
"I have found My servant David; With My holy oil I have anointed him..." - - 6:34 AM 1/14/2020

"Navodchiki" responded: Taal, Manila: Ti, Achi Al, Manila: the one who manit, lures in, attracts.  My dear little boys from the Research Institute can make even the old, burnt out Volcanos spit out their lava, und a lot of it. They are impressed. They are getting their reorientation and reeducation.  "How did you learn, our dear colleagues, that this newly discovered Mummy is from the Amenhotep IV era?"  "She confessed!" they answered. Und ziz iz their motto, zey specialize in extracting zi true confessions.  Maybe, you should get converted into the Catholic priests. I'll talk to the Pope, he might consider accepting you on a temporary basis, depending on the amount of lava-java that you produce, and on its achi quality.  Shape up, boys! Or ship out! Finally! Zi last call!!!  M.N. 6:12 AM 1/14/2020  ______________________________________________ From:   PBSNewsHour Duration:  06:59 In our news wrap Monday, a volcano in the Phil