full name – the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic , entered World War II alongside the Soviet Union , after the German declaration of war on June 22, 1941. Azerbaijan...
» Abwehr and Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 09:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Search Results Web results Azerbaijan in World War II - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Azerbaijan_in_World_War_II Cached Similar Azerbaijan, officially by its full name – the Azerbaijan S...

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Richard Sorge | Military Wiki | 

"The Abwehr were in Azerbaijan from 01.01.1933-19.09.1955, inclusive[ly-M.N.?], physical fighting with dangerous weapons versus the USSR, with atrocities on both sides
as well as with Double-Mercenaries and Double Agents, all from The Gang, now The Albae, Drug-Dealers and Drunk/Drug-Terrorist Riders, Drivers and Hikers, as well as Illegal Tobacconists and Bootleggers."

This quote from Wikipedia is unclear (but probably correct in its meaning), it needs clarification and elaboration. - M.N. 


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Abwehr and Mountain Jews 

Abwehr and Baku

Abwehr and mountain jews - Google Search

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Mountain Jews or Caucasus Jews also known as Juhuro, Juvuro, Juhuri, Juwuri, Juhurim, Kavkazi Jews or Gorsky Jews are Jews of the eastern and northern ...
Azerbaijan‎: ‎22,000 to 50,000;
Russia‎: ‎762 (2010)
Israel‎: ‎100,000 to 140,000
United States‎: ‎10,000 to 40,000
Missing: Abwehr
Mountain Jews in Israel, also known as the Juhurim, refers to immigrants and descendants of the immigrants of the Mountain Jewish communities, who now ...
Missing: Abwehr
He broadcast anti-Allied and anti-Jewish propaganda by radio to the Arab world and ... poured into Egypt and penetrated the northern passes of the Caucasus Mountains. .... A month after the collapse of the Iraqi coup, in July 1941, the Abwehr ...
Aug 30, 2019 - Important for Schindler's career and future ability to rescue Jews, he received a promotion in the Abwehr: deputy commander of intelligence for ...
The reception was held at the Berghof and later at Hitler's mountain retreat on ..... of the Hamburg Abwehr (the counter-intelligence department of the German ...
by S Miner - ‎2016 - ‎Related articles
Germany's Jews to Palestine, because both of them believed that German. Jews were ..... mountains of the Northern slopes of the Caucasus. Therefore ... head of German military intelligence {Abwehr) y laid out the plan for secret operations in ...
Jul 13, 2019 - Iran is home to the largest Jewish community in the Muslim world. ... of sight behind the Alborz mountains on this cold January day in Tehran.
Tadeusz Piotrowski - 2007 - ‎History
... o‡cially called Bergbauernhilfe (Mountain- Peasants' Help—BBH) by the Abwehr, ... directed against communists, Jews, and Poles after the attack on Poland.
Tadeusz Piotrowski - 2000 - ‎History
... was marked by severe legislation against the Jews, the end of freedom of the ... called Mountain-Peasants' Help (Bergbauernhilfe, or BBH) by the Abwehr, ...
of clean mountain air and begin to think of others who ... down over Nazi-occupied France, Jews facing deporta- .... Abwehr controlled his organization.
by PA Rudling - ‎2011 - ‎Cited by 63 - ‎Related articles
its armed forces, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the UPA—to the Jews, a polarizing topic which has ..... around Alfred Rosenberg and within Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, who ..... Like the water of mountain creeks. Today ...
Isidore Singer, ‎Cyrus Adler - 1903 - ‎Jewish encyclopedia
From these statistics it appears that the proportion of Jewish criminals to the whole ... in Deutschlnnd, edited b the Comlté zur Abwehr Antiseinitischer Angriti'e. ... “Croats,” have etymologically the same meaning—Le, “ mountain people"—it is ...
Cyrus Adler, ‎Isidore Singer - 1907 - ‎Jews
From these statistics it appears that the proportion of Jewish criminals to the ... b the Comlté zur Abwehr Antisemitlscher Angrlite, Berlin.1 : Antisemilenapicael. ... the same meaning—110., “ mountain people ”—-it is generally assumed that by ...
Johann Peter Lange - 1870 - ‎Bible
Lange: “Worte der Abwehr,” p. 41). ... In our opinion, the prospect from such a high mountain as that of the wilderness of Quarantania, ... to designate the political and chiliastic prospects which the Jews portrayed to themselves at the time when ...
New York Public Library - 1913 - ‎Jews
From the Black Mountain to Waziristan; being an account of the border countries and the more ... Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1912.
The former Jewish Ghetto is occupied by new residents. .... more years the Renegade Mountain complex might still be in operation- — he was that good. .... of the UN, should probe the New Abwehr and the post-War Germany's involvement in ...
... Agents Many of the members of the German Abwehr were anti-Nazi and even participated ... Himmler considered the annihilation of the Jews a necessary step in the ..... From the "ski troops" of the 10th Mountain Division to the Army nurse.
Romanian Armed Forces Order of Battle: Infantry Divisions: Mountain Divisions: .... to mention that Jews were not the only minorities targeted by Romanians. ..... The Service of Information of the German Army (Abwehr) in a camp near Vienna.
In jüngerer Zeit wird die Rolle der Hussaria bei der Abwehr der Türken 1683 betont .... The battle took place at Kahlenberg Mountain near Vienna on 12 September .... Polish Jews fight the Germans in the Warsaw ghetto, without even a chance ...
... tons of Foreign Ministry archives, captured in the Harz mountains, were assembled in .... Go Left, Young Man, as directed by the New Abwehr, and as cooked and “Made ... His father was a Jewish immigrant, and despite the fact that he had a ...
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Mountain Jews - Wikipedia

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Mountain Jews or Caucasus Jews also known as Juhuro, Juvuro, Juhuri, JuwuriJuhurim, Kavkazi Jews or Gorsky Jews (AzerbaijaniDağ YəhudiləriHebrewיהודי קווקז Yehudey Kavkaz or יהודי ההרים Yehudey he-HarimRussianГорские евреиromanizedGorskie Yevrei[6]) are Jews of the eastern and northern Caucasus, mainly Azerbaijan, and various republics in the Russian FederationChechnyaIngushetiaDagestanKarachay-Cherkessia, and Kabardino-Balkaria. They are the descendants of Persian Jews from Iran.[7][8]
The Mountain Jews community became established in Ancient Persia, from the 5th century BCE onwards; their language, called Judeo-Tat, is an ancient Southwest Iranian language which integrates many elements of Ancient Hebrew.[9]
It is believed that they had reached Persia from Ancient Israel as early as the 8th century BC. They continued to migrate east, settling in mountainous areas of the Caucasus. The Mountain Jews survived numerous historical vicissitudes by settling in extremely remote and mountainous areas. They were known to be accomplished warriors and horseback riders.[10]
The main Mountain Jew settlement in Azerbaijan is Qırmızı Qəsəbə, also called Jerusalem of the Caucasus.[11][12] In Russian, Qırmızı Qəsəbə was once called Еврейская Слобода (translit. Yevreyskaya Sloboda), "Jewish Village"; but during Soviet times it was renamed Красная Слобода (translit. Krasnaya Sloboda), "Red Village."[13]
Mountain Jews are distinct from Georgian Jews of the Caucasus Mountains. The two groups are culturally and ethnically different, speaking different languages and having many differences in customs and culture.[14]

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Azerbaijan in World War II - Wikipedia

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Azerbaijan, officially by its full name – the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, entered World War II alongside the Soviet Union, after the German declaration of war on June 22, 1941. Azerbaijan's oilfields were enticing to the Germans due to the USSR's heavy dependency on Caucasus oil – setting the scene for German campaigns attempting to capture and seize the oilfields in Baku during the Battle of the Caucasus. More than 600,000 people from Azerbaijan were conscripted to the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army during World War II from 1941 to 1945.

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Azerbaijan, officially by its full name – the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, entered World ... The Abwehr were in Azerbaijan from 01.01.1933-19.09.1955, inclusive, physical fighting with ... By the time of the German invasion, Baku and the North Caucasus were the main sources of oil for the whole of the USSR.

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The Battle of the Caucasus is a name given to a series of Axis and Soviet operations in the ... The head of the Abwehr developed Operation Schamil, which called for landing in the Grozny, Malgobek and Maikop regions. ... to flee from Ukraine to the comparatively safe Caspian ports, such as Makhachkala and Baku.

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Before the war Germany worked out plans to destroy the Baku oilfields so that the ... military-geographic line Syria-Baku", while the Abwehr's second department ...
Nov 29, 2017 - The Abwehr (Germany's military intelligence) severely ... and the Don rivers, Baku's oil wouldn't have been able to flow to Soviet factories, and ...

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Oct 29, 2014 - Baku to the Future: Azerbaijan, Not Armenia, Is Israel's True Ally ... worked as an agent of the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service.
Black friday in Abwehr. Doors to the house ... Model Baku characteristics COTTAGE ..... Photos of installed doors tm ABWEHR from our customers. You can see ...
Doors Model Baku characteristics Classic for the price of 9 415 UAH UAH and other models can be ordered according to the catalog of the Ukrainian ...
Jan 24, 2008 - The operation was planned on summer 1942 by the Abwehr pressed by his caucasian émigré agents (Georgians, Armenians, Azeris, ...
Franz Kurowski - 2005 - ‎History
As soon as he arrived in Baku Schulze-Holthus was set upon by a woman of the ... attache, one Herr Specht, who was an Abwehr officer and his contact man.
Miron Rezun - 1981 - ‎Political Science
But the Abwehr intensified this activity in Tabriz with the arrival in that city of Major ... calculated to probe the Soviet industrial complex of the Baku region: that is, ...
FK Baku. Azerbaijani Champion 2 · Azerbaijani cup winner 3. Squad size: 8. Average age: 29,4. Players playing abroad: 0 0,0 %. National team players: 0.
Adrian O'Sullivan - 2015 - ‎History
Even though the Abwehr records would probably have been destroyed, had it/ ... and recently Chapay A. Sultanov, Would the Allies Have Won without Baku Oil?
MOIK Baku. Squad size: 30. Average age: 21,8. Foreigners: 0 0,0 %. Current internationals: 0 ... Nidzhat Askarov. Abwehr ... Mammad Mammadov. Abwehr ...
The Brandenburg commandos were the warrior spies of the Abwehr, Germany's intelligence agency.
Missing: Baku
Ismayil Muradov, GK. Farid Agayev, GK. Yunus Abbasly, GK. Afsar Mammadov, Abwehr. Ali Aliyev, Abwehr. Farid Nadirov, Abwehr. Yunis Mukhtarly, Abwehr.
Neftchi Baku U19. $114 Th. Total Market Value. +. Neftchi Baku · Neftchi Baku U19. ≡ Sub Menu ... Elmeddin Mammadov. Abwehr ... Aslan Badalzada. Abwehr ...
However, the Abwehr denied that he was one of their agents. Under torture, Sorge ..... There is a monument to Richard Sorge in Baku, Azerbaijan. Sorge also ...
Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus ... die Aufstände, ja die großen Feuersbrünste zu, die in Witebsk, Pensa, Balakla und Baku ausgebrochen sind.
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service - 1972 - ‎Intelligence service
"Baku komisaras" (A Baku Commissar). ... 1942 and was assigned to teach in the intelligence school of the Abwehr (German military intelligence) at Keyla-Yoa.
The capture of the oil field of Baku ... In order to defende them from destruction, the head of Abwehr developed the operation "Shamil" to control the region of ...
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All News Topics Alerts – 250 » Benjamin Netanyahu will go on trial in Jerusalem, says A-G Mandelblit 02/12/19 08:37 from Israel News Review

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9:11 AM 12/2/2019

» Nord Stream 2 pipeline would bypass Ukraine - Google Search
02/12/19 08:35 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Is Trump trying to block the Nord Stream 2 pipeline so his ... <a href="https://www.dailykos.com" rel="nofollow">https://www.dailykos.com</a> › story › 2019/11/24 › Cached Nov 24, 2019 - They'd really win big if the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was stopped. .....
» World – TIME: ‘Existential’ Is Dictionary.com’s Word of the Year. Here’s Why
02/12/19 08:33 from Freedom FM Radio Network
(NEW YORK) — Climate change, gun violence, the very nature of democracy and an angsty little movie star called Forky helped propel “existential” to Dictionary.com’s word of the year. The choice reflects months of high-stakes threats and ...
» quid pro quo - Google Search
02/12/19 08:32 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 3600 × 3200 Collections Get help Send feedback Wall Street Journal <
» "house judiciary committee" - Google News: Trumps counsel says President wont participate in House Judiciary Committees first hearing, calling it unfair - The Florida Times-Union
02/12/19 08:31 from U.S. National Security and Military News Review
Trumps counsel says President wont participate in House Judiciary Committees first hearing, calling it unfair    The Florida Times-Union "house judiciary committee" - Google News
» Market Snapshot: Stock futures point higher after upbeat China data
02/12/19 08:30 from Markets and Business News Review
Wall Street appears set to kick off December on a positive note Monday, with stock-index futures trading higher after data showed a rebound in Chinese manufacturing activity as investors continue to monitor U.S.-China trade talks and hol...
» Why 100,000 People Never Got Student Loan Forgiveness
02/12/19 08:30 from Markets and Business News Review
Here's why 100,000 people never got student loan forgiveness - and what you can do about it.
» A D’Angelo Russell - Aaron Gordon Trade Makes Sense For Both The Warriors And The Magic
02/12/19 08:30 from Markets and Business News Review
As December 15th approaches the Warriors can start thinking about Russell's trade value. The Magic could be a good partner.
» Why Are TripAdvisor’s Hotel Revenues Declining?
02/12/19 08:30 from Markets and Business News Review
TripAdvisor‘s (NASDAQ: TRIP) hotel revenues have been on a declining trend in the last few years, having lost more than $100 million in revenues since 2015. The primary reason for this decline was lower click-based advertising revenues o...
» Stars and Stripes: Airstrike on market in Syrian rebel-held town kills 10
02/12/19 08:28 from U.S. National Security and Military News Review
The strike comes amid an increase of violence in Idlib — Syria's last opposition stronghold where fighting between government troops and insurgents killed dozens on both sides over the weekend. Stars and Stripes
» Remembering Beloved ‘Will & Grace’ Star Shelley Morrison
02/12/19 08:27 from Markets and Business News Review
Years ago, I was watching the original Will & Grace on NBC and I noticed something was missing...Shelley Morrison.
» cesar sayoc - Google Search
02/12/19 08:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Cesar Sayoc, Who Mailed Pipe Bombs to Trump Critics, Is ... <a href="https://www.nytimes.com" rel="nofollow">https://www.nytimes.com</a> › nyregion › cesar-sayoc-sentencing-pipe-bombing Aug 5, 2019 - Cesar A. Sayoc Jr., the fervent supporter of Presiden...
» And do you remember this telling name: "Cesar, say O.K.: Cesar Sayoc": Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (24 sites): Current News: Cesar Sayoc: US mail bombs suspect pleads guilty | Freedom FM Radio Network
02/12/19 08:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Freedom FM Radio Network. December 02, 2019 Current News Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (24 sites)
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On Quid Pro Quo and the related issues - Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ - 8:44 AM 12/2/2019

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quid pro quo - Google Search
02/12/19 08:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

» Nord Stream 2 pipeline would bypass Ukraine - Google Search
02/12/19 08:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Is Trump trying to block the Nord Stream 2 pipeline so his ... <a href="https://www.dailykos.com" rel="nofollow">https://www.dailykos.com</a> › story › 2019/11/24 › Cached Nov 24, 2019 - They'd really win big if the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was stopped. .....
» quid pro quo - Google Search
02/12/19 08:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 3600 × 3200 Collections Get help Send feedback Wall Street Journal <
» cesar sayoc - Google Search
02/12/19 08:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Cesar Sayoc, Who Mailed Pipe Bombs to Trump Critics, Is ... <a href="https://www.nytimes.com" rel="nofollow">https://www.nytimes.com</a> › nyregion › cesar-sayoc-sentencing-pipe-bombing Aug 5, 2019 - Cesar A. Sayoc Jr., the fervent supporter of Presiden...
» And do you remember this telling name: "Cesar, say O.K.: Cesar Sayoc": Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (24 sites): Current News: Cesar Sayoc: US mail bombs suspect pleads guilty | Freedom FM Radio Network
02/12/19 08:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Freedom FM Radio Network. December 02, 2019 Current News Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (24 sites)
» Reuters: World News: Turkey not ‘blackmailing’ NATO over Baltics defense plan: security source - Google Search
02/12/19 08:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Web results Turkey not 'blackmailing' NATO over Baltics defense plan ... <a href="https://www.reuters.com" rel="nofollow">https://www.reuters.com</a> › article › us-nato-summit-turkey › turkey-not-bla... Cached 2 hours ago - Turkey is not blackmailing N...
» FOX News: Israeli PM Netanyahu must now decide whether to ask legislators for immunity in corruption case | Freedom FM Radio Network
02/12/19 08:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Freedom FM Radio Network. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has 30 days to ask his country’s legislators for immunity on corruption charges after a copy of his indictment was handed over to...
» The Jeffrey Epstein scandal nearly affected the latest Israeli election
02/12/19 07:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Week. The House Judiciary Committee will take over the impeachment of President Trump from the Intelligence Committee on Wednesday. And as the White House declined an invitation Sunday to parti...
» jeffrey epstein - Google Search
02/12/19 07:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story .
» jeffrey epstein - Google Search
02/12/19 07:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Web results Jeffrey Epstein - Wikipedia <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org" rel="nofollow">https://en.wikipedia.org</a> › wiki › Jeffrey_Epstein Cached Similar Jeffrey Edward Epstein (/ˈɛpstiːn/ EP-steen; January 20, 1953 – August 10, 2019) was an America...
» Zelensky's Interview - 12.2.19 M.N.: Bravo, Mr. Zelensky!
02/12/19 07:16 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - <a href="http://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com" rel="nofollow">fbinewsreview.blogspot.com</a> - Blog by Michael Novakhov. By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) Zelensky's Interview - 12.2.19 - Links Review zelensky name meaning   M.N.: He is "green...
» M.N.: Bravo, Mr. Zelensky! Now you are talking like a real politician, when some of them look and act like the real comedians: “I don’t trust anyone at all. I’ll tell you honestly. Politics is not an exact science…" - 6:37 AM 12/2/2019
02/12/19 06:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - <a href="http://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com" rel="nofollow">fbinewsreview.blogspot.com</a> - Blog by Michael Novakhov. By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) <a href="http://CNN.com" rel="nofollow">CNN.com</a> Ukrainian officials discussing ways to improve standing with ... Images may be s...
» World – TIME: 'I Don't Trust Anyone At All.' Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky Speaks Out on Trump, Putin and a Divided Europe | Freedom FM Radio Network
02/12/19 03:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Freedom FM Radio Network. Hardly six months into his tenure as the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky has already learned to temper his expectations. He does not expect his first round of pea...
» the organisation needs to build bridges with Russia
01/12/19 19:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Nato is not “brain dead” as president Emmanuel Macron of France claimed , nor indeed is the president himself brain dead as his opposite number in Turkey, president Recep Tayyip Erdogan , suggested on...
» Putin Keeps His Regime 'Hybrid' For Domestic As Well As Foreign Policy Reasons - OpEd
01/12/19 19:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Eurasia Review. Vladimir Putin has retained the hybrid nature of his regime for as long as he has because any sharp departure from arrangements that suggest it is “sort of a democracy” rather than ...
» Troubled Nato not in party mood for 70th birthday
01/12/19 19:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from BBC News - Home. Seventy years of existence is clearly worth celebrating, but Nato is strangely low-key about this week's brief gathering of alliance heads of state and government outside London. N...
» US, Russia Cooperating In Syria Despite Disagreements - OpEd
01/12/19 19:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Eurasia Review. By Yasar Yakis* Russia’s involvement in the Syrian crisis may have changed several paradigms for the US but, after a while, Washington acquiesced to Moscow becoming a party to the c...
» Is Barr's Justice Department allowing probes that threaten Trump?
01/12/19 19:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Political stories from Newsday. The unusual suspects In William Barr, Donald Trump seemed to have gotten the protector he wanted in an attorney general. Barr argues sweeping claims of executive pri...
» Северная Корея подтвердила пуск двух ракет в сторону Японского моря | В мире | Политика
01/12/19 17:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Аргументы и Факты. Москва, 29 ноября - АиФ-Москва. КНДР провела испытания многоцелевой ракетной установки сверхбольшого калибра, передает сообщение местных властей РБК . Отмечается, что запуск двух...
» US orders foreign firms to further cut oil trade with Venezuela regardless of sanctions – report
01/12/19 17:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Stock Daily Dish. US orders foreign firms to further cut oil trade with Venezuela regardless of sanctions – report Washington has demanded non-US oil trading houses and refiners cut operations with...
» Germany′s AfD seeks moderate path to attract ′middle-class′ votes | News | DW
01/12/19 17:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The new co-leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has called on party members to take a more moderate path as part of efforts to gain more mainstream voters . "We can only reach the middle-...
» Для удара по Кавказу Абвер усиленно пестовал свою пятую колонну - Google Search
02/12/19 13:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Проклятые солдаты. Азербайджанцы в рядах немецкой армии ... https://www.istoria.online › book › soldaty Cached Translate this page Для удара по Кавказу Абвер усиленно пестовал свою пятую колонну в пор...
» Проклятые солдаты. Азербайджанцы в рядах немецкой армии - История России. Всемирная, мировая история -
02/12/19 13:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Исторический форум. Назад | Оглавление | Вперёд Первые контакты представителей немецких спецслужб с лидерами азербайджанской эмиграции были установлены перед началом войны. Для удара по Кавказу Абв...
» Aserbaidschanische Legion - Wikipedia
02/12/19 12:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The Aserbaidschanische Legion or Azerbaijani Legion was one of the foreign units of the Wehrmacht . It was formed in December 1941 as the Kaukasische-Mohammedanische Legion (Muslim Caucasus Legion) an...
» Азербайджанский легион — Википедия
02/12/19 12:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Азербайджанский Легион ( азерб. Azərbaycan Legionu , нем.   Der Aserbaidschanische Legion ) — соединение, состоящее из бывших советских военнопленных азербайджанцев , одна из единиц вермахта . Часть в...
» Битва за «черное золото» Баку: Абвер против СМЕРШа | Новости Азербайджана | Азербайджан сегодня | События в мире | Moscow-Baku.ru
02/12/19 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Владимир Пучков, "Москва-Баку" 19.04.2015 16:53 Без бакинской нефти Советский Союз не одержал бы победу в Великой Отечественной войне. О самых захватывающих страницах борьбы за этот стратегический рес...
» Абвер в азербайджане и баку - Google Search
02/12/19 12:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Битва за «черное золото» Баку: Абвер против СМЕРШа ... https://moscow-baku.ru › news › society › bitva_za_che... Cached Translate this page Apr 19, 2015 - Абвер не сумел провести ни одной масштабной о...
» Congress of the Peoples of the East and Rudolf Hess - Google Search
02/12/19 12:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 868 × 1390 Collections Get help Send feedback Alamy [PDF] Rudolf Hess, Nazi Deputy Leader, in SS uniform, c1937 ... Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related images
» Abwehr and Mountain Jews | Abwehr and Baku: "The Abwehr were in Azerbaijan..."
02/12/19 11:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov. By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) Post Link  -  Abwehr and Mountain Jews | Abwehr and Baku: "The Abwehr were in Azerbaijan...
» Congress of the Peoples of the East
02/12/19 11:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . The keynote address to the Congress of the Peoples of the East was delivered by Comintern chief Grigory Zinoviev. We ask you, humbly, to help. Hi, reader in the U.S. , it seems you use Wikipedia a lot...
» Rudolf Hess in Baku - Google Search
02/12/19 10:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 700 × 525 Collections Get help Send feedback Azvision.az [PDF] Nazi conspiracy theory over fate of Hitler deputy Rudolph Hess Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits Related images


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