5:42 AM 9/1/2020 - Ignorance Is Bliss. See No Evil! Or how the Counterintelligence Investigation of Donald Trump, the most important and extraordinary investigation in the American History, has never been conducted, because FBI and Mueller supposed that the other party will do it.
5:42 AM 9/1/2020 - Ignorance Is Bliss. See No Evil! Or how the Counterintelligence Investigation of Donald Trump, the most important and extraordinary investigation in the American History, has never been conducted, because FBI and Mueller supposed that the other party will do it. It's hard to probe the Boss... Saved and Shared Stories in 25 Posts on RSS Dog | New Page _______________________________________ Saved and Shared Stories from Michael_Novakhov (6 sites) Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: 5:31 PM 8/31/2020 - M.N.: The most important Counterintelligence Investigation in the U.S. History, the one of Donald Trump simply was not conducted. Und why iz ziz Zo? Investigate the Investigators! | New York Times: Justice Department secretly curtailed investigation into Russian election interference - CNNPolitics Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites): Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: 5:31 PM 8/31/2020 - M.N.: The most important Counterintelligence Inve...