Azerbaijani Mafia and Douglas Leff: Is there a connection? - 9:37 AM 11/24/2019
Azerbaijani Mafia and Douglas Leff: Is there a connection? - 9:37 AM 11/24/2019 - Post Link
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9:29 AM 11/24/2019 – Douglas Leff of FBI Puerto Rico and Azerbaijani Mafia – Google Search

Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠![]() | ||
douglas leff fbi puerto rico and azerbaijani mafia – Google Search | ||
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douglas leff fbi puerto rico and azerbaijani mafia – Google Search | ||
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Oct 21, 2019 – SAN JUAN, PR—SAC Douglas Leff announced that the FBI takes any credible threat of violence very seriously and has strict protocols to …
Douglas A. Leff Named Special Agent in Charge of … – › field-offices › sanjuan › news › press-releases › dou…
Dec 15, 2015 – Leff as the special agent in charge of the San Juan Division.
Who guards the guardians? Who is “Douglas Leff … – FBI Reform › puerto-rico-coup-detat-of-july-2019 › who-is-dou…
Hound dog to Trump, Mossad Mafia boy, KGB Whore. And also the FBI …. Douglas Leff, The Mamabicho In Chief Of Puerto Rico. Go suck …. He is a point man for #Azerbaijani #Mafia and #Bratva. …. Images for Douglas Leff, Mossad Mafia boy.
Arrest and interrogate the San Juan FBI … – Puerto Rico News › 2019/08 › arrest-and-interrogate-san-juan-fbi
Aug 13, 2019 – … and #DouglasLeff! He is a point man for #Azerbaijani #Mafia and #Bratva. … Get the #KGBWhore #DouglasLeff out of #PuertoRico! Get this …
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Aug 3, 2019 – Douglas Leff, The Mamabicho In Chief Of Puerto Rico … M.N.: Confiscate all the millions that were paid by Mafia to this FBI turncoat and the mole, the Mossad agent, … He is a point man for #Azerbaijani #Mafia and #Bratva.
mikenov on Twitter: M.N. – The FBI News Review › mikenov-on-twitter-mn-confiscate-all
mikenov on Twitter: Puerto Rico News <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a> Get the #
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FBI Jibaro Douglas Leff and his trophies: politicians heads for his Mafia boss Trump, … Puerto Rico News: Douglas Leff, a man with the squinting eyes: does …
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… of #PuertoRico! Get this #MossadMafiaBoy out! #Investigate #Trump, #FBI, and #DouglasLeff! He is a point man for #Azerbaijani #Mafia and #Bratva. … Get the #
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Investigate Douglas Leff and the entire San Juan branch of FBI!… (mikenov on Twitter) … What happened in Puerto Rico in July 2019 – By Michael Novakhov – Google Search …… trump and azerbaijan mafia – Google Search 11/09/19 08:20
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0. Shares. M.N.: Confiscate all the millions that were paid by Mafia to this FBI turncoat and the mole, the Mossad agent, the KGB Whore, Douglas Leff. He keeps them on his offshore accounts and under the false names, and in real estate.… …. He is a point man for #Azerbaijani #Mafia and #Bratva.
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Aug 3, 2019 – … out of #PuertoRico! Get this #MossadMafiaBoy out! #Investigate #Trump, #FBI, and #DouglasLeff! He is a point man for #Azerbaijani #Mafia …
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Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites): The FBI News Review: “Ye … › 2019/07/31 › duz-ziz-zound-like-proper-zubject-to-html-2
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Aug 26, 2019 – Image result for Leff The Mamabicho: Out of Puerto Rico! Arrest and interrogate the San Juan FBI chief, Douglas Leff The MAMABICHO … This photo is the message that “Douglas Leff” sent to his friends in Azerbaijani Mafia.
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UK at centre of secret $3bn Azerbaijani money laundering and lobbying scheme – Google Search | ||
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UK at centre of secret $3bn Azerbaijani money laundering and lobbying scheme – Google Search | ||
Opposition politicians of the United Kingdom urged Prime Minister Theresa May to launch an investigation into the Azerbaijani money laundering case and the involvement of British companies…
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UK at centre of secret $3bn Azerbaijani money laundering and lobbying scheme – Google Search | ||
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UK at centre of secret $3bn Azerbaijani money laundering and lobbying scheme – Google Search | ||
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UK at centre of secret $3bn Azerbaijani money laundering and lobbying scheme – Google Search | ||
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UK at centre of secret $3bn Azerbaijani money laundering and lobbying scheme – Google Search | ||
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UK at centre of secret $3bn Azerbaijani money laundering and lobbying scheme – Google Search | ||
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UK at centre of secret $3bn Azerbaijani money laundering and lobbying scheme | World news | ||
Azerbaijan’s ruling elite operated a secret $2.9bn (£2.2bn) scheme to pay prominent Europeans, buy luxury goods and launder money through a network of opaque British companies, an investigation by the Guardian reveals.
Leaked data shows that the Azerbaijani leadership, accused of serial human rights abuses, systemic corruption and rigging elections, made more than 16,000 covert payments from 2012 to 2014.
Some of this money went to politicians and journalists, as part of an international lobbying operation to deflect criticism of Azerbaijan’s president, Ilham Aliyev, and to promote a positive image of his oil-rich country. There is no suggestion that all the recipients were aware of the original source of the money. It arrived via a disguised route.
But the revelations once again highlight the use of the lightly regulated British corporate landscape to move large sums of money around, beyond the purview of regulators and tax authorities. Seven million pounds was spent in Britain on luxury goods and private school fees.
The cash, contributed by an opaque array of paymasters in Azerbaijan and Russia, travelled to the British companies – all limited partnerships registered at Companies House in London – via the western financial system without raising red flags. One of Europe’s leading banks, Danske, processed the payments via its branch office in Estonia.
Danske Bank said “money laundering and other illegal practices” had taken place. It first noticed the irregular payments in 2014. Estonia’s financial regulator said systems designed to stop money laundering at the branch had failed.
The scheme has been nicknamed the Azerbaijani Laundromat. Confidential banking records were leaked to the Danish newspaper Berlingske and shared with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), the Guardian, and other media partners. The data covers a 30-month period. It may show the tip of an iceberg.
The politicians
The leaked bank records show multiple payments to several former members of the Council of Europe’s parliamentary assembly, Pace. One is Eduard Lintner, a German ex-MP and member of the Christian Social Union, the Bavarian sister party to Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democrats. Another is the Italian former chair of the centre-right group in Pace, Luca Volontè.
The payments came at a time when Azerbaijan was under fire for arresting human rights activists and journalists, and for holding rigged elections. The regime sought to blunt criticism from Europe and the US by allegedly bribing delegates in what has been called “caviar diplomacy”.
This intensive lobbying operation was so successful that Council of Europe members voted against a 2013 report critical of Azerbaijan.
Lintner stood down as an MP in 2010, but remained a firm supporter of Azerbaijan. He founded the Society for the Promotion of German-Azerbaijani Relations in Berlin, which received €819,500 (£755,000). One €61,000 payment was made two weeks after Lintner returned to Berlin from a trip to Azerbaijan where he monitored the country’s 2013 presidential election. He said the poll was up to “German standards” – in direct contrast to official election observers who found “significant problems”.
Lintner says he received the money for his society, did not personally benefit, and was not an MP or Council of Europe member at the time. An Azerbaijani NGO paid for his election trip, he says. He says he has no knowledge of the original source of the payments received.
Details of cash given to Volontè emerged in 2016 and caused outrage. He received more than €2m in instalments via his Italian-based Novae Terrae foundation. Prosecutors in Milan have indicted him for money laundering and corruption.
Volontè denies wrongdoing. He is seeking to have the case thrown out.
The data also shows money being paid via the British companies to Kalin Mitrev, a Bulgarian appointed last year to the board of the London-based European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Mitrev received at least €425,000 for private consulting work from a local Azeri company, Avuar Co. He acknowledges the payments and says they were for legitimate business consultancy. He denies all knowledge of the conduit used to execute them or the original source of the funds.
“All the income, generated by activities in different countries, was duly reported and taxed in my country of residence, Bulgaria,” Mitrev said. His consultancy work stopped when he joined the London bank, he said.
The revelation that her husband consulted for an Azeri company might prove awkward for Mitrev’s wife, Irina Bokova, who is the director general of Unesco. Bokova has bestowed one of Unesco’s highest honours, the Mozart Medal on Azerbaijan’s first lady and vice-president, Mehriban Aliyeva. She also hosted a photo exhibition at Unesco’s headquarters in Paris, entitled Azerbaijan – A Land of Tolerance. The Heydar Aliyev foundation organised the event.
Asked by the Guardian whether there was a conflict between her husband’s work and her UN role, she strongly denied this, saying she had no knowledge of her husband’s business affairs. “As a director general of a UN agency, my duty is to develop sound working relations with all members of the organisation in conformity with the policies set by member states. Azerbaijan is not an exception in this respect.”
“I am immensely proud of my determined pursuit of the mandate of Unesco, including in the area of human rights, freedom of expression and the safety of journalists.”
The lobbyists
Large sums from the scheme were spent on lobbying. In 2014 Eckart Sager, a former CNN producer based in London, received nearly €2m from the British companies. His PR company is linked to articles that promote the Azerbaijani government and its views. One piece denies wrongdoing by Baku in the Volontè case. Sager did not comment.
Another beneficiary is a London-based Azeri, Jovdat Guliyev, who received 25 payments totalling almost £400,000. Guliyev is a member of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society, a lobby group co-chaired by the Liberal Democrat peer Lord German. Guliyev did not respond to repeated messages asking him for a comment.
The British connection
The four firms at the centre of the Azerbaijani Laundromat were all limited partnerships registered in the UK. They were: Metastar Invest, based at a service address in Birmingham; Hilux Services and Polux Management, set up in Glasgow; and LCM Alliance, from Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. Their corporate “partners” are anonymous tax haven entities based in the British Virgin Islands, Seychelles and Belize.
L Burke Files, an international financial investigator, said these company structures were “purposefully opaque”. Foreign criminals used Scottish limited partnerships, or SLPs, he said. In June the government announced SLPs would have to name their significant owners, or pay fines, amid evidence of growing fraud.
“No one suspects Scotland. It’s never been on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) list of non-compliant countries,” Files said. “If you are going to launder money it’s probably best not to run it between Russia, Malta and the Cayman Islands. Does Scotland raise a red flag in your mind? No.”
All four British companies are named as payment channels in the Italian prosecution case against Volontè. They have since been dissolved.
Luxury services
The banking data shows that the Azerbaijani fund was used for a wide variety of purposes. More than $2.9bn went to companies, with about $50m paid out to individuals. Many beneficiaries were retail and service firms in western Europe. In all probability, they would have been unaware of the origins of the payments they were receiving.
Some of the 200 money transfers to the UK concerned education. In 2014 £89,800 was transferred to Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate, a private boarding school in York. The school would not identify the pupil or pupils involved or comment.
There were payments to the tuition college Bellerbys and to the ICS international school in London. Bellerbys said it was investigating. The data suggests there were a number of relatively modest bursaries to regime-connected Azerbaijani students studying in Britain, as well as rental deposits on upmarket London flats. Other purchases included designer dresses, luxury cars and legal fees. There is no suggestion the UK recipients should have known about the provenance of the money.
Azerbaijan’s ruling family is not directly named. But the evidence of a connection is overwhelming. Large sums come via the state-owned International Bank of Azerbaijan. This is the largest bank in an oil-wealthy country, and yet earlier this summer it filed for bankruptcy protection in New York. The defence and emergency situations ministries in Baku all chip in cash.
The scheme was used to pay for the government’s incidental expenses including the medical bills of Yaqub Eyyubov, Azerbaijan’s first deputy prime minister. There were separate payments to Eyyubov’s son Emin, Azerbaijan’s EU ambassador, and to the president’s press secretary, Azer Gasimov.
Business partners of the US president, Donald Trump, in a project to build a luxury Trump Tower in Baku also appear in the Laundromat scheme.
The hotel’s local developer was Anar Mammadov, the billionaire son of Azerbaijan’s ex-transport minister Ziya Mammadov. At the time the scheme operated, the Mammadovs were one of the country’s most powerful and wealthy families. The Mammadovs’ Baghlan holding company is linked to Laundromat transactions.
In 2012 the Trump Organisation signed a deal with the Mammadovs to build a 33-floor, 130-metre-high “ultra-modern” skyscraper. In October 2014 Ivanka Trump toured Trump Tower Baku, posting photos of the unfinished building on her Instagram account. The hotel never opened. Trump has since cut his connection with the project. The Laundromat scheme does not link to Trump but raises questions about his choice of business partners.
The paymasters
It is not entirely clear where the money used in the scheme comes from. The Russian government paid $29.4m into the Laundromat via its main weapons company, Rosoboronexport. Several transactions link to another $20bn money-laundering scheme, which operated out of Moscow between 2010 and 2014. The scheme, the Global Laundromat, was exposed in March by the OCCRP, Novaya Gazeta and the Guardian.
A mysterious private firm in Baku, Baktelekom MMC, pays in more than $1.4bn. The firm is what fraud experts call a doppelganger entity. It sounds like the state telecoms firm with the same name but bears no relation to it. It doesn’t have a website. Its function is unclear. According to the OCCRP, Baktelekom MMC is linked to Mehriban Aliyeva. In January the company was let off a $17.4m tax bill.
The Danish bank Danske said it had not been good enough at monitoring suspicious transactions at its Estonian branch. The bank has since “tightened procedures and controls” and “terminated relationships” with some customers.
“We will not accept Danske being exploited for money laundering or other criminal purposes. We will do everything to prevent it from happening again,” it said.
Madis Reimand, the head of Estonia’s financial intelligence unit, said his office had come across the suspicious Azerbaijani cash flows in 2013 while analysing a separate case. “From there we followed the tracks,” he said. “We tried to cooperate with the source country in order to ascertain where the money came from. This, however, didn’t work out.”
Reimand said Estonia’s financial supervisory authority had identified what had gone wrong and taken steps to prevent similar fraud in the future.
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What We Learned From Two Weeks of Impeachment Hearings | ||
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>.
Well, that was a blur, and a bore. After two weeks of public impeachment hearings, I’m left wondering what Democrats were thinking. I still don’t know.
When they announced they would be holding public hearings I assumed Democrats thought they had something on President Trump, something tangible and obvious they wanted the public to see. Something that would shock the system and change at least some minds. But they had nothing.
I was shocked at just how weak their attempt to weave together a story of corruption about the phone call with the Ukrainian president was. Bathrooms in truck stops are filled with more convincing graffiti about where to find a good time than the witnesses Democrats called and their third-hand gossip about what someone told them they heard from another person. Judge Judy would laugh this “evidence” out of court.
I’m willing to believe the Spidey-sense of Spiderman, everyone else is going to have to produce a little more than what they “figured.” And none of them offered anything. I was left wondering why they bothered to call them.
When you go public you put your best witnesses out there, hit the ground running and make the strongest case possible. All we got was supposition from career bureaucrats who didn’t like policy changes the elected president was making and don’t like him personally.
The careerists all believe they know better than the president, which is irrelevant. They haven’t run for a bus, let alone the presidency. Their job is to advise, then implement the decisions of the administration, even if those decisions go against their advice. If they can’t or won’t do that, they should resign. It’s really that simple.
The whole show wasn’t a complete wash, however. We did learn a couple of important, if not interesting, things.
First, Ukraine is the most important country on the face of the Earth. It must’ve come as a surprise to everyone, but witness after witness talked about just how vital the security of Ukraine is to the national security of the United States. Exactly how remains a mystery, but one of the witnesses testified about the importance of the Ukrainians fighting Russia “over there” so we don’t have to fight them over here. So apparently, if Ukraine falls, the next step is an invasion of Florida, or something.
Nothing against the security of Ukraine, I wish them freedom and prosperity and have no problem helping them out with weapons, but I don’t think our fate is tied to theirs. I think there are few more dominoes to fall before we all have to develop a taste for borscht.
But no bureaucrat specializing in any policy or area of the world will ever admit their life’s work is only marginally relevant, they all believe it’s all that matters. Most don’t. The entire conga line of witnesses thought the key to everything lies in Ukraine because it’s what they do.
And second, liberals suddenly love the military. When Alexander Vindman came under tough questioning – questions he handled horribly – Democrats uniformly clutched their pearls that anyone would dare challenge an arrogant bureaucrat who thinks he’s the smartest person in whatever time zone he currently inhabits.
Outrage was the order of the day over not bowing to Vindman’s every whim and fantasy. How dare, Democrats exclaimed, Republicans say anything short of glowing about a man in uniform? Oliver North, Dan Crenshaw, David Petraeus, every soldier serving in the War on Terror compared to Nazis, Soviets, and the Khmer Rouge by the second-in-command Democrat in the Senate, and everyone who served in Vietnam who watched Democrats nominate a man who accused them of war crimes (just to name a few), were shocked to hear of this new rule that disagreeing with anyone who wore the uniform of the United States is not allowed. But then were it not for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.
Democrats may have thought they had something, though I can’t imagine how. If that’s all they have, I’m almost embarrassed for them. Almost.
Witness after witness, all of their choosing or approval, and a weaker position than before the started. Five days of testimony and they come out the other end worse off than they went in. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of people.
Derek is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses
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Putin warns West on Balkans as Serbia prepares lavish welcome | ||
Russian President Vladimir Putin heads a powerful delegation to Serbia on Thursday, aiming to cement co-operation with a country seeking to join the EU.
Ahead of his Belgrade visit, Mr Putin accused some Western countries of “destabilising” the Balkans.
Security will be tight in the Serbian capital. MiG jets will escort his plane and 7,000 police are being deployed.
Residents are being urged not to go on their balconies to watch Mr Putin being driven through Belgrade.
The measures follow big opposition protests against President Aleksandar Vucic and his ruling SNS party over recent weeks, with demonstrators accusing him of clamping down on media freedom and attacking the opposition.
Despite the high security, tens of thousands of people are reportedly planning to greet the Russian leader‘s visit to the Church of St Sava, the biggest Orthodox church in Serbia.
Although Serbia is a candidate to join the European Union it remains a close ally of Moscow.
What are Putin and Serbia up to?
By Guy Delauney, Balkans correspondent
It is a question that just will not go away: if Serbia is so determined to join the European Union, then why does it keep making such a show of its friendship with Russia?
Playing up ties with Moscow appeals to the conservative-nationalist core support of President Vucic and his Progressive Party. It emphasises the Slavic, Orthodox Christian character of the country even as Serbia‘s direction of travel is westward.
It also helps Mr Vucic to argue that policies which bring Serbia closer to EU membership – such as normalising relations with Kosovo – are not imposed by Brussels, but rational choices to improve the lives of the country‘s people.
Diplomatically, playing host to Russia‘s president is a reminder to the EU not to take Serbia‘s loyalty for granted – and to stick to its accession target of 2025.
Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin will doubtless enjoy the discomfort of Western diplomats observing the prime candidate for EU membership rolling out the red carpet.
What has Putin said?
Mr Putin accused the “US and some other Western countries” of trying to secure dominance in the Balkans, by absorbing Montenegro into Nato and seeking to bring Macedonia into the Western military alliance too.
The Russian president gave two interviews ahead of his visit, highlighting centuries of ties, and reports say 21 deals are set to be signed, including on energy and defence.
President Vucic is keen on getting Russian gas, which he wants to acquire through Russia‘s TurkStream pipeline under the Black Sea to Bulgaria.
He also promised to continue developing military and technical co-operation with Serbia and criticised the EU‘s handling of Kosovo.
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Заседание межведомственной рабочей группы по противодействию незаконным финансовым операциям • Президент России | ||
На заседании рассмотрены вопросы противодействия незаконным финансовым операциям с использованием института банкротств. С докладами выступили представители ФНС России, Минэкономразвития России, Верховного Суда Российской Федерации, Росреестра и МВД России.
На основании аналитических материалов Банка России и ФНС России согласованы дополнительные меры по пресечению теневой деятельности в сфере оборота наличных денежных средств.
Одобрены представленные Росфинмониторингом основные подходы к выявлению рисков неправомерного использования бюджетных средств, выделяемых для реализации национальных проектов.
Обсуждена также информация директора Росфинмониторинга Юрия Чиханчина о результатах четвёртого раунда взаимных оценок Российской Федерации Группы разработки финансовых мер борьбы с отмыванием денег (ФАТФ).
По итогам заседания подготовлен ряд предложений по повышению качества правового регулирования и межведомственного взаимодействия федеральных государственных органов в указанных сферах.
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