"fbi and trump" - Google News: FBI tracked Michael Cohen's phones with controversial device - WHYY

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March 20, 2019
"fbi and trump" - Google News: FBI tracked Michael Cohen's phones with controversial device - WHYY
"mueller" - Google News: 'Start Here': Mueller's early Cohen interest, FDA approves postpartum depression drug - KFSN-TV
"james b. comey" - Google News: The Mueller Report Is Highly Anticipated. Here's What We Already Know - New York Times
"fbi" - Google News: FBI, Durham County hosts training sessions for EMS, SWAT - WRAL.com
"house judiciary committee" - Google News: Gun ban for domestic abusers fails - Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

"fbi and trump" - Google News: FBI tracked Michael Cohen's phones with controversial device - WHYY

FBI from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)
Michael Cohen, meet the Triggerfish. Search warrant documents made public Tuesday show the FBI used highly secretive and controversial cellphone sweeping technology to zero-in on President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer when agents raided his New York City home, hotel room and office last year.
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"mueller" - Google News: 'Start Here': Mueller's early Cohen interest, FDA approves postpartum depression drug - KFSN-TV

FBI from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)
It's Wednesday, March 20, 2019. Let's start here. "You're stuck on a deserted island and you can pick one of these Sesame Street friends to come with you. Who are you picking and why?"
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"james b. comey" - Google News: The Mueller Report Is Highly Anticipated. Here's What We Already Know - New York Times

FBI from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)
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animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; } After more than two years of criminal indictments and steady revelations about contacts between associates of Donald J.
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"fbi" - Google News: FBI, Durham County hosts training sessions for EMS, SWAT - WRAL.com

FBI from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)
DURHAM, N.C. — The FBI is joining with emergency personnel in a North Carolina county in a special training session for federal, state and local SWAT and EMS professionals. A news release from the FBI says the three-day training, which began Tuesday, will focus on skills needed to respond to medical and mass casualty situations.
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"house judiciary committee" - Google News: Gun ban for domestic abusers fails - Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

FBI from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)
Rep. Nicole Clowney (right) , D-Fayetteville, is shown asking questions during a House session at the capitol in Little Rock. Representatives, from left, Bruce Coleman and Steve Hollowell, listen in.
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