
The shooter might not be the "tentatively identified" person - 10:27 AM 12/5/2019

Flickr Nimitz Gate Pearl Harbor 1960 | The main gate at US Naval Ba ... Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More Related images _________________________________________________________________ To Honolulu shooting incident investigators (Navy and FBI):  Dear Sirs:  The following hypothesis has to be considered, which would be consistent with the circumstances of many other shooting episodes. The shooter might not be the "tentatively identified" person, one of the three killed. He might be the victim himself, who was conveniently and misleadingly pointed to by the organizers of this crime, unless the episode was clearly witnessed or recorded. The shooter(s) might be another person or more than one person, and they might be the professional, hired killers. The subtext and the circumstances of this episode do point to this possibility. Please see my previous posts on this subject.   In addition, some other telling names have to be co