
THE BIG MAMUKA - MAMA WITH BAZOOKA: Plan for the Confederation of Transcaucasia States - 5:10 AM 1/23/2020

Gina Haspel Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Description Gina Cheri Haspel is an American intelligence officer serving as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency since 2018. She is the first woman to hold the post on a permanent basis and was previously the Deputy Director under Mike Pompeo during the early presidency of Donald Trump.  Wikipedia   _____________________________________________________________________ Как Мама купит нам Козу Так всем её и показу:  У Мини секретов никаких никогда не было и нет.  Что имеем, то и в виду. WYSIWYG/WYGIWYS: What you see is what you get, and what you get is what you see. Такие вот ми, прозрачные, бессекретные, и незасекреченные. Что нашли, то и продаём. Truth is the best propaganda, and also the best strategy, most of the time.  M.N.  See Also:  CoZa / Koza : Co nfederation Za cavcazye, KoZa : Ko nfederatzia Za kavkazya Sounds good (to me). __________________________________