Mon, Aug 19 - From our Daily Poetry Corner: to InMotion: If you do not restore the access to my sites, may the curse will be on you, your children, and your children's children. Amen. Drop dead, whore! - InMotion Hosting, Inc. Inbox x
From our Daily Poetry Corner: to InMotion: If you do not restore the access to my sites, may the curse will be on you, your children, and your children's children. Amen. Drop dead, whore! - InMotion Hosting, Inc.
InMotion Hosting Support Team
Mon, Aug 19, 12:40 PM (4 days ago)
to me
Hello Michael,
After multiple warnings, and due to repeated use of abusive language, profanity, and threats to the safety of our associates when contacting our technical support and customer service teams, we have determined that we will no longer be able to provide hosting to you. As a result, your account will be terminated on Friday, August 23rd at 12 pm eastern, and we ask that you seek web hosting elsewhere. Between now and Friday you will have access to the server to remove your files and transfer to another provider.
Any further abusive interactions toward our agents will result in an immediate termination of the account and no access to your website files.
On Friday, August 23rd at 12 pm eastern, your account will be terminated and a pro-rated refund of the time remaining will be returned to you. No further Account Management Panel access, or server access, will be provided after this time.
We thank you for your business and wish you the best of luck with a new web hosting service provider.
Best Regards,
Annie B.
InMotion Hosting
888-321-HOST (4678) Available 24/7
Reach us on Skype:
For answers to commonly asked questions, visit:
How am I doing? Please feel free to email my manager at:
Mike Nova <>
10:42 AM (4 hours ago)
to InMotion
Please, extend the deadline by one week. Thank you.
Mike Nova <>
12:54 PM (2 hours ago)
to InMotion
Dear Annie B:
Please extend your service until I transfer all my sites in the orderly fashion. No one needs disruptions and complications. I will let you know when I am ready to terminate the service of Inmotion Hosting. The actions to the contrary will be interpreted as the blatant challenge to the principles of the free speech in this country, and they may be defended legally, and in court, if the need be; since these issues represent the significant public interests.
Thank you for your attention to these matters,
Michael Novakhov
Mike Nova
2:42 PM (47 minutes ago)
Restore the access to my sites immediately, you chinese whore!!!
Mike Nova <>
3:01 PM (29 minutes ago)
to InMotion
If you do not restore the access to my sites, may the curse will be on you, your children, and your children' children. Amen.
Drop dead, whore!
mikenov on Twitter
- - InMotion Hosting, Inc.
InMotion Hosting Support Team
Mon, Aug 19, 12:40 PM (4 days ago)
to me
Hello Michael,
After multiple warnings, and due to repeated use of abusive language, profanity, and threats to the safety of our associates when contacting our technical support and customer service teams, we have determined that we will no longer be able to provide hosting to you. As a result, your account will be terminated on Friday, August 23rd at 12 pm eastern, and we ask that you seek web hosting elsewhere. Between now and Friday you will have access to the server to remove your files and transfer to another provider.
Any further abusive interactions toward our agents will result in an immediate termination of the account and no access to your website files.
On Friday, August 23rd at 12 pm eastern, your account will be terminated and a pro-rated refund of the time remaining will be returned to you. No further Account Management Panel access, or server access, will be provided after this time.
We thank you for your business and wish you the best of luck with a new web hosting service provider.
Best Regards,
Annie B.
InMotion Hosting
888-321-HOST (4678) Available 24/7
Reach us on Skype:
For answers to commonly asked questions, visit:
How am I doing? Please feel free to email my manager at:
Mike Nova <>
10:42 AM (4 hours ago)
to InMotion
Please, extend the deadline by one week. Thank you.
Mike Nova <>
12:54 PM (2 hours ago)
to InMotion
Dear Annie B:
Please extend your service until I transfer all my sites in the orderly fashion. No one needs disruptions and complications. I will let you know when I am ready to terminate the service of Inmotion Hosting. The actions to the contrary will be interpreted as the blatant challenge to the principles of the free speech in this country, and they may be defended legally, and in court, if the need be; since these issues represent the significant public interests.
Thank you for your attention to these matters,
Michael Novakhov
Mike Nova
2:42 PM (47 minutes ago)
Restore the access to my sites immediately, you chinese whore!!!
Mike Nova <>
3:01 PM (29 minutes ago)
to InMotion
If you do not restore the access to my sites, may the curse will be on you, your children, and your children' children. Amen.
Drop dead, whore!
@inmotionhosting Fuck you, Inmotion Hosting!
Suck my dick, you stupid stinky, shitty chinese spies!!!
Suck my dick, you stupid stinky, shitty chinese spies!!!
#DOJ: Please look into it!!!
#CIA: Zomething fishy.
#FCC: Ziz iz Freedom of Speech Issue, and also the COPYRIGHT issue!!!
#CIA: Zomething fishy.
#FCC: Ziz iz Freedom of Speech Issue, and also the COPYRIGHT issue!!!

1 retweet
Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ | Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – on RSS Dog| Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – In Brief | Trump Investigations News In Brief – | Trump Investigations News – Page Link – News In Brief | Tweets | Videos | Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – Page
» mikenov on Twitter: To: #InMotionHosting: Restore the access to my sites immediately, you stupid chinese whores, spies, and idiots!
23/08/19 15:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To: #InMotionHosting: Restore the access to my sites immediately, you stupid chinese whores, spies, and idiots! Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 7:06pm mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 15:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To: #InMotionHosting: Restore the access to my sites immediately, you stupid chinese whores, spies, and idiots! Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 7:06pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: @inmotionhosting Fuck you, Inmotion Hosting! Suck my dick, you stupid stinky, shitty chinese spies!!! #InmotionHosting#DOJ…
23/08/19 14:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@inmotionhosting Fuck you, Inmotion Hosting! Suck my dick, you stupid stinky, shitty chinese spies!!! #InmotionHosting #DOJ: Please look into it!!! #FBI: Ziz iz CENSORSHIP!!! #CIA: Zomething fishy. #FCC: Ziz iz Freedom of Speech Issue, a...
23/08/19 14:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@inmotionhosting Fuck you, Inmotion Hosting! Suck my dick, you stupid stinky, shitty chinese spies!!! #InmotionHosting #DOJ: Please look into it!!! #FBI: Ziz iz CENSORSHIP!!! #CIA: Zomething fishy. #FCC: Ziz iz Freedom of Speech Issue, a...
» mikenov on Twitter: @inmotionhosting Fuck you, Inmotion Hosting! Suck my dick, you stupid stinky, shitty chinese spies!!! #InmotionHosting#DOJ: Please look into it!!!#FBI: Ziz iz CENSORSHIP!!! #CIA: Zomething fishy. #FCC: Ziz iz Freedom of Speech I
23/08/19 14:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@inmotionhosting Fuck you, Inmotion Hosting! Suck my dick, you stupid stinky, shitty chinese spies!!! #InmotionHosting #DOJ: Please look into it!!! #FBI: Ziz iz CENSORSHIP!!! #CIA: Zomething fishy. #FCC: Ziz iz Freedom of Speech Issue, a...
23/08/19 14:22 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@inmotionhosting Fuck you, Inmotion Hosting! Suck my dick, you stupid stinky, shitty chinese spies!!! #InmotionHosting #DOJ: Please look into it!!! #FBI: Ziz iz CENSORSHIP!!! #CIA: Zomething fishy. #FCC: Ziz iz Freedom of Speech Issue, a...
» mikenov on Twitter: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the accusations that I brought against you: you are the Mossad-GRU-Mafia agent and the mole. And if you do not answer them, it is you who is "crazy", not me. What were your relations with Je
23/08/19 11:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the accusations that I brought against you: you are the Mossad-GRU-Mafia agent and the mole. And if you do not answer them, it is you who is "crazy", not me. What were your relations with Jeff...
23/08/19 11:06 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the accusations that I brought against you: you are the Mossad-GRU-Mafia agent and the mole. And if you do not answer them, it is you who is "crazy", not me. What were your relations with Jeff...
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: #DouglasLeff: #Answer the...…
23/08/19 08:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: #DouglasLeff: #Answer the...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:38pm mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 08:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: #DouglasLeff: #Answer the...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:38pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...…
23/08/19 08:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:37pm mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 08:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:37pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...…
23/08/19 08:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:37pm mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 08:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:37pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Fuck Facebook!!!…
23/08/19 08:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fuck Facebook!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:37pm mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 08:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fuck Facebook!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:37pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...…
23/08/19 08:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:36pm mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 08:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review: 8:26 AM 8/23/2019 - To: Douglas Leff: Answer the...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 12:36pm mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @fortalezapr: Reunión de la gobernadora @wandavazquezg con los miembros de la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal. Le acompaña @EliDiazAtienza,…
23/08/19 07:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Reunión de la gobernadora @wandavazquezg con los miembros de la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal. Le acompaña @EliDiazAtienza, @omarjmarrero y @Ottmar_Chavez. Posted by fortalezapr on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 10:...
23/08/19 07:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Reunión de la gobernadora @wandavazquezg con los miembros de la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal. Le acompaña @EliDiazAtienza, @omarjmarrero y @Ottmar_Chavez. Posted by fortalezapr on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 10:...
» mikenov on Twitter: @fortalezapr Dear Madam Governor: What is the situation with the INTERNET COVERAGE on the Island? I suspect the broad outages but cannot find the information. Please publish the map of Internet Services and signals on the Island. Thi
23/08/19 07:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@fortalezapr Dear Madam Governor: What is the situation with the INTERNET COVERAGE on the Island? I suspect the broad outages but cannot find the information. Please publish the map of Internet Services and signals on the Island. This st...
23/08/19 07:53 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
@fortalezapr Dear Madam Governor: What is the situation with the INTERNET COVERAGE on the Island? I suspect the broad outages but cannot find the information. Please publish the map of Internet Services and signals on the Island. This st...
» mikenov on Twitter: Do #Trump, #PuertoRicoFBI, and #DouglasLeff conspire to cut Puerto Rico off #Internet and to stifle #opposition to them? - Google #Search…
23/08/19 07:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Do #Trump, #PuertoRicoFBI, and #DouglasLeff conspire to cut Puerto Rico off #Internet and to stifle #opposition to them? - Google #Search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:37am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 07:37 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Do #Trump, #PuertoRicoFBI, and #DouglasLeff conspire to cut Puerto Rico off #Internet and to stifle #opposition to them? - Google #Search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:37am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Do Trump, Puerto Rico FBI, and Douglas Leff conspire to cut Puerto Rico off Internet and to stifle opposition to them? - Google Search…
23/08/19 07:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Do Trump, Puerto Rico FBI, and Douglas Leff conspire to cut Puerto Rico off Internet and to stifle opposition to them? - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:36am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 07:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Do Trump, Puerto Rico FBI, and Douglas Leff conspire to cut Puerto Rico off Internet and to stifle opposition to them? - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:36am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Fuck Faacebook!!!…
23/08/19 07:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fuck Faacebook!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:36am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 07:36 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fuck Faacebook!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:36am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: What is internet status in puerto rico right now? - Google Search…
23/08/19 07:32 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
What is internet status in puerto rico right now? - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:32am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 07:32 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
What is internet status in puerto rico right now? - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:32am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: internet status in puerto rico now - Google Search…
23/08/19 07:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
internet status in puerto rico now - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:31am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 07:31 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
internet status in puerto rico now - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 11:31am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter:…
23/08/19 06:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
23/08/19 06:56 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
23/08/19 06:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
MOTHERFUCKERS, FIX! FIX! FIX! Ocean Park, 00911 MOTHERFUCKERS, FIX! FIX! FIX! MOTHERFUCKERS, FIX! FIX! FIX! MOTHERFUCKERS, FIX! FIX! FIX! Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 10:55am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 06:55 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
MOTHERFUCKERS, FIX! FIX! FIX! Ocean Park, 00911 MOTHERFUCKERS, FIX! FIX! FIX! MOTHERFUCKERS, FIX! FIX! FIX! MOTHERFUCKERS, FIX! FIX! FIX! Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 10:55am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: 8.23.19 - 6:12 AM - The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of #PuertoRico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019… #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews #News #Telegramgate #Rossello Doug
23/08/19 06:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
8.23.19 - 6:12 AM - The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of #PuertoRico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019 … #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews #News #Telegramgate #Rossello Dougl...
23/08/19 06:24 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
8.23.19 - 6:12 AM - The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of #PuertoRico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019 … #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews #News #Telegramgate #Rossello Dougl...
» mikenov on Twitter: Capitalism kills even better, Dear Professor: a lot of these people in NYC, probably even more. Be fare. We need ANALYSIS, not PROPAGANDA, which everyone can produce.…
23/08/19 06:21 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Capitalism kills even better, Dear Professor: a lot of these people in NYC, probably even more. Be fare. We need ANALYSIS, not PROPAGANDA, which everyone can produce.… Starving #Venez...
23/08/19 06:21 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Capitalism kills even better, Dear Professor: a lot of these people in NYC, probably even more. Be fare. We need ANALYSIS, not PROPAGANDA, which everyone can produce.… Starving #Venez...
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @steve_hanke: Starving #Venezuelan citizens dig through garbage bags to fend off starvation. Winston #Churchill was right. #Socialism is…
23/08/19 06:18 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Starving #Venezuelan citizens dig through garbage bags to fend off starvation. Winston #Churchill was right. #Socialism is "the philosophy of failure". #SocialismKills Posted by steve_hanke on Friday, August 16...
23/08/19 06:18 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Starving #Venezuelan citizens dig through garbage bags to fend off starvation. Winston #Churchill was right. #Socialism is "the philosophy of failure". #SocialismKills Posted by steve_hanke on Friday, August 16...
» mikenov on Twitter: Fuck Facebook!!!…
23/08/19 06:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fuck Facebook!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 10:16am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 06:16 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fuck Facebook!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 10:16am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: 8.23.19 - 6:12 AM - The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019… #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews #News #Telegramgate #Rossello Doug
23/08/19 06:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
8.23.19 - 6:12 AM - The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019 … #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews #News #Telegramgate #Rossello Dougl...
23/08/19 06:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
8.23.19 - 6:12 AM - The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019 … #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews #News #Telegramgate #Rossello Dougl...
» mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019…#PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews#News#Telegramgate #Rossello Douglas Leff
23/08/19 02:46 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019… #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews #News #Telegramgate #Rossello Douglas Leff #DoulasLeff p...
23/08/19 02:46 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The #FBI #News #Review: #TeleSUR - #Venezuelan #Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019… #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNews #News #Telegramgate #Rossello Douglas Leff #DoulasLeff p...
» mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review: TeleSUR - Venezuelan Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019
23/08/19 02:41 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review: TeleSUR - Venezuelan Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019 Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 2...
23/08/19 02:41 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review: TeleSUR - Venezuelan Media Co. Coverage of Puerto Rico (Search) - Jan. - Aug. 2019 Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 2...
» mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review: TeleSUR - Venezuelan Media Co. Coverage of Puerto ...…
23/08/19 02:40 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review: TeleSUR - Venezuelan Media Co. Coverage of Puerto ...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 6:40am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 02:40 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
The FBI News Review: TeleSUR - Venezuelan Media Co. Coverage of Puerto ...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 6:40am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: FUCK FACEBOOK ALWAYS!!!…
23/08/19 02:40 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
FUCK FACEBOOK ALWAYS!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 6:40am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 02:40 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
FUCK FACEBOOK ALWAYS!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 6:40am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #Search: #PuertoRico - #TeleSUR #English
23/08/19 02:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Search: #PuertoRico - #TeleSUR #English Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 6:19am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 02:19 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Search: #PuertoRico - #TeleSUR #English Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 6:19am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Fuck Facebook!
23/08/19 02:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fuck Facebook! Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 6:17am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 02:17 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Fuck Facebook! Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 6:17am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #PuertoRico #News: The #Anatomy of a #Coup: #DouglasLeff, #Chatgate, Tel...…
23/08/19 01:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#PuertoRico #News: The #Anatomy of a #Coup: #DouglasLeff, #Chatgate, Tel...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 5:39am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 01:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#PuertoRico #News: The #Anatomy of a #Coup: #DouglasLeff, #Chatgate, Tel...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 5:39am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Puerto Rico News: The Anatomy of a Coup: Douglas Leff, Chatgate, Tel...…
23/08/19 01:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Puerto Rico News: The Anatomy of a Coup: Douglas Leff, Chatgate, Tel...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 5:38am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 01:38 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Puerto Rico News: The Anatomy of a Coup: Douglas Leff, Chatgate, Tel...… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 5:38am mikenov on Twitter
» Trump joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. Puerto Ricans are joking back. - NBC News
23/08/19 01:18 from Saved Stories - None
Trump joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. Puerto Ricans are joking back. NBC News President Donald Trump has been joking recently about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. But now it's Puerto Ricans who are the one...
23/08/19 01:18 from Saved Stories - None
Trump joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. Puerto Ricans are joking back. NBC News President Donald Trump has been joking recently about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. But now it's Puerto Ricans who are the one...
» mikenov on Twitter: Puerto Ricans joke online about what it would be like to be part of Denmark | TheHill - The Hill ("puerto rico" -...)…
23/08/19 01:18 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Puerto Ricans joke online about what it would be like to be part of Denmark | TheHill - The Hill ("puerto rico" -...)… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 5:18am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 01:18 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Puerto Ricans joke online about what it would be like to be part of Denmark | TheHill - The Hill ("puerto rico" -...)… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 5:18am mikenov on Twitter
» Trump joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. Puerto Ricans are joking back. - NBC News
23/08/19 01:18 from Saved Stories - None
Trump joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. Puerto Ricans are joking back. NBC News President Trump once joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland: report Salon Trump joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland: New York T...
23/08/19 01:18 from Saved Stories - None
Trump joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland. Puerto Ricans are joking back. NBC News President Trump once joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland: report Salon Trump joked about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland: New York T...
» Puerto Ricans joke online about what it would be like to be part of Denmark | TheHill - The Hill
23/08/19 01:17 from Saved Stories - None
Puerto Ricans joke online about what it would be like to be part of Denmark | TheHill The Hill Puerto Ricans are taking to Twitter to muse about what the U.S. territory would be like under Danish control.The tweets come afte...
23/08/19 01:17 from Saved Stories - None
Puerto Ricans joke online about what it would be like to be part of Denmark | TheHill The Hill Puerto Ricans are taking to Twitter to muse about what the U.S. territory would be like under Danish control.The tweets come afte...
» Puerto Ricans Hold Town Assemblies To Figure Out Next Steps Following Rosselló's Exit - NPR
23/08/19 01:17 from Saved Stories - None
Puerto Ricans Hold Town Assemblies To Figure Out Next Steps Following Rosselló's Exit NPR After Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló left office, the protesters who forced him out are trying figure out what's next. They're orga...
23/08/19 01:17 from Saved Stories - None
Puerto Ricans Hold Town Assemblies To Figure Out Next Steps Following Rosselló's Exit NPR After Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló left office, the protesters who forced him out are trying figure out what's next. They're orga...
» U.S. judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit over Puerto Rico pension law -
23/08/19 01:16 from Saved Stories - None
U.S. judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit over Puerto Rico pension law A lawsuit filed by Puerto Rico's financial oversight board over a new pension and healthcare funding law will move forward after a federal judge ...
23/08/19 01:16 from Saved Stories - None
U.S. judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit over Puerto Rico pension law A lawsuit filed by Puerto Rico's financial oversight board over a new pension and healthcare funding law will move forward after a federal judge ...
» Samsung Galaxy Note10 arrives in Puerto Rico - Caribbean Business
23/08/19 01:15 from Saved Stories - None
Samsung Galaxy Note10 arrives in Puerto Rico Caribbean Business SAN JUAN — Technology products company Samsung Latin America and telecom provider Claro presented Thursday in Puerto Rico the new line of Galaxy ...
23/08/19 01:15 from Saved Stories - None
Samsung Galaxy Note10 arrives in Puerto Rico Caribbean Business SAN JUAN — Technology products company Samsung Latin America and telecom provider Claro presented Thursday in Puerto Rico the new line of Galaxy ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Israeli spying companies and FBI monitor my mobile phone very closely, the battery goes down twice faster than usually. They cut off my "Liberty Cable" service. Watch these criminal motherfuckers. If something happens to me they will b
23/08/19 00:50 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Israeli spying companies and FBI monitor my mobile phone very closely, the battery goes down twice faster than usually. They cut off my "Liberty Cable" service. Watch these criminal motherfuckers. If something happens to me they will be ...
23/08/19 00:50 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Israeli spying companies and FBI monitor my mobile phone very closely, the battery goes down twice faster than usually. They cut off my "Liberty Cable" service. Watch these criminal motherfuckers. If something happens to me they will be ...
» mikenov on Twitter: To: #FBI, #CIA, #ODNI, Puerto RIco News, #PuertoRico, #PuertoRicoNews, #NewsFBI tries to isolate me and to cut me off the internet, as the retaliation for the critical articles about Douglas Leff #SanJuan FBI Chief, and as the prepa
23/08/19 00:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To: #FBI, #CIA, #ODNI, Puerto RIco News, #PuertoRico, #PuertoRicoNews, #News FBI tries to isolate me and to cut me off the internet, as the retaliation for the critical articles about Douglas Leff #SanJuan FBI Chief, and as the preparati...
23/08/19 00:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To: #FBI, #CIA, #ODNI, Puerto RIco News, #PuertoRico, #PuertoRicoNews, #News FBI tries to isolate me and to cut me off the internet, as the retaliation for the critical articles about Douglas Leff #SanJuan FBI Chief, and as the preparati...
» mikenov on Twitter: To Liberty Cable Puerto Rico#LibertyCablePuertoRicoMotherfuckers: when will you Fix 00911 zip code, Ocean Park, 2070-s Calle Espagna?! Is this the FBI order to cut service in this area, and cut me off from Internet? Fix, motherfucker
23/08/19 00:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To Liberty Cable Puerto Rico #LibertyCablePuertoRico Motherfuckers: when will you Fix 00911 zip code, Ocean Park, 2070-s Calle Espagna?! Is this the FBI order to cut service in this area, and cut me off from Internet? Fix, motherfuckers!...
23/08/19 00:35 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
To Liberty Cable Puerto Rico #LibertyCablePuertoRico Motherfuckers: when will you Fix 00911 zip code, Ocean Park, 2070-s Calle Espagna?! Is this the FBI order to cut service in this area, and cut me off from Internet? Fix, motherfuckers!...
» mikenov on Twitter: FUCK FACEBOOK MOTHERFUCKERS!!!…
23/08/19 00:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
FUCK FACEBOOK MOTHERFUCKERS!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 4:10am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 00:10 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
FUCK FACEBOOK MOTHERFUCKERS!!!… Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 4:10am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: #Trump #Joked #About #Swapping #PuertoRico for #Greenland: #Report… via @thedailybeast
23/08/19 00:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Trump #Joked #About #Swapping #PuertoRico for #Greenland: #Report… via @thedailybeast Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 4:09am 1 like mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 00:09 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
#Trump #Joked #About #Swapping #PuertoRico for #Greenland: #Report… via @thedailybeast Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 4:09am 1 like mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report… via @thedailybeast
23/08/19 00:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report… via @thedailybeast Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 4:08am mikenov on Twitter
23/08/19 00:08 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report… via @thedailybeast Posted by mikenov on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 4:08am mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Puerto Rico News: Trump wants to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland. You all will be the Great Danes soon! Mazel Tov! - Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto…#Jibaros #FBI #PuertoRico #News |
22/08/19 11:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Puerto Rico News: Trump wants to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland. You all will be the Great Danes soon! Mazel Tov! - Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico… #Jibaros #FBI #PuertoRico #News | Pue...
22/08/19 11:45 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Puerto Rico News: Trump wants to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland. You all will be the Great Danes soon! Mazel Tov! - Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico… #Jibaros #FBI #PuertoRico #News | Pue...
» mikenov on Twitter: Listen up, Jibaros: Trump wants to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland. You all will be the Great Danes soon! Mazel Tov! - Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report - The Daily Beast
22/08/19 11:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Listen up, Jibaros: Trump wants to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland. You all will be the Great Danes soon! Mazel Tov! - Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report - The Daily Beast
22/08/19 11:39 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Listen up, Jibaros: Trump wants to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland. You all will be the Great Danes soon! Mazel Tov! - Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report - The Daily Beast
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report - The Daily Beast ("puerto rico" -...)…
22/08/19 11:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report - The Daily Beast ("puerto rico" -...)… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 3:33pm mikenov on Twitter
22/08/19 11:33 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report - The Daily Beast ("puerto rico" -...)… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 3:33pm mikenov on Twitter
» Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report - The Daily Beast
22/08/19 11:33 from Saved Stories - None
Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report The Daily Beast Their patented design allows you to zip, cinch, and lift to easily add or reduce support, as desired.
22/08/19 11:33 from Saved Stories - None
Trump Joked About Swapping Puerto Rico for Greenland: Report The Daily Beast Their patented design allows you to zip, cinch, and lift to easily add or reduce support, as desired.
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion: Trump’s unhinged display should frighten everyone
22/08/19 11:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Opinion: Trump’s unhinged display should frighten everyone Posted by washingtonpost on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 2:34pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 3:23pm 877 likes, 306 retweets mikenov on Twitter
22/08/19 11:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Opinion: Trump’s unhinged display should frighten everyone Posted by washingtonpost on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 2:34pm Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 3:23pm 877 likes, 306 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @BreitbartNews: Cindy McCain, the widow of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ.), believes the Republican Party is without a “voice of reaso…
22/08/19 11:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Cindy McCain, the widow of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ.), believes the Republican Party is without a “voice of reason” since her husband's passing. Posted by BreitbartNews on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 1:24am Retweet...
22/08/19 11:23 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites)
Cindy McCain, the widow of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ.), believes the Republican Party is without a “voice of reason” since her husband's passing. Posted by BreitbartNews on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 1:24am Retweet...
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