
8:03 AM 8/7/2020 - My Opinion: The Disease X-19 has a "Special Predilection" for the US Military sites in Japan, for some reasons. What are they?

US Military sites in Japan 8:03 AM 8/7/2020 The Disease X-19 has a "Special Predilection" for the US Military sites in Japan , for some reasons. What are they?  Did the bad Yankees bring the Covid contagion with them? (Isn't it time for them to get out, really? The was has ended long time ago, already!)  Or did someone help this  "Special Predilection" to materialize, around the American bases? Did someone send some infectious rats into them?  Doesn't it remind you somewhat about the "Aum S hinrikyo" and their Nazi (New Abwehr?) links?  7:45 AM 8/7/2020 - US Military sites in Japan - GN  ___________________________________________________________________ News Review By  Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks - Latest Post ________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks   Google Alert - Coronavirus and US Military: Coronavirus cases surge in parts of