
4:38 AM 7/31/2019 - Investigate Thomas Rivera Shatz, Douglas Leff, and others, and their hypothetical handlers and assistants to their depths of depths.

Investigate the foreign involvement in Puerto Rico Coup D’Etat of July 2019: New Abwehr, German, Russian, Israeli, Venezuelan, Cuban, and the relevant others.  I am especially concerned about possible Israeli involvement behind the scene, and also their interactions, in various forms and ways, including, very importantly, with Thomas Rivera Schatz, Douglas Leff, and the others. The hypothetical Israeli involvement should be viewed in conjunction with and in the light of the close alliance between Trump and the Israeli Political Right.  My impression is that the modern Israeli Jews feel entitled (why?) to rule the World and to spy on and to influence anything that moves. This feels disgusting to me, you arrogant and stupid new Israeli Jews. Mark this and write it on your walls. They, those newly baked James Bonds of Tel Aviv and environs, find the common language quite easily with the Nazi Pigs and with the new triple (Russian-Israeli-TOC-Mafia)  FBI agents. They all are Abwe