
Vsyo O.K., We play hockey! And better than ever! Or: "If you'll be my bodyguard I can be your long lost pal"! | Putin is playing hockey on Red Square. Merry Christmas! Happy Kwaanza! No Viagra needed, it is all quite natural... | TWEETS BY MIKENOV

Vsyo O.K., We play hockey! And better than ever! This affair was planned well before Christmas, and it was planned so perfectly, that nobody noticed it. Putin played the weak hand to bring forward, to identify, and to reveal all his opponents, and then to bring them all down, and to destroy them in one swell scoop, as we see this now. The perfect political masterstroke! He proved himself to be the master politician in his Russian political milieu (but not anywhere else). With a little help from his friends, of course. And apparently, from his bosses, the New Abwehr, as always. Bravo, Vovchick! Etc., etc.  M.N.  Post Link - 9:16 PM 1/15/2020 ______________________________ You Retweeted Scott Rose @rprose · Dec 25, 2019 Putin is playing hockey on Red Square. Merry Christmas 0:25 175.5K views From Дмитрий Смирнов 22 39