
The New Abwehr and the CoronaVirus: Ultimately in CoronaVirus Affair, behind the Red Mafia - TOC, just like in all their other affairs, is the New Abwehr. Their objective, among the others, is to limit the international travel, and to undermine the celebrations of the 75-th Anniversary of Nazi Germany's defeat in WW2, which are planned with the great pomp and circumstance in Russia. - 1:20 AM 3/19/2020

Image The New Abwehr and the CoronaVirus Ultimately in CoronaVirus Affair, behind the Red Mafia - TOC as the operators, just like in all their other affairs, is the New Abwehr  as the strategists and the planners. Their objective, among the others, is to limit the international travel, and to undermine the celebrations of the 75-th Anniversary of Nazi Germany's defeat in WW2, which are planned with the great pomp and circumstance in Russia. In fact with this presumed act of the Biological War, it becomes the actual and psychological Undoing of this defeat and turning it into the victory, probably similarly to their hypothetical attempt with the Flu epidemic of 1918 as the possible Bio-weapon. These issues need further research and the vigorous investigations, of course.  Why did they decide to spare Russia? It looks that it was another Undoing, of the violation of the Soviet-German Non-Aggres