
С Юрием Чайкой и Игорем Красновым - 10:19 AM 1/21/2020

С Юрием Чайкой (справа) и Игорем Красновым. - 10:19 AM 1/21/2020 - Post Link M.N.: Igor Krasnov is an excellent choice for the new (Correction: Justice Minister ) Attorney General - "Generalniy Procuror". Hopefully, he will be allowed to do his job unimpeded, and without any undue political interference. Also, he does not look like a person who is susceptible to this kind of pressures. We all should wish him good luck, he has the enormously difficult and important task of reforming the Russia's notorious, antiquated, dysfunctional, and utterly, legendary corrupt system of (In)Justice. He also feels quite comfortable working within the system, and he is well trusted by it.  Yury Chaika , according to my impressions, is very intelligent and very honest man, to the core, as I read him. I think, he did his best under the circumstances. Read his hand gesture, it says it all. I understand it. Thank you, Yury! Enjoy your retirement, you have nothing to be blamed