1:49 PM 3/10/2020 - It seems to me, that the most logical explanation for the quite specific pattern of the CoronaVirus pandemic spread, are the actions of the Russian Intelligence services and namely Putin
https://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/03/149-pm-3102020-it-seems-to-me-that-most.html It seems to me, that the most logical explanation for the quite specific pattern of the CoronaVirus pandemic spread, are the actions of the Russian Intelligence services and namely Putin, together with some religiously oriented figure related to these services, very likely under Patriarch Kirill or himself. The rational is to incite the war between Iran and the West, primarily the U.S. and Israel, and to jack up the oil prices, and also, but secondarily, to undermine the US - China relations, both economical and political. The antecedent of these events: the assassination of Solemani, fits in as the first step in these series of the successive operations, and it was possibly facilitated by the Russian agents within the US and Israeli governments or power structures. The high number of the Iranian political figures among the CoronaVirus deaths, including its first Ambassador t...