
10:50 AM 2/22/2020 - Divide and Conquer: The U.S. Elections Interference: What is it really, as the phenomenon? What are its real purposes? By whom is it done exactly, who are the real actors? And how is it attempted to be done?

Divide and Conquer 10:50 AM 2/22/2020 - Post Link: |  |  ______________________________________________________________________ Quote by Julius Caesar: “Divide and Conquer.” - Goodreads Gaius Julius Caesar  >  Quotes  > Quotable Quote “Divide and Conquer.” ―  Julius Caesar The U.S. Elections Interference : What is it really, as the phenomenon? What are its real purposes? By whom is it done exactly, who are the real actors? And how is it attempted to be done? The original US Intelligence Assessment  of 2016 Elections Interference  appears to be correct: By US Elections Interference , the Russians  want to sow discord, divisions, racial and social tensions, ultimately - the Civil War , rather than to promote any particular candidate, which is a more difficult, temporary and passing, and uncertain task.  The involved or suspected parties may be:  Rus