
Major Theological reconceptualization: What is God?

Major Theological re-conceptualization: What is God?  If God is the ultimate Truth and Knowledge, then the humans are not the slaves of their "Lord", meant to "serve" him or she, this mysterious entity, but they are the most meaningful, the core, the phallic extensions of it, radiating like the rays of Sun from its center and carrying and creating(!) its Divine Light, illuminating the prison shells of our Existence from within.  Any Culture or Civilization are worth anything, only if they are capable of protecting themselves against the continuous attempts to destroy them, by the various outside, extraneous hostile factors, such as wars, invasions, subversion, etc., which are aimed at the core Identity of Culture, its Self.  Any Angel is worth of its Angelic nature only if he/she contains the Devil at its core: if it is well versed and in possession of the full array of the Earthly Powers: powers of self-defense, Military, Political, Social, and Information -